Fluid Mechanics ch.2.1

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Chapter 2 Fluid Properties : Summary

Included Sections Excluded Sections

2.1 -----
2.5 Chapter 2
2.6 Fluid Properties
2.7 Chapter
Fluid Viscosity and fluid Surface Vapor
05, 10, 18,
Properties shear stress Tension Pressure
33, 34, 37, applications
42, 45, 50,
51, 64

Important Notes
◘ Concept Questions are all recommended.
◘ The list of suggested problems is only a sample of typical problems.
◘ Students are always recommended to solve more problems.
◘ Exam topics are not limited by the suggested problems.

2.1 Properties Involving Mass and Weight

 Mass Density: It is defined as the ratio of mass to volume at a point, given by
  lim V 0
 For a homogenous material, density is the same throughout and is defined
Mass M
Density (  )  
Volume V

o The dimensions of Density are :………………………

o The Units of density are: ………………………………

2.1 Properties Involving Mass and Weight
 Variation in density
The density of fluid can be changed by three ways:
By changing pressure
Compressible fluid: gas
Incompressible fluid: water
By changing temperature

Variation in water density with temperature

By changing salt concentration

Salt water

Fresh water

2.1 Properties Involving Mass and Weight

 Specific Weight () : weight per unit volume  =.g

  liquid 
 Specific Gravity (S) : ratio of SW of fluid over SW of water  Sliquid  
 ( 
water ) 4o C 

Specific Gravity of some substances

Substance SG
Air 0.0013
Gasoline 0.7
Ethyl Alcohol 0.79
Wood 0.3-0.9
Ice 0.92
Water 1.0
Seawater 1.025
Blood 1.05
Bones 1.7-2.0
Mercury 13.6

2.2 Ideal Gas Law
 Equation of state for an Ideal Gas

PV  n Ru T P  RT
P = Absolute pressure
 = mass density
n = number of moles of the gas
R = Ru / M (Table A.2)
Ru= Universal gas constant = 8.314 kJ/kmol.K
M = Molar mass (molecular weight) of the gas
T = Temperature on Kelvin scale, T(K) = T(oC)+273

At low pressure and high temperature most of the gases of practical

importance like air, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, argon, neon, krypton
and carbon dioxide can be treated as ideal gases.

Class Exercise: Problem 2.10

A 10 m3 oxygen tank is at 15°C and 800 kPa. The valve is opened, and some
oxygen is released until the pressure in the tank drops to 600 kPa. Calculate the
mass of oxygen that has been released from the tank if the temperature in the tank
does not change during the process.

RO2  260 J / kg.K (Table A2)

2.3 Properties Involving Thermal Energy
 Specific heat, cv ,cp
 It describes the capacity of a substance to store thermal energy.

 The amount of thermal energy that must be transferred to a unit mass of

substance to raise its temperature by one degree.

 The specific heat of a gas depends on the process accompanying the

change in temperature.
Specific heat at constant specific volume cv
Specific heat at constant specific pressure cp

 Values for cp and cv for various gases are given in Table A.2.

 Internal energy, u
The energy that a substance has due to the molecular activity in the
 Enthalpy, h hu

Useful in thermodynamics and It is a function of temperature only.

2.5 Bulk Modulus of Elasticity

•Bulk Modulus of Elasticity: A property of fluids that relates
changes in pressure to changes in volume.
Can we compress

•The dimension of the Bulk Modulus is the same as the dimension of Pressure.

•Examples: for water Ev = 2.2 GN/m2. For Ideal Gas Ev = P. (using ideal gas law and for an
isothermal process).

Class Exercise:

Estimate the change in volume of water which corresponds to change of

1 MN/m2 in pressure knowing that the bulk modulus of elasticity of water is
approximately 2.2 GN/m2.

2.4 Viscosity

Viscosity is a property that measure the resistance to flow.

Also called as Dynamic or Absolute viscosity.

(Dimensions and units?)

Kinematic viscosity =   [ L2 / T ]

2.4 Viscosity
Shear stress: In solids is proportional to shear strain but in liquids is proportional to
the rate (speed) of strain.

Then the shear stress can be written as  

2.4 Viscosity
The common linear fluids have linear velocity profile

Plate moving at constant velocity, V


u y
u V
h h

Stationary plate

Class Exercise: Problem 2.34

The velocity distribution for water (20°C) near a wall is given by u = a(y/ b)1/6,
where a = 10 m/s, b = 2 mm, and y is the distance from the wall in mm.
Determine the shear stress in the water at y = 1 mm.

Obtain Water viscosity from Table: A.5

Class Exercise: Problem 2.33

The sliding plate viscometer shown below is used to measure the viscosity of a
fluid. The top plate is moving to the right with a constant velocity of 10 m/s in
response to a force of 3 N. The bottom plate is stationary. What is the viscosity of
the fluid? Assume a linear velocity distribution.

2.4 Viscosity
Effect of temperature on viscosity

 In gases, viscosity is
mainly due to
momentum exchange
between molecules.

 In liquids, viscosity is
mainly due to
attractive forces
between molecules.

2.4 Viscosity
Effect of temperature on viscosity

The effect of temperature on viscosity can be closely approximated using two

empirical formulas:
3/ 2
T  To  S
• For gases the Sutherland equation:    o  
 To  T S
S = Sutherland’s constant
For air, Sutherland’s constant, S = 111 K

• For Liquids the Andrade's equation:   C eb /T

2.4 Viscosity
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids:
Fluids for which the shear stress is directly proportional to the rate of strain are
called Newtonian. All other fluids are called non-Newtonian fluids.


Latex paint

  Most common fluids
dy 
Quick sand


Class Exercise: Problem 2.31

Two plates are separated by a 5 mm space. The lower plate is stationary; the
upper plate moves at a velocity of 8 m/s. Oil (SAE 10W, 38°C), which fills the
space between the plates, has the same velocity as the plates at the surface of
contact. The variation in velocity of the oil is linear. What is the shear stress in the

Obtain Oil viscosity from Table: A.4

Class Exercise: Problem 2.40

This problem involves a cylinder falling inside a pipe that is filled with oil, as
shown in the figure. The small space between the cylinder and the pipe is
lubricated with an oil film that has viscosity µ=0.35Ns/m^2. Assume that the
cylinder is concentric with the pipe as it falls. Find the velocity of a cylinder 100
mm in diameter that slides inside a 100.5 mm pipe. The cylinder is 200 mm long
and weighs 15 N.


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