LAB MANUAL Hydraulics

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Lab Manual

Hydraulic Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering


List of Experiments

Sr. # Name

Discharge under a gate.


Critical depth-derivation of the specific energy equation.

2 05

Characteristics of flow over a rectangular overshot weir plate

3 09
(sharp crested weir)

Characteristics of flow over a rectangular notch weir. 13


Characteristics of flow over a V- notch weir. 18


Characteristics of flow over a crump weir. 23


The Manning coefficient (flow over a roughened bed). 38

Experiment No. 1
Discharge under a gate
1.1 Objective
1.1.1 Determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water flowing under a sluice gate
(adjustable undershot weir).
1.1.2 Calculate the discharge coefficient.

1.2 Equipment
1.2.1 HF 505 Tilting Flow Channel.
1.2.2 HF 503-019 Sluice Gate, manual sliding or
1.2.3 HF 503-051 Radial Gate, rack and pinion drive or
1.2.4 HF 503-054 Stainless Steel Hook and point gauge.
1.2.5 Stopwatch and water meter for volume measurement.
1.2.6 HF 503-060 Pitot tube with manometer for measuring velocity of the water.

Figure 1-1 Symbol and nomenclature

1.3 Summary of Theory and Background

For flow beneath a sharp edged undershot weir it can be shown that;

1.4 Equipment set up
1.4.1 Ensure the flume is level.
1.4.2 Record the actual breadth b (m) of the adjustable undershot weir.
1.4.3 Install undershot weir securely to the channel with the sharp edge on the bottom of the weir facing
1.4.4 The gaps between the weir and the channel should be sealed on the upstream side before performing
1.4.5 Install hook and point gauges (optional) on the channel sides, one upstream of the weir and one
downstream of the weir and setup hook and point gauge.
1.4.6 The datum for all measurements will be the bed of the flume.

1.5 Experiment Procedure

1.5.1 Constant upstream depth experiment, varying the gate opening (yg) Set the edge of the weir or the gate opening yg = 20 mm above the bed of the flume. Turn on water pump, open the flow control valve, let water flow through the flume. Gradually open the flow control valve, using the upstream level gauge measure and keep
Upstream depth of flow y0 =110 mm. Wait until the water depth stabilizes and then record the following data; Volume Flow rate using the direct reading flow meter or the measuring tank with
a stopwatch. Downstream depth of flow. Raise the weir with an increment of 10 mm (until the gate opening is equal 90mm), repeat

1.5.2 Constant flow rate experiment, varying the gate opening (yg) Set the edge of the weir or the gate opening yg = 20 mm above the bed of the flume. Turn on water pump, open the flow control valve, let water flow through the flume. Set and hold flow rate at about 60 l/min. Wait until the water depth stabilizes and then record the following data : Upstream depth of flow. Downstream depth of flow. Raise the weir with an increment of 10 mm (until the gate opening is equal 80mm m),
repeat step

1.6 Result and Conclusion

1.6.1 Plot graphs of Q vs. yg for constant y0
1.6.2 Plot graph y0 vs. yg for constant Q
1.6.3 Plot graphs of Cd ag vs. Q for constant y0
1.6.4 Plot Cd vs. yg for constant Q
1.6.5 Determine the effects of y0 and Q on the discharge coefficient Cd
1.6.6 Compare the values obtained for Hl and Ho and comment on any differences.

Experiment No. 2
Critical depth-derivation of the specific energy equation
2.1 Objective
To determine the relationship between the specific energy and upstream head for water flowing under an
undershot weir

2.2 Equipment
2.2.1 HF 505 Tilting Flow Channel.
2.2.2 HF 503-019 Sluice Gate, manual sliding.
2.2.3 HF 503-051 Stainless Steel Hook and point gauge.
2.2.4 Stopwatch and water meter for volume measurement.

2.3 Summary of Theory and Nomenclature

We can define the specific energy or specific head as follow:

This is a measure of the mechanical energy (kinetic and pressure/potential) of the flow above and beyond that due
to channel bed elevation; it essentially indicates the energy due to the flow‟s speed and depth. We obtain another
form of the energy equation, E1-E2+Z1-Z2 = Hl
From this we see that the change in specific energy depends on friction and on channel elevation change. While
the total head must decrease in the direction of flow, the specific head may decrease, increase, or remain constant,
depending on the bed elevation, Z. When the datum coincides with the bed, E is equal to H.

