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. cuwAHATr_6
No.ltttG. 130t2014t6 Dated Dispur, tlre ? ls'r\pril, 201.5

Frorn Slrri S.C. Das. IAS,

Addl. Cliief Secretar;,to thc Govt. ol'z\ssanr.
I{evenue & D.M. Department.

To : l. All Deputl' Conrnlissioners

2. All Settlement Officers

Sub Issue of Periodic Patta in f'avour of allotmcnt cerlificatc holciers straight wav
issuing Annual Patta in rural areas for resiclential and ordinary cultivation onli,.


Itl supersessitltr ol earlier decisiorrs. I arn tlirr:cit-,r.| to say tlrat aticr

dr-re consideratir-r'.l
various aspects, the State fiovernnrcnt has to issuc Periodic Patta in favour of thc eligiSlc
allotment ccltificate holders straight rvay ll,itlrout issuing Annual Patta a.s per prcsept praclice i. .rr.l
areas (outsicle the area
of 3 K.M. of l\4unicipirl Town / Revenuc T'own a1d 6trtsiclc tlre arga 6l-10
K.M. fronr (iMO) {br residential purpose and orclinary cultivation only, if lirunc1 i1 ceptipr"ioLl:i
possession l'or niore than 3 years and u.sed for the purpose for u4rich the lald was allotted. N9 t-cc or.
ally amoulrt is to be rcalized lbr the same.
You are, titerefbrc, requested kindly to takc intmediate necessarv steps lbr issur-. pl'
perioclic pattas against the allotment certilicat,rs as nrcntionecf above.


r\ddl. Chief Sccrctarv to the Ciovt. o1'
z"' \a
& D.N4. Departrncnt.
Mcnro No. RRG.13012014/6-A : - -'*Dated
Dispur, the 21'r April, 2.01 5
Copy to :
I' The Commissiorter, Lor,r,et z\l;sam l)ivision, Gtrwahatj / tlpper Assarn Divisiol, Jorlrat /
North Assam Division, 'l-ezfur / t{ills & Barak Valley Division, Houselbcl Conrplex. f)isprrr.
2. The Director of Land Records & Suweys etc., Assam, Rupnagar, Ciuwahati-i2.
3. l-he Director of Land Rcquisition Acqr.risition & Reforms, Assam, Ruprragar, Grru,ahati-32.
4. All Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil),
5. P.S. to [Ion'blc Chief Minister, Assam, Dispur.
6. P.S. to Hon'trle Minister. Revenue. Assanr, Dispur.
7. P.S. to Addl. Chief Secretary. Assarn, Reverrue & D.lvl. Deptt., Dispur. Guwahatj-6.
8. f'.S. to Commissiotrer & Secretlry, Rcveuuc & D.N,l. Deptt., Dispur, Grr,,vahati-(r/

l3y order etc.

psrput) Secretary to the Govt. of ;\ssaru.

o ficvenue & D.M. I)cixrrlrncrrl


No. REGN"85/2009/189 Dated, Dispur, the 5'r'August, 2013

in the interest of Putrlic Serv'ice ancl rvith a vierv to pr<lrnote

induslrial activities in the State. Government decides that land rvhich have bccn rccordccJ
as Agricultural land but Irot cultivated for last l0 ycars or ffrorc, rray be transl'erred
including by" way of purchase lrom Private Pattadars lbr non-Agricultural purposcs alte r
reclassification by the Deputy Comrnissioncrs as per usual proceciure ltlr setting up ol'
Mcga Pro.iccts as idcrttilied/dcclared by thc Industry & Cournrcrce Departrlcnl. Horvcvcr.
as regards earth lilling of lorv lying area. if any, allottcdlsettled/leased to such Mc-eir
Project or purchased by such Mega Project, will be subjcct to approval o1' Warer
Resources l)epartment to ensurc propcr drainage facilities and also sutrject to neccssary

Environntcnt clearance as pcr nrles lrorn thc Ptlllution Control f]oarcl ol'Assant.

(S.C. Das, IAS)
Additional Chief Sccretary. Assarrr
Rbvenue & D.M. Departrnenf.

