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Under RTI ACT 2005 Section 4-1(b)
(Manual 1 to 17)


Managing Director
Dakshin Haryana bijli Vitran Nigam
Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar

Sl. particulars Pag
No. e
i Introduction 3

ii Particulars of DHBVN, Functions and duties 4

iii Power and Duties of Officers and Employees 24

iv The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and 38

records held under its control or used by its
employees for discharging its functions
v Particulars of any arrangement that exists for 40
consultation with, or representation by, the
members of public in relation to the formulation of
policy or administration thereof
vi A statement of the categories of documents that 42
are held by or under the control of the Nigam
vii Board, Councils, Committees 44

viii The names, designations and other particulars of 45

the PIOs.
ix Procedure followed in decision making process 58

x Directory of officers 59

xi Remuneration Details 78

xii The budget and plans 83

xiii Manners of execution of subsidy programmes and 102

xiv Concessions, permits or authorisation 103

xv Norms of Functions 104

xvi Information in electronic form 119

xvii Facilities to citizens for obtaining information 120

xviii Other useful information 121

Chapter -1


If there is an open public utility with means of information available to the public, there
would be greater exposure of functioning of the utility and it would help to assure the
people better and more efficient service. There can be little doubt that exposure to public
gaze and scrutiny is one of the surest means of achieving a clean and healthy working.
An open working is clean working and powerful safeguard against aberration and

Sensitised by a number of Committees and Councils working on this subject and values
of democracy, the Government of India enacted the Right to Information Act - 2005 in
June 2005. The Act in its preamble provides for setting up a practical regime for right to
information for all citizens to secure access to information under the control of every
public authority. Statutory provisions have been made, in the Act, for the right to
information and all citizens possess such right, subject to restrictions as per the Act.

This handbook is designed to provide information about the Dakshin Haryana Bijli
Vitran Nigam (DHBVN), a Government of Haryana owned and controlled company, for
citizens to secure access to information in order to promote transparency and
accountability in the working of this organisation. This handbook is useful for key public
of the DHBVN, including power utilities at the Central Government level, Haryana Power
Utilities, Government departments, suppliers, contractors, bankers, electricity consumers
and to the general public. This handbook has been prepared as per provisions
contained in the Right to Information Act - 2005.
The information provided in this handbook will be updated every year as per provisions of
the RTI Act 2005 under Section 4-1(b).

Chapter –2 (Manual-1)

Particulars of Organisation,
Functions and duties

The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) came into being
on 15th March, 1999 i.e. the date of Incorporation and received the certificate of
commencement of Business on Ist April, 1999. The company as well as the
Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) are subsidiaries of the Haryana Vidyut
Prasaran Nigam (HVPN). The HVPN, and the Haryana Power Generation
Corporation (HPGC), came in to existence pursuant to unbundling of the Haryana
State Electricity Board (HSEB) on August 14, 1998 after Haryana Electricity
Reforms Act became effective. Simultaneously, an independent regulatory body
i.e. Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission, was constituted to aid and
advise the state Government on the development of the power sector and take
appropriate measures to balance the interests of various stake holders. The
distribution assets of HVPN were transferred to DHBVN & UHBVN w.e.f. Ist July,
1999, under Second Transfer Scheme.

The DHBVN, is entrusted the responsibility of distribution and retail

supply of power within its jurisdiction comprising of eleven districts viz; Faridabad,
Mewat, Gurgaon, Rewari, Mohindergarh, Bhiwani, Hisar, Fatehabad, Palwal, Sirsa
and Jind. It operates through nine operation circles namely; Faridabad, Gurgaon,
Narnaul, Bhiwani, Hisar, Palwal, Rewari, Jind and Sirsa. The Operation circles
Palwal and Hisar includes two districts namely Mewat & Palwal and Hisar and
Fatehabad respectively.
The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam has been constituted as a
company under the provisions of the Companies Act- 1956 in public sector and
is a Government Company within the meaning of Companies Act, 1956.
The Nigam supplies power to its over 30.24 lac consumers of
different categories through distribution network of 273 substations of 33 KV
level, about 4807 feeders of 11 KV level and 243651 distribution transformers of
different levels.
The jurisdiction of the Nigam is sprawled over an area of 26636
square kilometres having geographical variations from water logged plane areas
to undulating sand dunes of the Thar Desert. The area of sand dunes is a single
crop area while in plane areas farmers take two to three crops in a year including
water-guzzling crops like rice and wheat. Irrigation of crops is largely
dependent on electricity run tube wells. The region has a density of eleven
electricity run tubewells per square kilometre area. The Nigam serves 1.49 crore
population of 3652 villages.
The DHBVN is endeavoring to improve the quantity and quality of
power supply to its consumers. During the financial year 1999-2000 (the year of
creation of the DHBVN), only 63,308 lakh units (LU) of energy was available for the
area now which has increased to 2,45,512 LU during the year 2015-2016. The
consumption grew at an average annual rate of about 15 percent since the year
1999-2000 which contributed to progress of the State and increased revenue in
flows. The falling trend of industrial consumption recorded in the earlier years has
reversed. The agriculture sector in its area could pierce through a medley of
adverse factors, like failure of Monsoons, only because of sufficient and
qualitative power.
Revenue has shown a remarkable upward trend during the period 2000 -
2001 to 2015-2016. The revenue assesed (the amount of bills raised), which was
Rs.1340 crores during the year 2000 - 2001, has increased to about Rs 9917
crores during 2015-16.
Various schemes were launched for improving consumer metering, billing
and collections. Simultaneously, for improving the customer satisfaction, many
facilities have been given to the consumers like bill collection through Mobile
kiosks and payment wallets, online payment gatewa ys, co llection
counters and mobile cash collection vans, distribution of bills through ex-
servicemen in Villages, resolution of customer billing disputes and complaints.
A Customer Care Center/ Call Center has been established at Gurgaon
for redressal of complaints of consumers relating to power supply round the
clock (24X7).


The Nigam realized that excessive length and over loading of 11 KV feeders
are the major reasons of low voltage and interruptions in power supply. To over come the
problem and to give uninterrupted power supply at proper voltage up to tail of electricity
feeders, the DHBVN rehabilitated 517 feeders of 11 KV level by dividing each feeder into
2 or 3 feeders and renovating complete system during financial year 2011-12 to 2015-16
(upto 31.12.2015). These feeders have been divided into 1034 feeders of proper load and
length. The work on 381 other feeders to divide in to 749 feeders is in progress.
Rehabilitation of 660 feeders of 11 KV level, augmentation of conductor of
70 feeders are planned to be completed in near future, thus, strengthening the distribution
system to a considerable level which shall be bifurcated in near future to overcome the
overloading of 11 KV feeders.
Complete power distribution system in a number of towns is being
renovated under different schemes so as to increase the reliability of power supply. The
total no of Distribution Transformers ending March 2015 is 236953 & 6698 nos.
Distribution Transformer added during financial year 2015-16. The Nigam plans to install
about 7000 new distribution transformers in the system and replace 800 existing
transformers of lower capacity with those of higher capacity.
To strengthen power distribution system in rural area to give electricity
connections in all households in villages, including hamlets and to provide free
connections to rural people living below poverty line, GoI, Ministry of Power (MoP) has
approved scheme amounting to Rs. 161.88 crores under DDUGJY.

The Nigam aims to develop into an efficient and successful electricity

distribution company by introducing innovative new technologies, adopting efficient
process and systems, emulating best practices in the sector and providing best
services/added value to its consumers.
The current distribution network is a legacy of the past. There have been
several innovations and new practices in the utility business, which has helped improve
operational performance and provide quality supply of electricity to the consumers. It is
the endeavor of the power distribution corporation to adopt best practices in the sector.
The Nigam would adopt a bottom up planning process to identify requirements for

renovation & modernization (R&M) and addition of new capacity in the network. The key
initiatives to improve the operational performance and service parameters for quality and
reliable supply of electricity are discussed below:-
Modernization of Low Tension Distribution System (LTDS)
The LTDS has many shortcomings like high technical loss, voltage drop due to
inadequate maintenance, system overloading /load unbalancing etc. The present network
of the company is primarily based on LTDS (over 48 %). Therefore, to improve the
efficiency in addition to LTDS modernization program; preventive & scheduled
maintenance, maintenance of safety and earthing system, maintenance of distribution
transformers, provision of adequate breakers and fuses etc. shall be undertaken on
priority basis.

Introduction of High Voltage Distribution System

It is a policy of the DHBVN to increase High Tension portion of the distribution system as it
has lower technical losses compared to the Low Tension system. (HVDS): HVDS has a
lower technical loss than LTDS. Also it reduces the non-technical losses by preventing
unauthorized use of electricity. At some places, the work of HVDS has been executed and
at some places, it is under progress. HVDS would also ensure accurate and universal
metering of all connected consumers.

Demand Side Management (DSM)

With increasing load, inadequate generation capacity addition and higher peak load
requirement, DSM has become an urgent necessity for utilities. The key objective of the
DSM is to manage the load in such a way that the load curve is flattened.
Successful implementation of DSM would require detailed understanding of the load curve
(intra day and seasonal) of the Nigam and thereafter introduction of tactical and strategic
measures to provide incentives to consumers for shifting/reducing load from peak load to
base load.
The Nigam plans to introduce Time of Day (ToD) tariff and meters to all possible
categories, whereby industrial High Tension (HT) & Low Tension (LT) consumers, large
commercial & large residential consumers would be assessed on ToD basis over the next
few years. The Nigam has executed the work of segregation of Rural Domestic Load from
Agricultural load to off peak time and promote energy efficiency measures like the usage
of capacitors amongst agricultural consumers. For effective DSM in the agricultural areas,
switchable capacitors are being planned/used.
In addition to the above technical measures, public awareness program shall be initiated
to promote energy efficient appliances like CFL, especially in public street lightings.
Different means of publicity are being used to create awareness for energy efficiency. It is
planned to introduce prepaid metering system to motivate consumers to conserve

Energy Accounting and Audit

One of the critical inputs for better planning of the distribution systems is acquisition
and recording of energy flow data. The energy flow data at all interface points is critical
information which assists in proper diagnosis of problems in the system and provides
leads towards proper use of electricity. Therefore, an energy accounting and audit
system is essential for prioritization of specific projects under various schemes like
systems improvement program and HVDS. A SCADA based system for energy
accounting and audit is being implemented and consumer profiling & indexing shall be
carried out in all the major towns of the corporation with detailed GIS mapping.

“Urban Agenda” Distribution Infrastructure Planning for Urban Areas:

The Nigam has a significant presence of residential consumers and has a large network in
the cities and towns. This would require it to Improve its infrastructure to reduce accidents
and also require it to dovetail its planning to the overall urban plan for meeting public laws
and traffic Regulations and for overall aesthetic consideration of city planning. The
Company plans to take conversion of overhead lines with underground cables, which are
safer than the overhead lines. The underground cables would also reduce the theft of

Follwing are the some schemes which are being implemented/to be

implemented in near future:-

R-APDRP Scheme:
Scope of the Programme:-
The focus of the programme shall be the actual, demonstrable performance in terms of
sustained loss reduction, establishment of reliable and automated systems for sustained
collection of accurate base line data, and the adoption of Information Technology in the
areas of energy accounting shall be necessary pre-conditions before sanctioning any
regular distribution strengthening project. The pre-conditions will enable objective
evaluation of the performance of utilities before and after implementation of the
programme, and will enforce internal accountability leading to better performance.

The project area coverage will be urban areas – towns and cities with a population of more
than 30,000. Projects under the present scheme shall be taken up in Two Parts. Part-A
shall include the projects for establishment of baseline data and IT applications for energy
accounting/auditing and IT based consumer service centers. Part-B shall include regular
distribution strengthening projects.
The activities to be covered under each part are as follows:-
R-APDRP Part–A: Preparation of Base-line data for the project area covering Consumer
Indexing, GIS Mapping, Metering of Distribution Transformers and Feeders, and Automatic
Data Logging for all Distribution Transformers and Feeders and SCADA / DMS system
(only in project areas having a population over 4 lacs and annual input energy of 350 MU).
It would include Asset Mapping of the entire distribution network at and below the level of
11kV transformers and shall include the Distribution Transformers and Feeders, Low
Tension lines, poles and other distribution network equipment. It will also include adoption
of IT applications for meter reading, billing & collection; energy accounting and auditing;
MIS; redressal of consumer grievances; establishment of IT enabled consumer service
centers etc. The base line data and required system shall be verified by an independent
agency appointed by the Ministry of Power.

Scheme Sanction Parameters under Part-A of R-APDRP:

1. Part-A Project:
Date of Sanction: Sept., 2009
Sanctioned amount= Rs. 90.47 Crore.
Towns covered= 16 no. (Ellenabad, Dabwali, Sirsa, Fatehabad, Tohana, Barwala,
Hansi, Hisar, Bhiwani, Dadri, Narnaul, Rewari, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Hodal, Palwal)
2. SCADA Part-A Project:
Date of Sanction: August, 2013
Sanctioned amount= Rs. 24.29 Crore.
Town covered= Faridabad

R-APDRP Part–B: Renovation, modernization and strengthening of 11 kV level

Substations, Transformers/Transformer Centers, Re-conductoring of lines at 11kV level
and below, Load Bifurcation, Feeder Separation, Load Balancing, HVDS (11kV), Aerial
Bunched Conductoring in dense areas, replacement of electromagnetic energy meters
with tamper proof electronic meters, installation of capacitor banks and mobile service
centers etc. In exceptional cases, where the sub-transmission system is weak,
strengthening at 33 kV or 66 kV levels may also be considered.
Scheme Sanction Parameters:
Date of Sanction: Aug., 2013
Sanctioned amount= Rs. 120.61 Crore.
Town covered for SCADA Project= Faridabad.

Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI):-

The brief about the AMI project is as under:-

World Bank funding DHBVN has initiated the scheme for installation of 78500 smart
meters in Faridabad and Gurgaon. Rs.105 cr. financial assistant shall be availed from
World Bank for the Development of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI).

The scope of the AMI project is as under:-

1. Complete system is to be established by selected AMI Implementation Agency (AMI-

IA) within 24 months from the date of award of work and thereafter the same agency to
provide O&M support for five years.

2. The operation & maintenance (O&M) period will be reckoned from the date of complete
roll out as per time schedule mentioned in project schedule. The agency will also be
responsible for the partial operations of the system during the implementation

3. Proposed AMI System should be scalable in nature taking into consideration an

average growth rate of consumers and associated infrastructure to be 7.5 % per
annum for the complete project duration from the date of award of contract. Enterprise-
wide license for the software components is a mandatory requisite. Proposed
infrastructure at Back End in Data Center (DC) and Disaster Recovery Center (DRC)
should be scalable to handle all connections of DHBVN i.e. 3 millions.

4. The scope of work shall include, in complete conformity with subsequent sections of
the specifications, site survey, planning, design, engineering, manufacturing, supply,
transportation & insurance, delivery at site, unloading, handling, storage, installation,
integration, configuration, testing, commissioning, demonstration for acceptance,
training, operation, maintenance and documentation.

DDUGJY (Erstwhile RGGVY):-

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY) (Erstwhile Rajiv Gandhi
Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)) was a launched by Ministry of Power
(MoP), Government of India on dated 18.3.2005. DDUGJY is Govt. of India
flagship Programme which is aimed at electrification of un-electrified villages & un-
electrified rural Below Poverty Line (BPL) households throughout the country. The
scheme was to be implemented through Rural Electric Corporation (REC) with a
provision of 90% capital subsidy. In DHBVN, under XI plan Phase-I, the electrical
connections to 115791 no. rural BPL families have been provided in 7 no. districts
of DHBVN at an expenditure of Rs. 95.96 Cr. and under XI plan phase-II, the work
of releasing connections free of cost to rural BPL families in the Gurgaon,
Faridabad and Palwal districts is in process.
Scheme Sanction Parameters:

Particular Gurgaon Project Faridabad Project Palwal Project

Date of Sanction December, 2011 December, 2011 December, 2011
Sanctioned amount 4.24 4.44 8.33
(in Rs. Cr.)

IPDS & DDUGJY Schemes under DHBVN

Description of schemes:-

The Govt. of India has launched Two flagship programmes Named

Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) and Deendayal Upadhayaya Gram
Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) for development in power sector in India. The major
components of both programmes are:-
(i) Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS):- The projects under the scheme
shall be formulated for urban areas (Statutory Towns) only and will cover works
relating to strengthening of sub-transmission & distribution network, including
provisioning of solar panels on Govt. buildings including Net-metering, metering of
feeders /distribution transformers /consumers and IT enablement of distribution
sector. Scope of IT enablement extended to the statutory towns having population
upto 5000 as per Census 2011. In 1st phase towns having population upto 15000
may be taken up and the population threshold may be gradually reduced to 5000.
For special category states the population threshold may be 5000.

(ii) Deendayal Upadhayaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY):- The projects under the
scheme shall be formulated for rural areas only and will cover works relating to:
(a) Separation of agriculture and non-agriculture feeders facilitating judicious roistering
of supply to agricultural & non- agricultural consumers in the rural areas;
(b) Strengthening and augmentation of sub-transmission & distribution (ST&D)
infrastructure in rural areas, including metering at distribution transformers, feeders
and consumers end.

M/s ERDA has been appointed as PMA for IPDS and M/s WAPCOS for

The monitoring committee of MoP/GoI has approved DPRs amounting to

Rs. 309.80 crore for IPDS and Rs. 161.88 for DDUGJY for DHBVN.

The preparation of NIT for engaging the partial turnkey contractor for
executing the works under IPDS and DDUGJY is under process.

JICA Funded Project under DHBVN

1. Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) funded projects:-

 Chief Engineer/PD&C, UHBVN Panchkula is nodal offices for Haryana.
 The proposals to the tune of Rs. 619.60 Crores for DHBVN stands
 DPRs for all works, except System strengthening of Gurgaon circle, stands
 The tendering schedule for projects to be funded under JICA scheme stands
approved from JICA authorities.
 Tender documents for various packages are under scrutiny of JICA

Duties of the DHBVN

1. To supply electricity now in eleven districts of Southern Haryana viz.

Sirsa, Fatehabad, Hisar, Bhiwani, Mahendragarh, Rewari, Gurgaon,
Mewat, Jind, Palwal and Faridabad.
2. To ensure regular and qualitative power supply.
3. To ensure power supply to all categories of consumers as per norms fixed
by the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERC).
4. To release electricity connections to all categories of applicants including
domestic, non-domestic, agriculture, industrial, bulk supply, railway, water
works, streetlights, etc.
5. To attend daily complaints and faults in power supply and redress
grievances of consumers.
6. Setting up of 33/11 KV substations and distribution transformers.
7. Erection of 33 KV, 11 KV and low tension (LT) lines.
8. Operation and maintenance of transmission system of 33 KV level and
distribution system.
9. Augmentation and renovation of transmission system of 33 KV level and
distribution system.
10. To check pilferage of electricity, to protect the right of consumers.
11. To encourage consumers to use only ISI/BIS/star rated marked
electricity equipment and gadgets.
12. To educate consumers on safe and optimum/rational use of electricity.
13. To provide guidelines to consumers for using electricity gadgets and
motors of actual declared rating and safety of their installations.
14. To educate consumers on power conservation.



CE/HR & Admn.
cum-Finance Director/OP Company Secy.

CE/R-APDRP CE/PD&C CE/MM CE/Comml. CE/Op. Delhi CE/Op. Hisar CFO SE/Admn. SE/HR

SE/R-APDRP SE/P&D SE/MM SE/Comml. SE/Faridbad SE/Hisar FA/HQ CCO

CAO/Pay &
SE/Const. COS SE/M&P Gurgaon SE/Gurgaon SE/Bhiwani

SE/Civil FA/MM SE/SO SE/Narnaul SE/Sirsa Chief Auditor

FA/PD SE/Energy Audit SE/Rewari SE/Jind

SE/IT SE/Palwal

Office of Chairman

The office of the Chairman, DHBVN is located in Shakti Bhawan, Sector-6 Panchkula.

