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Anaphy-BSN I

Instructor: Pia Alanis


I. Classification of Joints according to structure:

A. Fibrous Joints are found where bones have ossified in membranes. They are composed of
fibrous tissues.
Type Description Examples
Sutures Characterized by the Coronal and fronto-parietal
presence of the fibrous tissue sutures
connecting media; generally
interlocks and unite the
cranial bones
Gomphoses Conical processes received Joints that connect the tteth
into the corresponding to their alveolar sockets of
sockets the maxilla
Syndesmoses Have large amount of fibrous Interosseous membrane
connective tissues, usually in between the radius and ulna
the form of a wide

B. Cartilaginous Joints

Type Description Examples

Synchondroses Consists of hyaline cartilage Cartilage between the
which maybe later be ossified epiphysis and diaphysis of
long bones
Sympheses Consist of fibrocartilage Symphysis pubis
which unites two bones

C. Synovial Joints
Type Description Examples
Pivot (Trochoid) Has movement along axis but Joint between atlas and axis
limited to simple rotation
Saddle (Sellar) Has a reciprocal concave- Thumb’s proximal phalanx
convex surface that allows
movement in 2 planes
Hinge(Hinge) Has a movement along Joint found in elbows
transverse axis, hence,
allowing limited movement
like forward and backward.
Plane (Arthrodic) Has a flat articulating Intercarpal and intertarsal
surfaces and has simple joints
movement, which slide past
each other
Condyloid (Ellipsoid joint) Has an ovoid articular surface The joint in the metatarsals
or condyle received by a
corresponding elliptical
shallow cavity, hence,
allowing movement in two
Ball and socket (Spheroid) Has ball-shaped head Shoulder joint
received in a cuplike cavity
which has unrestricted

II. Classification of joints according to the degree of movement

A. Synarthroses- immovable joints in which the articulating surfaces are almost in direct
contact with the uniting medium, which is either fibrous tissue, hyaline cartilage.
B. Amphiarthroses- are slightly immovable joints in which the articulating surfaces are
connected by a wide disk fibrocartilage.
C. Diarthroses- are freely movable joints. They are usually found at the bones of the limbs.

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