Ivlerno No. REGN. 85/2009 / l89-A Dated, Dispur. thc 5'r' Aurgust. 2013
Clopy to:

l.-l'he Principal Secretary to Govt. o[Assarn, industry & Cornlncrcc Departnrent. Dispur,
2. Cornmissioner, l.orver Assam Division, Guwahati/ Uppci Assarn Division, .lorhlrt/
Central Assarn Division, Tezpur.
3. Comniissioner. I-lills & Barak Valley Division, Guwahati, I)ispur.
4. l'he l)irector of Land Rccords & Surveys ctc. Assarn, Rupnagar, Gur,vahati-32.
5. 'l'lle Director of' Land Requisition, Acquisiti<ln & Refon"ns etc. Assam, Ilupnagar.
6. 'l'hc Deput-n.' Corntnissioner, Kamrup, Arningaon. Thc rnatter ol' issue of NOC lbr
transfer ol'Agricultural land to M/S N.V Distillerics & Brerverics (NE) Pvt. nray be'
disposcd off in light of above policy decision. 'l'his disposes the issucs raisccl by Deputy
C--orttrrissioncr Karnrup vide his lertcr No.KItMl52120l0lP'l--1167, Dtd. 0310612013.
7. All Deputy Cornrnissioners for inlonrration & nccessary action.
8' n ll Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil) for infomration & neccssary action.
9. Principal. Assant Surr,€y & Scttlcrnernt'fraining Centrc, Dakhingaon. (iun'ahati"
10. Administrative officer. Board of Revcnue, panbazar. Guwahati-1.
I L P.S. to Chiel'Minister, Assarn.
12. P.S. to Ministcr, Itevenuc & D.M. Dcpartmcnt, Dispur, Gurvahati-d.
13. P.S. t<l Parliamentary Secretary, Revenuc & DM Departnrcnt.:Dispur, Gurvahati.

(Mrs. S.n. [-lussain. ACS)
.[oint Sccretary to the Govt. of Assarn
Revsnue & D.M. Dcpartrncrrt
f- 'r


Datcd l)ispur, llte- 24't' Decetrtbcr, 2013

No. ftSS.1656/2013/11


land in the Districts

Sub Procedure lbr final allotrnent / settlement of Govt'
than the Districts of Sixth Scheduled Areas'
of Assam othcr
ln partial rnodification of this Department'S Officc N'lell1oranch-ttu No'

RSS.421201l131, dated 0210712013 and letter

No. Itss.l8312007l50, datecl 0210212008
will be follorved while settrenre't of Govt. la'cl i' Gt'cater'
the folowing proced*res
Guwarrati ancr other towns / three 3 K.M. radius from boundary of tow's of Districts or'

Areas with the eligible pctiti.ncrs

r\ssam other tha' the Distr.icts of Sixth schedulecl ^s

per existing rules and Govt' Lar"rd Policy in force'

Nletropolitalt area / 10 K.M. radius frorn bounclary of
cMC arca ittvolving laLrd
upto 2 Kathas. may be riecided at thc level of l-lon'ble
Chici Mittister', AssatD ott

recornrnendation of Revenr.rc & I),M. Departurent through the ['lon'ble Mirristcr'

'fhe curses in Guwahati Metropolitan arel / l0 K M' r'ittlirts
Rev.erruc- .t D.M. etc.

fiolr bounclary of GMC area' above 2 Kathas u'ould $c clcared oply 1ft"r
approval of the Cabinet'
land settlement cascs involving land up to 2 Kathas
for residential pLrrposc in
othcr.towns / 3 K.M radius frorn boundary of towns
in the Statc may be clccidcd
zrfter clrrc llt't>cessing ll1'thc
at the level of Hon'b,le Minister, Reventre & D.M etc.
Department of Revetrtte & D'M' Departnlent'
3" All other proposals for allotment / settlemertt ol' Govt' l.and in Guwalrati

Metropolitan Area/ l0 K.M. fionr bourrdary of GMC arcet artcl in towus / I K'ivl'

than rcsictential l)tll'posc ilt casc

radius from boundary of torvns in the State other
NGOs etc' woulcl bc
of individuals, private organizations, contpanies' societies.
cleared only after approval of the cabinet except those proposals rvhich are
covered by letter No. I{SS. 183120071Pt/4, datecl 20 0612008'
processing of proposals for approval in the ca:ies rnctttiotrcd at sl. (l) a'c1 (2) ltlstt
to be carried 6ttt on incliviclual basis as is done lilr Cabinet
at prcsent'

Yours faithfullY'

Sd/- (S.C. Das, Lt\S)

Actdl. Chicrl'Secrotary to tltc Ciovt' o[ 'r\s:;rtttr
Revcnue & Disastcr Matragen'tcttlt l)cpltrttltctil