Office of Managing Director

The Office of the Managing Director, DHBVN is located in Nigam’s head office Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut
Nagar at Hisar. Personal staff of the MD includes a Sr. Private Secretary, a assistant and a clerk. While,
CE/HR&Admn., Company Secretary, XEN (Monitoring) report directly to the Managing Director. The MD is
assisted by three whole time directors viz. Director (Operations), Director (Projects), and Director Finance.
Director (Projects): His office is located in Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar. He generally controls Planning,
design and construction works in addition to material management. He is assisted by three Chief Engineers, each
for Material Management and Planning, Design and Construction/ R-APDRP, Smart City and seven Superintending
Director (Finance) : His office is located in Vidyut Sadan Vidyut Nagar, Hisar and generally looks after the finance
related issues of all the Haryana Power Utilities.
Director (Operations): His office is located in Vidyut Sadan, Vidyut Nagar, Hisar. He controls his organisation
through Chief Engineer, Operation Zone- Hisar, Chief Engineer, Operation Zone- Delhi and Chief Engineer/
Commercial (Superintending Engineers ( Metering and Protection) and Superintending Engineer (System
Operation) and SE/Energy Audit, SE/Regulatory Affairs, SE/IT & SE/Commercial.
The Operation Zone Hisar comprises of Four operation Circles namely Operation Circle Sirsa, Hisar,
Bhiwani & Jind . The Operation Zone Delhi comprises of Five Operation Circle Narnaul, Gurgaon, Faridabad,
Rewari & Palwal etc. Each operation circle is headed by a Superintending Engineer.

It is a right time for Haryana to further accelerate the pace of economic growth to become
number one state of India. The growth graph can rise only upon the foundations that the
infrastructure sector, particularly the power sector, can and must provide.
To give a strong base to the agricultural, industrial and economic growth of Haryana, the
Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) is committed to set new benchmarks in
standards of corporate performance through the pursuit of operational and financial excellence. It
aspires to be the best distribution company in India by enhancing its technological leadership and
consumer satisfaction. Nevertheless, to provide quality electricity-supply-service to consumers in
most effective and efficient manner at reasonable tariff through continuous innovations is
considered to be the strongest factor of consumer satisfaction. The DHBVN has also to uphold
the guiding principle of trust, integrity and transparency in all aspects of interactions and
dealings. Sound financial health also finds prominent place on its agenda.

DHBVN Mission: Excellence in power distribution.

1. The DHBVN rededicates it to serve masses by extending reliable, quality,

uninterrupted, safe and clean power supply to consumers at affordable
tariff to boost agricultural, industrial and economic development in Haryana.

Priority Focus on:-

• Augmentation, renovation and modernisation of existing distribution system.

• Expansion and strengthening of distribution network.
• Preventive maintenance of distribution system.

2. The DHBVN is determined to bring down line losses.

Focus on:

• Feeder upgradation and load rationalization by bifurcation and trifurcation of existing

overloading feeders
• Creation of new 33/11 KV substations
• Augmentation of existing 33/11 KV substations
• Adding new DTs
• Augmentation of overloaded DTs
• Strengthening of LT network
• Replacement of electromechanical meters with electronic meters
• Replacement of all defective meters, defective meters to be replaced within 2 billing cycles.
• Relocation of meters outside the premises
• Replacement of bare conductors with AB cables in theft prone areas
• Meter reading through AMR for consumers with load above 50 KW in R-APDRP Towns
• Implementation of AMI for consumers with load between 10 to 20 KW in Faridabad and
The major benefits of the above activities are:-

 To meet with the load growth in the area

 To release new connection of various categories
 Reduction in loading on existing sub-stations/ HT-LT systems
 Reduction of AT&C losses of the overloaded system
 Minimization of human intervention for meter reading
 No blockage of revenue on account of defective meter
 Curbing pilferage of energy by unauthorised consumers
 Accurate recording of energy consumption
 Avoidance of meter tampering
 Mitigate direct hooking on LT system

3. Improvement in collection efficiency will be the base of consistently

achieving high growth and financial viability.
Focus on:

For improvement of collection efficiency, Number of payment avenues will be substantially

increased and more consumer friendly gateways will be introduced. The initiatives will be taken
to increase the online payment through Net Banking, Debit/ Credit card
payment/Kiosks/Banks/Mobile banking etc.

A special focus shall be given for recovery of Arrears. The team shall do the rigorous follow up
with the consumers for recovery of arrears and if required the connection of defaulting
consumers will be disconnected. Part payment of outstanding amount will be accepted on case to
case basis for speedy recovery.

Under this initiative the dues of Government Deptt. will be monitored through a special cell at
DISCOM level which shall have liasioning with the respective Government departments.

Government subsidies will be collected timely through a special ‘Co-ordination cell’ consisting
Government and DISCOM officials.

4. The DHBVN commits to honesty, integrity and transparency in actions to

achieve higher level of consumer satisfaction.
Focus on:-

• Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (HERC’s) standards of performance is to

be citizens’ charter.
• Connections to be released on demand.
• To set up customer care centers to give single window facility to consumers.
• Use of Ex-servicemen power to improve consumer service.
• To evolve better consumer dealing and complaint handling system at sub-divisional level.
• To create consumer friendly environment at sub-divisional offices and complaint centres.
• To start mobile complaint handling system.

5. The DHBVN perpetrates to encourage and support energy savings activities

and demand side management optimizing the use of electricity.

Focus on:-

To efficiently utilize the energy in peak hours, some initiatives are taken under Demand Side
Management (DSM). For this purpose, energy efficient LED lamps will be distributed to
household consumers (10 LED lamps per house) under EELP (Energy Efficient Lighting
program) project catering to 43.48 Lacs of consumers for Haryana state (Approximately 50%
in DHBVN area). This may lead to energy savings of approximately 580 MUs and reduction in
peak load demand by 330 MW in DHBVN area. The project is expected to be completed by
31st March, 2019.

The outcome from above implementation along with the desired results achieved through
loss reduction activity will be leveraged to extend 24X7 power supply to area progressively.

6. The DHBVN promises modernisation of management to bring about cost

effectiveness and efficiency in functioning.
Focus on:-

• Evolving participatory management to enable workers and managers discuss vital issues
together and work hand in hand towards common goals.
• Persistent drive for increase in revenue and reduction in costs.
• To encourage ideas, talent and value system.
• To train manpower for upgradation of knowledge.
• To promote a work culture that fosters individual growth, team spirit and creativity to
overcome challenges and attain goals.
• Circles to act as profit centres; buy the power they require, pay for it and meet their
expanses through their own income.

7. The DHBVN realizes inherent potential in new technology, particularly

information technology, for improving efficiency, accounting, information
level and consumer satisfaction.

Focus on:

• Web based availability of each and every information (Information publishing).

• Information facilitation counters/ consumer helpline centres at sub-divisional level.
• Web based database publishing.
• Development of IT within the organization under R-APDRP.
• Lesser paper office/ Paperless office.
• Providing means of communication of latest technology to maximum number of
• E – tendering.
• Network mapping.
• Data logging.
• Remote meter reading.
• Electricity distribution automation.


The DHBVN and its employees affirm and commit themselves to dedication to duty, integrity
and honesty, transparency in work, cost consciousness, openness to suggestions and feedback
from all stake holders and consumers. We are connected to consumers by more than electricity
lines and believe in leading by example in consumer satisfaction. We are proud being creators of
base for over all development of Haryana and India.

Chapter-3 (Manual-2)

Powers & duties of Officers and Employees.

Managing Director, Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers, Executive
Engineers, Assistant Executive Engineers, Assistant Engineers, Chief Accounts
Officers, Chief Auditor, Financial Advisers etc. have been delegated powers for
carrying different works and a book titled ‘Delegation of Powers’ containing all
detailed information in this regard has been published separately. In addition,
Haryana & Punjab PWD(B&R) specifications , Haryana Schedule of Rates and
Indian Standards Codes are also used in carrying out a number of works.
2 Manuals for general terms and conditions for civil, mechanical, electrical
works: This Book contains rules, regulations, terms & conditions for carrying the
different civil works, mechanical works and electrical works and for awarding
contract for different works like construction of buildings, roads, substations,
transmission and distribution lines etc. A Book has been published separately.
3. Purchase Manual : In the purchase regulations, N.I.T., floating for purchase of
different material for D.H.B.V.N. , its officers have been given different powers,
details of which is given in purchase regulations. The manual is published
4. Store Manual: The material purchased by DHBVN such as transformers, meters,
conductor, oil, capacitors, breakers, panels etc. is receiving in its stores and, through
stores, it is sent to respective offices. Unusable or obsolete material/equipment is
returned by the field offices to the store. The store authority completes process of
auction of such material and equipments. To regulate these activities, the powers and
duties of officers have been given in this regulation book which has been published
5. Sales Manual :- This book contains sales circulars, pertaining to rules, regulations,
terms & conditions on power tariff and other charges, release of new connections,
acceptance of load, load rating, meter reading, bill preparations, bill collections,
power theft cases, installation of maintenance of metering equipments, revenue
matters, and different schemes on consumer motivation. A book has been published

Duties of Officers
The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam is managed by Board of Directors
appointed by the Government of Haryana. The present composition of Board of
Directors is as follows:-
NO. Name Prime Designation Designation on
1 Sh. Rajan Kumar Gupta, I.A.S Additional Chief Secretary Chairman
(Power) Govt. of Haryana &
Chairman HPUs
2 Sh. Arun Kumar Verma Managing Director, DHBVNL Managing
3 Sh. Vineet Garg, I.A.S Managing Director, HVPNL Director

4 Sh. Nitin Kumar Yadav, I.A.S Managing Director, UHBVNL Director

5 Sh. M.K.V. Rama Rao Managing Director, HPGCL Director

6 Sh. Ravinder Kumar Batra Director/Operation, DHBVNL Director

7 Vacant Director/Project, DHBVNL Director

8 Sh. Anil Gupta Part Time Director-Independent Director-

1 Sh. Harjinder Singh Company Secretary, DHBVN Company
1 Sh. M.K.V. Rama Rao Managing Director, HPGCL Chairman

2 Sh. Ravinder Kumar Batra Director/Operation, DHBVNL Member

3 Sh. Anil Gupta Director-Independent Member


1 Sh. Harjinder Singh Company Secretary, DHBVN Secretary

Managing Director:
The Managing Director is vested with the powers of managing over all affairs of
Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam under the superintendence and control of
Board of Directors.
He fixes targets for different officers and offices and analyses their performance.
The Managing Director keeps liaison with the State Government, Haryana
Regulatory Electricity Commission, other Haryana Power Utilities, World Bank,
Power Financial Corporation, Rural Electrification Corporation etc.

Besides his contribution in decision making by participating in the meetings of
Board of Directors and Whole Time Directors, the Director/Op. looks after the
work of electricity supply in the area of D.H.B.V.N.
He also looks after the work of issuing Sales Circulars and instructions on different
aspects of power distribution and instructions relating to dispatch of material and
bifurcation and trifurcation of electricity feeders. The Director/Op. Coordinate with
the Power Utilities from whom the DHBVN purchase the electricity.

In addition to his contribution in decision making and policy formulation by
participating in the meetings of Board of Directors and Whole Time Directors, the
Director/Projects looks after the work of Planning , expansion and augmentation of
power transformers, distribution transformers, designing work and construction of
& Design system.
He also looks after the work of Planning and Maintenance of 33KV substations
release of HT Tubewell connections on Turn Key Basis, and Planning and
execution of any new scheme. Besides this, he looks after the important work of
Material Management also.

Chief Engineer/Material Management
1. Chief Engineer/M.M. is holding the charge of material management of the D.H.B.V.N.
2. He prepares the annual requirement of different type of materials required in new
construction, maintenance of all installations and day- do-day operation of power
3. He purchases material and distributes in field offices through stores as per their
requirement and availability of material.
4. He is assisted by the offices of Superintending Engineer/MM and Controller of Stores.

Chief Engineer/PD&C:
1. Chief Engineer/PD&C pay head to the work of planning, designing and construction of
power transmission and distribution system.
2. He prepares annual plans for the construction and augmentation of 33KV substations
their feeding lines, construction and rehabilitation of 11KV feeders and setting up of
additional distribution transformers.
3. He prepares the plans and schemes under different Projects of Central Government
Projects like Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program, Rajiv Gandhi
Vidyutikaran Yojna, National Capital Rigion Development Project, World Bank
Projects, Rural Electrification Corporation Projects, NEF, JICA funded schemes,
24X7 scheme etc/Other projects.
4. He prepares annual outlay for development activities.
5. He carries the construction works of 33 KV substations, augmentation of 33 KV
substations, erection of 33 KV and 11 KV new lines and bifurcation of 11 KV existing
6. He is assisted in his work by Superintending Engineer/Const, Superintending
Engineer/Planning & Design.

1. The CE/Comml. looks after the work of commercial performance of DHBVN.
2. He prepares Sales Circulars and instructions on different aspects of operation of
electricity supply.
3. He prepares Annual Revenue Report of D.H.B.V.N. for submitting to Haryana
Electricity Regulatory Commission.
4. He also supervises the work of system operation all over the area of DHBVN and
issue power supply regulatory measures in consultation with the Haryana Power
Generation Corporation, the Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam, the Bhakra Beas
Management Board the Haryana Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd., etc.

1. Financial Scrutiny of the property returns upto the level of SEs and equivalent ranks and status.
2. Grant of permission for the purchase and sale of moveable and immovable property upto the
level of SE and equivalent ranks and status. Anything un-usual or suspicious would, however, be
brought to the notice of C.M.D. DHBVNL for suitable action.
3. Conveying of adverse remarks of QRs up to SE level and equivalent ranks and status.
4. Grant of GPF (refundable and Non-refundable) upto the level of SEs and equivalent ranks and
5. Sanctioning of family pension/retiring & commutation of pension up to the level of SEs and
equivalent ranks and status as per rules.
6. To sanction the time barred medical claims of Class-I & class-II officers upto the level of SE for
more than 01 year old.
7. Grant of leave encashment to Class-I & II officers at the time of retirement under the normal
rules upto SE level.
8. To issue No Demand Certificate in respect of Class-I & II officers upto the rank & status of SE at
the time of retirement.
9. To circulate the requisitions received from Govt. of India/Central Electricity
Authority/NREB/BBMB/BCB in respect of Xens and below and forwarding the names of Xens
and below to the said authority at officers own request subject to clearance by immediate
Superior through proper channel.
10. Change of Cadre of Non-Gazetted staff from Field to Head office or Vice-versa.
11. Industrial relations.
12. To sanction LTC upto the level of SE and equivalent ranks.
13. To sanction pension contribution-Residual amount limit upto the level of SE and equivalent rank.
14. To sanction Medical re-imbursement claims to all Class-I & II under normal rules. In case
relaxation is involved, the cases will be put up to the Managing Director, DHBVNL for approval.
15. Disposal of complaints (whether anonymous or otherwise) received direct or through the State
Govt. against various Class-II officers and against AEE.
16. Issue of “No Objection Certificate” upto the rank of SEs and equivalent ranks for the purpose of
securing passport for private visits abroad.
17. Sanctioning of family pension and other benefits in respect of deceased Class-I & II employees
by dispensing with the date of birth certificate and medical certificate at the time of entry into
service or by dispensing with any other type of formalities required after, of course, recording
reasons in writing.
18. Release of GP Fund and ex-gratia grant due to the heirs of the deceased in accordance with rules,
in respect of Gazetted staff.
19. Crossing of E.B. upto the level of Xen and equivalent ranks.
20. Extension of probationary period of the officers upto the rank of Xens and equivalent ranks.
21. Permission to officers upto to the rank of Xen and equivalent ranks to appear in different Exams.
22. Crossing of Efficiency Bar of Accounts officers/ Under Secretaries/Administrative Officers/
Private Secretary/ Sr. P.S./ Law Officers/ Public Relation Officers and Hindi Officers.
23. To authorize period spent in “compulsory waiting” upto rank of AEE and equivalent ranks.
24. Retention beyond 50/55 years of age in DHBVNL service upto the level of SE and equivalent
rank under normal rules.
25. Permission for regular employees (including retiree) for changing their permanent home
addresses for Class-I & II officers.
26. Permission for retention of family by employees’ upto the rank of Class-I at their previous station
of posting for a period of maximum one year under normal rules.
27. To grant permission to avail Free Electricity Units at a place other than place of posting to all
Class-I & II officers.

This supersedes all the previous order issued from time to time in this regard.
Superintending Engineer/Admn.
1. Conveying of adverse remarks of QRs upto SE level and equivalent ranks and status.
2. Grant of G.P.F. (refundable and Non-refundable) upto the level of SEs and equivalent ranks
and status.
3. To sanction time barred claims of Class-I & II officers upto the level of SE for more than 6
years old.
4. Grant of leave encashment to Class-I and II officers at the time of retirement under the
normal rules upto SE level.
5. To issue No Demand Certificate in respect of Class-I and II officers upto the rank & status
of SE at the time of retirement.
6. To sanction LTC upto the level of SE and equivalent ranks.
7. To sanction pension contribution-residual amount limit upto the level of SE and equivalent
8. To sanction medical re-imbursement claims to all Class-I & II under normal rules. In case
relaxation is involved, the cases will be put up to the Managing Director, DHBVNL, for

9. To issue No Objection Certificate upto the rank of SEs and equivalent ranks for the purpose
of securing passport for private visits abroad.
10. Sanctioning of family pension/retirement pension, commutation of pension and other
benefits like GPF, ex-gratia grant etc. in respect of deceased/retiring class-I and II
employees by dispensing with the date of birth certificate and medical certificate at the time
of entry into service or by dispensing with any other type of formalities required after, of
course, recording reasons in writing.
11. Permission to officers’ upto the rank of Xen and equivalent ranks to appear in different
12. To authorize period spent in “compulsory waiting” upto the rank of AEE and equivalent
13. Permission for regular employees (including retiree) for changing their permanent Home
addresses for class-I and II officers.
14. Permission for retention of family by employees’ upto the rank of class-I at their previous
station of posting for a period of maximum one year under normal rules.

15. To grant permission to avail free electricity units at a place other than place of posting of all
Class-I and II officers.

16. Controls the cadre of sectional officers, divisional accountants/revenue accountants.

The existing order/instructions connected with “Delegation of Powers” contained in

orders/circulars issued from time to time regarding the above categories of officers shall be deemed
to have been modified/substituted to the above extent.

Note: The Managing Director, DHBVN would reserve the right to call for any case
relating to all matters listed above and pass appropriate orders thereon.

Chief Communications Officer
1 To create a favourable opinion by highlighting achievements.
2 To inform consumers or public through press releases, announcements and
advertisements on planned shut downs/outages/ low frequency.
3 To educate public on conservation of electricity, safe use of electricity,
optimum/rational use of electricity.
4 Liaison with media.
5 To organise seminars, radio talks, press conferences, TV programmes,
exhibitions, etc.
6 To bring out PR publications.
7 To cover field ceremonial programmes and publicity thereof.
8 To cover and organise Bijli Sabhas for redressal of complaints.
9 Feedback to the management and concerned organisation.
10 Value added service.
11 To issue rebuttals, clarifications on doubts and countering rumours.
12 Publicity of different schemes of the DHBVN.
13 Anti-theft advocacy.
14 Involvement of community leaders and other stakeholders in Nigam's affairs,
particularly for sending message to public.
15 Publication of all types of advertisements of the DHBVN, including NITs,
Public Notices, Auction Notices and publicity oriented display advertisements
and to handle bills thereof and payment.
16 Internal communication.
17 Entertainment activities and cultural programmes.
18 To motivate consumers to pay bills in time.
19 Translation from English to Hindi.
20 Improve corporate image.
21 Enhance consumer loyalty.
22 Maintain two way persuasive and effective communication.
23 Educate and inform public in general on power position.
24 Beneficially influence and change the culture in the organization and so on.

