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Hailey Smith


The Harm of Social Media on Modern Life

Social media has swiftly integrated itself into modern life, connecting people across the

globe in unprecedented ways. However, this seemingly positive phenomenon has its downsides.

The pervasive use of social media has brought about many detrimental effects, impacting

mental well-being, privacy, and genuine human interaction. Delving deeper, it becomes evident

that the darker side of this digital age is taking a toll on society’s overall well-being.

One of the key detriments of extensive social media use is the toll it takes on mental

health. Research by the American Psychological Association (Dewey Cornell, Ph.D., Richard A.

Heaps, July 29, 2019), indicates that prolonged exposure to social media is linked to increased

rates of anxiety and depression, particularly among the younger generation. A study published

in the Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research(Anthony Robinson, Aaron Bonnette, January 8,

2019), found a correlation between high social media usage and decreased self-esteem, as

individuals often compare their lives to curated, idealized versions presented online.

Furthermore, the constant pressure to accrue likes and validation leads to a sense of

inadequacy and heightened stress levels, eroding mental resilience and stability.

In addition to mental health concerns, the issue of privacy looms large in the realm of

social media. Numerous instances of data breaches and unauthorized sharing of personal

information have come to light, revealing the vulnerability of users’ data to exploitation. For

instance, the Cambridge Analytica scandal involved the unauthorized access of millions of

Facebook users’ data for political purposes and exposed the precarious nature of privacy on

social media platforms. This breach not only compromised personal information but also raised
Hailey Smith

questions about the integrity of the platforms themselves and their handling of user data,

fostering an atmosphere of distrust.

On the other hand, proponents of social media argue that it fosters a sense of

community and connectivity, allowing individuals to maintain relationships across vast distances

and cultures. Platforms such as Facebook, and Instagram offer space for individuals to share

experiences, and create virtual communities. Furthermore, they highlight the positive impact of

social media. However, these arguments fail to acknowledge the darker repercussions that

excessive social media usage can have. Despite its potential for fostering connections, social

media is a very dangerous place to be exploring the internet. the negative impacts on mental

health, privacy breaches, and the decline of genuine human interaction remain significant

concerns that cannot be overlooked. In conclusion, while social media has undeniably

transformed the way we communicate and interact, its negative effects cannot be disregarded.

The concerns surrounding mental well-being, privacy breaches, and the erosion of

authentic relationships continue to be a major problem, casting a shadow over the seemingly

bright promise of connectivity. Moving forward, it is crucial to strike a balance between

leveraging the benefits of social media while safeguarding our mental and emotional well-being

and preserving the authenticity of human connections. Only through conscious moderation and

thoughtful engagement can we hope to mitigate the harmful implications of social media on

modern life.
Hailey Smith

Works Cited

Brooks, Alexandria. “Is Social Media Bad For Your Mental Health?” Is Social Media Bad

for Your Mental Health?: Middle Georgia State University, 16 July 2022,

Rainie, Lee. “Americans’ Complicated Feelings about Social Media in an Era of Privacy

Concerns.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 27 Mar. 2018,


Tapia, Amancay. “15 Most Popular Social Media Sites of the Last 10 Years”. Newsweek.

September 15, 2021.

Hailey Smith

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