Abnkkbsnplako?! (Mga Kwentong Chalk Ni Bob Ong)

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A B N K K B S N P L A k o?!

(Mga Kwentong Chalk ni Bob Ong)

ABNKKBSNPLAko?! stands for “Aba nakakabasa na pala ako?!” which means “Wow! I can actually
read?!” in English. This is a filipino fictional book written by Famous Filipino author Bob Ong who is the
pseudonym of a Filipino contemporary author known for using conversational writing technique to create
humorous and reflective representations of culture and life as a Filipino. Filipinos really like Bob Ong's
work because, it has a touched of comedy, which are portrayed in a way that replicates the Filipino
culture and traditions. That is why his books are regarded as real Pinoy classics. The genre of the book is
autobiography of his school days and humour, as for the theme it is about the main character who has
grown up, who has come to terms with self-acceptance, as depicted through the interspersing past and
current scenes. The book is originally written in our language which is Tagalog. The story is conveyed
through a succession of humorous anecdotes that focus on four different stages of his life: elementary
school, high school, college, and his professional career.
In my opinion the book cover is not that catchy unless you read it. Because it is a plain green background
highlight with the brown side which reminds me of the black board that we use in school and in the
middle it is where the title is place which is like written using a white chalk that we use to write in the
blackboard. What caught my interest to read it is because of the title itself. It was very catchy which will
really drive your curiosity to read it because you will be curious what does the title means or why does it
title like that. When I read the story that is when I appreciate the book cover because it is about the school
life of the boy who is struggling with his education. The book is so beautiful and meaningful that depicts
our past experiences which is very relatable. For me, among the other books I am happy to read this one.
This book proves the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” because to be honest it was beautiful on
the inside that is one of the reasons on why we should always look first on the inside before you judge.
This book is actually funny but you know makes it stand out from the others is because of his own unique
way on how he impart insights and knowledge behind the funny narratives.
Overall, I love the story the way it is. It is full of life lesson where you can benefit at and you can apply in
your life. There are parts in the story that feels nostalgic because I can relate to it as a student who is
studying in a public school and the same time it brings back the memories that I’ve experienced as a
child. “Nakalimutan na ng tao ang kabanalan niya, na mas marami pa s'yang alam kesa sa nakasulat sa
Transcript of Records n'ya, mas marami pa s'yang kayang gawin kesa sa nakalista sa resume n'ya, at mas
mataas ang halaga n'ya kesa sa presyong nakasulat sa payslip n'ya tuwing sweldo.” One of my favorite
quotes that I got from the book. This line is full of meaning. Just like what it states there we are more than
our records, resumes, and payslips we are much more than that. Those things do not define us, those are
just record that people need for assurance. But, behind those records there is a great person that hides. I
would rate the story 10 out of 10 I super love the book it gives me this feeling of looking back to where I
started and how far I have come in life. I can say that It was his way of writing that makes his works
unique from the others.
De Mesa, Kathleen Kaye T. G11-02 ABM M9 ASSESSMENT/ACTIVITY

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