Shivanshu Sood Consumption Diary 2023

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Post Graduate Programme in Management

Batch: PGPM 2022-2024

Name of the Course: Consumer Behaviour

Term: IV



7 July 2023, Friday around 8 pm {Exhibit 1}

I had just returned to my room from a demanding day at the gym. I immediately realized I was
out of my whey protein supplement. I walked to my friend Prasad's room to ask if he would lend
me a scoop of protein powder. He pulled out a sizable box of whey protein, and I could tell he
used a better brand than I was. When he opened the package, a delicious chocolate aroma filled
the space, and I immediately began chatting with him about it. What made it unique from my
whey protein brand, and what was the product’s makeup? I precisely wanted to know whether
there were any adverse effects. I received a notification from Prasad as I entered my room, and it
contained a link to the muscle blaze website. I immediately accessed the internet and began
hunting for the brand Prasad was using. The quantity of flavors offered in the product caught my
attention first. I was most surprised to see the taste of Blue Tokai Coffee since it reminded me of
how much I adored coffee and how challenging it is to get good coffee on campus. The fact that I
was becoming weary of drinking the same old mango flavor after my workouts spurred me to
purchase a different kind of whey protein. I bought it after researching the product's price and
ingredient list.

I couldn't wait to try the goods when they finally arrived a week later—the moment I opened the
package, a fresh scent, this time of coffee, permeated the space. One that took me back to the
Blue Tokai cafés. I was surprised when my roommate told me to shut the box since he didn't like
the smell.

10 July 2023, Monday around 2 pm {Exhibit 2}

I had just finished eating lunch when I noticed my friend running toward me as I emerged from
the mess. He approached me while I was saying hello and said he would meet me later that night
because he was running late for his lecture. I caught a glimpse of his feet as he continued to run
and noticed a stylish pair of shoes. I was immediately drawn to the black and white sneakers
because of their distinctive arched band that ran along the back of the shoes. Puma was, of
course, the brand. In my consumer behavior course, I was brought back to different logos and
how some are rounded and some are angular. I connected the brand's promise of producing
shoes with high performance and durability thanks to the slightly angular design of the footwear.
This was evident when my friend was also running to attend his lecture. Returning to my room, I
lay down and browsed my Instagram feed. On Instagram, I frequently receive advertisements
from numerous fashion companies. As a result, even though I do not need clothing, shoes, or
other accessories, I have made several impulse purchases. After seeing another Puma ad that
featured their incredibly fashionable footwear, I clicked the ad to visit the company's website. I
had constantly restrained myself from making impulse purchases and thought that just looking
around for shoes wouldn't hurt until I saw a chic pair of black sneakers. What a surprise that it
was discounted!
I've always had faith in the Puma brand. Puma sneakers consistently stand out in a crowded
market thanks to cutting-edge shoe designs, patented technology, and distinctive hues. In
addition, they are popular and stylish in my social circle, which has increased my propensity to
buy them and conform to my friends' fashion tastes. Puma shoes' reputation for quality and
performance has also attracted me to them. Puma is known for making high-quality, comfortable,
and long-lasting footwear. The ensuing justifications persuaded me to buy. Although I might
regret spending money on shoes I don’t need right now, imagine the compliments I get when I
walk out in a chic pair of black Puma sneakers.

21 July 2023, Friday around 6 pm {Exhibit 3}

Finally, my midterms are finished. I notice that today is the day when the eagerly anticipated
movies Barbie, starring Margot Robbie, and Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan, are set
to be released as I make my way back toward the hostels from the academic block. The two
movies have generated much hype over the past few weeks. I look forward to seeing Robert
Downey Jr. as "Lewis Strauss" and Cillian Murphy as "the father of the atomic bomb." But I have
some doubts about going to the city to see the movie at a theater because I'm sure the
experience will be the best, underwhelming. Small theater, subpar sound system, and non-
reclining chairs are not something I'm particularly looking forward to. The popcorn smell that
permeated the hallways the last time I visited the theater complex eluded me. Popcorn, a soft
drink, preferably Coca-Cola, and a good seat in the theater are my essentials when I go to the
movies. I can't get into the mood to see a film here in Trichy City. I would have been much more
thrilled if an Inox or PVR existed in the city. In any event, the buzz created by Oppenheimer and
Barbie justifies going to the movies.