A plot of specific energy against depth of flow gives a curve called the specific energy curve. The shape of the
curve shows for a given specific energy there are two possible depths called the alternate depths. At point C on
the curve the specific energy is a minimum with only one corresponding depth called the critical depth yc.
Flow at depths greater than critical is described as 'slow', 'subcritical' or „tranquil‟.
Flow at depths less than critical is described as 'fast', 'supercritical' or „shooting‟.
For a rectangular channel, it can be shown that:

2.4 Equipment Setup

2.4.1 Ensure the flume is level.
2.4.2 Record the actual breadth b of the adjustable undershot weir.
2.4.3 Install undershot weir securely to the channel with the sharp edge on the bottom of the weir facing
2.4.4 The gaps between the weir and the channel should be sealed on the upstream side before performing
2.4.5 Install hook and point gauges on the channel sides, one upstream of the weir and one downstream of the
weir (see addendum 1).
2.4.6 The datum for all measurements will be the bed of the flume.

2.5 Experiment Procedure
2.5.1 Turn on water pump, open the flow control valve, let water flow through the flume.
2.5.2 Set the edge of the sluice gate or the gate opening yg = 120 mm above the bed of the flume, wait
until the water depth stabilizes and then record the volume flow rate using the direct reading flow meter or
the measuring tank with a stopwatch.
2.5.3 By holding volume of flow constant, lower the gate opening with an increment of 15 mm, at each
stage wait until the water depth stabilizes, record the downstream depth of flow.
2.5.4 Perform an experiment with different flow rate by gradually open the flow control valve to increase
the flow rate then repeat step 2.5.2 to 2.5.3.

2.6 Results and Conclusion

2.6.1 Calculate EO and E1 for each value of Q.
2.6.2 Plot EO against y0 and E1 against y1 to establish the shape of the curve on either side of the minimum
energy point.
2.6.3 Plot your calculated values for EC on the same axis.
2.6.4 On your graph draw a line through the critical point on each curve to show the critical state (tranquil
flow above the line, shooting flow below the line)
2.6.5 How is the critical depth yC affected by the flow rate Q?
2.6.6 How do your calculated values for EC agree with the corresponding minimum energy points on your
plotted curves?
2.6.7 Was it easy to find the combination to give critical depth in the sloping channel?
2.6.8 How did you know that critical depth had been achieved?


Experiment No. 3
Characteristics of flow over a rectangular overshot weir plate
(Sharp crested weir)
3.1 Objective
3.1.1 determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water flowing over a Sharp
crested weir.
3.1.2 calculate the discharge coefficient and
3.1.3 observe the flow patterns over the weir

3.2 Equipment for Experiment

3.2.1 HF 505 Tilting Flow Channel.
3.2.2 HF 503-019 Stainless Steel Hook and point gauge.
3.2.3 HF 503-022 Sharp Crested weir.
3.2.4 HF 503-060 Pitot tube with manometer for measuring velocity of the water.
3.2.5 Stopwatch and water meter for volume measurement.

3.3 Summary of Theory and Background

3.4 Equipment set up

3.4.1 Ensure the flume is level.
3.4.2 Record the actual breadth b (m) of a Sharp Crested Overshot weir.
3.4.3 Install sharp crest weir securely to the channel with the sharp edge of the weir facing upstream.
3.4.4 For better experiment result, the gaps between the weir and the channel should be sealed on the
upstream side.
3.4.5 Install hook and point gauges on the channel sides at upstream of the weir (see Addendum1 in the
manual Part 1).
3.4.6 Measure the height of the weir (PW) and record the data.
3.4.7 The datum for all measurements will be the top edge of the weir plate, hook and point gauge
(optional) must be adjust to coincide with the edge of the sharp crest weir or the water level which
coincide with the edge of the sharp crest weir.

