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" A Report on Investigation on Corrosion and Rusting on Iron"

Preprint · October 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23991.70564

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1 author:

Prakash Pant
Gandaki Boarding School


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Submitted by:

Nirvana Bhandari Prabeg Basnet Prabin Gharti

Roll no: 19 Roll no: 20 Roll no: 21

Prakash Pant Prakriti Khadka Saujan Gurung

Roll no: 22 Roll no: 23 Roll no: 24

Suyog Bhusal
Roll no: 37

Class: 11/C

Submitted to:


This project work entitled “An Investigation on Rusting and Corrosion of Iron” prepared by
the group of Roll No. 19-24 and 37 of Gandaki Boarding School under the supervision of
Reshmi Raj Lamsal submitted for the partial fulfillment of prerequisite of chemistry of class 11
has been accepted.

Supervisor Head of the Department

Reshmi Raj Lamsal Shakuntala Gurung
Department of Science Department of Science
Gandaki Boarding School Gandaki Boarding School


This project work entitled “An Investigation on corrosion and rusting on iron” submitted by
the group Roll 19-24 and 37 of Gandaki Boarding School, Lamachaur, Pokhara has been prepared
under my supervision as a partial fulfillment for the class 11/12 of chemistry course, I, therefore
recommend the project work report for the evaluation.

Reshmi Raj Lamsal
Chemistry Teacher
Date: 2078/08/18


We hereby declare that the project work entitled “ An investigation on Corrosion and rusting
on Iron” submitted to the Department of Chemistry, Gandaki Boarding School, Lamachaur,
Pokhara is an original piece of work carried out under the supervision and guidance of Reshmi
Lamsal, Faculty of Chemistry, Gandaki Boarding School, Lamachaur, Pokhara and is submitted
for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the chemistry of grade 11/12 . This project work
report has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any other degree.

Nirvana Bhandari
Prabeg Basnet
Prabin Gharti
Prakash Pant
Prakriti Khadk
Saujan Gurung
Suyog Bhusal


We are very pleased to dedicate this work to all the people and institution that provideme moral,
technical and financial support and guidance for the successful completion of our study.
We would like to thank my supervisor Sir Reshmi Raj Lamsal, Faculty of Chemistry, Gandaki
Boarding School for introducing me to the topic as well as for the all support, useful comments,
remarks and encouragement through the learning
process of this thesis.
In addition, We would like to thank Jhapindra Adhikari (Higher Secondary School Supervisor) for
guidance, Shakuntala Gurung (Head of the department of Science, Gandaki Boarding School) for
comments and encouragement during completion of this Project Work.
We would like to thank all faculty members of chemistry of Gandaki Boarding School who have
supported me throughout the entire process.
We would also like to thank our lab teachers Sharda Adhikari, Bindu kumari Paudel, Ramesh
Bhnadari and Dashrath Pandey who helped and assisted during the lab work. In the same way, we
would like to thank my friends Saujan Gurung, Prabin Gharti, Prabeg Basnet, Prakriti Khadka and
Suyog Bhusal, we would also like thank Ashish Shrestha and Saurab Banstola for willingly
providing their time and help as well as Sujal Malla for assistance during the lab work.
At last but not the least; I would like to thank my parents and family members for the
continuous encouragement and support.

Nirvana Bhandari
Prabeg Basnet
Prabin Gharti
Prakash Pant
Prakriti Khadk
Saujan Gurung
Suyog Bhusal


Iron is one of the widely distributed elements in nature. This study is focused on Corrosion and
rusting of iron, behaviors, reactions, prevention and treatment. The behaviors on iron in rusting
were determined by checking different factors like air, moisture, electrolysis, etc. The experiments
involved providing iron nails with oxygen only, with moisture only, with both and with none.
Hydrous Calcium Chloride was used for absorption of moisture. NaCl solution was used as an
electrolyte, Boiled water was used to remove dissolved air and layered with oil. Behavior of the
iron was predicted to be as such that it needs air, mixture and electrolytic medium for rusting.
Rusting was a continuous process and gradually ate up iron due to which an iron object lost its
strength but it was a very slow process.