Financial Adviser/HQ
1. Financial planning and general budgeting.
2. Arranging long term and working capital funds for financing the capital projects and working
capital requirement of the Nigam from Banks, FIs and other institutions.
3. Arranging subsidy, equity and other grants and loans from the State/Central Govt. against
budgetary support.
4. Managing loan portfolio, repayments etc.
5. Daily funds management.
6. Reconciliation of revenue remitted into Banks.
7. Coordination with the State Govt. regarding pay & Allowances and other establishment issues,
adoption of State Govt. instructions relating to financial matters and related clarifications.
8. Centralized deposit of tax deducted at source (TDS) by various Nigam DDOs.

Chief Accounts Officer

1. Maintenance & finalization of Accounts of the Nigam.
2. Advising field staff on accounting policies and procedures.
3. Insurance matters.
4. Maintenance of Cash Book and payment for head office contingencies, staff related
liabilities and other statutory payments.
5. Income Tax: Tax Audit, TDS, filling return of income Assessment, Appeal, Fringe benefit
tax and tax planning.
6.. Compliance of various provisions of Sales Tax Act and Rules including professional Tax,
Service Tax etc.
7. Corporate Taxation-Income Tax, Sales Tax, Service Tax, Professional Tax.
8. Disbursement of pay and allowances of all officers and non-gazetted establishment of Head
9. Finalization of pension cases of all the retired employees of the DHBVN.
10. Monitoring of Material at Site Accounts.
11. Management of trusts for pension and GPF.
12. Pay verification of employees of Nigam.

Chief Auditor
1. Internal Audit of revenue and expenditure accounts of the Nigam.
2. Follow up of Audit Reports of RAO/CAG.
3. Coordinate on the matters relating to the Vidhan Sabha Committee on Public Undertakings
4. Ensuring implementation of overall policy of the Company relating to procedural aspect
and internal control procedures & risk management aspects.
5. Advising field staff on internal audit procedure.

SE/Information Technology:

1. Maintenance of DHBVN website.

2. Maintenance of Lease lines.
3. Implementation & Maintenance of IT aspects of the following projects:
a) On line Cash collection and reconciliation system.
b) Consumer Grievance redressel system
c) Court case monitoring system
d) Call Center of DHBVN & UHBVN
e) SMS Gateway
f) Online web based MIS system/CM Dashboard
g) Centralized File movement and tracking system
h) Strengtheining of IT cell funded by World Bank
4. CM Window and Management of Complaints
5. Mobile communication Co-ordination
6. Computer Hardware/ Software – Procurement and maintenance.
7. Biometric attendance co-ordination
8. AMC of computer systems
9. Theft information scheme
Company Secretary: He is reporting to the Managing Director of the Nigam and looking
after the following activities:-
1. Convening Board Meetings & taking follow up action on the decision taken.
2. Convening Shareholders' Meetings.
3. Convening Meetings of Whole Time Directors, Audit Committee Meetings.
4. Compliance of all statutory requirements under the companies Act, 1956.

Note: The Functions of officials indicated under the heading of powers and duties,
and responsibilities may change depending upon the availability of the officials and
vacancy situations, wherein the M.D. may make adjustments based on
Superintending Engineer/Metering & Protection
1. Periodical testing of CT operated LT connections and CVT PT
operated HT connections.
2. Besides, periodical checking, of all the 33KV substations including
working of feeder meters.
3. Pre-commissioning and commissioning of new 33KV substation as well as
testing of power transformers in case of augmentation or replacement of
damaged power transformers.
4. To attend the fault of Industries having CTPT operated meters.
5. To attend emergency break down in respect of 33KV substations.
6. In addition to above, for the last four months, the target of detection of theft of
electricity has been fixed for the M&P organization.

Chief Engineer/Op. Hisar

1. The area of Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam is divided into two Operation Zones
each headed by a Chief Engineer/Op. The Chief Enginer/Op. Hisar looks after power
supply and maintenance of transmission and distribution system in the Operation
Circles Hisar, Sirsa, Bhiwani & Jind.
2. He also analyse and supervise all commercial activities in the Zone and ensures that the
works are being carried out according to policies and instructions of the DHBVN.
3. The Chief Engineer/Op. Office receives annual plans, plans for expansion of
transmission and distribution system, augmentation of the system and maintenance of
the system.
4. Annual requirements of funds and material sent by the field office to the Head Office
also route through the office of C.E./Op.
5. SE/HR, DHBVN, Hisar is the cadre controlling authority of all technical employees
upto the rank of Junior Engineer-I, hence looks after the work of promotion, posting
and transfer, leave, charge-sheets, enquiry and punishments etc.

Chief Engineer/Op. Delhi
1. Chief Engineer/Op. Delhi looks after all those works in Operation Circles Faridabad,
Gurgaon, Narnaul, Rewari & Palwal which are being carried out by C.E./Op. Hisar in
his zone area.
2. SE/HR, DHBVN, Hisar is the cadre controlling authority of ministerial staff of field
cadre upto rank of Supdt. (Field Cadre). hence looks after the work of promotion,
posting and transfer, leave, charge- sheets, enquiry and punishments etc.
3. To check power theft and unscrupulous activities.

Superintending Engineers/Op. are overall in-charge of a circle.

1. Responsible for power supply in the area of their respective circle.

2. Analysis and supervision of all commercial activities in the circle including revenue

3. Operation and maintenance of the system and to ensures that the works are being
carried out according to policies and instructions of the DHBVN

1. New Distribution network.

2. Rural Electrification schemes.
3. Loss reduction measures.
4. Installation checking.
5. Work contracts.
6. Procurement of decentralized items.
7. Project Planning and monitoring etc.
8. HR and Establishment activities.
9. Arrangement of funds as per annual requirement of field offices.
10. Preparing annual budget and annual requirement of material for their circles.
11. Holding Bijli Sabha to listen and redress the complaint of the
12. Sanctioning new connections and load extension as per his powers in respect of all
category of consumers.
16 Administrative and technical sanction for maintenance of distribution system
upto 11KV level.

17 Participating in Operation Review Meeting at different levels and is
responsible for making coordination between the field offices and the Head
18 Coordinating between the district administration and DHBVNL field offices.
19 To check power theft and unscrupulous activities.

Executive Engineers/Op. are overall in-charge of a Division for,

1. Monitoring and execution of works including new construction works of distribution
system, augmentation works, maintenance works, renovation works, improvement
works, etc.
2. Sanctioning estimates and plans, worth Rs.1.00 Lac to 5.00 lacs

3. Monitoring regular power supply within the jurisdiction of their respective operation

4. Checking power theft and unscrupulous activities.

5. Loss reduction measures.

6. Procurement of decentralized items.

7. Revenue monitoring.

8. 8 Approval of new connections and extension of load for the connections from
50 KW to 500 KW.

9. Supervision and monitoring of preparation of new plans.

10. HR & Establishment activities.

11. Coordinating between the district administration and DHBVN field offices.

12. Holding Bijli Sabha to listen and redress the complaint of the consumers.

13. Installation checking.

14. Work contracts.

15. Analysis and supervision of all commercial activities in the division including
revenue monitoring.

Sub Divisional Officers/Operation are overall in-charge of the Sub Division. Sub
Division is the basic/smallest business unit of the organisation, activities carried out
1. Operation and maintenance of transmission and distribution system.
2. To ensure regular power supply in the jurisdiction of the sub division.
3. Restoration of power supply.
Power restoration is the responsibility of the Sub Division office. This is prioritized by
the factors viz Category of the consumer, Quantum of consumers, Time of Day,
Possibility of accident etc.
4. To accept files for new connection, release of demand notices and connection orders.
5. To sanction financial and technical estimate for new connections of all categories of
consumers upto load of 50 KW.
6. Preparation of financial and technical estimates and plans for augmentation and
extension and maintenance of distribution system.,
7. Carrying the activities of meter reading bill preparation, distribution, cash collection
8. Checking of consumer meters and issuance and implementation of MCO
9. Vigilant inspection of power supply and distribution system, including metering
10. Keeping account of electricity consumption by the consumers.
11 Cash Book and Cash Handling.
12. Loss reduction measures.
13. Installation checking.
14. New distribution works.
15. Work contracts.
16. Bill correction.
17 Energy billing and collection.
18. Site survey and distribution design.
19. Project planning and implementation etc.

Chapter - 4 (Manual - 3)

The rules, regulations, instructions,

manuals and records, held by it under it
or used by its employees for discharging
its functions:

1 The Electricity Act 2003.

2 Orders of Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission.
3 Revenue Manual.
4 Sales Manual.
5 Works Manual and general conditions of contract for works
6 Delegation of powers.
7 Purchase Manual.
8 Store Manual.
9 Annual Financial Budget.
10 Service rules and regulations for different categories and cadres of
11 Every year audited Annual Financial Statement.
12 Articles & Memorandum of Association of the Company/Nigam.
13 Approved organisation structure of the corporation.
14 Various schemes, Notifications and Circulars issued by the Govt. of
Haryana and DHBVN.
15 Various exemption Notifications issued by the Labour & Employment
16 Inter Corporation Memorandum of Understanding.

17 Inter-state agreements executed between various companies.
18 Minutes of Committee Meetings, Board Meetings and Shareholders
General Meeting.
19 Statutory Books and Registers maintained by the Corporation.
20 Other miscellaneous daily files maintained by the staff members.

Chapter - 5 (Manual - 4)

Particulars of any arrangement that exists for

consultation with, or representation by, the
members of public in relation to the formulation or
its policy or administration thereof:

Policy Formation: The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam is a Haryana

Government owned company and run by a board of directors appointed by the
government. Two of the directors are representatives of the public/consumers
those contribute in formation of policies and participate in making different type of
The policy guide-lines, tariff structure, performance standards, norms of functions
and duties are fixed by Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERC).
Before taking decision on different issues, the HERC hold public hearing
meetings at different places in the jurisdiction of the DHBVN in which
representatives of different categories of consumers or individuals give their

District Co-ordination Meeting : It is being arranged by the Deputy

Commissioner of the district every month. All District Departmental Heads are
invited to discuss/represent the general issues of the district. The concerned
Superintending Engineer and/or Executive Engineer Operation of DHBVN attend
this meeting. In regards to the electricity, the issues/problems like electrification,
interruption, load shedding, release of new connections, water works
connections, flood protection connection, failure of transformers, requirement of
additional transformers, etc. are raised. The issues represented are resolved by
the authority or reported to the next higher authority as per the power delegated
to various offices.

Bijli Sabha: Such programs are arranged by each Superintending Engineer

Operation and Executive Engineer at different places in their respective
jurisdiction to listen to the grievances of consumers and resolve. Panchayats,
leaders of groups of consumers, representatives from villages or Mohallas. The
grievances or issues raised in Bijli Sabhas are resolved by the authority or
reported to the next higher authority as per power delegated to various offices.

Khula Darbar: Khula Darbars are arranged by Deputy Commissioners and Sub
Divisional Officers (Civil) in which officials of the DHBVN participate and resolve
the issues raised by individuals or representatives of public in regard with
electricity service.

Chapter - 6 (Manual - 5)

A statement of the categories of

documents that are held by or under the
control of the Nigam:

1 Employee Data and credentials

2 Employee records.
3 Pay bill records.
4 Applications (Consumers)
5 Agreements (Consumers)
6 Test reports (Consumers)
7 Ownership credentials (Consumers)
8 Billing and Collection data.
9 Checking data.
10 Consumption profile.
11 Energy date
12 Consumer grievances data
13 Tariff data
14 Annual accounts
15 Revenue MIS
16 Annual plan
17 MIS (Monthly Information System)
18 Tender documents
19 Bids (venders)
20 Orders (Vendors)
21 Guarantee (Vendors)
22 Litigation documents
23 Supply Code

24 Sales Manual
25 Cash books
26 Memorandum & Articles of Association of Nigam.
27 Minutes of meetings of Board, Whole time Directors, Committees, etc.
28 Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Share Holders
29 Seniority lists for connections
30 Meter Reading Books
31 Service Connection Order
32 Ledgers of consumers accounts
33 Meter Change Order Book
34 Complaint registers
35 Consumer files

Chapter - 7 (Manual -6)

The Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies

consisting of two or more persons constituted as its
part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to
whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees
and other bodies are open to the public, or minutes of
such meetings are accessible for public:

The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam was a promoted by Govt. of Haryana on 15th March,
1999 for distribution of electricity in southern part of Haryana. DHBVNL is run and controlled
by its Shareholders through the Board of Directors appointed by it. The Govt. of Haryana
holds 70.30% equity share capital in DHBVNL and rest of equity shares capital is held by
HVPNL. Shareholders are the owners of the Company and have all the powers given, to
them under the Companies Act 2013 and previous Companies Act 1956. The Company
convenes Annual General Meeting of its shareholders every year for Adoption of Annual
Accounts, appointment of Statutory Auditors & fixation of their remuneration, declaration of
Dividend etc. & such other matters which require approval of shareholders. A number of
Committees have also been constituted by the Board of Directors which include Committee
of Whole Time Directors, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Nomination &
Remuneration Committee etc.
1. The minutes of meetings of the shareholders of the company are open for inspection
during working hours of the Company to any member (Shareholder) of the Company.

2. Any member (Shareholder) of the Company can have a copy of the minutes of
meetings of shareholders.

3. No person is allowed to have inspection or copy of minutes of meetings of the Board

of Directors or any of its Committee thereof.

The meeting of the Board of Directors, Shareholders, Whole Time Directors and other
internal Committee meetings of the Company are not open to the public.

Accessibility to the public on Web site:

Information regarding important circulars, advertisements, achievements, etc. are

available on the company's website

Chapter - 8 (Manual - 7)
The names, designations and other particulars of the
Public Information Officers

The officers who are given the responsibilities for the task of public information
as per the Right to Information Act - 2005

Lis t o f FAA/ S P I O / ( H e a d O ffic e )

01662 - 223076
FAA-Cu m -Ch ie f Sh. K. K.
Engineer/HR& Gupta
Ad m in DHBVN,His a r
01662 - 223439
SPIO-Cum- Sh. Rajnish 9812452548
S.E./Administration,DHBVN, Garg
His a r
FAA- Cu m Ch ie f Sh. R. K. Jain 8059888697
Engineer/ MM,DHBVN,H
is a r.
SPIO-Cum-Superintending Sh. Anil 8221006861
Engineer,MM, DHBVN, Ku m a r
His a r Bansal
Fin a n c e W in g
FAA-cum-CFO, DHBVN, Sh. Kapil 9992020902
His a r
Ma rwa h
SPIO-Cum- FA/ HQ, Sh. Rajesh 9812452569
DHBVN, Hisar Sharma
Civ il W in g
FAA Cum- CE/PD&C, Sh. Dalip Singh 9812001655
SPIO-Cum-Superintending Sh. J.D.S Tanwer 01662-223314
Engineer,Civil, DHBVN, 9812434390
His a r
PD&C Wing
FAA-cu m - Sh. Dalip Singh 01662-223187
CE/ PD&C,DHBVN, Hisar 9812001655
SPIO-Cum-Superintending Sh. M.R. Sachdeva 01662-223287
Engineer,PD&C, DHBVN, 9992110845
His a r
FAA Cum- CE/R-APDRP, Sh. Dalip Singh 01662-223194
DHBVN,Hisar 9812001655 m
SPIO-Cum-Superintending Sh. Anil Kumar 8059084445
Engineer, R-APDRP,
DHBVN, His a r
Commercial Wing
FAA-cu m - Sh. J.B. Mudgil. 01662-223093 cecommercialdhbvn@gmail
CE/ Commercial, 8059136999 .com
DHBVN, Hisar
SPIO-Cum-Superintending Sh. C.S. Arora. 01662-223196
Engineer, Co m m e rcia l, 9992015031
DHBVN, His a r
Operation Wing
FAA-cu m -CE/ Sh. R.K Sodha. 01662-223309
Operation , D H B VN , 9812215215
His a r
P IO-Dy/S u p d t./O/o /CE/Op , Sh. Dharam Pal 9467243185
DHBVN, His a r Yadav

(Hisar Circle)
Name of Officer In- Email Address
Name of Office Contact Number
First appellate 01662-
authority cum 232629 9812221710 seopdhbvnhisar@gmail.c
Sh. D. L. Hansu
DHBVN, Hisar 227258
SPIO cum
Sh. S. S. 01662-
n NO.- 9812221711
Sangwan 237853
SDO/OP, City Sh. Kulbeer 01662-
S/D, Singh, AE 232586
SDO/OP, Sh. Hoshiyar Singh, 01662-
C/Line S/D, AE/T 237548
SPIO cum
XEN/OP 01662-
Sh. Bhim Sain 9812452598
Division No- 234324
SDO/OP/ Sh. Satpal, AE 01662-
Satrod S/DIVN, 220074
SDO/op Sh. Bhoop Singh, 01693-
S/D,DHBVN,Bar AEE 242064
SDO/OP S/D, Sh. Anand 01669-
DHBVN,Adamp Parkash, JE-I 242268
SPIO cum
XEN/OP 01663-
Sh. R. S. Malik 254142
SDO,OP/ City Sh. Kuldeep 01663-
S/D Duhan, AE 254048
SDO/OP S/U Sh.Dharambir 01663-
S/D,DHBVN, Singh,JE-I 259200
SDO/OP Sh. Gobind Ram, 01254-
S/Divn, DHBVN AEE 235232
SDO/OP Sh. Surender 01663-
S/D,DHBVN, Kumar, AE 233223
SPIO cum
XEN/OP, Divn. Sh. Joginder 01667-
DHBVN,Fatehaba Kumar 220070
PIO/APIO Sh. Gulshan 01667-
SDO/OP/City Wadhwa, AE
S/D 9812201245
SDO/OP S/U Sh. Dalbir Singh, 01667-
S/D 9812452676
AE 220988
SDO/OP/ City Sh.Rajesh Kumar, 01697-
S/D DHBVN, JE-1 250036
SDO/OP S/U Sh. Dheeraj, AE 01697- 981245268
S/D,DHBVN,Rat 250283 9
Sh.Shankar Lal, 01667-
SDO/OP S/D 9812452695
JE-I 252235
SPIO cum
Sh. Rajinder 01692-
XEN/OP/Divn.D 9812452702
Sabarwal 220060
HBVN Tohana.
SDO/OP/ City Sh. Jeet Ram, AE 01692-
S/D 230030
Sh. P. D. Sharma 01667-
SDO/OP S/D, AEE 242038
DHBVN, Bhuna.
PIO/APIO 01693-
Sh. Brish Bhan, AE 9812452713
SDO/OP/S/D, 233079
SDO/OP Sh. Prem Singh 01692-
S/D,DHBVN, Sodhi, AE 252240
SDO/OP S/U Sh. Sanjay Kumar 01692-
S/D DHBVN, Singla, JE-I 230467

(Gurgaon Circle)

Name of Office Name of Officer Contact Number Email Address


First appellate authority cum 0124-

Sh. Sanjeev 2322427 0954095
Chopra Fax- 4930
Gurgaon 2306590
SPIO cum Xen OP City DIVN. Sh. Amit 0124- 0954095 xencitydhbvn@gmail.c
DHBVN, GGN Kamboj 2320971 4931 om
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Smt. Shalini Pannu, 0124- 09540954
CCC IDC DHBVN GGN Ae 2322339 932
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.)Sh. Pawan Grover, 0124- 09540954
CCC New Colony DHBVN GGN AE 2382364 933

PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) 0124- 09540954 sdodhbvnkadipur@gmail.