3.4.8 In order to set the water level as the datum reading, fill the flume with water by opening the flow
control valve and admit water into the channel until it discharges over the weir then close the flow control
3.4.9 When water stops flowing over the weir and water level is stable, record water level as datum

3.5 Experiment Procedure

3.5.1 Turn on water pump, open the flow control valve, let water flow through the flume.
3.5.2 Adjust the flow of water into the flume to obtain heads h = 10 mm, record the volume flow rate (Q)
using the direct reading flow meter or the measuring tank with a stopwatch.
3.5.3 Readjust the flow of water into the flume to obtain heads h, with an increment of 5 mm, then record
the volume flow rate (Q).
3.5.4 Please noted that, for better result the level gauge must be placed far enough upstream from the

3.6 Result and Conclusion

3.6.1 Plot Q against h, log Q against log h and Cd, calculated against h.
3.6.2 From the straight-line graph of log Q against log h find the intercept log k on the log Q axis and the
gradient m.
3.6.3 The relationship between Q and h is then Q = khm.
3.6.4 Calculate Cd, calculated (use equation 3-2)
3.6.5 Calculate the Cd, predicted by the Rehbock formula (use equation 3-3) and compare the result with Cd,
3.6.6 Is Cd constant for this weir? If not, under what conditions does it vary?
3.6.7 What average value of Cd would you use for this weir?
3.6.8 How does the value for Cd predicted by the Rehbock formula compare with your average value?
3.6.9 How do your values for k and m in the equation Q = khm agree with the theoretical equation for a
sharp crested rectangular weir?

Experiment No. 4
Characteristics of flow over a rectangular notch weir
4.1 Objective
4.1.1 Determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water flowing over a
Rectangular Notch Weir.
4.1.2 Calculate the discharge coefficient.
4.1.3 Observe the flow patterns over the weir.

4.2 Equipment for Experiment

4.2.1 HF 505 Tilting Flow Channel.
4.2.2 HF 503-019 Stainless Steel Hook and point gauge.
4.2.3 HF 503-021 Rectangular notch weir.
4.2.4 HF 503-060 Pitot tube with manometer for measuring velocity of the water.
4.2.5 Stopwatch and water meter for volume measurement.

The rectangular weir is the most commonly used thin plate weir. Weirs are typically installed in open
channels such as streams to determine discharge (flow rate). The basic principle is that discharge is directly
related to the water depth (h) in Fig.4-1; h is known as the “head”. Rectangular weir can be “suppressed”,

“partially contracted”, or “fully contracted”. Suppressed means there are no contraction. A suppressed weir‟s
notch width (b) is equal to the channel width (B); thus, there really isn‟t a notch, the weir is flat all the way
along the top. For a weir to be fully contracted, (B-v) must be greater than 4hmax, where hmax is the maximum
expected head on the weir (USBR, 1997). A partially contracted weir has B-b between 0 and 4hmax. Weir
contractions cause the water flow lines to converge through the notch.

4.4 Equipment set up

4.4.1 Ensure the flume is level.
4.4.2 Record the actual breadth (b) of rectangular notch weir and breadth of channel (B).
4.4.3 Install rectangular notch weir securely to the channel with the sharp edge of the weir facing
upstream (see model installation section).
4.4.4 The gaps between the weir and the channel should be sealed on the upstream side.
4.4.5 Install hook and point gauges on the channel sides at upstream of the weir and setup hook and point
gauge (see addendum 1 in the manual Part 1).
4.4.6 Measure the height of the weir (PW ) and record the data.
4.4.7 The datum for all measurements will be the top edge of the weir opening plate, hook and point
gauge (optional) must be adjust to coincide with the edge of the weir opening or the water level which
coincide with the edge of the weir opening.
4.4.8 In order to set the water level as the datum reading, fill the flume with by opening the flow control
valve and admit water into the channel until it discharges over the weir opening then close the flow
control valve.
4.4.9 When water stops flowing over the weir and water level is stable, record the datum reading.

4.5 Experiment Procedure

4.5.1 Turn on water pump, open the flow control valve, let water flow through the flume.
4.5.2 Adjust the flow of water into the flume to obtain heads h= 2 mm, record the volume flow rate (Q)
using the direct reading flow meter or the measuring tank with a stopwatch.
4.5.3 Adjust the flow of water into the flume to obtain heads h, with an increment of 10 mm steps, then
record the Volume Flow rate (Q).
4.5.4 Please noted that, for better result head h should be measured at a distance of at least 4h upstream of
the weir.