Table of Contents

Title Page
Certificate of Approval
Table of Contents
Chapter I:
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Significance of the study

Chapter II:
2.1 Literature review

Chapter III:
3.1 Materials and Methods

Chapter IV:
4.1 Experimentation/ Observation

Chapter V:
5.1 Result and Discussion or analysis

Chapter VI:
6.1 Summary or Conclusion

Chapter VII:
7.1 Limitations of the study and further recommendation


1.1 Background of the Study

Iron is one of the widely distributed elements in nature. One of its striking characteristics is that
it undergoes rusting on combining with water, air and carbon dioxide due to which its surface
gets covered with a red brown flake coating called “RUST”. RUST is affected by moisture,
oxygen and carbon dioxide. RUST is soft and porous and it gradually falls off from the surface
of iron material. It is a continuous process and it gradually eats up iron due to which an iron
object loses its strength. It is a very wasteful process and should be prevented. It is a very very
slow process.
Thus, for the same purpose, to study the characteristics and properties of corrosion and to
identify the ways of prevention of corrosion, this study has been carried out. It also aims to
identify the factors affecting corrosion and ways to eliminate them.

1.1.1 Introduction to Corrosion

Corrosion is described as the formation of compounds on the surface of the metal when it is
exposed to air, and water or the electrolytes such as saltwater. Typically, once a metal corrodes,
it forms compounds known as oxides or hydrated oxides.

1.1.2 Corrosion on different metals

Metal corrodes when it reacts with another substance such as oxygen, hydrogen, an electrical
current or dirt and bacteria.Although too much humidity or condensation of water vapor on metal
surfaces are the primary causes of corrosion, it can also occur due to hydrogen and oxygen
exposure.So, Different types of corrosion on metals are listed below:
● Uniform Corrosion.
● Pitting Corrosion.
● Crevice Corrosion.
● Intergranular Corrosion.
● Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
● Galvanic Corrosion.

1.1.3 Introduction to Rusting

The term corrosion is used for every metal but rusting is used only for iron.Iron is one of the
widely distributed elements in nature. One of its striking characteristics is that it undergoes
rusting on combining with water, air and carbon dioxide due to which its surface gets covered
with a red brown flake coating called “Rust”. “RUST” is affected by moisture, oxygen and
carbon dioxide. RUST is soft and porous and it gradually falls off from the surface of iron
material. It is a continuous process and it gradually eats up iron due to which an iron object loses
its strength. It is a very wasteful process and should be prevented. It is a very very slow process.

1.1.6 Principle
When a piece of iron metal is exposed to a humid atmosphere, it gets covered with a red brown
substance called “rust”. Rusting of iron can be explained on the basis of electrochemical theory
as follows:
1. Water vapors on the surface of the metal dissolved carbon dioxide and oxygen from the air.
Thus the surface of metal is covered with the solution of carbon dioxide with water, i.e. carbonic
H2O+CO2 →H2CO3………(i)
This acts as an electrolytic solution of the cell. The carbonic acid and water dissociate to a small
extent as follows:
H2CO3 →2H+ + CO3-- ………(ii)
2. Iron in contact with the dissolved CO2 and O2 undergoes oxidation as follows:
Fe →Fe++ +2e……. (iii)
As a result, iron is converted into ferrous (Fe++) ion.
3.The metal produced by iron are taken up by the H+ ions present on the surface of metal which
were produced by the dissociation of H2CO3 and H2O. Thus H+ ions are converted into H
H+ +e- → H………..(iv)
Thus H atoms either react with the dissolved oxygen or oxygen from air to from water.
4H+02 →2H2O…….(v)
The complete reaction may be written as:
O2+4H+ +4e-→2H2O…..(vi)
The dissolved oxygen may take up electrons directly to form OH-ions as follows:
02 +2H2O+4e- →4OH- …….(vii)
The overall reaction of the miniature cell will be:
2Fe(s) +O2(g)+4H+(aq)→2Fe++(aq)+2H2O(l)
4.The ferrous ions formed react with the dissolved oxygen or oxygen from air to from ferric
oxide as follows:
4Fe++ +O2+4H2O→2Fe2O3 +8H+(aq)
Ferric oxide then undergoes hydration to form RUST as follows:
Fe2O3 + xH2O→Fe2O3xH2O
Hydrated ferric oxide (rust)