*r"- "'
-1 \ra
l't F

Menn No. RSS"I 656/20 I 3/1 I -A Dutail Di.s1tur, lltc 24"' Decctrtbar, 2()I.|
Copy 16 "-

l. The Cornmissioner, Lower Assarn Division. Guwahati / North Assanr

Division, Tezpur / Upper Assam Division, .lorhat and l-lills & Baralt Vallel'
Division, Guwalrati.
2. The Dircctor of Land Records & Surveys etc., Assanr, Rupnagar, Gur.verhati.
3. The All Deputy Commissioners (Except [{ill Districts and BTr\D Districts).
4. The All Settlernent Officers.
5. fhe All Sub Divisional Officers (Civil).
6. The P.S. to Chief Minister, Assam forkind information of the l-lon'ltlc Chit:f'
7. T'he P.S. Minister, ILevcnue & D.M. etc., Assam fol kind infolnxrtion of tlrc
Hon'blc Minister.
8. The S,O. to Chief Secretary, Assam for kind infornration of Chicf Secreterry.
9. The P.S. to Addl, Chief Secretary, Revenue & D.M. Departrnent.
10. The P.S. to Comrnissioner & Secretary, Revenuc & D.M. Departmcnt.
I l. The All Joint Sccretaries / Deputy Sccretaries / Under Secretaries, ILevcnrrc &
D.M. Departrnent.

Deputy ie Govt. ol Assarn

Itevenue & anagenrent Dcpartmcnt.


No. RSS. 2 88/ 2074/Pr/ 25 Dated Dispu4 the 17th June, 2074

Sub : Transfer of Land recorded as agricultural class but unfit for

Agricultural Activities or where there is no agricultural activities, for
establishment of Industry Educational Institutions ,/ Flealth
Institutions,/ Housing etc.

Ref : Office Memorandum No. REGN.BS/2OO9/189, dated 05-08-2013

It has come to the notice of the State Government, thar tircre ale a l;rr1gr:
number of plots of land rarhich are recorded as Agriculrural Land but in acrual pracricc
they are not fit for Agriculture or has not been cultivated for 10 (ten) years or tnorc.
With a view to ensure optimum utilization of such available land and to promote non
Agricultural Activities like sefting up of Iudustries, Educational Institutions, Flealth
Institutions, Housing etc. which:play a pivotal role in the growth and developrnent of
the State including creation of employment opportunities, the State Government liave
decided to allow Deputy Commissioners to give NOC for transfer of such land which ai'e
recorded as Agricultural Land, but which are not fit for Agriculrural purposes or wherc
there is no Agricultural Activities for last 10 (ten) years or more'after reclassification of
such plots of land. Such land will be reclassified as (a) barren and unculturable or (b)
Culturable Waste as per actual status of the land in the field. The State Governmenr has
already extended this benefit to the Mega Projects as identified / declared by Indusiric.s
& Comnrerce Department, as per State Industrial Policy.

1) The Deputy Commissioners will issue NOC on recommendation of the

Committees constituted for this purpose based on quantum of land (as mentioned
below). The Committee will decide regarding transfer based on a cletail ficld
verification report including videography / photograph of tire land. Wherever it is felr
necessary the Committee may take up field verification itself.

2) It has further come to the notice of the State Governrnerrt in mally cerses,
the present land owners of the land have not been able to utilisc the land for non-
agricultural activities like setting up of Industries, Educational Institutions, I-Iealrlr
Institutions, Housing Projects etc. or obtain loan from Financial Institutions for suclr
activities, as the same is recorded as Agricultural Land although there has becn no
Agricultural Activities for rnore than 10 (ten) years or land is unfit for agriculturc. In
such cases also the Deputy Commissioner's can take up reclassification of the land on
recommendations of the Committees based on quantum of land.

3) The Deputy Commissioners can take up reclassifications a.s per procedure

mentioned above, suo motto or on application from the Land Owner. 'Ihe applicatjon
must be from the actual Land Owners and not from any Power of Attorney Holders.