4.6 Result and Conclusion

4.6.1 Plot Q against h, log Q against log h and Cwr, calculated against h.
4.6.2 From the straight-line graph of log Q against log h find the intercept log k on the log Q axis and the
gradient m.
4.6.3 The relationship between Q and h is then Q = khm.
4.6.4 Calculate Cwr, calculated
4.6.5 Calculate the Cwr, predicted using table 4.1 and compare the result with Cwr, calculated
4.6.6 Is Cwr constant for this weir? If not, under what conditions does it vary?
4.6.7 What average value of Cwr would you use for this weir?
4.6.8 How does the value for Cwr using table 6.1compare with your average value?
4.6.9 How do your values for k and m in the equation Q = khm agree with the theoretical equation for a
rectangular notch weir?

Experiment No.5
Characteristics of flow over a V- notch weir
5.1 Objective
5.1.1 Determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water flowing over a V-
Notch Weir.
5.1.2 Calculate the discharge coefficient and
5.1.3 Observe the flow patterns over the weir

5.2 Equipment for Experiment

5.2.1 HF 505 Tilting Flow Channel.
5.2.2 HF 503-019 Stainless Steel Hook and point gauge.
5.2.3 HF 503-020 V-notch weir.
5.2.4 HF 503-060 Pitot tube with manometer for measuring velocity of the water.
5.2.5 Stopwatch and water meter for volume measurement.

5.3 Summary of Theory and Background

For a V-notch weir it can be shown that

Where θ is the angle of the V-notch. The experimentally determined triangular weir coefficient, Cwt, is
to account for the real-world effects neglected in the analysis. Typical values of Cwv for triangular weirs
are in the range of 0.58 to 0.62. The V-notch weir or triangular sharp-crested weir is often used for flow
measurements, particularly for measuring flow rates over a wide range of values. For small flow rates or
small head, a rectangular weir would be very small and the flow rate could not be measured accurately.
However, the triangular weir, the flow area decreases as head decreases so that even for small flow rates,
reasonable heads are developed. Therefore, accurate results can be obtained over a wide range of Q.
Weirs are typically installed in open channels such as streams to determine discharge (flow rate). The
basic principle is that discharge is directly related to water depth as shown in Figure 5-1. h is known as the
“head”. A V-notch design causes small changes in discharge to have a large change in depth allowing
more accurate head measurement than the rectangular weir.
A V-notch weir is of less interest to measure the discharge because a small error on head measurement
leads to a bigger error on discharge measurement. A V-notch is often used to make some upstream water
level changes possibility.

5.4 Equipment set up
5.4.1 Ensure the flume is level.
5.4.2 Record the angle of V-notch weir.
5.4.3 Install V-notch weir securely to the channel with the crotch (bottom) of a V-notch weir (see model
installation section).
5.4.4 For better experiment result, the gaps between the weir and the channel should be sealed on the
upstream side.
5.4.5 Install a hook and point gauges on the channel sides at upstream of the weir at least 4 times the
height of the water level above the V-notch and setup hook and point gauge (see addendum A-1 in manual
Part 1).
5.4.6 Measure the height of the weir and record the data.
5.4.7 The datum for all measurements will be at the crotch (bottom) of V-notch, hook and point gauge
(optional) must be adjust to coincide with the crotch (bottom) of V-notch or the water level which
coincide with the crotch (bottom) of a V-notch weir.
5.4.8 In order to set the water level as the datum reading, fill the flume with water.
5.4.9 To avoid damage to the weir, the flume must be filled by opening the flow control valve and admit
water into the channel until it discharges over the weir then close the flow control valve.
5.4.10 When water stops flowing over the weir and water level is stable record water level as the datum

5.5 Experiment Procedure

5.5.1 Turn on water pump, open the flow control valve, let water flow through the flume.
5.5.2 Adjust the flow of water into the flume to obtain heads h= 2 mm, record the Volume Flow rate (Q)
using the direct reading flow meter, flow indicator or the measuring tank with a stopwatch.
5.5.3 Re-adjust the flow of the water into the flume to obtain heads, with an increment of 2 mm then
record the volume Flow rate (Q).
5.5.4 Please noted that for better results the level gate must be placed far enough upstream from the weir.