1.2 Objectives of the Study

1.2.1 General Objective
Our general objective is to study rusting in iron and chemical phenomena associated with it.
1.2.2 Specific Objective
1. Study of the process of corrosion and rusting
2. Study of the chemical reason for corrosion in metals
3. Observation of impacts of various factors of rusting
4. Study of effects of rusting on various aspects of daily life
5. Observation of different chemical phenomena to prevent rusting
6. Observation of chemical treating of rusting for its removal

1.3 Significance of the Study

Rusting is a common phenomenon in our day to day life. It is often a problematic thing
which causes loss of the valuable property that we possess. Thus, it is necessary to know about
various phenomena that affect rusting because only then can we manipulate those behaviors to
reduce the corrosion. If we know about these phenomena, we can search for possible remedies to
avoid corrosion. One of such remedies is a galvanization which creates an oxide layer and reduces
the rate of corrosion. These things have been possible only with the study of phenomena affecting
the rate of corrosion.

2.1 Literature Review

The first view taken of the atmospheric corrosion or rusting of iron was that it was due to a simple
process of oxidation. In 1888 Prof. Crum Brown suggested, on the basis of experiments described
by Crace Calvert in 1871, that the first stage in the rusting of iron is the production, under the
influence of carbonic acid, of ferrous carbonate, which is subsequently converted, by atmospheric
oxygen in presence of moisture, into ferric hydroxide or rust. In 1898, however, Prof. Dunstan, in
a lecture delivered to the Royal Artillery Institution, put forward another explanation; he
considered that pure. oxygen in presence of water is capable of attacking iron, giving rise to ferrous
oxide and hydrogen peroxide, part of the latter then converting the ferrous oxide into rust, while
the remainder directly attacks the iron, giving rise to a fresh quantity of ferrous oxide, which in
turn is again oxidized in a similar manner. A detailed account of the experiments made in
conjunction with Drs. Jowett and Goulding, and of the theory, which may be called the hydrogen
peroxide theory of rusting, was published in October of last year. The theory was based on certain
phenomena of oxidation in which hydrogen peroxide was known to be formed, and on the
consideration that certain substances which decomposed hydrogen peroxide were found to prevent
the conversion of iron into rust by damp air. The older theory, that rusting was due to carbonic
acid, was considered "quite untenable. On the other hand, by removing the scrubbing arrangement
by which the air was freed from carbon dioxide, so as to permit the ingress of this gas with the air,
rusting commenced almost immediately, and in seventy-two hours the whole of the surface of the
metal was seen to be corroded, and a considerable quantity of red rust was formed. Specimens of
iron which had been exposed for several weeks to the action of pure oxygen and water without
rusting were exhibited by Dr. Moody at the recent conversazione of the Royal Society.
It is also shown by Dr. Moody that while rust is being formed from iron under natural conditions
a large proportion of ferrous carbonate is produced; the composition of rust in the course of
formation is thus altogether out of harmony with the hydrogen peroxide theory, since this theory
postulates that twice as much hydrogen peroxide is produced by the interaction of iron, oxygen,
and water as is necessary completely to oxidize the ferrous oxide to the ferric state. The fact that
certain compounds such as the alkalis, sodium nitrite, and potassium ferrocyanide prevent rusting
is due, not to their power of decomposing hydrogen peroxide, but of interacting with carbon
dioxide. Some substances, such as potassium iodide, which destroy hydrogen peroxide do not
inhibit, but actually accelerate, the rusting of iron. The facts recorded thus afford no basis for the
assumption that iron can be caused to rust by pure water and pure oxygen alone, and give a
satisfactory explanation of phenomena which were considered as being explicable only in the light
of the hydrogen peroxide hypothesis.