I noticed the Barbie effect in full force after walking a short distance. A handful of my peers came
out of the hostel buildings wearing only pink. The impact that Barbie has had throughout the
years and how the movie tries to represent the ideal of the contemporary, independent woman
astounded me. The film focuses on consumer behavior-related issues, primarily through celebrity
endorsement from actors like Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, who might pique viewers'
interest. Celebrity endorsements frequently affect consumer views and purchasing decisions,
increasing interest in celebrity-associated goods. Barbie has a rich history and nostalgic appeal for
many customers who grew up playing with the doll. As a brand revitalization strategy, releasing a
live-action film might stir up feelings of nostalgia and emotional connection, encouraging
customers to interact with the brand once more. The film's plot, character growth, and themes
may also impact how viewers view the Barbie brand. Suppose Barbie is successfully portrayed in
the movie as an approachable and influential figure. In that case, it may benefit customers'
impressions of the brand and improve brand preference and loyalty. In addition, over the years,
Barbie has competed with various toy manufacturers. Barbie's commercial reach is increased by
the movie, which attracts new customers and broadens its appeal beyond its regular target

I nevertheless continued to move toward my room. I started to pack my clothing the next
morning, thinking about my vacation to Pondicherry for a few days. I checked the Oppenheimer
show times while still working on duty by opening my laptop. I was excited to learn that seats
were available for a late-night screening. I double-checked with my friends before purchasing
four tickets. The unusual aesthetic of Christopher Nolan was what got me interested in the film.
The utilization of mind-bending ideas and non-linear storytelling by Nolan engages viewers'
thoughts and tests their cognitive powers. As a result of this intricacy, viewers looking for
thought-provoking and profound cinematic experiences are drawn to the movies. People
emotionally relate to the protagonists in Nolan's films thanks to their multifaceted and
complicated characters. The audience and the tale may become more closely bonded due to this
emotional involvement, which may boost brand loyalty and generate favorable word-of-mouth.
The authenticity of Nolan's films is enhanced by his penchant for realistic effects and less CGI.
Consumers who value the artistry and attention to detail in cinema identify with this
commitment to realism. Additionally, it can appeal to viewers looking for a more realistic and
concrete cinematic experience. In Nolan's movies, the emphasis on sound design and natural
settings enhances the viewer's immersion. The effort to produce a captivating sensory experience
is likely to be appreciated by consumers, which can raise their overall pleasure and cinematic
experience. However, only time will tell how much I savor the film compared to other Nolan
classics like Inception, Interstellar, and The Dark Night.

22 July 2023, Saturday, around 5 pm {Exhibit 4}

After a four-and-a-half-hour trip, my friends and I have just arrived in Pondicherry, and we are
currently debating whether to check into the hotel, get ready, and go out to dinner or get
something to eat first. The latter is preferable because most of us are irritable. After all, we are
hungry. Fortunately, we just noticed a KFC outlet, so we're stopping. The lack of a parking space
and my desire to avoid blocking the road make me hesitant to pull over. I don't have a choice
now that everyone wants KFC. We enter the store and discover that only the staff and ourselves
are in the restaurant. I've never seen an empty KFC, so this is odd, but I can't complain about how
the mood has improved. My order typically takes a while, and the seating is usually cramped at
KFC. Most of the time, I like a quiet environment while eating. As we all reach for the menu, my
friends start debating about what to order and what not to. I stick with my usual order of a small
chicken popcorn, a diet soda, and a chicken zinger burger.
22 July 2023, Saturday, around 10 pm {Exhibit 5}