5.6 Result and Conclusion

5.6.1 Plot Q against h, log Q against log h and Cwv, calculated against h.
5.6.2 From the straight-line graph of log Q against log h find the intercept log h on the log Q axis and the
gradient m.
5.6.3 The relationship between Q and h is then Q = khm.
5.6.4 Calculate Cwv, calculated
5.6.5 Determine Cwv, predicted using Fig. 5-2 and compare the result with actual Cwv, calculated.
5.6.6 Is Cwt constant for this weir? If not, under what conditions does it vary?
5.6.7 What average value of Cwv, calculated would you use for this weir?
5.6.8 How does the value for Cwv using Fig 5-2 compare with your average value?
5.6.9 How do your values for k and m in the equation Q = khm agree with the theoretical equation for V-
notch weir?

Experiment No. 6
Characteristics of flow over a crump weir
6.1.1 To determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water flowing over a Crump
6.1.2 To determine the modular limit.
6.1.3 To observe the flow patterns obtained.

6.2 Equipment
6.2.1 HF 505 Tilting Flow Channel.
6.2.2 HF 503-019 Stainless Steel Hook and point gauge.
6.2.3 HF 503-021 Sluice gate, manual sliding.
6.2.4 HF 503-024 Crump weir.
6.2.5 HF 503-060 Pitot tube with manometer for measuring velocity of the water.
6.2.6 Stopwatch and water meter for volume measurement.

6.3 Summary of Theory and Background
The flow over crump weir can be classified into 2 types; modular and non-modular flow. A Modular Flow
occurs when the weir operates undrowned, with downstream water level low (Figure 6-1).
In this condition, the upstream head is not affected by the downstream head.

A Non-Modular Flow occurs when the downstream water level is high (Figure 6-2). In this condition, a
measurement of only upstream head of flow is not adequate to determine the actual flow because the upstream
head is affected by the downstream head of flow.
Where Q = Flow rate for Non-Modular Flow (m3/s)

6.4 Equipment set up
6.4.1 Ensure the flume is level.
6.4.2 Measure and record the actual breadth (b) of the crump weir.
6.4.3 Install the crump weir securely to the channel with the short face of the weir facing upstream (see
model installation section).
6.4.4 Install undershot weir at discharge end of the flume.
6.4.5 The gaps between the weir and the channel should be sealed on the upstream side before
performing experiment.
6.4.6 Install two hook and point gauges (optional) on the channel sides, one upstream of the weir and one
downstream of the weir and setup hook and point gauge (see addendum 1 in manual Part 1).
6.4.7 The datum for all measurements will be the bed of the flume, record the datum readings.
6.4.8 For accurate results the level gauge must be placed far enough upstream and downstream from the

6.5 Experiment Procedure

6.5.1 Open the flow control valve and allow the water to flow into the flume.
6.5.2 Adjust the flow control valve to maintain an upstream depth of flow (y0) at 32 mm.
6.5.3 Record the following data; Upstream depth of flow (y0) mm Downstream depth of flow (y1) mm Flow rate (Qm) m3/s Observe the flow patterns over the weir; modular or non-modular
6.5.4 In order to create non modular flow, gradually lower the downstream undershot weir (sluice gate)
to raise downstream depth of flow until non-modular flow occur.
6.5.5 Wait until the water levels stable, then measure and record data as specified in 6.5.3.
6.5.6 Raised downstream undershot weir (sluice gate) in order to create modular flow.
6.5.7 Gradually open the flow control valve to increase the flow rate and upstream depth of flow with an
increment of 5 mm, then repeat step 6.5.3 to 6.5.6.

6.6 Result and calculation
6.6.1 Determine the average coefficient of discharge for modular flow conditions.

6.6.2 Plot values of f against H1 then determine the modular limit – the value of where f ceases to be
6.6.3 How does your value for the modular limit compare with the recognized value of approximately
6.6.4 How does the value of f change when the weir is drowned?
6.6.5 How are the flow patterns affected when flow over the weir changes from modular to non-modular

Experiment No. 7
The Manning coefficient (flow over a roughened bed)
7.1 Objective
7.1.1 To determine the effect of a roughened bed on the depth of water at different flow rates.
7.1.2 To obtain appropriate coefficients to satisfy the Manning Formula.