3.1 Tools and Apparatus

i. Boiling tubes
ii. Rubber tubes
iii. Iron nails
iv. Burner
v. Test tube, holder and stand

3.2 Chemicals Required

i. Distilled water
ii. Dil. HCL
iii. Dil. NaCl Solution
iv. Anhydrous calcium chloride
v. Cotton
vi.Mustard oil

3.3.1 Pre-preparation from Google and Youtube about how we can prove the given factor
really affects corrosion
Project Work is a lot about research and exploration. For this same purpose, one of the major
sources we consulted is google. Most of the data and information we present are from different
websites as referenced at the bottom of the page.Various teachers from youtube also helped us a
lot to further enhance our knowledge on the topic.

3.3.2 Lab Test for analyzing factors necessary for Corrosion and Rusting Test with iron nail kept in distilled water in a test tube
The first test tube was first filled with distilled water. An iron nail was then inserted in the test
tube. A cork was then fitted in its mouth to isolate the system. It was then kept in a cupboard for
about 3 to 4 days. Test with iron nail kept in boiled water layered with oil in a test tube
The second test tube was first filled with boiled water. An iron nail was then inserted in the test
tube. Oil was then dropped in the test tube which formed a layer above the water surface. A cork
was then fitted in its mouth to isolate the system. It was then kept in a cupboard for about 3 to 4
days. Test with iron nail kept in dil. NaCl Solution in a test tube
The third test tube was first filled with NaCl solution in water. An iron nail was then inserted in
the test tube. A cork was then fitted in its mouth to isolate the system. It was then kept in a cupboard
for about 3 to 4 days. Test with iron nail kept along with anhydrous Calcium Chloride in a test tube
closed with layer of cotton
A little amount of calcium chloride was first dropped in the test tube. An iron nail was then inserted
in the test tube. A cork was then fitted in its mouth to isolate the system. It was then kept in a
cupboard for about 3 to 4 days. Observation of Rusting and analyzing information

After 3 to 4 days, we then checked the condition of the iron nail in each of the test tubes. We tried
to reason for the amount of corrosion that occurred in each of the test tubes. It led us to conclude
about some of the important factors that affect corrosion and rusting.

3.3.3 Discussion with friends and teachers about the result and their possible consequences
With the experiment we had the result that we wanted. But we need to reason on the amount of
rusting in each of the test tubes. For this, we discussed with the teachers, shared with friends,
consulted textbooks and got some important conclusions which can have some important
significance to discover on ways to minimize rusting.
4.1 Observations on rusting of iron in different test tubes
4.1.1 Iron nail filled with half distilled water experiment
When observing the test tube filled with half distilled water along with iron after 3 to 4 days, it
could be observed that the iron nail made quite a good rusting and corroded well. It gave us quite
a good hint that there is something that iron is in contact with which is causing it to rust. The initial
guess was it’s water along which corrodes the iron.

4.1.2 Boiled water with oil layered experiment

When observing the test tube filled with boiled water with oil layered along with iron after 3 to 4
days, it could be observed that the iron nail did not make quite a good rusting and did not corrode
well which was against our expectation since there was presence of water. It gave us quite a good
hint that there is not something that iron was in contact with previously. Soon we realized boiling
removed oxygen and layering with oil did not allow oxygen to re–enter. So, we now guessed both
water and oxygen are required for rusting.

4.1.3 Dil. NaCl Solution Experiment

When observing the test tube filled with dilute NaCl solution along with iron after 3 to 4 days, it
could be observed that the iron nail made quite a good rusting and corroded a lot, far more than in
the first test tube. Then, we have to come up with something else that is helping in the rusting for
this case. We soon realized from the teachers that it was an electrolytic medium created by NaCl
that is supporting the rusting.