The first stop on the itinerary was French Colony (White Town), so we left our Airbnb to explore it
and the nearby beaches. The town's French colonial legacy can be experienced in the French
Quarter. It offers picturesque streets with vibrant colonial architecture, shops, cafes, and art
galleries. The eateries, which serve authentic French food, are highly publicized. Café des Arts
was the only café we knew of. But when we got to the café, a huge line was waiting outside. We
opted to stay after an hour because we had heard so much about the café; when the wait was
finally over, we were drenched in sweat from the humid heat. We were all already in a nasty
mood because of this. It was pretty nice as we entered the café, but I felt it was overrated. The
café was aesthetically pleasing thanks to the trees, the open seating area, the antiquities, and the
statues, but the music playing there was obviously out of character. The fast-paced music seemed
to counteract the tranquility and calming effect of the trees and the café's decor. The piece also
made the customers impatient, mainly because of the café's long serving time. I was not pleased
with the packed café or the filthy dishes left on the tables. My cognitive dissonance increased due
to all these things, and I questioned whether we should order dinner and whether it would be
any good. We ordered the food nevertheless because we had waited so long, even though it was
at best mediocre for the café's theme.

We left the café feeling dejected and let down. We decided to get ice cream to brighten the
atmosphere. Who doesn't like ice cream, after all? We intended to have some ice cream and go
to the beach to unwind there. We sat and chatted about college and other things as a chilly
breeze blew across the beach. The beach was not crowded because it was almost time for
closing. We may now sit on the sand because it was clean as well. Although it was dark and the
tide was high, we were told not to swim since it may be hazardous. But this was a nice change
from a tiring day due to all the traveling.

25 July 2023, Tuesday, around 1 pm {Exhibit 6}

I've returned from Pondicherry. I was relieved that my end-of-term schedule, distributed to us on
the way back home, ends on September 6th. It means I will spend ten days at home before the
start of my second term. I am eager to eat wacky food someday. Trichy doesn't even have a
McDonald's, which I never imagined would happen. Anyway, when I contacted my mother to tell
her I was returning home, I didn't find it surprising that she was overjoyed.

I immediately opened the Make My Trip app after the phone call was finished to make a flight
reservation. Flying to me is Indigo. No other airline has ever flown me. This is mainly because
Indigo provides excellent service every time I fly. IndiGo Airlines is one of the country's most
successful and customer-oriented airlines.
IndiGo places a strong emphasis on affordability and value for money, which demonstrates its
consumer-centric philosophy. This speaks to the mindset of the Indian consumer, where
affordability frequently influences choices. The affordable operational costs and competitive
pricing of IndiGo have allowed them to provide competitive tickets, opening up air travel to a
wider variety of customers. I frequently book my flights using my student ID, which entitles me to
further savings and free checked baggage each time. In addition, getting a flight from Trichy to
Chandigarh is difficult because no other airlines navigate that route. The sole flight between the
two cities is Indigo. However, I typically have to stop for 3–4 hours at the airports in Bengaluru or
Chennai. That doesn't bother me because I can do a lot at an airport, such as shop, read, eat, or
watch a movie online. As my flight is nearly never delayed, this is consistent with Indigo's
reputation for punctuality. I would undoubtedly become irate if a flight delay required me to wait
longer than anticipated. The in-flight experience is another reason why I've flown Indigo in recent
years. I feel more at ease while traveling thanks to the airline's concentration on keeping its
aircraft clean and comfortable, its in-flight services, positive encounters with workers, and
simplicity of communication.

Now that I had purchased my airline tickets. The only thing left is to wait a month till I can fly. I'll
return to reality and focus on my classes and assignments in between (you realize why I'm
keeping a journal, don't you?)

28 July 2023, Friday, around 8:30 am {Exhibit 7}

My alarm, which had been snoozing for 30 minutes, only went off. My annoyed roommate says,
"Why do you keep so many alarms if you don't intend to wake up? I don't have a class. At least let
me sleep peacefully," while I massage my eyes to ensure I am completely awake. I said, "I'm
sorry, but I do have a lecture right now," in response. I hurriedly got dressed and ran to the
washroom. God, I detest morning lectures. As I brush my teeth with half-closed eyelids, I see
something that grabs my attention. A zit! Like the weather in Trichy isn't enough to screw up my
face enough. I have greasy, dry skin and a tan. Now a zit appears! Who said staying hydrated
sufficiently prevents skin problems? It needs to be helping. My facewash has to be changed. I've
never been so preoccupied with my skincare regimen, or perhaps I've never felt the need to give
it much thought. But something about this weather doesn't work for me.