4) The Committees for recommending issue NOC or reclassilication are'as'

follows :-

a) District Comrnittee tbr plots of land of 10 (ten)I3ighas or less

Deputy Commissioner Chairman
District Agricultural Officer - Member
General Manager, DIC Membcr
Sub-Divisional Officer ( C ) Mernber
Addl. Depury Commissioner (Rev) Membi:r Convenor

t?-o L'\ot+

b) Divisional committee for land above 10 (ten) Ilighas and u1>to 50

Commissioner of the Division - Chairman
Depury Comrnissioner of the
concerned district. - Member
General Manager, DIC - Member
District Agricultural Officer of the
concerned district - Member
SA to the Divisional Commissioners - Member Convetror
c) Governtnent level Conrmittee for land 50 (fifty) Bighas or above
Addl. CS / PrinciPal SecY., Revenue - Chairman
Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture - Member
Commissioner & SecY., Industryr - Member
Commissioner & SecY., Revenue - Member Couvenor.

The Divisional and Government level Committees will take up proposals

on receipt of the same from the Depury Commissioners along with the field
Government level Committee wiil send recommendations to the concerned Depttry
Commissioner only with approval of the Governrnent in Revetrue &
Management DePartment"

4) earth filling of any low lying area is

It is to be further noted that if
necessary for setting up of Industries, Educational lnstitutions, Housing Projects, tltis
will subject to the approval of the Water Resources Departmeut to ensure proper
drainage facilities for- prevenring floods / water stagna[ion etc. and arlso sttbject to
n...rriry environmental clearance as per rules from the Pollution control Board of the
Government of Assam.

(S C Das, IAS) IT. o 6 2-oty

Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of Assam
Revenue & Disaster Management (S) Departnlent

Merno No. RSS.2 eep,Ot+tvt/ 25- A, Dated Dispttr, the 17th June, 2014

Copy to :

1. All Additional Chief Secretaries.

2. All Principal Secretaries.
3. All Commissioner & Secretaries.
4. All Divisional Cornmissioners.
5. The Director of Land Records & Surveys etc', Assam'
6. The Director of Land Requisition Acquisition & Reforms, Assatrr.
7. Deputy Commissioners (All).
B. All Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil).
9. PS to Hon'ble Chief Ministe6 Assam.
10.PS to Minister, Revenue & Disaster Management'
11.PS to MinisteE Industries & Commerce'

BY order^etc.

Deputy Secretaf to the Govt. of Assam

Revenue & DM (S)DePartmetlt
No. RSS. 5321201 1 nt.l | 52 Dated Dispur, the 21 " February, 2014.


Sub : Detail guidelines for settlement of land for thc people rcsiding for a
long tirne in Kamrup (Metropolitan) district and ndjoining trill nrcas.

Representations were received from a number of public organizations and

individuals frorn time to time calling upon the Govt. to.take necessary action tbr granting
land settlernent to the landless persons who have been in permanent occupation of Gclvt.
lands in Guwahati Metropolitan area and adjoining hill areas fbr a long tinre, by
constructing residcntial buildings etc.
In order to examine, the demands rnade by ttre above public organizatiotts,
the Governrncnt constituted a Cornrnittee headed by Dr. Bhumidhar Bannan, MLA and
consisting of Ministers, local MLAs, and public representativcs to rnake necessary
recommendations to the Government.
The Committee after due delibEration and al'ter taking into consideration
the viervs of various organizations and individuals expressed by them in their
representations and interactions, made a number of recornrnendations to tlte Governtrrent.
The above recommendations of the Courmittee, has been accepted by the
State Government. Accordingly, the following detailed guidelines are issued regarding
settlement of land to landless persons who are in continuous occupatiort of Govt. land in
Guwahati Metropolitan area since 28'h June, 2001 or prior to that date.

Comrnissioner will ,Jcntify the arcas rvhere scttlement catr be

(A) Deputy
given as per recolnrncndation of these p ,rdelines and prepare a map of- the area and
sr-rbrnit to a cornmittec rvhich will be corstituted by the State Government consisting of
fbllou'ing persons. (Ticr - II Conrrnittee)
I )
Commissioner of Division Cltairr-nan
2) Deputy Conrrnissioner, Karnrup (Metro) Mernbcr
3) CEO, GMDA Mcrnbcr
4) Cornmissioner, GMC Mcnrbcr
-5) DFO of Concerned Division Menrber
6) Executive E,ngineer of the conccrned Division, PWD Member
7) Executive Engineer of concerned
Division of Water Resource Deptt. Merrtbe:r
8) ADC, Revenue Menrber Secretary

(B) "Ihe persons rvho are eligible to get land as per these guidelines are to
submit petition (kabula petition) along with a photograph of the house to Circle Officer
concerncd. fhe petitions are to be verified by a separate circle wise cotnrnittee (Ticr - I
Con11rrittee) who rvill visit the field and the comurittee should be consisting o[

l) Additional Deputy Comrnissioner (Rcvenue) Chairtnatt.