4.1.4 Anhydrous calcium chloride experiment

When observing the test tube filled with Calcium Chloride along with iron after 3 to 4 days, it
could be observed that the iron nail did not make quite a good rusting and did not corrode well
which we could easily conclude was due to the absence of moisture as calcium chloride is
deliquescent solid.
5.1 Discussion on amount of Rusting in different test tubes
● Tube 1 – water and air
● Tube 2 – water but no air (it is removed during boiling and the oil prevents any extra
from dissolving in the water and reaching the nail)
● Tube 3 – water, air and salt
● Tube 4 – air, no water (the calcium chloride removes the water from the air and the cork
bung prevents any extra from entering)
We see that the nails in tubes 2 and 4 do not rust. The nail in tube 3 rusts the most. From this, we
conclude that water and air (actually oxygen in the air) are essential for rusting. Salt can increase
the rate of rusting. This can lead to a discussion about rust protection and methods which can be
used to keep air and water away from the iron such as paint, grease and plastic coating.

Very simply, rusting is the reaction of iron with oxygen – but water is an important part of the
process too.

5.2 Discussion on the factors affecting rusting of iron

The main factors which affect rusting of iron are
1.More the reactivity of metal, the more will be the possibility of the metal getting corroded.
2.The impurities help in setting up voltaic cells, which increase the speed of corrosion
3. Presence of electrolytes in water also increases the rate of corrosion
4. Presence of carbon dioxide in natural water increases the rusting of iron.
5.When the iron surface is coated with layers of metals more active than iron, then the rate of
corrosion is retarded.
6. A rise in temperature (within a reasonable limit) increases the rate of corrosion.

5.4 Impacts of Rusting on Daily Life

Impacts of Rusting on daily life are: -
● Loss of efficiency.
● Contamination of product.
● Damage of metallic equipment.
● Inability to use metallic materials.
● Lose of valuable materials such as blockage of pipes, mechanical damage of underground
water pipes.
● Accidents due to mechanical loss of metallic bridges, cars, aircrafts etc.
● Causes pollution due to escaping products from corrosion.
● Depletion of natural resources (Metals).
5.5 Methods of Prevention of Rusting
The following are the best ways to prevent rust:
● Use an Alloy: The use of alloys, like stainless steel, is one of the most common ways to
prevent rust, or slow it down. Stainless steel isn’t suitable or economical for all
applications, but it will work for many.
● Apply Oil: A coating of oil will help to prevent rust or slow it down, since it inhibits
moisture from reaching the iron in the metal. However, an oily surface might be
problematic for some tools or machines and poses environmental and human health
● Apply a Dry Coating: Special rust preventative products dry with no residue and form a
protective barrier over metal parts and equipment. These are effective for products in use,
in shipping, storage and more.
● Paint the Metal: A good quality paint will slow down rusting by preventing moisture
from reaching the metal.
● Store Properly: Store metal parts or products in a low-moisture area, or inside a
temperature and humidity-controlled environment to significantly slow down rust. Use of
desiccant drying agents in this storage are also helpful.
● Galvanize: Galvanizing coats iron or steel in zinc to protect from rust. Zinc corrodes at a
much slower rate than iron or steel, so it’s highly effective for slowing rust.
● Blueing: This process creates a layer of magnetite over the metal to prevent rust. The
metal must be regularly oiled to maintain rust resistance, and it will turn blue or black in
the process.
● Powder Coating: A layer of acrylic, vinyl, epoxy or other substances will prevent
moisture from reaching the metal, thereby preventing rust.
● VCI Packaging: Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) are a type of chemical compound that
when infused into various packaging materials, protect metals by emitting rust
eradicating vapors into an enclosed air space to prevent corrosion on a metal surface.

5.5.1 Galvanization
Galvanization or galvanizing is the process of applying a protective layer of zinc to steel or iron
to prevent rust. The most common method is hot-dip galvanizing, in which the parts are
immersed in a bath of molten hot zinc.
Galvanization is one of the most widely used methods of protecting metal from corrosion. A
thinner zinc layer is applied to a thicker base metal to shield it from the environment.
The next time you’re in your car, check out the street signs and lampposts you pass by. Many of
them are dumb, silver in color. This “silver” is actually the zinc coating.
Proponents of galvanized steel, which can be used to build or repair steel structures, for example,
benefit from lower maintenance and repair costs due to its special properties.
Without protection, steel will rust over time due to atmospheric conditions. The degree of rust
depends on the environment in which the product is located. Rust is an iron oxide (usually a red
oxide) that is created by the reduction and oxidation reaction of iron and oxygen in the presence
of water or humidity.
There are protection methods such as painting or plastic coating, but these methods have
disadvantages. If damaged, parts of the steel rust, and the protective layer falls off, making these
types of protection not permanent and unreliable.
One of the better ways to protect steel materials from corrosion is hot-dip galvanizing. In hot-dip
galvanizing, all surfaces of the material are dipped in molten zinc and completely coated with it.
The corrosion of zinc is very slow, which gives it a longer lifespan while protecting the base metal.