A friend once told me about a skincare line that has been in business for a while. What did it go
by? Something with an M. Minimalist. I look it up on Google on the way to the academic building.
"Minimalist, Hide Nothing," a display of the company's cosmetic goods, appears first. This is what
my friend was referring to; this is it. The notion that simplicity is a means to beauty. She clarified
that the company's slogan is "enhancing natural beauty without using too many products." The
brand has made several claims, such as offering mild, scientifically supported formulations that
put the skin's health ahead of pointless additives. Minimalist provides various customized
solutions that may be tailored to different skin types and issues because they also acknowledge
that every person's skin is unique. Customers who want tailored solutions find this appealing.
Additionally, they encourage transparency by outlining all components utilized in their goods.
Making educated decisions and knowing precisely what they put on their skin is essential to
consumers. The value proposition fits with my trend of minimalist living and my choice of natural
and transparent skincare products for someone like me who desires simple beauty routines that
produce apparent results. The brand's focus on sustainability, personalization, and education has
won me even more.

I enjoy how the product design complements the brand name. Simple cylindrical white colored
bottles with no spectacular design and well-expressed message. It is genuinely minimalistic. The
brand's color coding - white and black - is again incredibly eye-catching and highlights the
products on the screen. I might buy the product after hearing positive feedback from my
cosmetics-obsessed friend. She appears to be an avid advocate of the brand.

4 August 2023, Friday, around 8:30 pm {Exhibit 8}

I last sat down to write in my journal a week ago. Because I ran out of toothpaste when I woke up
today, it seemed the perfect day to write. Imagine that I wake up 15 minutes before my 9:30 a.m.
lecture, barely having time to brush my teeth and dash to the academic building. And here I am,
asking my neighbor to give me toothpaste as I pound on his door. The fact that they have been
borrowing toothpaste from the room on the opposite side for the previous two days is either
more intriguing or terrifying. How is it possible that everyone has run out of toothpaste at once?
Hostel 7 is home to Neanderthals, I promise!

However, I did manage to acquire some toothpaste, which was a win in and of itself. I'm going to
get toothpaste after the class. Typically, I favor Colgate. Like a closeup, I've never found anything
alluring about toothpaste with a gel consistency. Due to how dazzling they are, they need to be
more effective. That being said, I could be mistaken. I've used "Colgate Total Advance Health" for
a while. Colgate Total Advanced Health is an antibacterial toothpaste that gives you Whole
Mouth Health by battling bacteria for 12 hours on your teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums. Unlike
regular toothpaste, Dual Zinc + Arginine technology actively hunts down bacteria and creates a
protective, anti-germ barrier. Or at least that is what the manufacturers claim, but I haven't
experienced any issues.

Due to the brand's perceived dependability and my prior favorable experiences, I advocate for
Colgate. Because of Colgate's long history in the market, I also equate it with superior quality.
However, Colgate does offer affordable pricing for various versions and provides a variety of
variants targeting specific problems (e.g., sensitive teeth, whitening, gum health), responding to
unique consumer needs. Pricing is not a factor for me when it comes to toothbrushes. I like how
convenient the brand is to get, even in Trichy, especially when compared to Chandigarh. Colgate
is easily accessible in most retail establishments thanks to its broad distribution. Colgate
toothpaste is readily available in stores, which may affect consumer choice since they may be
reluctant to try unproven brands.

7 August 2023, Monday, around 7 pm {Exhibit 9}

Ever wonder how challenging it is for a shopaholic to refrain from shopping? That shopaholic is
me. I want you to know that I adore hoodies and cannot avoid purchasing one when I see one I
like. It's pretty typical for your girlfriend to borrow your hoodie occasionally, but here I am, where
it works the other way around. I'm pleased my girlfriend and I didn't argue over this. Why don't I
buy the H&M hoodie on my Myntra wishlist? Because I went over my monthly budget the
previous month, I am closely adhering to a budget. In addition, Trichy is constantly hot. Why is it
always so hot and muggy?

