Bio Worksheet

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1. Expression of asection of DNA or gene leads to the.....

a. formation of proteins
b. expression of traits
c. maintenance of basic body design
d. all of the above

2. The palisade cells of a species of a plant contain 28

chromosomes. How many chromosomes will there be in each
gamete produced by the plant?
a. 56
b. 28
C. 14
d. 4

3. A person A has only B chromosomes in all its gametes. On the

other hand, another person C has chromosome D in half of
gametes and chromosome E in the other half of the gametes,
which indicates that all human chromosomes are not paired.
When chromosomes B and D combine during fertilisation, a
female zygote results. On the other hand, combination of B and
Echromosomes produces a male zygote.

a) What are chromosomes i) B ii) D, and ii) E

b)Out of B, D and E, which two chromosomes are of the same
c) Which chromosome is smaller in size?
d) What is the general name of chromosomes such as B and E?
e) Out of the two persons A and C, which one is i) male, and
4. A black mouse mates with a brown mouse, and all the offsprings
are black.
a) Why are no brown offsprings produced? kind
b) If two of the black offsprings mate with each other what
of offspring would you expect and in what proportions? Give a
reason for your answer.

5. In horses, black is dependent upon a dominant gene, B, and

chestnut upon its recessive allele, b. The trotting gait is due to a
dominant gene, T, the pacing gait to its recessive allele, t. If a
homozygous black pacer is mated to a homozygous chestnut
trotter, what will the appearance of the Fl generation be?

6. In mice, the ability to run normally is a dominant trait. Mice

with this trait are called running mice (R). The recessive trait
causes mice to run in circles only. Mice with this trait are called
waltzing mice (r). Hair color is also inherited in mice. Black hair
(B) is dominant over brown hair (b).For each of the following
problems, determine the parent genotypes, determine possible
gametes then construct a Punnet square to solve. Mention the
phenotypic ratio for each.
a) Cross a heterozygous running, heterozygous black mouse
with a homozygous running, homozygous black mouse.
b) Cross a homozygous running, homozygous black mouse with
a heterozygous running, brown mouse
c) Cross a homozygous running, heterozygous black mouse with
a waltzing brown mouse.

7. The alleles for dimples (D) is dominant over the allele for no
dimples (d). A man heterozygous for dimples marries a woman
who is also heterozygous for dimples.
(a) What is the man's genotype?
(b) What is the woman's phenotype?



1) Aheterozygous red-eyed female Drosophila on mating with a white-eyed male would

produce: (1)

a) red-eyed females and white-eyed males in theF

b) white-eyed females and red-eyed males in theF
c) half red and half white-cyed females and all white eyed males in theF
d) half red and half white-eyed females as well as males in theFi

2) Which of the following is heterozygous? (1)

b) ttrr
c) TT
d) Tt

3) If two parents have the genotypes A4 &zaa, the probability of having an

aa genotype in the F,generation is (1)
(a) 25percent
(b) 50percent
(c) 75percent
(d) none of the albove

4) Eye colour in the fruit fly is said to be sex-linked. This simply means that
the ger: lor eye colour is: (1)
(a) on the Ychromosome
(b)on an autosome
(c) on the X and Ychromosomes
(d)on the Xchromosome
S)The genotype of an offspring formed from Tt &t will be (1)
(a) TT and tt
(b) Tt and tt
(c) only tt
(d) only TT
6) When a breed of cattle with red coats were crossed with the same breed
with white coats, all the off springs had coats with a mixture of red and white hair,
a condition called roan, If roan cows were crossed with a red-coated bull, the
theoretical ratio of the offspring's would be (1)
(a) all red
(b) all roan
(c) I red: Iroan
(d) 3red: Iroan

7) A recessive
homozygote is crossed with a heterozygote of the same gene.
What will be the phenotype of the
(a) All dominant F1-generation? (1)
(b) 75%dominant,25%recessive
(c) 50%dominant, 50%recessive
(d) 25%dominant,50%heterozygous,25%recessive

8) Match the genetic cross of the parents on the left

with the
offspring's most likely to be produced from the cross on the right. genotypes of(2)the
Column Column II
(A) BB and bb (p) 100% bb
(B) Bb and Bb (q 25% BB, 50% Bb,25% bb
(C) BB andBB (r) 100% BB
(D) bb andbb (s) 100% Bb
DIRECTION: in the following questions, a statement of reason (R)
follows a statement of assertion (A). Mark the correct choice as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason(R) are true and reason(R) is the correct
explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason(R) are true but reason (R) is not the
correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason(R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but rcason(R) is true.
(e) Both Assertion and Reason are false.

9) Assertion: Mendel chose a number of varieties of garden pea as plant

material for his experiments.
Reason: Garden pea has well defined characters and was bisexual. (1)
10) Assertion: Variations are seen in offspring's produced by
KCason: DNA molecule generated by replication is not exactly identical
original DNA.
T1) Variations are important for the survival of species overtime. Justiy
this statement withreasons. (1)

12)A violet pea plant [VV] was crossed with a white one[vv]. F1 generation
was allowed to self pollinate and F generation was also
Answer the following questions (2)
a) What would be the phenotype of plants in F1 generation?
b) What would be the percentage of plants with white flowers in F2
c) What would be the ratio of vv: Vv in F2 generation.
Give the scientific name of the plant on which Mendel conducted
his experiments.
13) a.)Give an cxample where sex determination is regulated by environmental
factors. (2)
b) Give the respective scientific terms used forstudying:
i) the mechanism by which variations are created and inherited
ii) Reduction division is also called
iii) How many pairs of chromosomes are present in human beings?

14) Tails of some mice were amputated and they were allowed to breed. The
Imice that were produced also had their tails amputated and it was repeated for
many generations. What is the reason of tail appearing again and again? (2)
15) A tall pea plant was crossed with a dwarf one.F1 generation was allowed to
self pollinate and F2gencration was also obtained. Answer the following questions:
a) What would be the phenotype of plants in FË generation?
b) What would be the phenotypic ratio in F2 generation?
c) Give reason for your observation in F1generation.

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