5.6 Chemical Treatment of Rusting

The most commonly used rust removing chemical is phosphoric acid. The solution creates a
chemical reaction when applied to rust converting it to a water-soluble compound that can be
scrubbed away quickly and easily. This type of chemical is quick to act and is very effective, but
it is important to know that it is very toxic. The advantage of using phosphoric acid for chemical
cleaning of rust is that it not only removes the loose mass of oxides, but also creates a thin
protective film. The mechanism for creating such protection is that the acid, corroding and
absorbing iron oxide, phosphates the surface. Those who worked with this substance could observe
that after processing the metal and drying on its surface, in place of a red coating, a grayish film is
formed, oil to the touch.

6.1 Summary of the Experiment

All the experiments done lead us to the same conclusion regarding factors affecting the corrosion.
Some of the factors which affect corrosion are: -
1. Exposure of the metals to air containing gasses like CO2, SO2, SO3 etc.
2. Exposure of metals to moisture especially salt water (which increases the rate of corrosion).
3. Presence of impurities like salt (eg. NaCl).
4. Temperature: An increase in temperature increases corrosion.
5. Nature of the first layer of oxide formed: some oxides like Al2O3 forms an insoluble protecting
layer that can prevent further corrosion. Others like rust easily crumble and expose the rest of the
6. Presence of acid in the atmosphere: like carbonic acid can easily accelerate the process of

6.2 Conclusion
Hence, we explored the factors affecting corrosion in iron. We also observed various phenomena
and reactions associated with it. With those searches, we suggested some preventive measures
against the rusting and chemical treatments to it. We also discussed daily life problems due to
rusting and ways to minimize them.

7.1 Limitations of the Study

The study was limited to Laboratory, text books and google. A lot of experiments and research
work could not take place. Discussion and Research were the primary ways to get to the
conclusion. Further molecular studies and experiments can be done to further predict the behavior
of rusting.

7.2 Recommendations for further work

Further behavior of electrolytic medium can be researched as well as the effect of SO₂ and CO₂.
The predicted behaviors can be further improvised to research on new ways of treating rust and
corrosion. Further explorations on rusting from an atomic point of view can also be made.

1. J. F. Chittum. The Electrochemical Behavior of Metals. I. The Journal of Physical

Chemistry 1930, 34 (10), 2267-2285.
2. J. F. G. Hicks. Observations on the Corrosion of Iron. The Journal of Physical Chemistry
1929, 33 (5), 780-790.
3. Christian Vargel. The corrosion of aluminium. 2020, 41-61.
4. N. D. Tomashov. Grundlagen der Entwicklung korrosionsbeständiger Legierungen.
Materials and Corrosion/Werkstoffe und Korrosion 1967, 18 (8) , 694-707.
5. Warren P. Iverson. Microbial Corrosion of Metals. 1987, 1-36.

Preparation of Reagent

I. Preparation of Reagent
The required reagents NaCl and Calcium Chloride were prepared in the following ways.

● Preparation of NaCl Solution

Sodium chloride will be synthesized by reacting sodium bicarbonate with hydrochloric
acid. The reaction equation is shown below:
NaHCO₃ (sol)+ HCl (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H₂O (aq) + CO₂

● Preparation of Anhydrous Calcium Chloride

Calcium Chloride can be prepared by reacting hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate
CaCO₃ (sol)+ 2HCl (aq) → CaCl₂ (aq) + H₂O (aq) + CO₂
Some Glimpses of Research Work

Boiled water with oil layered Iron nail alone in tube Presence of CaCO₃ Iron nail in NaCl solution

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