7.2 Equipment
7.2.1 HF 505 Tilting flow channel.
7.2.2 HF 503-019 Stainless steel hook and point gauge.
7.2.3 HF 503-051 Sluice gate, manual sliding).
7.2.4 HF 503-060 Pitot tube with manometer for measuring velocity of the water.
7.2.5 HF 503-070 Roughened bed: gravel, sand, or corrugated.
7.2.6 Stopwatch and water meter for volume measurement.

Note: For simplicity the slope S can be assumed to be the slope of the water surface if the small change in the
velocity head between inlet and outlet is ignored. When using the flume with the bed inclined, the slope of the
bed must be added to calculations of S when using the hook and point gauges which use the bed as a datum.

Channel material n
Brass 0.011
Cast Iron 0.013
Smooth Steel 0.012
Corrugated Metal 0.022
Glass 0.010
Clay Tile 0.014
Masonry 0.012
Finished Concrete 0.014
Unfinished Concrete 0.029
Gravel 0.025
Earth 0.012
Planed Wood 0.013
Unplaned Wood 0.009-0.015
Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) with smooth inner walls 0.018-0.025
Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) with corrugated inner wall 0.009-0.011
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with smooth inner walls
Excavated Earth Channels 0.022
Clean 0.025
Gravelly 0.030
Weedy 0.035 tr
Stony, Cobbles
Natural Streams 0.030
Clean and Straight 0.035
Major Rivers 0.040
Sluggish with Deep Pools
Floodplains 0.050
Pasture, Farmland 0.075
Light Brush 0.15
Heavy Brush
Trees 0.009
Plastic, glass, drawn tubing 0.011
Neat cement, smooth metal 0.012
Planed timber, asbestos pipe 0.013
Wrought iron, welded steel, canvas 0.014
Ordinary concrete, asphalted cast iron 0.015
Unplanned timber, vitrified clay 0.016
Cast-iron pipe 0.017
Riveted steel, brick 0.018
Rubble masonry 0.022
Smooth earth 0.023
Corrugated metal pipe 0.025
Firm gravel 0.035
Natural channels in good condition 0.06
Natural channels with stones and weeds
Very poor natural channels

Table 7-1 The manning coefficient for several materials

7.4 Equipment Set Up
7.4.1 Ensure the flume is level.
7.4.2 Install the roughened bed sections securely at the bottom of the flume (see model installation
7.4.3 Install the undershot weir (optional) at the discharge end of the flume, raise the gate all the way up
so it will not restrict the flow.
7.4.4 Install hooks and point gauges (optional) on the channel sides, one at upstream of the flume, and the
other one at downstream, and setup hook and point gauge (see Addendum 1 Hook and Point Gauge
instructions) and record the fixed distance apart x (m).
7.4.5 The datum for all measurements will be at the average height of the roughened bed at the bottom of
the flume.

7.5 Experimental Procedures

7.5.1 Turn on the water pump, open the flow control valve, let water flow through the flume.
7.5.2 Maintaining a constant h = 26 mm and do not adjust the flow control valve again in order to
a constant flow rate throughout the experiment.
7.5.3 Measure the speed by measuring the volume flow rate using the direct reading flow meter, flow
indicator, or the measuring tank with a stopwatch.
7.5.4 Record the depth of flow y0 and y1 above the roughened bed at each end.
7.5.5 Calculate the Manning coefficient.
7.5.6 Adjust the flow of water into the flume to obtain heads with an increment of 10 mm, record the
volume flow rate using the direct reading flow meter, flow indicator, or the measuring tank with a
stopwatch, then repeat step 7.5.3 to 7.5.5.

7.6 Result and Conclusion

7.6.1 Calculate A, V, S and R then determine n using the Manning Formula for each condition.
7.6.2 Plot the Manning coefficient against h.
7.6.3 Does n stay constant?
7.6.4 Compare the average value for n with the values in Table 7-1.


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