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My Experience with Cancer

Ten years ago, my Mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer and was forced to have it removed; As such, this affected me

mentally, my home life, and my future. First, my mental health during the two months she was in hospital was very terrible.

Admittedly, I could barely sleep or eat as this was the first time I had been away from my mom for an extended period. The only

time I got to see her was when my Dad could drive my brother and I to the hospital. However, even when I did see her all I

could think about was if this would be the last time. So, I couldn’t do much outside of seeing her and staying home in my bed

when I was not able to visit her. In addition, I was not able to go to school which affected my marks and that made me even

more depressed. On the other hand, my home life at that time was the worst. During the two months, my Dad tried his best to

keep us happy but that was hard for him to do when he was not happy himself. We never had cooked meals as my mom did the

cooking and the house started to get very dirty which made it harder to live in that house without my mom. Also, my brother

and I were left to fend for ourselves, as my dad was at work a lot of the time or out doing something we had no clue about.

Finally, my future could be greatly affected by this whole situation. Despite, my Mom surviving cancer she currently has no

stomach which makes life way harder to deal with and she is at risk for a lot of different health problems. This cancer is genetic

so when I turn twenty-one, I must get tested to see if I have it and if I will need to have my stomach removed. Above all, my

well-being, time with family, and my chances of getting cancer were all affected after my mom was diagnosed.

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