In my first year of the MBA program, a friend received a white hoodie from his girlfriend, which is
how I first felt about a H&M product. Although I've always considered H&M a luxury brand with a
bit of a high price tag, I've realized that the premium they charge is reasonable, primarily due to
the product's excellent quality and ability to keep up with modern trends. The H&M logo or
branding might be discreetly placed on the hoodie, often near the chest area or
hemline. Additionally, buying H&M raises your social status because most Indian buyers consider
it a premium brand. The popularity of H&M among celebrities and in the media affects consumer
perceptions and desires. Anyhow, the hoodie remains on my wish list for now.

8 August 2023, Tuesday, around 9 pm {Exhibit 10}

Let's discuss what growing up in a Punjabi family is like. Being raised in a Punjabi family was a
unique experience full of cultural nuances, traditions, and distinctive features that helped build
who I am. Growing up in a Punjabi household frequently involved a blend of tradition and
modernity, from prejudices to beloved customs. And how much do I miss Chandigarh at the
moment? Punjabi culture is vivacious and is distinguished by its upbeat music, traditional garb,
and mouthwatering cuisine. The warmth and hospitality of a Punjabi home are immediately
noticeable and reflect the fundamental principles of our culture. Visit me in my hostel room to
see how much I miss home. 9/10 times I would listen to Punjabi music loudly, just like I am right
now. We also enjoy eating non-vegetarian dishes. Anjali rolls her eyes and says, "Punjabis and
their butter chicken" whenever I order chicken in the canteen. However, it isn't simply chicken.
You should know how vital chicken, aloo paratha, saag, and other foods are to Punjabis. But let's
move on from the topic of food and instead focus on what I genuinely want to discuss today.
Have you attended a lavish Punjabi wedding? If not, kindly do so. In Punjab, there is a well-known
tradition that is followed during weddings. Rules, location, catering, etc., take up half of the
expenditure; what about the other half? Alcohol. The perception of Punjabi households as being
particularly fond of alcohol drinking is a prevalent misconception. In addition, Punjabi culture is
renowned for its emphasis on life celebration. It's important to understand that Punjabi
households do not all drink alcohol. However, we enjoy drinking it (except for myself, who

So, I called my mum, who was at my cousin's wedding, around seven o'clock. After greeting my
extended family with namaste for thirty minutes and learning that they were disappointed that I
was not there, I could finally speak with my parents for ten minutes. What was more entertaining
was watching my inebriated uncles, cousins, and hundreds of other people I didn't know run
around excitedly and dance the bhangra wherever they could. However, my father said, “The bar
is all Jack Daniels. They’ve shed their pockets empty." Punjabi weddings measure a family’s social
standing, and what’s better than Jack Daniels, which shouts premium? Tennessee whiskey,
known for its quality, Jack Daniel's, has made an impression on the spirits industry. Distinguished
by its distinct flavor, striking square bottle, and lengthy history, Jack Daniel's has become a
symbol of American whiskey craftsmanship, tradition, and premium alcohol among Indian

I recall a class discussion on Jack Daniels' unsuccessful attempt to introduce Jane Daniels on
International Women's Day and how they alienated their intended market in attempting to
appeal to women. On the other hand, women expressed negative opinions of the advertisement
and did not connect with the brand's premium scotch.

Jasper Newton "Jack" Daniel founded Jack Daniel's in Lynchburg, Tennessee 1866. The company’s
history is based on a dedication to quality and craftsmanship. The distillery's well-known tagline,
"Every day we make it, we'll make it the best we can," captures this commitment to delivering a
consistent, superior product. Jack Daniel's bottle is a square shape that is instantly identifiable
and has come to represent the company. Another distinguishing feature is the Old No. 7 insignia
on the label, which is printed in black and white. For us Punjabis, emotions frequently influence
our purchasing decisions. When a brand evokes fond memories or has sentimental value, we get
emotionally attached to it. Jack Daniel's may represent happy times, relaxation, or
companionship for some people, inspiring, emotional associations with the brand. Customers'
purchasing decisions are also influenced by factors like Jack Daniel's, including pricing,
promotions, peer recommendations, and personal experiences.
Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5
Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7

Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9

Exhibit 10

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