Sh. J.C. Bisla, AE
CCC KadipurDHBVN GGN 2320821 934 com
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) New 0124- 78400035 sdonewpalamvihar@gma
Sh. J. P. Dahiya, AE
Palam Vihar DHBVN GGN 2467300 75
SPIO cum Xen OP S/U DIVN. 0124- 0954095 xensuburbandhbvn@g
Sh. C. S. Jakhar
DHBVN, GGN 2382363 4900
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh. Vikas Yadav, 0124- 09540954 sdomarutidhbvnggn@gm
CCC Maruti DHBVN GGN AE 2343317 901
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) DLF Sh. Kuldeep Nehra, 0124- 09540954
DHBVN GGN AE 2340194 902
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh. Gaurav Dahiya, 0124- 09540954
CCC South City DHBVN GGN AE 2381107 903
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh. Manpal Dhull, 0124- 095409549 sdobadshahpur@gmail.c
Badshahpur DHBVN GGN AE 2361238 04 om
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) 0124- 09540954
Sh. Liyakat Ali, AE
Sohna Road DHBVN GGN 2218363 892 m
SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. DHBVN, 2380242 0954095
Sh. Shiv Raj Singh
Manesar Fax 4800 m
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) 0124- 09540954 sdomanesarnew@gmail.
Sh. Gaurav, AE
Manesar, DHBVN GGN 2337209 804 com
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) 0124- 09540954 sdobhorakalan@gmail
Sh. Bhagirath, AE
Bhorakalan DHBVN GGN 2379527 801 .com
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh. Sohel Ahmed, JE- 0124- 08059888
Pataudi DHBVN GGN I 2672603 667 m
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh. Sattar Khan, 0124- 09540954 sdofarukhnagar@gmai
Farukhnagar DHBVN GGN AEE 2375233 803

(Faridabad Circle)
Name of Officer Email Address
Name of Office Contact Number
First appellate authority 0129-
cum SE/OP/CIRCLE, DHBVN, Sh. Mukesh Gupta 2233277 se.faridabad1@gmail.
Faridabad Fax 4700 com
0129- 0954095
SPIO cum XEN/OP Sh. Sachin Yadav Xenopnitfbd1@gmail.
Divn(NIT)DHBVN Faridabad 2233377 4701 com
PIO/APIO/ SDO/OP/S/Divn. 0129- 09540954
No.1 DHBVN, Faridabad 2415693 704


0129- 09540954
No.2, DHBVN,Faridabad Sh. Kishan
Sheoran, JE-I 2417432 702

0129- 09540954
No.3, DHBVN,Faridabad Sh. Om Kumar
Bhardwaj, AE 2233396 703


0129- 09540954
No.5, DHBVN,Faridabad Sh. Parshant
Kumar, AE 2412492 705

S/D/J/Colony, Sh. Surender K. 0129- 09540954
DHBVN,Faridabad Mehra, AE 2470141 706

SPIO cum XEN /OP, 0129- 0971859

Sh. M. L. Rohilla
Divn/Greater, DHBVN
2332261 9180 m
PIO/APIO/SDO/OP/S/Div Sh. Sanjay Mangla, 0129- 08059938
n.DHBVN, Chhainsa AE 2209217 650

PIO/APIO/SDO/OP/S/Div Sh. Naresh Kumar, 0129- 09540954
n.DHBVN Kheri Kalan JE-I 2229337 972

PIO/APIO/SDO/OP/S/Div Sh. Rajesh Kumar, 0129- 09540954
n.DHBVN,Badrola AE 2401240 828

Sh. Hemant Kumar 09540952
n.DHBVN Tilpat, 0129-22
AE 378
SPIO cum XEN Sh. Joginder 0954095
2286251 xenopoldfbd@gmail.c
Hooda Fax 4967 om
PIO/APIO/SDO/OP/S/Div Sh.Dharampal 0129- 09540954
n DHBVN,East Faridabad Singh, AE/T 2288001 968

0129- 09540954
PIO/APIO/SDO/OP/S/Div Sh. Sandeep Dalal,
n DHBVN,West Faridabad AEE 2292980 969
Sh. K. C. Dhiman, 0129- 09540954
n DHBVN Mehrauli.Road,
JE-I 2275541 970
Sh. Vikram Singh, 0129- 09540954
No.4, DHBVN,Faridabad
AE 2412547 971

SPIO cum XEN/OP/Divn, 0129-

Sh. Manoj Yadav 2212161
DHBVN, Balbgarh Fax 4822
SDO/OP/S/Divn Sh. Varun Mehta, 0129- 09540954
I/Area,DHBVN, JE-I 2244317 823

Sh. Neeraj Dalal, 0129- 09540954
AE 2247257 825
I,DHBVN, Ballabgarh
0129- 09540954
SDO/OP/S/Divn/City- Sh. Ranbir Singh,
AE 2241293 826
II,DHBVN, Ballabgarh
PIO/APIO/ SDO/OP S/U Sh. Rakesh 0129- 09540954
S/D,DHBVN, Ballabgarh Kumar, JE-I 2307252 824 m
Sh. S. P. 0129- 09540954
Sachdeva, AE 2470301 827

(Palwal Circle)
Name of Officer In- Email Address
Name of Office Contact Number
First appellate authority 01275-
255009 sepalwaldhbvn@gmail
cum SE/OP/CIRCLE, Sh. K. D. Bansal 08059051999
FAX- .com
DHBVN, Palwal. 242536
SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. 252105 08059888222
Sh. P. K. Chauhan
DHBVN,Palwal. Fax m

PIO/APIO (SDO OP City Sh. Satyavir Singh, 01275-
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Palwal. JE-I 252215
Sh. Brij Mohan, AE 08059888223
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Palwal. 252107
Sh. Ravinder Berwal, 08059888224
DHBVN,Hodel. AE 235521
Sh. K.S. Chauhan, AE 08059888219
DHBVN, Hassanpur. 271225
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh.Bijender Kumar, 01275-
DHBVN,Hathin. JE-I 271225
SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. 0124- 08059888451 xensohnadhbvn@gmail
Sh. Satyaveer Yadav
DHBVN Sohna. 2362344 .com
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ Sh. Dharmender 0124- sdosohnadhbvn@gmail.c
S/DIVN.)DHBVN, Sohna. Ruhil, AE 2362355 om
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ Sh. Parmod Kumar, 01267-
S/DIVN.) DHBVN,Taoru. AE 251267
SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. Sh. Shamsher 274530 xendhbvnnuh@gmail.c
DHBVN NUH. Singh Fax - om
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ Sh. P. D. Kaushik, JE- 01267-
S/DIVN.)DHBVN, Nuh. I 271233 m
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Vacant 08059888368
Ferozpur Jhirka,
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ Sh. Rajeev Sharma, 01268- sdodhbvnpunhana@gmail.c
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, PunhanA. JE-I 272238 om
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ Sh. Vir Bahadur 08059888377
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Nagina. Singh, AE 8059938703

(Rewari Circle)
Sr. Name of Office Name of Officer Contact No E-mail

1 First appellate authority cum Sh. Inderjeet Yadav 8607075900


SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. Sh. Jagdish Chand 9992111808

DHBVN, Rewari Jain

PIO/APIO(SDO OP City Sh. Rajesh Kumar, 9992111802


PIO/APIO(SDO OP City Sh.Jagdeep Rohilla, 9992111803

PIO/APIO(SDO OP S/U Sh. Budh Ram, AE 9992111804
S/DIVN.) Rewari

SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. Sh. Vijay Pal 9992111808

DHBVN, Kosli
PIO/APIO(SDO OP S/DIVN.) Sh. Sandeep 9992111806
DHBVN, Kosli Kundu, AE

PIO/APIO(SDO OP S/DIVN.) Sh. Diwan Chand, 9992111807

DHBVN, Palawas JE-I

PIO/APIO(SDO OP S/DIVN.) Sh. Sh. Kapoor 9992111805

DHBVN, Barauli Singh, JE-I

DHBVN, Nahar

DHBVN, Budpur
SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. Sh. Ranjan Rao 9992110806
DHBVN, Dharuhera
PIO/APIO(SDO OP S/DIVN.) Sh. Rajinder 9992110807
DHBVN, Dharuhera Sandhu, AE

PIO/APIO(SDO OP S/DIVN.) Sh. Rajender Singh, 9992110816

PIO/APIO(SDO OP S/DIVN.) Sh. Raj Kumar, JE-I 9992110814
DHBVN, Pali Gothra

(Sirsa Circle)
Sr. Name of Office Name of Officer Contact No E-mail

1 First appellate authority cum Sh. R. K. Verma 9812190009


SPIO cum Xen OP CITY/DIVN. Sh. S. S. Rai 9812063013


PIO/APIO(SDO OP/I/A/ Sh. Reepandeep Singh 9812063014

S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Sirsa m

PIO/APIO(SDO OP/CITY/ Sh. Bhajan Singh 9812063015


PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh. Sandeep Mehta. 9812452822

Panjuana, Sirsa
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Sh. Niranjan Singh. 9812452815
Ding, Sirsa
PIO/APIO(SDO OP/ S/DIVN.) Bhagirath Khichi 9812452804 sdomadhosighana@gmail.
Madho Singhana, Sirsa com
SPIO cum Xen OP S/U/S/DIVN. Sh. Sukhbir Kamboj 9812215200 dgmsuburbansirsa@gmail.
DHBVN,Sirsa com

PIO/APIO/SDO Sh. Vikas Thakral 9812215214 sdosuburbansirsa@gmail.c

PIO/APIO/SDO/OP/S/DIVN. Sh. Gurcharan Singh 9812452779
PIO/APIO/OP/S/DIVN. Sh.O.P Bishnoi 9812452797
Ellenabad,Sirsa m
PIO/APIO/OP/S/DIVN. Sh.Pushpender Kumar 9812452788
PIO/APIO/OP/S/DIVN. Jeewan Sh. Ramesh Kumar 9812452770
Nagar,Sirsa m
SPIO cum Xen OP/DIVN. Sh. D.R. Verma 9812452800

PIO/APIO/OP/S/DIVN. Sh. Mohan Lal 9812452831


PIO/APIO/OP/S/DIVN. Sh.Surender K. Nain 9812452841

PIO/APIO/OP/S/DIVN. Sh. Sunil Kumar Legha 9812452853

(Bhiwani Circle)
Name of Officer
Name of Office Contact Number
First appellate authority cum 01664- 9812063021
Sh. K. C. Aggarwal Fax m
SPIO cum XEN OP City Divn Sh. Sanjay Kumar 01664-
DHBVN Bhiwani Ranga 242801 m
PIO/APIO/SDO OP City S/Divn. 01664-
Sh. Manoj Pannu, AE
Sh. Rahul Sangwan, AE 242803 9812063024
Sh. Mukesh Kumar, AE 242109 9812063025
PIO/APIO SDO OP. S/Divn agmbawanikhera@gmail
Sh. Sanjay Kumar, JE-I 233030 9812452760
DHBVN B/Khera .com
Sh. Anil Gupta, AE 258284 9812452764
S/Divn DHBVN . Tosham.
Sh. Chander Pal, JE-I 8222800686
No.11 DHBVN Tosham. m
SPIO cum XEN OP Sub Urban 242340
Sh. Mahabir Singh 9812452743
Divn DHBVN Bhiwani Fax
PIO/APIO SDO OP S/Divn 01664-
Sh. Rajdeep Singh, AE 9812452756
DHBVN Jui 262532

PIO/APIO SDO OP.S/Divn Vacant 258246 9812452744
DHBVN Loharu
PIO/APIO SDO OP S/Divn Sh. Satish Chander, JE 277322 9812452749
DHBVN Siwani
PIO/APIO SDO/OP. S/Divn. Sh. Om Kumar Dalal, sdodhbvnbehal@gmail.c
265357 9812452752
DHBVN Behal JE-I om
PIO/APIO SDO/OP. S/Divn. Sh. Rakesh Kumar, JE-
257746 9812452759
DHBVN D/Jattan I m
SPIO cum XEN/OP/Divn. 220142
Sh. Kuldeep Atri 9812451203
DHBVN,Charkhi Dadri Fax
PIO/APIO SDO/OP/City S/D Sh. Atul K. Ranga,
220098 9812452728
DHBVN Dadri. AE/T m
PIO/APIO SDO/OP/ S/U S/D, agmsudadri@gmail
Sh. Jai Parkash, JE 220493 9812452732
DHBVN Dadri. .com
Sh. Joginder Singh, AE 247434 9992334184
DHBVN, Sanjarwas m
PIO/APIO SDO/OP/ S/D Sh. Surender Kumar,
263044 9992021734
DHBVN, Jhoju Kalan. JE
Sh.Jagdish Chander,AE 253388 9812452739
DHBVN Badhra (Atela)

(Narnaul Circle)

Name of Officer In- E-Mail Address

Name of Office Contact Number
First appellate authority 01282-
cum SE/OP/CIRCLE, Sh. Naveen Kr. Verma 251296 8059888333
DHBVN, Narnaul Fax
SPIO cum Xen OP DIVN. 01282-
DHBVN, Narnaul Sh. Avinash Kumar 251347 8059888334
Yadav Fax
PIO/APIO(SDO OP City Sh. Manoj Kr. Vashisth, 01282-
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Narnaul 8059888336
JE-I 251291


S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Narnaul Sh. Satish Chand, JE-I 8059888335

Sh. Hanuman Dutt, JE-I 01282-
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Nangal 8059888338
S/DIVN.) DHBVN,Ding, Sh. Pardeep Kumar, JE-I 8059888337
Ateli 276582

SPIO cum Xen/OP DIVN. 01285-

DHBVN, Mohindergarh Sh. Ranbir Singh 220281 8059888300
Fax m
S/DIVN.) DHBVN, 01285-
Sh. Vijay Pal Singh, JE-I 8059888301
Mohindergarh 220261

S/DIVN.) DHBVN, Sh. Vikas Deep, AE/T 8059888302
Mohindergarh 220212 m

S/DIVN.) DHBVN,Kanina Sh. Lalit Mohan, JE-I 8059888303

(Jind Circle)
Name of Officer In- Contact Email Address
Name of Office
Charge Number
First appellate authority 01681-
cum SE/OP/CIRCLE, 225001
DHBVN, Jind Fax225037
Sh. Daljit Singh 82219-01461

SPIO cum XEN OP xenopdhbvnjind@gmai
Sh. Anupam Katiyar 225537
Divn,DHBVN, Jind 82219-01451
PIO/APIO SDO OP Sub Sh. K. C. Dhanda, AE 01681-225645 82219-01452 sdoopdhbvnjind@gmail.
Divn.DHBVN Jind com
PIO/APIO SDO OP S/U 82219-01453
S/ D. No.1 DHBVN
Sh. Pardeep Kumar, JE- 01681-225518 sdosu1dhbvnjind@gmail
I .com
PIO/APIO SDO OP S/U 82219-01454
S/D. No.II DHBVN Sh. S. S. Rawat, AE 01681-225866 sdosu2dhbvnjind@gmail
PIO/APIO SDO OP Sub 01681-274093 82219-01455 sdoopdhbvnjulana@gm
Sh. Krishan Kumar, AE
Divn DHBVN Julana
PIO/APIO SDO OP Sh. Prem Chand Rathi, 82219-01456
S/Divn DHBVN 01681-284139 sdoopdhbvnnaguran@g


01684- xenopdhbvnnarwana@
Divn. Sh. A. K. Bhanot
240320 82219-01467
Divn DHBVN Sh. Kitab Singh, AE 01684-242036 82219-01468 sdosudhbvnnarwana@g
PIO/APIO SDO OP S/U Sh. Ram Phal Dhaiya,
Sub Divn DHBVN 01684-242106 82219-01469 sdoopdhbvnnrw@gmail.
Narwana. com
PIO/APIO SDO OP Sub Sh. Krishan Lal, AE 01684-230312 82219-01470 sdoopdhbvnuchana@g
Divn DHBVN Uchana.
PIO/APIO SDO OP Sub Sh. M. S. Hooda, AE 01684-260056 82219-01471 sdoopdhbvngarhi@gmai
Divn. DHBVN Garhi.

SPIO cum XEN OP Divn Sh. Naresh Dhillon 01686- xenopdhbvnsafidon@

DHBVN Safidon 262057
PIO/APIO SDO OP Sub Sh. Hosiyar Singh, AE 01686-262061 82219-01458 sdocitydhbvnsafidon@g
Divn DHBVN Safidon
Sub Divn. Sh. O. P. Mehta, AE 01686-262303 82219-01459 sdosudhbvnsafidon@gm
Divn. DHBVN Sh. Kuldeep Mor, AE 01686-268249 82219-01460 sdoopdhbvnpillukhera@

(M&P Circle)

Sr. Name of Office Name of Officer Contact No E-mail


1 First appellate authority cum Sh. J.B. Mudgil 8059136999 cgmcommercialdhbvn@g

CE, Commercial, DHBVN,
SPIO cum SE M&P Circle Smt Vineeta Singh 9540954610

PIO cum XEN M&P Divn. Sh. Ombir Singh 09540954774 Xenmpdhbvnggn1@gmail.
DHBVN, Gurgaon com

PIO/cum XEN M&P/DIVN.) Sh. B.K Ranjan 09540954923

DHBVN, Faridabad m

PIO/cum XEN M&P/DIVN.) Sh. Rajkumar. 9812452574 Xenmpbhiwani2015@gmai

DHBVN, Bhiwani
PIO/cum XEN M&P/DIVN.) Sh. Rajkumar. 8059888683
DHBVN, Hisar
APIO/cum SDO M&T/Lab.) Sh. Manoj Kumar 09540954776 sdomtlabgurgaon@gmail.c
DHBVN, Gurgaon om
APIO/cum SDO M&T/Lab.) Smt. Urmila Rani 09540954926
DHBVN, Faridabad
APIO/cum SDO M&T/Lab.) Sh. Pankaj 9812556157
DHBVN, Ch.Dadri Bhushan
APIO/cum SDO M&T/Lab.) Sh.Ashoka Pannu 9992117154
DHBVN, Hisar
APIO/cum SDO M&T/Lab.) Sh. Surender 9812556162
DHBVN, Sirsa Saharan

Chapter - 9 (Manual - 8)

Procedure followed in decision making process:

Decision Making Process in the company for following areas are generally described as under:

Officers at different level take decision as per their administrative and financial powers
delegated to them. The policy formation decisions are taken by the Board of Directors
according to the Electricity Act - 2005 and under the Company Act.