2) Representative of GMC I N4enrbcr
3) Representative of GMDA Menrber
4) Concerned Range Officer of Forest Deptt' Mcmbet'
5) Representative of Water Resource Deptt' it4ember
6) Rcpresentative of PWD Member
7) Concertred Circle Of{icer of the Circle Membcr Secrctary
(i) The Tier-l Comrnittee will visit the site to be settled and detennine the length of
possession, total area occupied by the applicant and other rclevant matter like landless
character, citizenship and other eligibility.

(a) To determine the length of possession rvhich must be prior to 28t" June,
2001, the committee rnay exartrine
(i) Electricity Bill.
(ii) Telephone Bill,
(iii) Copy of voters list,
(iv) GMC 'Iax payment receipt and other relevant acceptable documents.
(v) The Cornmittee rnay also see the approximate age ol'the plants and trees in
the campus of the applicant to detennine thc length of possession.

(b) The committee will also see provision of road, drain and other safety
(c) The committee should ensure that the land proposed for settlement is not
under Wild I-ifc Sanctuary, Reserve Forest, Notified Forest, Proposcd Reserve Forest,
Unclassified Forest or any land barred for allotrnent / settlernent by a judicial
pronounccment or any central or State legislation.
(d) No settlement should be considered on wetland and on land which was
earlier allottcd / reserved for a Government or a public institution.
(e) If thc Cornmittee feels that the settlement is not safe fbr trabitation, thcy
may proposc fbr relocation of the petitioners.
(f) The excess land of I (one) Katha 5 (trve) Lessa to be relinquished by the
petitioner rnay be used for public prlrposes and afforestration.
(g) Rate o1'prernium for RCC house will be l00oh, for Assarn type house 30o/o

and Chali house will be l0% of the current nrarket value as already dcterrninecl by
Deputy Cornrn issioner.
(h)'the Committee rvill make recommendations for settlernent subject to safety
provisions including soil conservation and protection of environment and water bodies as

per prevailing larvs.

(D) The list of persons recommended fbr settleurent by the Tier - I Cornmittce
is to be placed before the Tier - II Conrmittee and after approval o1''fier - II Cornrnittee, it
will be sent to Govt" fbr approval. No petition or docurnent need corne to Govt.

(B) (a) After approval of Govt., Deputy Cornrnissioners will realise the
required prerniurn fiom the petitioners and correct land records accot'dingly atrcl issuc tt
special patta in the name of both tiusband and wife if thc applicant is nrarriecl along rvith
their photograph pasted on it.
(b) The land of spccial patta will not be transf'erable, It rvill be heritable only.
(c) Pennission to transfer rvill be only on extreme emergency and rvill havc tt-r
be approved by the Govt. alter l0 years of issuance of patta.
(d) If for any reason, the land so provided f,ound unused by the farnily for
idential purpose at any llrture datc, the land shall stand reverted to (]overnment.
(e) T'he farnily rvho got the land from Govt., should be obliged to ptotect the
natural character of the land. In case of violation of the natural charactcr, Govt. rvilt take
back the land.

Sd/- S.C. Das, IAS

Adcll. Chief Secretary to thc Govt. of Assam,
Revetrue & D.M. DePartment'

Memo No. RSS. 532/20 1 | lPt./ | 52- A Dated Dispur, the 21" February, 2014 -

Ccpy to :

l. The Cornmissioner Lower Assarn Division, Panbazar, Guwahati -- l.

2. Thc Director of Land Records & Surveys etc., Assattt, Rupnagar, Guwahati - 32'
3. The Dcputy Comrnissioner, Katnrup (Metro), Guwahati - 1.
4. The Deputy Cornrnissioner, Kamrup, Amingaon, Guwahati.
5. The Director of Land Requisition, Acquisition & Reforms, Rupnagar, Guwal'rati.
6. The Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Political (Cabinet Cell) p6:ptt.,
7. P.S. to Chief Minister, Assant.
8. P.S. to Minister, Revenue & D.M. etc.. Assam.
g. P.S. to Aclditional Chief Secretary, Revenuc & D.M. Departrnent, Dispur'
10" P.S. to Commissioner & Secletary, Revenue & D.M. Department, Disptrr.
I l. The principal, Assaur Survey & Settlement Training lnstitute, Dakhingaon,

Deputy ?irv to the Govt. of Assatu,

Revenue & D.M. DePartment.

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