Decisions are taken by different officers following instructions and power mentioned
in the following manuals/regulations:

1. Delegation of Power
2. Sales Manual
3. Store Manual
4. Purchase Manual
5. Revenue Manual
6. Terms and Conditions of power supply
7. Different orders of HERC
8. Tariff for supply of electricity
9. Citizen Charter
10. Standard of performance
11. Works Manual and General Conditions of Contract for Works
12. Employees service rules and regulations
13. Pb. Civil Services Rules Vol. I, II, III
14. Departmental Financial Rules
15. Punjab Financial Rules
16. Public Works Departmental Code
17. Accounts Code Vol. III
18. EPF Regulations
19. Punishment and Appeal Regulations
20. Manual of Instructions
21. Pb. Budget Manual
22. ACR Regulation, 2006
23. Conduct Regulation

Chapter-10 (Manual-9)

Directory of Officers and Employees


Contact Email Address
Name of Office Name of Officer In-Charge
01662 - 223734
Managing Director Sh. Arun Kumar Verma
01662 - 223392
01662 - 223392
SPS to MD Sh. V. K. Kakkar
Fax 223098
01662 - 223432
Director Operations Sh. R. K. Batra Fax223438

01662 - 223110
Director Projects Vacant Fax223334

01662 - 223076
Chief Engineer/
Sh. K. K. Gupta Fax 223247

01662 - 223439
S.E./Administration Sh. Rajnish Garg Fax 223108

S.E./ H.R. Sh. Vikas Malik 01662 - 223085
01662 - 223160
Chief Communications Officer Sh. Ravi Dass Thakral
01662 - 223441
Company Secretary Sh. Harjinder Singh

01662 -223033
Superintending Engineer/I.T. Sh. Randeep Singh 9812451200
Executive Engineer/I.T. Sh. Dalbir Singh 9812556704

Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Vikrant Sangwan, AEE 8059888681

Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Ashok Kumar, AEE 8059888686
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Parveen Arora, AE 9812556356


Chief Engineer/MM Sh. R. K. Jain Fax 223005
Superintending Engineer Sh. Anil Kumar Bansal 8221006861
XEN/MM-I Sh. V. P. Sihag, XEN 8059000592
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Amandeep Singh, AE 8059888680
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Vinit Kumar, AE 8059888686
XEN/MM-II Sh. Vijender Lamba 9812556341
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant 9812452579
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant
XEN/MM-III Sh. S. S. Kantura 8607178111
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Hitesh Kumar, AE 9812556355
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant 8059500922
XEN/MM-IV Sh. Dayanand Khatkar 8607581818
Sub Divisional Officer Sh.Gulshan Kumar, AE 8059888685
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Sudeep Kumar Phogat


Chief Engineer/PD&C Sh. Dalip Singh Dudi Fax 223181
Superintending Engineer Sh. M. R. Sachdeva 9992110845
Executive Engineer/Planning Vacant 8685990920
Executive Engineer Sh. Satish Kumar 8059984343
Executive Engineer Sh.Sanklap Parihar 9728428000
Executive Engineer Sh. Rajesh Ninaniya 9812452577
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant 9812452530
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Sanjay Kumar Sangwan, AE 7056725526
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant 8059888427
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Ravinder Singh, AE 8607288686
Chief General Manager 01662-223316
Sh. Dalip Singh Dudi 9812001655

General Manager (R-APDRP) Sh. Anil Kumar Sharma 8059084445

Executive Engineer (R-APDRP) Vacant
Executive Engineer (R-APDRP) Sh. S. K. Singh 8059900357
Executive Engineer (R-APDRP) Vacant
Executive Engineer (Commercial) Sh. Dinesh Kumar, XEN
Sh. Ravinder Singh Ghanghas,
Sub Divisional Officer 8607500598
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Varinder Rana, AE
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Avneet Kumar, AE 9812452544

Chief Engineer/Comml. Sh. J. B. Mudgil Fax 223153
Superintending Engineer/ 01662-223196
Sh. C. S. Arora 9992015031

Executive Engineer/Comml Sh. F.R. Naqvi 8059888416

Sub Divisional Officer Vacant

Superintending Engineer/ RA Vacant 9992015031
Executive Engineer/RA Vacant 8059888416
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant 9992110835
Executive 01662- 223254
Engineer/Monitoring 9812452549
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Anish Kumar, AEE 9812556100
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Mahavir Parshad, AEE 9812556727
Sub Divisional Officer Vacant

General Manager Vacant 8607021500
Executive Engineer Vacant
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Pardeep Dhull, AE 9992555485
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, JE-I
Superintending Engineer Sh. S. S. Yadav
Executive Engineer Sh. T. C. Kansal
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Amit Kumar, AE 8059910202
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Satya Parkash, AE
Sub Divisional Officer Sh. Nagender Malik, JE-I 8607000472
Engineer (Faridabad) Sh. Parmod K. Singla
Sub Divisional Officer
Sh. Jagbir Singh, AE 09540954924
Executive Engineer/Faridabad Sh. Parveen Yadav
Sub Divisional Officer/Faridabad Vacant 9540954691
Sub Divisional Officer/Faridabad Sh. Surender Yadav, AE 9540954692
Executive Engineer/Gurgaon Smt. Manju Punia
Sub Divisional Officer/Gurgaon Sh. Joginder Kaushik, AEE 9540954918
Sub Divisional Officer/Gurgaon Vacant 9540954917
Executive Engineer/Hisar Sh. P. D. Sharma, AEE
Sub Divisional Officer/Hisar Sh. Satish Kumar, AEE 9812215724
Sub Divisional Officer/Hisar Vacant 8607202290
Sub Divisional Officer/Hisar

8607177900 xenvigilancerewari@gmail
Executive Engineer/Rewari Sh. Sundeep Kumar 01274-220109 .com
Sub Divisional Officer/Rewari Sh. Dharampal Singh, JE-I 8607274900
Sub Divisional Officer/Bhiwani Sh. Hari Om, JE-I

Controller of Finance Sh. Kapil Marwah Fax 223082
FA/HQ Sh. Rajesh Sharma 9812452569

Sr. A.O. Sh. Rattan Kumar Verma 9992017473

Accounts Officer Sh. Gobind Bhardwaj 9992013889
Accounts Officer Sh. Vivek Chauhan 8221001025
Accounts Officer Sh. Dinesh Deshwal 9992014032
Accounts Officer Sh. Pardeep Kumar
Sr. A.O. (Commercial) Sh. Arun Kumar Verma 09540954686
Accounts Officer
Sh. Anil Kumar Sharma

Chief Auditor Sh. S. C. Aggarwal Fax 223075
Sr. A.O./Audit Sh. Satish Kumar Sharma
Sr. A.O./Audit (Gurgaon) Sh. Surinder Kumar 9992017478
Sr. A.O./Audit Sh. Ishwar Sangwan
Accounts Officer /Audit, Sh. Anil Kumar Sharma
Accounts Officer /Audit
Accounts Officer /Audit,
Chief Accounts Officer Smt. Sushila Kumari Fax 223136
Sr. A.O. (Pension) Sh. Virender Kumar
Sr. A.O. (A&R) Sh. Naresh Kumar Mehta 9812452558
Sr. A.O. (COS) Sh. Pardeep Kumar Lohan 9812556369
Sr. A.O. (Pay & Acs) Sh. Subhash Chander
Accounts Officer (GPF) Vacant 8607009109
Accounts Officer (Pay
Sh. Dinesh Deshwal 9812561415
Accounts Officer (EAD) Sh. Ravinder Sharma 8607488686
Accounts Officer (A&R), Sh. Sandeep Legha 8222056444
Sr. A.O. O/o GM/PPM Cell
Sh. Vijay Gupta 09317641042
H.Q. Panchkula
CAO Finance/MM Sh. Anil Kumar Bulan 9812452555

Sr. A.O.//F&A/MM Sh. Pardeep Kumar Lohan 9812556369

AO/F&A/MM Vacant


CAO/ Finance/MM Vacant 9812452561
Sr. A.O.//FA/P&D Sh. Rakesh Seth 9992111848
AO/FA/P&D Vacant

US / I.R. Vacant
Under Secretary/Gen. Admn. Sh. Ravi Dass Thakral 9728566444
Supdt./HR (General) Sh.Mahesh Sangwan, (Supdt.)
Dy.Supdt./HR (General) Vacant 9812507060
Under Secretary /HR-I Sh. Hari Singh Saini 9728700421
Supdt./HR (S-I). Vacant
Dy.Supdt./HR (S-I). Vacant
Under Secretary /HR-II Sh. Baru Ram
Supdt./HR (S-II) Sh. Raj Kumar (Supdt.)
Dy.Supdt./HR (HR-II) Sh. Ram Tilak (Supdt.) 9992014036
Supdt./HR (HR-II) (QR) Sh. Pawan Kumar (Supdt.)
Under Secretary /HR-III Sh. Sunil Kumar Singla 8059700717
Under Secretary /HR-IV,
Smt. Renu Rajpal 8607779991
SUPDT/HR (SE/HR) Sh. Satbir Singh (Supdt.)
SUPDT/HR (SE/HR) Sh. Mahipal Singh (Supdt.)
SUPDT/HR (MM) Vacant
SUPDT/HR (Accounts)
SUPDT/HR (Finance) Sh. Randhir Singh, Dy. Supdt.
Supdt/HR P&D Vacant
SUPDT/HR (COS) Sh. Ram Kumar, Supdt.
Sr. M.O., Hisar (O) Dr.J. P. Raheja 9812452508
Sr. M.O., Gurgaon Dr. Ashwani Kumar Kalra 09540954965
M.O., Bhiwani (O) Dr. Sanyogita 9812452509
Executive Engineer/Legal Vacant 9812452512
Executive Engineer/Legal Sh. Ganga Ram 9812452513
Law Officer/ Gurgaon Circle Vacant 9540954964
Law Officer/ Faridabad Circle Vacant
Asstt. Law Officer Vacant

SE/SO-cum-PPM, HQ at
Sh. Atul Pasrija
XEN/HPPC, Panchkula Vacant
SDO/HPPC, Panchkula Sh. Ashok Kumar Sharma, AEE
Sr. A. O./HPPC SH. Vijay Gupta 09317641042

01662- 223314
SE/Civil Sh. J.D.S. Tanwar
XEN Civil Works (Hisar) Sh. S. P. Sharma
SDO Civil Works Sh. D. P. Jain
SDO Civil Mtc. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, JE-I 8607000472
XEN/Civil Works (Gurgaon) Sh. S. K. Singla 9812552522
SDO Civil Works (Gurgaon) Sh. Mohinder Pal Kumar, AE/C
SDO Civil Mtc.(CE/Delhi) Vacant
SPS to CE/Delhi Sh. Varinder Kumar
PS to Director ‘Projects’ Sh. S. C. Dhingra 9992100040
PS to Director ‘
Sh. B. S. Nehra 9992016550
Sports Officer Vacant 09540022178
Chairman Consumer
Vacant 01662-223081
Redressal Forum
Member Consumer Forum-I Sh. R. V. Bari, CAO 9812556718
Member Consumer Forum-II Sh. M. M. Gupta, SE
Secretary Consumer Forum
under SE/RA
Nodal Officer to Consumer
Smt. Rekha XEN

Contact Numbers of Hisar Circle
Name of Office Name of Officer In-Charge Contact Number Email Address
Chief Engineer 01662-223302
‘Operations’ Sh. R. K. Sodha 9812215215
Superintending 01662-232629 9812221710 seopdhbvnhisar@gmail
Sh. D. L. Hansu
Engineer OP Fax 227258 .com
Xen Division I, Hisar Sh. S. S. Sangwan 01662-237853 9812221711

CCC, City S/D, HSR Sh. Kulbeer Singh, AE 01662-232586 9812600418

CCC, C/Line S/D, HSR Sh. Hoshiyar Singh, AE/T 01662-237548 9812221724

Xen Division II, Sh. Bhim Sain 01662-234324 9812452598

S/D Satrod Sh. Satpal, AE 01662-220074 9812452599

S/D Barwala Sh. Bhoop Singh, AEE 01693-242064 9812452616

S/D Adampur Sh. Anand Parkash, JE-I 01669-242268 9812452607

Sub Office Agroha Vacant 01669-2 9812452626

Sub Office Balsamnd Vacant 01662-264427 9812452627

Xen Divn. Hansi. Sh. R. S. Malik 01663-254142 9812201236

S/D City Hansi Sh. Kuldeep Duhan, AE 01663-254048 9812201237

S/U S/D Hansi Sh.Dharambir Singh,JE-I 01663-259200 9812452645
S/D Mundhal Sh. Gobind Ram, AEE 01254-235232 9812452638

S/D Narnaund Sh. Surender Kumar, AE 01663-233223 9812452631

Xen Divn. Fatehabad 01667-220070 9812201244

City S/D F. Bad Sh. Gulshan Wadhwa, AE 01667-220088 9812201245

S/U S/D F.Bad Sh. Dalbir Singh, AE 01667-220988 9812452676

S/D City Ratia Sh.Rajesh Kumar, JE-1 01697-250036 9812452682

S/U S/D Ratia Sh. Dheeraj, AE 01697-250283 9812452689

S/D Bhattu Sh.Shankar Lal, JE-I 01667-252235 9812452695

Sub Office Badopal Sh. R. S. Kundu, JE-1 9812452699

Xen Divn. Tohana Sh. Rajinder Sabarwal 01692-220060 9812452702

S/D City Tohana Sh. Jeet Ram, AE 01692-230030 9812452703

S/D Bhuna Sh. Sandeep Gogia, JE-I 01667-242038 9812452719

S/D Uklana Sh. Ram Singh, JE-1 01693-233079 9812452713

S/D Jakhal Sh. Prem Singh Sodhi, AE 01692-252240 9812452724

S/U S/D Tohana Sh. Sanjay Kumar Singla, 01692-230467 9812452708
XEN Works, Hisar Vacant
AGM/Works O/o 01662-223302
Vacant 8059888543
CGM/Op, Hsr

Name of Officer In- Email Address
Name of Office Contact Number
Superintending 01666-238453
Sh. R. K. Verma Fax 238459 9812190009
Sh. S. S. Rai 01666-238405 9812063013
Xen City Division
Fax 238459
Sh. Reepandeep Singh,
I/A S/Divn. Sirsa 01666-238407 9812063014

City S/Divn. Sirsa Sh. Bhajan Singh, JE-I 01666-238407 9812063015
Sh. Sandeep Mehta,
OP Sub Divn. 01666-252536 9812452822
Panjuana AE/T

OP S/Divn. Ding Sh. Niranjan Singh, AE 01666-273884 9812452815

OP S/Divn. Madho Sh. Bhagirath Khichi, AE 01666-274315 9812452804
Sh. Sukhbir Kamboj 01666-238436 9812215200
Xen S/U Division
Fax 238459 m
S/U Sub Divn.Sirsa Sh. Vikas Thakral, JE-I 01666-238410 9812215214

OP' Sub Divn. Rania Sh. Ramesh Kumar, JE-I 01698-250346 9812452779
OP' Sub Divn. Sh.O.P. Bishnoi, AE 01698-220049 9812452797
Sh. Surender Kumar,
OP' S/Divn. 01666-256138 9812452788
Nathusari SDO
Sh. Gurcharan Singh,
OP' S/Divn. Jeewan 01698-272992 9812452770
Nagar JE-I
Xen OP' Divn. Sh. D. R. Verma 01668-226083 9812452800
OP' S/Divn. Dabwali Sh. Mohan Lal, JE-I 01668-227173 9812452831
Sh. Surender K. Nain,
OP' S/Divn. 01696-222005 9812452841
Kalanwali AE
Sh. Sunil Kumar Legha,
OP' S/Divn. Chautala 01668-289365 9812452853

Contact Numbers of Bhiwani Circle
Name of Officer
Name of Office Contact Number
Superintending 01664-243491 9812063021
Sh. K. C. Aggarwal
Engineer Fax 254998
XEN City Bhiwani Sh. Sanjay Kumar Ranga 01664-242801 9812063022

City S/Divn. BWN Sh. Manoj Pannu, AE 01664-242805 9812063023

S/U No.1 BWN Sh. Rahul Sangwan, AE 9812063024
S/U No.2 BWN Sh. Mukesh Kumar, AE 9812063025
SDO OP. B/Khera Sh. Sanjay Kumar, JE-I 9812452760
City. Tosham Sh. Anil Gupta, AE 9812452764

Tosham No.II Sh. Chander Pal, JE-I 8222800686

XEN Sub Urban 01664- 242340
Sh. Mahabir Singh 9812452743
Bhiwani Fax 252112

OP. S/Divn. Jui Sh. Rajdeep Singh, AE 01664-262532 9812452756

Vacant 01252-258246
OP.S/Divn. Loharu 9812452744

Sh. Satish Chander, JE 01255-277322

OP S/Divn. Siwani 9812452749
OP. S/Divn. Behal Sh. Om Kumar Dalal, JE-I 9812452752
OP. S/Divn. D/Jattan Sh. Rakesh Kumar, JE-I 9812452759
XEN Charkhi Dadri Sh. Kuldeep Atri 9812451203
Fax 223420
City S/D Dadri Sh. Atul K. Ranga, AE/T 9812452728
S/U S/D Dadri Sh. Jai Parkash, JE 9812452732 agmsudadri@gmail .com
S/D Sanjarwas Sh. Joginder Singh, AE 9992334184
S/D Jhoju Kalan Sh. Surender Kumar, JE 9992021734
S/D Badhra (Atela) Sh.Jagdish Chander,AE 9812452739

Name of Officer In- Email Address
Name of Office Contact Number
Superintending 01681-225001
Sh. Daljit Singh Fax225037 82219-01461
Engineer m
Sh. Anupam Katiyar 01681-225537 xenopdhbvnjind@gmail.c
Xen OP Divn, Jind 82219-01451
Fax om
OP Sub Divn. Jind Sh. K. C. Dhanda, AE 01681-225645 82219-01452
OP S/U S/D. No.1 Sh. Pardeep Kumar, JE-I 01681-225518 82219-01453
OP S/U S/D. No.II Sh. S. S. Rawat, AE 01681-225866 82219-01454
OP Sub Divn. Julana Sh. Krishan Kumar, AE 01681-274093 82219-01455
OP Sub Divn. Sh. Prem Chand Rathi, 82219-01456
Naguran 01681-284139 sdoopdhbvnnaguran@gmail.c
JE-I om

Xen OP' Divn. xenopdhbvnnarwana@gmail

Sh. A. K. Bhanot 01684-240320 82219-01467
Narwana .com
OP Sub Divn. Sh. Kitab Singh, AE 01684-242036 82219-01468 sdosudhbvnnarwana@gmail.c
Narwana om
OP S/U Sub Divn. Sh. Ram Phal Dhaiya, AE 01684-242106 82219-01469
OP Sub Divn. Uchana Sh. Bhramjeet Singh, JE-I 01684-230312 82219-01470
OP Sub Divn.Garhi Sh. M. S. Hooda, AE 01684-260056 82219-01471

XEN OP Divn xenopdhbvnsafidon@gmail.

Sh. Dilbag Singh, AEE 01686-262057 82219-01457
Safidon com
OP Sub Divn. Safidon Sh. Hosiyar Singh, AE 01686-262061 82219-01458 sdocitydhbvnsafidon@gmail.c
OP S/U Sub Divn. Sh. O. P. Mehta, AE 01686-262303 82219-01459
Safidon m
OP Sub Divn. Sh. Kuldeep Mor, AE/T 01686-268249 82219-01460 sdoopdhbvnpillukhera@gmail.
Pillukhera com

Contact Numbers of Gurgaon Circle
Name of Office Name of Officer In- Contact Number Email Address
Chief Engineer/OP 011-28313780
Sh. Balwant Singh 09540954817
Delhi Zone Fax-28312866
AE/Works Delhi Sh. Harsh Gupta, JE-I Fax-28312866 09540954814

Superintending 0124-2322427
Sh. Sanjeev Chopra 09540954930
Engineer/OP Circle Fax- 2306590
XEN City Divn., GGN Sh. Amit Kamboj 0124-2320971 09540954931
S/Divn. CCC IDC, GGN Smt. Shalini Pannu, Ae 0124-2322339 09540954932
S/D CCC New Colony,GGN Sh. Pawan Grover, AE 0124-2382364 09540954933
S/Divn. CCC Kadipur, GGN Sh. J.C. Bisla, AE 0124-2320821 09540954934
S/Divn. New Palam Vihar,
Sh. J. P. Dahiya, AE 0124-2467300 7840003575
XEN Sub Urban Divn.,
Sh. Manoj Yadav 0124-2382363 09540954900
S/Divn. CCC Maruti, GGN Sh. Vikas Yadav, AE 0124-2343317 09540954901
S/Divn. CCC DLF, GGN Sh. Kuldeep Nehra, AE 0124-2340194 09540954902
S/D. CCC South City, GGN Sh. Gaurav Dahiya, AE 0124-2381107 09540954903
S/Divn. Badshahpur, GGN Sh. Manpal Dhull, AE 0124-2361238 09540954904
S/Divn. Sohna Road, GGN Sh. Liyakat Ali, AE 0124-2218363 09540954892
XEN OP Divn Manesar Sh. Shiv Raj Singh 09540954800
Fax 2380242
S/Divn. Manesar, GGN Sh. Gaurav, AE 0124-2337209 09540954804
S/Divn. Bhorakalan, GGN Sh. Bhagirath, AE 0124-2379527 09540954801
S/Divn. Pataudi, GGN Sh. Sohel Ahmed, JE-I 0124-2672603 08059888667
S/Divn. Farukhnagar, GGN Sh. Sattar Khan, AEE 0124-2375233 09540954803
XEN Works Gurgaon 0124-2220761
Sh. C.S. Jakhar Fax 2306590

SDO/Const. Gurgaon Sh. S. S. Rana, AE 09718599178

Contact Numbers of Faridabad Circle
Name of Officer In- Email Address
Name of Office Contact Number
Superintending Sh. Mukesh Gupta 0129-2233277 09540954700
Engineer/OP Fax 2238117
XEN Works Sh. Naresh Kumar Kakkar 09540950739
XEN/OP (NIT) Sh. Sachin Yadav 0129-2233377 09540954701
No.1 S/D, FARIDABAD Sh. Parshant Kumar, AE 0129-2415693 09540954704
No.2 S/D, FARIDABAD Sh. Kishan Sheoran, JE-I 0129-2417432 09540954702
No.3 S/D, FARIDABAD Sh. Om Kumar Bhardwaj, AE 0129-2233396 09540954703
No.5 S/D, FARIDABAD Sh. Rakesh Kumar, JE-I 0129-2412492 09540954705
J/Colony, FARIDABAD Sh. Surender K. Mehra, AE 0129-2470141 09540954706

XEN/OP, Greater Sh. M. L. Rohilla 0129-2332261 09718599180

Chhainsa Sh. Brij Mohan, AE 0129-2209217 08059938650
Kheri Kalan S/D Sh. Naresh Kumar, JE-I 0129-2229337 09540954972
Badrola S/D Sh. Rajesh Kumar, AE 0129-2401240 09540954828
Tilpat, Faridabad Sh. Hemant Kumar AE/T 0129-22 09540952378

XEN/OP Old Sh. Joginder Hooda 0129-2286251 09540954967
FARIDABAD Fax 2227781
East S/D, FARIDABAD Sh.Dharampal Singh, AE/T 0129-2288001 09540954968
West, S/D, FARIDABAD Sh. Sandeep Dalal, AEE 0129-2292980 09540954969
M.Road, FARIDABAD Sh. K. C. Dhiman, JE-I 0129-2275541 09540954970
No.4 S/D, FARIDABAD Sh. Vikram Singh, AE/T 0129-2412547 09540954971

XEN/OP Balbgarh Sh. Ashutosh 0129-2212161 09540954822
Fax 2210014
I/Area S/D, B.Garh Sh. Varun Mehta, JE-I 0129-2244317 09540954823
City I S/D, B.Garh Sh. Neeraj Dalal, AE/T 0129-2247257 09540954825
City II, S/D. B.Garh Sh. Ranbir Singh, AE 0129-2241293 09540954826
S/U S/D, B.Garh Sh. Rakesh Kumar, JE-I 0129-2307252 09540954824
Pali S/D Sh. S. P. Sachdeva, AE 0129-2470301 09540954827

Contact Numbers of Palwal Circle
Name of Officer In- Email Address
Name of Office Contact Number
Superintending 01275-255009
Sh. K. D. Bansal 08059051999
Engineer/OP FAX-242536

XEN OP Divn Palwal Sh. P. K. Chauhan 01275-252105 08059888222

Fax 252705
City S/D, Palwal Sh. Satyavir Singh, JE-I 01275-252215 08059888221
S/U S/D, Palwal Sh. Sanjay Mangla, AE 01275-252107 08059888223
S/Divn Hodel 01275-235521 08059888224
Sh. Krishan Lal, AE
S/Divn. Hassanpur Sh. K.S. Chauhan, AE 01275-271225 08059888219
Sub Divn Hathin Sh.Bijender Kumar, JE-I 01275-271225 08059888388
Sub Office Mandkola Sh. Rohtash Kumar JE/F 08059888408
Sub Office Dhigot Sh. Kuldeep Singh, JE/F 08059888391
XEN OP Divn. Sohna Sh. Satyaveer Yadav 0124-2362344 08059888451
Sub Divn Sohna Sh. Dharmender Ruhil, AE 0124-2362355 08059888452
Sub Divn Taoru Sh. Ravinder Berwal, AE 01267-251267 08059888453
XEN OP DIVN. NUH Sh. Shamsher Singh 08059888366
Fax -274674
Sub Divn Nuh Sh. P. D. Kaushik, JE-I 01267-271233 08059888367
S/Divn. Ferozpur Jhirka, Sh. Ghanshyam Dass, JE-I 01268-277239 08059888368
S/Divn. Punhana, Sh. Rajeev Sharma, JE-I 01268-272238 08059888369
S/Divn. Nagina Sh. Budh Ram, AE

Name of Officer In- E-Mail Address
Name of Office Contact Number
Superintending Sh. Naveen Kr. Verma 01282-251296 8059888333
Engineer, Narnaul Fax 250900
Sh. Avinash Kumar 01282-251347 8059888334
Xen ‘OP'Divn. Narnaul.
Yadav Fax 254109
City Sub Divn. Narnaul Sh. Manoj Kr. Vashisth, JE-I 01282-251291 8059888336
S/U S/Divn. Narnaul Sh. Satish Chand, JE-I 01282-251219 8059888335
OP' S/Divn. Nangal Sh. Hanuman Dutt, JE-I 01282-278436 8059888338
OP' S/Divn. Ateli Sh. Pardeep Kumar, JE-I 01282-276582 8059888337
Xen OP' Divn. Sh. Ranbir Singh 01285-220281 8059888300
Mohindergarh Fax 220381
City S/Divn. M.Garh Sh. Vijay Pal Singh, JE-I 01285-220261 8059888301
S/U S/Divn. M.Garh Sh. Vikas Deep, AE/T 01285-220212 8059888302

OP' S/Divn. Kanina Sh. Lalit Mohan, JE-I 01285-235120 8059888303

Sub Office Satnali Vacant 01285-231022 8199995711

Name of Officer In- E-Mail Address
Name of Office Contact Number
Superintending Sh. Inderjeet Yadav 01274-250541 8607075900
Engineer, Rewari Fax 250441
Xen ‘OP' Divn. Rewari Sh. Jagdish Chand Jain 01274-254762 9992111808
Fax 258604
City Sub Divn. No 1 Rewari Sh. Rajesh Kumar, JE-I 01274-225174 9992111802

City S/Divn.No.2 Rewari Sh.Jagdeep Rohilla, AE 01274-225280 9992111803

S/U S/Divn. Rewari Vacant 01274-256149 9992111804

Xen ‘OP' Divn. Kosli Sh. Vijay Pal 01274-254762 9992111808
Fax 258604
OP' S/Divn. Kosli Sh. Sandeep Kundu, AE 01274-275029 9992111806

OP' S/Divn. Palawas Sh. Diwan Chand, JE-I 01281-245845 9992111807

OP' S/Divn. Barauli Sh. Sh. Kapoor Singh, JE-I 01274-238629 9992111805
OP' S/Divn. Nahar Vacant
OP' S/Divn. Budpur Vacant
Xen OP Division Sh. Ranjan Rao 01283-242103 9992110806
Dharuhera Fax 242301
Sub Divn. Dharuhera Sh. Raj Singh, JE-I 01283-242258 9992110807
Sub Divn. Bawal Sh. Rajender Singh, JE-I 01283-260041 9992110816
Sub Division Pali Gothra Sh. Raj Kumar, JE-I 01283-236878 9992110814

Contact Numbers of Metering & Protection, Organization
Name of Office Name of Officer In-Charge Contact Number Email Address
Superintending 0124-2430010
Engineer, 09540954610
Smt. Vineeta Singh
M&P Circle, Fax 0124-2430010

XEN M&P Divn.
Sh. Raj Kumar 8059888683
Hisar Fax 01662-220299
AEE Sh.Surender Kumar, AE/T
AEE Sh. Suresh Duhan, AE 9812590419
AEE Vacant 9812452580
AE M&T Lab Sh. Ashok Kumar Pannu, JE
XEN M&P Divn., 0124-2340245
Sh. Ombir
Gurgaon 09540954774
AEE Sh. Kulvinder Singh, AE
AEE Sh. Rahul Yadav AE/T
AEE M&T Lab Sh. Manoj Nehra, AEE 09540954776

AEE Vacant 09540954778

XEN M&P Divn.,
Sh. B. K. Ranjan 09540954923
Faridabad Fax 0129-2242680
AEE Sh.Devender Attri, AEE 09540954924

AEE Sh.Ravinder Kumar 09540954927

Aggarwal, AE
AEE Sh. Kuldeep Yadav, JE 09540954925
AE (T) M&T Lab Smt. Urmila Rani, AE 09540954926

01664-244136 xenmpbhiwani2015@gmail.
XEN M&P Divn.,
Sh. Krishan Swaroop 9812452574 com
Bhiwani Fax 01664-244136
AEE Sh. Jagir Singh, AE 9812452575
AEE Sh. Nihal Singh, JE-I 9812452576
AEE Sh. Pankaj Bhushan, AE 9812556157

Contact Numbers of Construction
Name of Office Officer In-Charge Contact Number Email Address
Sh. Vikas Malik 01662-223300 8059927171 seconst.hisardhbvn
Fax 223209
Construction Circle

Division Hisar
XEN Hisar Sh. Naresh Dhillon 01662-248145 9812452516

SDO Hisar Vacant 9812556095

SDO Fatehabad Sh. Jai Singh Beniwal, AEE 9812452538
SDO/O&M Hisar Vacant

Division Bhiwani
XEN Bhiwani Vacant 9992015031
S/D Const. Bhiwani Sh. Shri Niwas, AE 9812452536
AE/Civil. Bhiwani

Division Sirsa
XEN Sirsa Sh. M. L. Sukhija 01666-234497 9812452537
SDO Sirsa Sh. Sandeep Godara, AE 01666-234492 9812556367 sdoconstructionsirsa@

Division Gurgaon
XEN Works OP GGN Sh. C.S. Jakhar 0124-2220642 09718599180
SDO Gurgaon Sh. S. S. Rana, AE 09718599178
SDO Civil (Delhi) Vacant 09540954816

Division Rewari
XEN Rewari Sh. Hari Dutt 01274-250038 9992110811
SDO Rewari Vacant 01274-250038 8059888430

Division Jind
XEN Jind
SDO/Const Jind Sh. Virender Singh, JE-I 8221901585

Name of Officer In- Lad Line/ Email Address
Name of Office Mobile Number
Charge Fax No.
CE/Smart City Gurgaon Sh. Balwant Singh,
SE/Smart City Gurgaon Sh. Anil Goyal 0124-2450144 08221006861 sesmartcityggn@

SE/Smart City Gurgaon Sh. Sudhir Chabra 0124-2450144 07065432525 sesmartcityggn@

XEN/Smart City GGN Sh.Vinod Kumar Punia 07840087602

XEN/Smart City Hisar Vacant 07840087604
XEN/Smart City Hisar Vacant
XEN/Smart City GGN Sh. Jai Deep Phogat 9812452524
XEN/Smart City Hisar Vacant
SDO-1/Smart City GGN Sh. Rajesh Nandal, AE
SDO-2/Smart City GGN Sh.Harsh Kumar, SDO 07840087601
SDO-3/Smart City GGN Sh.Vikas Malik, SDO 07840087603
SDO-4/Smart City GGN Vacant
SDO-5/Smart City GGN Vacant
SDO-6/Smart City GGN Vacant
SDO-7/Smart City GGN Vacant
SDO-8/Smart City GGN Vacant

Contact Numbers of Stores
Name of Office Name of Officer In-Charge Contact Number e-mail address
General Manager, 01662-223426
Sh. V. K. Aggarwal
Stores 8059912381
XEN O/o COS Vacant 9812452593
AE O/o COS Smt. Sunita Nain, JE-I 8059888428

XEN C/S, Hisar Sh. S. L. Gupta 01662-220610

Sh. Pushpender Kumar
SDO Store, Sirsa 01666-238414
AE/T 9812556162
SDO Store, Bhiwani Sh. Mukesh Rohilla, JE-I

SDO Store, Dadri Sh. Naveen Singh, JE-I

SDO Store, Narwana Sh. Ajit Singh, AE 01684-242015

SDO Store, Jind Vacant 01681-225411
SDO Store, Safidon Vacant 01686-262312
Sh. Shyambir Saini 0129-2234357
XEN C/S Ballabgarh
SDO Store Gurgaon Sh. Subhash Deswal, AE 09540954004
SDO Store Narnaul Vacant 01282-251364

SDO Store, Rewari Not Sanctioned 01274-223598

SDO Store, Palwal Sh. Robin Khokha, AE
(Not Sanctioned)
XEN T&S, Hisar 01662-223322
AEE TRW Hisar Sh. Mukesh Kumar, AE/T 01662-221161
AEE TRW Sirsa Sh.Vipin Kumar, JE-I 01666-238415
Vacant 01664-242811
AEE TRW Bhiwani
AEE TRW Narnaul Sh. Narender Kumar, JE-I 9812452553
AEE TRW Faridabad Sh. Pankaj Panwar, AE 0129-2216465
AEE T/F Workshop Sh. Surender Singh, JE-I 0124-2362503

Chapter - 11 (Manual - 10)

The Monthly remuneration Received by Each of its

Officers and Employees, including the System of
Compensation as provided in Regulations.
Schedule of Staff of Dakshin Haryana Bijli Haryana Vitran Nigam Limited
Sr. Name of post Pay Band Grade No. of
No. Pay sanctioned
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Managing Director HAG Rs. 67000 Nil 1
2 Director HAG Rs. 67000 Nil 3
3 Chief Finacial Officer 37400-67000 10000 1
4 Chief Engineers 37400-67000 10000 7
5 Superintending Engineers 37400-67000 8900 21
6 Superintending Engineers 37400-67000 8900 1
7 Executive Engineers (Elect.) 37400-67000 8800 66
8 Executive Engineer (Civil) 37400-67000 8800 2
9 C.A.O/C.A./F.A. 37400-67000 8900 4
10 Sr. Accounts Officers 15600-39100 7600 10
11 Company Secretary 37400-67000 8800 1
12 Sr. Private Secretary 15600-39100 7600 2
13 Manager/I.R. 15600-39100 7600 1
14 Chief Communications Officer 15600-39100 7600 1
15 Sr. Medical Officers 2
i)8000-275-10200-EB-275- 9300-34800 5400
13500 (Entry level pay scale)
ii)10000-325-15200 after 5 15600-39100 6400
years of regular satisfactory
service as MO/ Sr.MO
iii)Rs.14300-400-18300 after 12 37400-67000 8700
years of regular satisfactory
service as MO/Sr.MO
16 Admn. Officers/ Under Secy. 15600-39100 7600 5
17 Under Secretary/legal 15600-39100 7600 1
18 Chairman of Forum 37400-67000 8900 1
19 Member of Forum 37400-67000 8900 2
20 Secretary Forum 37400-67000 8800 1
Total of Class-I 133
Class - II
1 Asstt. Engineers/AEE 198
2 Asstt. Engineers (Civil) 4
i)8000-275-10200-EB-275- 9300-34800 5400
13500 (Entry level pay scale)
ii) 10000-325-15200 after 5 15600-39100 6400
years regular satisfactory
service as AE/AEE
iii) Rs.14300-400-18300 after 37400-67000 8700
12 years of regular satisfactory
service as AE/AEE
3 Accounts Officers 15600-39100 5900 12
4 Chief Security Officer 15600-39100 7600 1
5 Private Secretary 9300-34800 5400 2
6 Medical Officers 5
i)8000-275-10200-EB-275- 9300-34800 5400
13500 (Entry level pay scale)
ii)10000-325-15200 after 5 15600-39100 6400
years of regular satisfactory
service as MO/ Sr.MO
iii)Rs.14300-400-18300 after 12 37400-67000 8700
years of regular satisfactory
service as MO/Sr.MO
7 Superintendent (HO) 9300-34800 4600 8
8 Sports Officer 9300-34800 4200 1
9 Law Officers 9300-34800 4600 2
10 Asstt. Law Officers 9300-34800 4200 3
Total of Class-II 236
1 Section Officer 9300-34800 4200 25
Divisional Accountant Revenue 3600
2 Auditor 9300-34800 112
3 Circle Supdt. 9300-34800 4200 12
4 Deputy Supdt. (HO) 9300-34800 4200 12
5 Asstt.(HO) 9300-34800 4000 66
6 Head Clerk 9300-34800 4000 38
7 Circle Asstt. 9300-34800 3600 17
8 CA 9300-34800 3600 134
9 U.D.C.(HO) 5200-20200 2900 59
10 U.D.C.(Field) 5200-20200 2900 648
11 UDC (Cadre yet to be decided) 3
12 L.D.C.(HO) 5200-20200 2400 67
13 L.D.C.(Field) 5200-20200 2400 1245
14 LDC (Cadre yet to be decided) 9
15 Meter Reader 5200-20200 2400 604
16 Head Mistress 9300-34800 4600 1
17 B.Ed. Teachers 9300-34800 4600 6
18 J.B.T.Teacher 9300-34800 4200 13
19 P.T.I. 9300-34800 4200 1
20 Personal Assistants 9300-34800 4200 14
21 Sr. Scale Stenographers 9300-34800 4000 23
22 Jr. Scale Stenographers 9300-34800 3600 80
23 Steno-Typist 5200-20200 2400 21
24 Pharmacists 9300-34800 3600 12
25 Lab Technician 9300-34800 3600 3
26 Matron /Nurse 5200-20200 2800 1
27 Hindi Translator 9300-34800 3600 2
28 Jr. Photographer 5200-20200 2800 1
29 Driver (HO) 5200-20200 2800 18
30 Driver (Field) 5200-20200 2800 280
31 T/Driver 5200-20200 2800 8
32 Pump Operator 8
33 Crane Driver 5200-20200 2800 6
34 Work Supervisor 5200-20200 2800 3
35 Security Officers 9300-34800 4000 3
36 Security Havildar 5200-20200 2800 16
37 Vigilance Inspector 9300-34800 3600 6
38 Sub Inspectors 7
39 A.S.I. 3
40 Head Constables 21
41 NGO 6
42 Constables 69
Total Class III(Non-Tech) 3683
Class - IV (Non-Tech.)
1 Bill Distributors 5200-20200 1900 408
2 Havildar (HO) 5200-20200 1800 13
3 Havildar (Field) 5200-20200 1800 9
4 Daftri (Field) 5200-20200 1800 8
5 Peon (HO) 4440-7440 1650 118
6 Peon (Field) 4440-7440 1650 387
7 Chowkidar (Field) 4440-7440 1650 228
8 Chowkidar (HO) 5200-20200 1650 2
9 Washer man (HO) 5200-20200 1800 1
10 Cook (HO) 5200-20200 1650 2
11 Safai Karamchari (HO) 4440-7440 1650 3
12 Head Safai Karamchari 5200-20200 1800 1
13 Safai Karamchari (Field) 4440-7440 1650 64
14 Sewer man 4440-7440 1650 13
15 Mali 5200-20200 1800 46
16 Chowkidar-cum-Cook 4440-7440 1650 7
17 Peon-cum-Mate 4440-7440 1650 4
18 Cleaner 5200-20200 1800 19
19 Asstt. Pump Driver 5200-20200 1800 11
20 Attendant 4440-7440 1650 1
21 Security Guard 5200-20200 1900 106
Total Class IV(Non-Tech) 1451
Class - III (Technical)
1 Asstt. Store Officer 9300-34800 4200 5
2 Head Store Keeper 9300-34800 3600 4
3 Store Keeper 5200-20200 2800 13
4 Store Munshi 5200-20200 2400 17
5 Stock Verifiers 9300-34800 4000 1
6 C.D.M. 9300-34800 4200 3
7 C.H.D. 9300-34800 4200 10
8 H.D.M. 9300-34800 4000 40
9 Draftsman 9300-34800 3600 103
10 J.E.-I 9300-34800 4300 132
11 J.E./Field 9300-34800 3800 503
12 J.E.(Civil) 9300-34800 3800 24
13 FM 9300-34800 3800 3
14 A.F.M. 9300-34800 3600 714
15 Lineman 5200-20200 2800 2856
16 ALM 5200-20200 2400 6863
17 S.S.A. 9300-34800 3600 376
18 A.S.S.A. 5200-20200 2400 775
19 S.A. 5200-20200 2400 895
20 Instrument Mech. 5200-20200 2400 1
21 Sr. Lab. Attendant 5200-20200 2400 16
22 Lab. Asstt. 9300-34800 3600 6
23 Lab Attendant 5200-20200 2400 25
24 Electrical ( Tech-1) 5200-20200 2800 2
25 Technician Gr-I 5200-20200 2800 2
26 Carpenter 5200-20200 2400 4
27 Mason 5200-20200 2400 1
Total Class-III (Tech.) 13394
Class-IV (Technical)
1 Store Attendants 4440-7440 1650 104
2 Work Mate/T.Mate 4440-7440 1650 20
3 Skilled Helper 5200-20200 1800 7
4 Plumber/Pipe Fitter 5200-20200 1900 2
Total Class-IV (Tech.) 133

Main Abstract
1 Class - I 133
2 Class - II 236
3 Class - III (Non Technical) 3683
4 Class - IV ( Non Technical) 1451
5 Class - III (Technical) 13394
6 Class - IV (Technical) 133
Grand Total 19030

Chapter-12 (Manual-11)

The Budget allocated to each of the agency,

including the particulars of all the plans,
proposed expenditures and reports on
disbursement made.


Formulation of State Annual Plan 2016-7

Power demand in Haryana has increased manifold over the past few years, and
the existing infrastructure has become over stretched to meet this demand.
Though the planning at various stages has been taking place over the years, it is
evident from the progress achieved so far that substantial head way could not be
made due to paucity of funds. Nigam had to look towards other financial
institutions for financial assistance. With the launching of Restructured
Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Program by the Ministry of Power
during the year 2012-13, other institutions like NABARD, NCR Planning Board,
REC, PFC, JICA and World Bank also came forward to provide assistance at
easier terms. Accordingly, various system improvement schemes have been
planned thereafter. In order to speed up the progress of works, the concept of
getting the jobs executed on turnkey basis was introduced. Initially, problems
were faced in getting the proper vendors developed and in finalizing various
terms & conditions of contract. This may have caused initial delays in kicking off
the projects, but now the things have started picking up, and we expect to
achieve significant achievement in the coming years.
Important aspect of power planning has been that it has been tried to take 33 KV
lines as near to the load center as possible. Therefore, quite a large number
of 33 KV sub stations have come up during last 3-4 yeras and many more will
be coming up during next few years. Apart from these, it was also planned to
bifurcate all the over loaded and lengthy 11 KV feeders in rural as well as urban
areas. As a follow up action, 517 feeders have already been bifurcated into 1034
feeders of proper load and length sice FY 2011-12 and work on 381 other
feeders to divide in to 749 feeders is in progress.

Apart from the above, which have become more or less routine system
improvement works, some innovative schemes have also been envisaged like
computerized data logging at substations, consumer indexing, setting up of Bijli
Suvidha Kendras etc. for better planning & reliability, energy audit & consumer
satisfaction. Bijli Suvidha Kendras have already become functional at all district
head quarters and it is proposed to set up such centralized complaint centers at
all the other small towns in second phase. If arrangement of funds does not
become a problem, scenario is bound to change and we expect an overall
improvement in the existing electrical net work. It is hoped that even the
consumer at the tale end of a feeder will get proper voltage and an un-interrupted
power throughout.


Before reviewing the plan proposals during 2015-16, let us have a look at break-
up of the revised outlay which has been sent to HERC for approval:


(Rs. Cr) Projection for FY 15-16
AT&C loss reduction plan
Procurement of single phase meters for replacement of defective meters and release of
new connections. 27.00
Procurement of three phase meters for replacement of defective meters and release of
new connections. 5.00
LT Connectivity of already executed HVDS works. 17.00
Power Factor Improvement (Providing automatic power factor correctors) 0.00
Load Growth schemes
Creation of new 33 kV sub-stations 60.00
Augmentation of existing 33 kV sub-stations 24.00
Erection of new 33 kV lines 15.00
Erection of new 11 kV lines 9.00
Augmentation of existing 33 kV lines 13.00
Bifurcation of 11 kV feeders (Work of bifurcation of feeders, augmentation of ACSR) 38.00
Material required for release of Non-AP connections & replacement of old assets 175.00
Release of Tube well connection on turnkey basis 130.00
Procurement of power transformers and allied equipment such as 33 kV CTs, 33 kV PTs,
33 kV and 11 kV VCBs, 33 kV Control and Relay Panels etc. 17.00
Release of BPL connections under RGGVY schemes 4.00
Mahatma gandhi gramin basti yojna 2.00
R-APDRP schemes
Implementation of R-APDRP (Part-A) including SCADA 70.00
Implementation of SCADA under R-APDRP (Part-B) in faridabad town 4.00
Relocation of energy meters of DS & NDS consumers outside their premises in Meter
Pillar boxes. 27.35
Civil Works 5.00
System Strengthening Works under IBRD loan and IBRD equity
Under IBRD Loan 40.00
Under IBRD Equity 10.00
Other works
Revamping of existing Meter Testing labs. at Dadri, Sirsa, Hisar, Faridabad & Gurgaon 0.00
Maintenance free earthling using 'Ground Enhancing Material' for Distribution
Transformers, Meter Pillar Boxes and H-pole etc. 2.00
Installation of meters on 33 kV Incomers at sub-stations for energy auditing. -
Providing RF Meters. -
AMI on large NDS & LT consumers having load about 10 kW (IBRD funded work). 2.00
Other works for system improvement -
Smart City Gurgaon 5.00
Total 701.35

Distribution Works Completed/Anticipated to be Completed in

Following distribution works have been completed during the current financial
year 2015-16 under system improvement schemes funded under REC and NCR
Planning Board:

New 33 kV Sub Stations & Lines

Name of Approved
Sr. Line length in Voltage
Substation/Line Circle Capacity in
No. Ckt. KM Ratio in KV
Section MVA
1 Hisar 0.60 10 33/11
132 kV S/S Ratia-Ratia
2 Jind 2.00 10 33/11
132 kV S/S Bibipur-Gautoli
Sec-14, Hisar
3 132 kV S/S Beer-Sec-14, Hisar 2 12.5 33/11
4 132 kV S/S Barsi- Bhiwani 27.5 10 33/11
Old power houseTohana
5 132 kV S/S Jakhal-Old Hisar 2.5 10 33/11
Power House Tohana
6 132 kV S/S Assa Khera- Sirsa 5.5 10 33/11
7 132 kV S/S Nangal Narnaul 9 20 33/11
Industrial Area, Bhiwani
132 kV S/S Industrial Area,
8 Bhiwani 0.375 20 33/11
Bhiwani - Industrial Area,

33 kV Lines (New & augmentation)

Sr. No. Name of Line Circle Line length in KM
1 33 kV Kariwala-Haripura line Sirsa 0.2
2 33 kV line from 132 kV Barwala to 33 kV Barwala Hisar 7.20
3 Chormar-Kalanwali (Renovation) Sirsa 17.5
4 Chormar-Dabwali (Renovation) Sirsa 21.5
5 220 Sagwan-Bapora -132 KV BTM Bhiwani Bhiwani 0.8
6 Barsi-Mundhal line Hisar 18
7 BBMB, Hisar-HTM, Hisar line Hisar 9.3
8 Augmentation of Uchana-Koth line Hisar 15
9 33 kV Samain-Lochab Hisar 8.3
10 Julana-Gautoli Jind 8.1
11 Agroha-Adampur line Hisar 17.5

Augmentations of 33 kV Substation

Sr. Addition
33 kV Sub-Stns. Circle District Augmentation (MVA) Date
No. (MVA)
1 Nigana Canal Bhiwani Bhiwani 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 23.04.2015
2 Risaliya Khera Sirsa Sirsa 10 to 10+6.3/8 8 27.04.2015
3 Bhiwani Rohilla Hisar Hisar 6.3 to 10 3.7 13.04.2015
4 Pirthala Hisar Fatehabad 10+6.3 to 2x10 3.7 11.04.2015
5 Alewa Jind Jind 2x6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 2 10.04.2015
6 Shri Rag Khera Jind Jind 2x6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 2 03.04.2015
1x6.3+2x4+1x5 to
7 Mandhi Bhiwani Bhiwani 4 08.05.2015
8 Lad Bhiwani Bhiwani 10+6.3/8 to 2x10 2 07.05.2015
9 Kusumbi Sirsa Sirsa 6.3+6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 3.7 29.05.2015
Dayal Singh Colony
10 Hisar Hisar 6.3/8 to 6.3/8+10 10 19.05.2015
11 Sisai Hisar Hisar 2x6.3/8 to 6.3/8+10 2 22.05.2015
12 Ramrai Jind Jind 2x6.3/8 to 6.3/8+10 2 14.05.2015
13 Kakrod Jind Jind 8+10 to 2X10 2 30.05.2015
14 Chattar Jind Jind 8+6.3 to 8+10 3.7 30.05.2015
15 HTM Hisar Hisar 10+6.3/8 to 2x10+6.3/8 10 10.06.2015
16 Sarsod Hisar Hisar 10+6.3/8 to 10+2x6.3/8 8 16.06.2015
17 Barwala Hisar Hisar 2x10 to 2x10+6.3/8 8 22.06.2015
18 Rainwali Hisar Fatehabad 10+6.3/8 to 2X10 2 05.06.2015
19 Baliyala Hisar Fatehabad 6.3/8+5 to 2X6.3/8 3 15.06.2015
20 Mehmadki Hisar Fatehabad 6.3/8+5 to 10+6.3/8 5 25.06.2015
21 Hazrawan Hisar Fatehabad 10+6.3/8 to 2X10 2 27.06.2015
22 Gullarwala Hisar Fatehabad 10+6.3 to 10+6.3+6.3/8 8 23.06.2015
23 Pindara Jind Jind 2x10 to 2X10+6.3 6.3 20.06.2015
24 Hatt Jind Jind 2x10 to 2X10+5 5 26.06.2015
25 Shri Rag Khera Jind Jind 10+6.3/8 to 2X10 2 29.06.2015
26 Kheri Taloda Jind Jind 10+5 to 10+5+8 8 30.06.2015
27 Baraguda Sirsa Sirsa 2x6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 2 08.06.2015
28 Nathusari Sirsa Sirsa 4+6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 6 09.06.2015
29 Panihari Sirsa Sirsa 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 23.06.2015
30 Dwarka Bhiwani Bhiwani 10+4 to 10+6.3/8 4 17.06.2015
31 Chahar Bhiwani Bhiwani 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 30.06.2015
32 Pingwan Palwal Mewat 10 to 10+5 5 22.06.2015
33 Behbalpur Hisar Fatehabad 2x10 to 2x10+6.3/8 8 06.07.2015
34 Karandi Hisar Fatehabad 2x6.3/8+5 to 3x6.3/8 3 15.07.2015
35 Singhana Jind Jind 6.3/8+10 to 2x10 2 17.07.2015
36 Pipaltha Jind Jind 2x6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 2 20.07.2015
37 Shamdo Jind Jind 10+6.3 to 2x10 3.7 30.07.2015
38 Pipaltha Jind Jind 10+6.3/8 to 2x10 2 31.07.2015
39 Bansudhar Sirsa Sirsa 6.3/8+4 to 6.3/8+10 6 08.07.2015
40 132 kV Barwala Hisar Hisar 4 to 6.3 2.3 11.08.2015
41 Manoharpur Jind Jind 8+2x5 to 8+6.3/8+5 3 04.08.2015
42 Farwain Sirsa Sirsa 2x6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 2 07.08.2015
43 132 kV BTM Bhiwani Bhiwani Bhiwani 6.3 to 10 3.7 22.09.2015
44 Gursar Jind Jind 6.3/8 to 2x6.3/8 8 05.10.2015
45 Bhuna Hisar Fatahabad 10+6.3 to 2x10 3.7 20.10.2015
46 Bhojawas Narnaul Mohindergarh 12.5+6.3 to 12.5+10 3.7 20.11.2015
47 Degoh Hisar Fatahabad 2x6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 2 24.11.2015
48 Badopal Hisar Fatehabad 10+5 to 10+6.3/8 3 24.12.2015
1x6.3+1x6.3/8 to
49 Isharwal Bhiwani Bhiwani 3.7 11.01.2016
50 Chander Khurd Hisar Fatehabad 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 25.02.2016
51 Sec-27-28, Hisar Hisar Hisar 2 to 10 8 11.03.2016
52 Alewa Jind Jind 10+6.3/8 to 2x10 2 16.03.2016
10+6.3/8+6.3 to
53 Ellenabad Sirsa Sirsa 3.7 30.03.2016
Total Capacity Added 233.80

Spill Over Works from FY 2015-16

Name of proposed
Sr. substation Name of Length of Capacity Voltage
No. alongwith feeding Circle line KM MVA Ratio KV
end S/Stn.
Norangbass Jattan
1 Bhiwani 19.00 10 33/11 kV
132 KV Jhojhu Kalan
Sindhvi Khera
2 Jind 14.00 10 33/11 kV
132 KV Kheri Taloda
3 132 KV S/Stn. Sirsa 9.50 10 33/11 kV
Dhani Babanpur
4 Hisar 7.00 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn Teliwara
Bhattu Sottar132 KV
5 Hisar 0.15 10 33/11 kV
S/Stn Bhattu Sottar
6 132 KV S/Stn. Arya Hisar 19.80 10 33/11 kV
7 Jind 8.00 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Dablan
8 132 KV S/Stn. Jind 0.06 10 33/11 kV
9 Hisar 8.88 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Dharsul
10 Hisar 20.13 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Bhuna
Dhir Boswal
11 132 KV S/Stn. Hisar 7.50 10 33/11 kV
12 220 KV S/Stn. Hisar 6.80 10 33/11 kV
13 132 KV S/Stn. Sirsa 7.00 10 33/11 kV
14 132 KV S/Stn. Sirsa 0.50 10 33/11 kV
15 Sirsa 7.00 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Odhan
16 132 KV S/Stn. Sirsa 0.39 10 33/11 kV
17 132 KV S/Stn. Bhiwani 14.30 10 33/11 kV
18 Bhiwani 17.20 10 33/11 kV
220 KV S/Stn. Isharwal
Kheri Bulliyanwali
19 Jind 11.00 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Rajound
20 Hisar 21.50 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Bhattu
21 Hisar 1.40 10 33/11 kV
132 K S/Stn. Dharsul
22 132 KV S/Stn. Sirsa 8.70 10 33/11 kV
Desh Khera
23 Jind 8.00 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Julana
24 132 KV S/Stn. Jind 0.10 10 33/11 kV
25 Kheri Lochab Hisar 23.10 10 33/11 kV

220 KV S/Stn.
26 Bhwani 10.30 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Behal
27 Gurgaon 8.00 20 33/11 kV
220 KV S/Stn. Mau
28 Narnaul 4.80 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Satnali
29 Rewari 4.90 10 33/11 kV
220 KV S/Stn. Mau
30 Narnaul 6.60 10 33/11 kV
132 KV S/Stn. Satnali
31 220 KV S/Stn. Rangla Gurgaon 8.00 10 33/11 kV
32 220 KV S/Stn. Rangla Gurgaon 13.70 10 33/11 kV
Huda Sec-19
33 Sirsa 1.50 10 33/11 kV
220 KV S/Stn. Sirsa

Spill Over Works from FY 2015-16 for Augmentation of 33 KV Sub-Stations

Sr. 33 kV Sub- Augmentation Addition

Circle District Date
No. station (MVA) MVA
1 Ramrai Jind Jind 10+6.3/8 to 2x10 2 Approved
2 Badopal Hisar Fatehabad 10+8 to 2x10 2 Approved
Baliyala Fatehabad 2x6.3/8 to 6.3/8 +
3 Hisar 2 Approved
4 Birdana Hisar Fatehabad 10 to 2x10 10 Approved
5 Kamana Hisar Fatehabad 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 Approved
6 Alalwas Hisar Fatehabad 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 Approved
7 Gopalwas Bhiwani Bhiwani 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 Approved
8 Makrana Bhiwani Bhiwani 10+5 to 2x10 5 Approved
Tosham Bhiwani Bhiwani 2x4+6.3 to
9 4 Approved
10 Alampur Bhiwani Bhiwani 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 Approved
Kalanwali Sirsa Sirsa 2x6.3/8 + 6.3 to
11 3.7 Approved
12 Resalia Khera Sirsa Sirsa 10+6.3/8 to 2x10 10 Approved
13 Panihari Sirsa Sirsa 10 to 10+6.3/8 8 Approved
14 Shadianwali Sirsa Sirsa 6.3/8 to 6.3/8+ 10 10 Approved
15 Majra Narnaul Mohindergarh 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 Approved
16 Barda Narnaul Mohindergarh 10+4 to 10+4+5 5 Approved
17 Satnali Bass Narnaul Mohindergarh 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 Approved
18 Budeen Narnaul Mohindergarh 10 to 10+6.3 6.3 Approved
19 Zerpur Narnaul Mohindergarh 6.3/8 to 10 2 Approved
20 I/Area, Narnaul Narnaul Mohindergarh 10+6.3/8 to 2x10 2 Approved
33 KV substation Rewari Rewari 6.3 to 10
21 JC-I Gudiyani 3.7 Approved

11 kV & LT Distribution Works

1 11 kV Lines 800 Kms.

2 L.T. Lines 500 Kms.

3 Distribution Transformers 3500 Nos.

4 Electronic Meters 20000 Nos.

5 H.T. Capacitors 28.38 MVAR

6. Service Connections
a) General 60000 Nos.
b) Tube wells 3500 Nos.
c) Industrial 2000 Nos.

A nos. of improvement schemes have been formulated for execution during the
year 2016-17 which contain some spill over works from FY 2015-16. Schemes have been
formulated against financial assistance from R - APDRP (MoP), NCR Planning Board,
PFC, REC, JICA, World Bank and State Plan.
However, the following table shows the revised proposed outlay for the year 2016-17 which
has been sent to HERC for approval:-


(Rs. Cr) Projection for FY 16-17
1 AT&C loss reduction plan
Procurement of single phase meters for replacement of
defective meters and release of new connections. 88.47
Procurement of three phase meters for replacement of
defective meters and release of new connections. 46.00
c LT Connectivity of already executed HVDS works. 8.00
Power Factor Improvement (Providing automatic power
factor correctors) 15.00
2 Load Growth schemes
a Creation of new 33 kV sub-stations 110.00
b Augmentation of existing 33 kV sub-stations 30.00
c Erection of new 33 kV lines 15.00
d Erection of new 11 kV lines 10.00
e Augmentation of existing 33 kV lines 15.00

f Bifurcation of 11 kV feeders (Work of bifurcation of

feeders, augmentation of ACSR) 74.00
Material required for release of Non-AP connections &
replacement of old assets 200.00
h Release of Tube well connection on turnkey basis 100.00
Procurement of power transformers and allied equipment
I such as 33 kV CTs, 33 kV PTs, 33 kV and 11 kV VCBs, 33 kV
Control and Relay Panels etc. 25.00
J Release of BPL connections under RGGVY schemes 13.00
3 R-APDRP schemes
a Implementation of R-APDRP (Part-A) including SCADA 60.00
Implementation of SCADA under R-APDRP (Part-B) in
faridabad town 45.00 91
System Strengthening Works under IBRD loan and IBRD
Under IBRD Loan 90.00
Under IBRD Equity 22.50
5 Other works
Setting up of a new testing lab for materials i.e. cable,
a conductors, transformer oil, distribution transformers etc.
at Hisar. 2.07
Revamping of existing Meter Testing labs. at Dadri, Sirsa,
Hisar, Faridabad & Gurgaon 1.00
Maintenance free earthling using 'Ground Enhancing
c Material' for Distribution Transformers, Meter Pillar Boxes
and H-pole etc. 7.00
Installation of meters on 33 kV Incomers at sub-stations for
energy auditing. 2.00
e Providing RF Meters. -
AMI on large NDS & LT consumers having load about 10 kW
(IBRD funded work). 34.00
Strengthening of 11 kv & LT Network of bhiwani & jind
g Town under DHBVN (Total project cost Rs 75 Cr. To be
funded from world bank) 45.00
Relocation of energy meters of DS & NDS consumers
outside their premises in Meter Pillar boxes. 50.00
d Civil Works 12.00
Shifing of HT line (33 kv), passing over authorized/un-
authorized colonies under jurisdiction of DHBVN.Note:-
Hon’ble Chief Minister has made an announcement on the
floor of Haryana Vidhan Sabha that all dangerous wires of
33 KV and above levels passing over the various colonies
h 26.16
shall be removed. Accordingly, Worthy ACS/Power, Govt.
of Haryana, Power Deptt. directed to prepare the detailed
scheme in this regar. Also, Worthy ACS/Power, Govt. of
Haryana, Power Deptt. has desired that it may be made
part of the CAPEX Plan and approval of HERC be obtained.
Total 1146.20
B) CAPEX under UDAY (Ujjwal DISCOM
Assurance Yojana)
Financial (Rs. In cr.)
Compulsory Feeder and Distribution Transformer
Feeder meters have been provided on 100%
1 4.53
AMR is already implemented on 1078 feeders.
AMR on 4535 Number feeders is to be provided

DT meters with AMR have been provided on DTs

in areas under RAPDRP Part - A for 17535
2 meters. 4
DT Meters for left out urban areas is to be
provided approx. 5009 DTs

Boundary meters for Villages in Rural Areas

3 38
(3648 number of villages i.e. 7296 meters)
DT Meters for rural areas is to be provided for
4 10
reduction of AT&C losses to 30%

Engagement of IT firm for Roll out of R-APDRP 92

Application to Non R-APDRP Areas, Procurement
5 and installation of IT hardware at end locations of 17
Sub-Divisions, Providing MPLS connectivity at
end location

6 Consumer indexing and GIS mapping of losses 19

Upgrade or change of transformers / meters etc.
7 (The activities under this scheme have already #
been covered under Sr No 1a, 1 b, 2g & 3a)
Replacement of bare conductor with LT- AB cable
8 84.76
in theft prone areas
Replacement of defective meters and Relocation
of energy meters of DS & NDS consumers
outside their premises in MCB(Procurement of
9 85.25
1X1 & 4X1 MCBs for 1 Ph Meters, 1X1 MCBs for
3Ph Meters, 2cx10 mm2 and 4cx16 mm2 LT
PVC armoured/ un-armoured cables and meters).

Smart metering of consumers consuming above

200 unitsAMI Project for smart meters already
under implementation in Gurgaon and Faridabad
City for about 100000 consumers and is expected
10 ##
to be completed by December 2017 (under World
Bank Project).Further Roll out will be based on
the results.Expected Cost for the project is arounf
Rs 105 Crores)

# - Cost for the Upgradation or change of transformers
and meters already taken under CAPEX planned by

## - Items already covered under S. No. - 5 f

Grand Total 1408.74

Note: - Smart city project have been sent to HERC for approval. HERC has been requested to
consider the same seperately.

Proposals of 33 KV & Distribution Works for the year 2016-17

New Sub Stations & Lines

Sr. Name of Sub-station/ Line Name of Approved Capacity Volatge

No. Section Circle MVA Ratio KV
1 Sohansara Bhiwnai 10 33/11
2 Bishalwas Bhiwnai 10 33/11
3 Noonsar Bhiwnai 10 33/11
4 Surpura Bhiwnai 10 33/11
5 Khera (Near Siwani) Bhiwnai 10 33/11
6 Jui Bhiwnai 10 33/11
7 Near Digawan Jatta Bhiwnai 10 33/11
8 Loharu Bhiwnai 10 33/11
9 Kushalpura Bhiwnai 10 33/11
10 Dariyapur Bhiwnai 10 33/11
11 BTM Road, Bhiwani Bhiwnai 12.5 33/11
12 Bapora-II Bhiwnai 25 33/11
13 Bamla Bhiwnai 10 33/11
14 Samaspur Bhiwnai 10 33/11
15 Dagroli Bhiwnai 10 33/11
16 Jamalpur Hisar 10 33/11
17 Auto Market Hisar / Dhansu Hisar 12.5 33/11
18 Sec-1 & 4, Hisar Hisar 12.5 33/11
19 Talwandi Rana Hisar 10 33/11
20 Kharak Punia Hisar 10 33/11
21 HUDA, Sec-3, Fatehabad Hisar 10 33/11
22 Shekhupur Hisar 10 33/11
23 Hukmawali Hisar 5 33/11
24 Jhandli kalan Hisar 10 33/11
25 Hanspur Hisar 10 33/11
26 Phoolan Hisar 10 33/11
27 Akoda Narnaul 10 33/11
28 Malra Narnaul 10 33/11
29 Pali Narnaul 10 33/11
30 Sundrah Narnaul 10 33/11
31 HUDA Sector, Mohindergarh Narnaul 10 33/11
32 DIET Mohindergarh Narnaul 10 33/11
33 Balana Narnaul 10 33/11 94
34 Kotia Narnaul 10 33/11
35 Surethi Narnaul 10 33/11
36 Hasanpur Narnaul 10 33/11
37 Nangal Dargu Narnaul 10 33/11
38 Kojinda Narnaul 10 33/11
39 HUDA Narnaul Narnaul 25 33/11
40 Mangalia Sirsa 10 33/11
41 Damdama Sirsa 10 33/11
42 Jiwan Nagar Sirsa 10 33/11
43 Bajekan Sirsa 10 33/11
44 Moju Ki Dhani Sirsa 10 33/11
45 Patti Kirpal Sirsa 10 33/11
46 Darba Kalan Sirsa 10 33/11
47 Baruwali Sirsa 10 33/11
48 Arniwali Sirsa 10 33/11
49 Kanganpur Sirsa 20 33/11
50 Kelnia Sirsa 10 33/11
51 Dabwali Sirsa 12.5 33/11
52 Sector-8, Jind Jind 25 33/11
53 HAMETI Jind 12.5 33/11
54 Khatkar Jind 10 33/11
55 Sandil Jind 10 33/11
56 Ikkas Jind 10 33/11
57 Sangatpura Jind 20 33/11
58 Khera Khemwati Jind 10 33/11
59 Kurar Jind 10 33/11
60 Retoli Jind 10 33/11
61 HUDA Sec. 9, Safidon Jind 10 33/11
62 Uchana Kalan Jind 10 33/11
63 Uchana Khurd Jind 10 33/11
64 Kabarchha Jind 10 33/11
65 Badshapur Gurgaon 20 33/11
66 Sec-57 (Part-I) Gurgaon Gurgaon 10 33/11
67 Sec-57 (Part-II) Gurgaon Gurgaon 10 33/11
68 Panchgaon Gurgaon 10 33/11
69 Mau Gurgaon 10 33/11
70 Ghasera Palwal 10 33/11
71 Silani Palwal 20 33/11
72 Nehrugarh Rewari 10 33/11
73 Near nangal mundi Rewari 10 33/11
74 Balawas Ahir Rewari 10 33/11
75 Bhandor Rewari 10 33/11
76 Dharan Rewari 10 33/11
77 IA Dhauruhera Rewari 12.5 33/11
78 Mohanpur Rewari 10 33/11
79 Kamalpur Rewari 10 33/11
80 Subaseri Rewari 10 33/11


Sr. Name of Transformer Capacity Voltage Capacity to

Name of Sub-station
No. Circle MVA Ratio in KV Addition MVA
1 Kheri Taloda Jind 10+5+6.3/8 to 2x10+5 33/11 2
2 Chatter Jind 8+10 to 2x10 33/11 2
3 Danonda Jind 10+5 to 2x10 33/11 5
4 Rasidon Jind 6.3/8 to 2x10 33/11 12
5 Balerkhan Jind 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
6 Lochchab Jind 8+6.3 to 2x10 33/11 5.7
7 Bass Hisar 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
8 Karandi Hisar 2x6.3/8 to 2x6.3/8+10 33/11 10
9 Leherian Hisar 6.3+5 to 2x6.3/8 33/11 4.7
10 Dhani Raipur Hisar 2x6.3/8 to 10+6.3/8 33/11 2
11 Ratta Khera Hisar 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
12 Gorakhpur Hisar 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
13 Siwani Bhiwani 1 x6.3 + 2x10 to 3x10 33/11 3.7
Bardu Chaina (near Bhiwani
14 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
Dighawan Jattan)
15 Chhapar Bhiwani 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
16 Dagroli Bhiwani 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
17 Sector 13 Bhiwani Bhiwani 6.3/8+10 to 2x10 33/11 2
18 Bawani Khera Bhiwani 10+4 to 2x10 33/11 6
19 BTM, Bhiwani Bhiwani 12.5 to 2x12.5 33/11 12.5
Sanjarwas Bhiwani 1x6.3 + 1x6.3/8 + 1x10 to
20 33/11 3.7
2x10 +1x6.3/8
21 Ghasola Bhiwani 1x10 to 2x10 33/11 10
22 Dhotter Sirsa 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
23 Ottu Sirsa 10 to 10+6.3 33/11 6.3
24 Haripura Sirsa 10 to 10+6.3 33/11 6.3
25 Ellenabad(s) Sirsa 10+6.3/8+6.3 to 3x10 33/11 5.7
26 Jamal Sirsa 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
27 Mastangarh Sirsa 10 to 2x10 33/11 10
28 Dholpalia Sirsa 10+6.3/8 to 2x10+6.3/8 33/11 10
29 Kuttabad Sirsa 10 to 10+6.3 33/11 6
30 Kuttabad Sirsa 10+6.3 to 2x10+6.3 33/11 10
31 Dhani Kahan Singh Sirsa 6.3/8 to 10 33/11 2
32 Ahemdpur rd. Sirsa Sirsa 6.3/8+10 to 2x10 33/11 2
33 Old Site Sirsa Sirsa 6.3/8+10 to 2x10 33/11 2
34 I.A.Sirsa Sirsa 10+6.3/8 to 10+12.5 33/11 4.5
35 Kharia Sirsa 10+6.3 to 2x12.5 33/11 8.7
36 Bansudhar Sirsa 10 to 2x12.5 33/11 15
37 Darbi Sirsa 10+6.3 to 2x10 33/11 3.7
38 Ding Sirsa 10+6.3/8 to 10+12.5 33/11 4.5
39 Sehlang Narnaul 6.3/8 to 6.3/8+6.3 33/11 6.3
40 Khatoti Khurd Narnaul 16.3 to 22.6 33/11 6.3
41 Lehroda Narnaul 18 to 20 33/11 2
42 Bhungarka Narnaul 10 to16.3 33/11 6.3
43 Dublana Narnaul 18 to 20 33/11 2
44 Nizampur Narnaul 18 to 20 33/11 2
45 Garhi Mahesar Narnaul 18 to 20 33/11 2
46 I/Area Dharuhera Rewari 12.5 to 2x12.5 33/11 12.5
47 Rojka Meo Palwal 2x4 + 1x10 to 3x10 33/11 12

33 kV Lines (New and augmentations)

Sr. No. Name of line Name of Circle Length of line

1. Aug. of 33 KV line Siwani (132 KV Miran to 33 KV Siwani) Bhiwani 18.5 KM
2. New 33 KV link line Samain- Pirthla (5.5 Km.), under Op. Hisar 5.5 KM
S/Divn. Tohana.
3. New 33 KV link line Samain- Jamalpur (5.5 Km.), under Hisar 5.5 KM
Op.S/Divn. Tohana.
4. Augmentation of 33KV line Dharsul-Lehrian (5.8 Km.) with Hisar 5.8 KM
80mm2 to 130mm2, under Op. S/Divn. Tohana
5. New 33KV link line (11.22 Km.) for Dharsul- Degoh for Hisar 11.22 KM
independent feeding of 33KV S/Stn. Degoh under
Op.S/Divn. Tohana.
6. New 33 KV line Ghoghria-Chhater (12.5 KM) under Jind 12.5 KM
Op.S/Divn. Narwana.
7. New 33 KV link line for MC-1&MC-2 S/Stn, under Rewari 9.00 KM
Op.S/Divn. Kosli.
8. Connectivity of 33 KV Kakodia,Palhawas,JC-II & Rewari 4.80 KM
Kaluwas at 132KV S/Stn Gangaicha Jat
9. 33 KV linK-line for Sec-10 S/Stn Rewari Rewari 4.60 KM
10. Pinagwa Line Palwal 13.00 KM
11. Aug. of ACSR from 100mm2 & 80mm2 to 150mm2 of Palwal 3.30 KM
33 KV line from 220 KV S/Stn Rangala Rajpur to 33
KV S/Stn F/Jhirka
12. Augmentation of 33KV Line Satnali-Barda Narnaul 9.00 KM
13. New Link line from 132 KV S/Stn. Mithi Sureran Sirsa 14.00 KM
(Ellenabad) to 33 KV S/Stn Bhuratwala
14. New Link line from 132 KV S/Stn. Sikanderpur to 33 Sirsa 20.00 KM
KV S/Stn. Rasulpur Theri & Aug. of existing
Siknderpur - Kasumbi Line
15. Segregation of load of 33 KV Farwain line and 33 KV Sirsa 11.00 KM
Panihari line by providing new 11 KM 33 KV link line
16. Independent 33 KV line for 33 KV Bansudhar from 132 Sirsa 5.00 KM
KV Sub-staton Kherekan

Other Distribution Works

1. 11 KV lines (new & aug.) 2500 Kms.

2. L.T. Lines (new & aug.) 1500 Kms.

3. Distribution Transformers 14000 Nos.

4. Electronic Meters 175000 Nos.

Service Connections
a) General 148000 Nos.
b) Tubewells 7500 Nos.
c) Industrial 2000 Nos.


A revised CAPEX Plan for FY 2016-17 of Rs.1408.74 Crores have been

prepared under various heads as mentioned below:

(i) Creation of new 33 kV Sub-station:-

Scheme Objective

New 33 kV substations shall be taken up with an objective to cater to additional load, to

provide better quality power supply and better consumer service.
The key benefits envisaged by creation of new substationsare as follows:
• Reduction in technical losses
• Proper voltage supplied to the consumer
• Additional demand catered to consumers
• Long Term Planning to sustain load growth
• Release of new connections

(ii) Augmentation of existing 33 kV Sub-stations:-

Scheme Objective
Augmentation of existing 33 kV substations shall be taken up with an objective to cater to
additional load, to provide better quality power supply and better consumer service.
The key benefits envisaged by augmentation of existing substations are as follows:
• Augmentation of existing substations shall assist in relieving the overloaded
original substation.
• Augmentation of the substation also helps in improving the reliability of power
supply to a greater extent.
• Augmentation of substation will also help in catering to the future load

(iii) Erection of new 33 kV lines:-

Scheme Objective
New 33 kV lines would be required along with a new upcoming sub-station or a new
additional transformer at a sub-station. These lines would be feeding the 33 kV sub-stations
from an upstream sub-station.

(iv) Erection of new 11 kV lines:-

Scheme Objective

The load of 11 kV feeders is on 132 kV & 33kV substations. Therefore with erection of
every new 33 kV substation; there is requirement of 11 kV feeders to supply power to the

(v) Augmentation of existing 33 kV lines:-
Scheme Objective
Lower capacity sections of feeders are being proposed for upgrading to higher size
conductors. Those sections of the feeders which are damaged and require re-conductoring
may also benefit from this.

(vi) Bifurcation / Trifurcation of 11 kV feeders /new 11 kV lines:-

Scheme Objective
Feeder Bifurcation/Trifurcation projects are taken up with an objective to providebetter
quality power supply, reduction of losses and better consumer service. Scheme involves the
division of lengthy feeders into two/three 11 kV feeders. Itwill help in providing quality power
supply to consumers.

vii) Material required for release of Non-AP Connections and replacement of old assets
and system improvement:-
Scheme Objective
• The main objective under this scheme remains release of new connections and
to maintain the continuity of supply;
• Procurement of meters to record accurate energy;
• Replacement of defective/damage/worn out material;

(vii) Release of Tube well connections:-

These have been undertaken for the society’s welfare.

(viii) Other Improvement Work:-

Scheme Objective
The objectives identified are as follows:
• Reduction of AT & C losses
• Improving customer satisfaction
• Increasing reliability and quality of power supply

(ix) AMI for consumers having load between 10 KW to 20 KW:-

Scheme Objective
DHBVN plans to implement this scheme across all the categories (Except AP connections)
in FY 2016-17. The main objective shall be for improvement of the Meter to Cash cycle.
• Identifying theft of power by means of bypassing of meters or physical
• Possibility of analysis of meter data from central locations;
• Early detection of undeclared load;
• Better Load Management & productivity;

(x) Shifting of meters in pillar boxes:-

Scheme Objective
The main objective is that the meters get installed at the locations, which are easily
accessible for installation, testing, commissioning, reading, recording and maintenance.
Further, DHBVN has planned this scheme to reduce AT& C losses to minimal level;
(xi) Civil works:-
Scheme Objective
DHBVN plans to invest in civil construction to cater to the growing requirements of the
entire distribution business at different levels viz across Circles, Divisions, Sub-divisions
and Distribution Centres. Under this scheme, DHBVN plans to set up new offices, staff
quarters etc. Also, all the renovation work shall be carried out at 33 kV substation buildings,
offices, power colonies, billing centres and other allied civil infrastructure.

(xii). Shifting of HT line (33 KV), passing over authorized/un-authorized colonies under
jurisdiction of DHBVN.
Hon’ble Chief Minister has made an announcement on the floor of Haryana Vidhan Sabha
that all dangerous wires of 33 KV and above levels passing over the various colonies shall
be removed. Accordingly, Worthy ACS/Power, Govt. of Haryana, Power Deptt. directed to
prepare the detailed scheme in this regard. Also, Worthy ACS/Power, Govt. of Haryana,
Power Deptt. has desired that it may be made part of the CAPEX Plan and approval of
HERC be obtained.

B) CAPEX under UDAY (Ujjwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana):-

The Haryana DISCOMs are implementing the UDAY scheme notified by the Ministry
of Power, GoI for achieving the operational and financial turnaround for which a MoU has
already been signed amongst MoP, State Govt. & Haryana DISCOMs on 11.03.2016. To
achieve the target as envisaged in MoU, following activities are to be carried out:-

1. Compulsory Feeder and Distribution Transformer metering.

2. DT meters with AMR.

3. Boundary meters for Villages in Rural Areas.

4. DT Meters for rural areas.

5. Engagement of IT firm for Roll out of R-APDRP Application to Non R-APDRP Areas,
Procurement and installation of IT hardware at end locations of Sub-Divisions,
Providing MPLS connectivity at end location.

6. Consumer indexing and GIS mapping of losses.

7. Upgrade or change of transformers / meters etc.

(The activities under this scheme have already been covered under nomal CAPEX

8. Replacement of bare conductor with LT- AB cable in theft prone areas.

9. Replacement of defective meters and Relocation of energy meters of DS & NDS

consumers outside their premises in MCB (Procurement of 1X1 & 4X1 MCBs for 1
Ph Meters, 1X1 MCBs for 3Ph Meters, 2cx10 mm2 and 4cx16 mm2 LT PVC
armoured/ un-armoured cables and meters).

10. Smart metering of consumers consuming above 200 units.

AMI Project for smart meters already under implementation in Gurgaon and Faridabad
City for about 100000 consumers and is expected to be completed by December 2017
(under World Bank Project). Further Roll out will be based on the results.

Chapter -13 (Manual -12)

The Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes:

The manner of execution of subsidy programs:

The State Govt. provides subsidy to the State Power Distribution Companies
(DISCOMs) for concessional power supply to private agriculture tube well
consumers of the State. The quantum and terms of subsidy to be paid by the State
Government to State Power Utilities are decided by the State Electricity Regulatory
Commission (HERC) in its orders on the Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) of
the Power Distribution Utilities filed every year, in terms of the provisions of the
section 62 and 65 of the Electricity Act-2003. The relevant HERC orders are
already in public domain on Commission’s website “

Chapter - 14 (Manual - 13)

Particulars of Recipients of Concessions,

Permits or authorisation granted by it

The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam does not grant any concession,
permission or authorisation.

Chapter-15 (Mannual-14)

Norms set by it for the discharge of its


The Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam shall attend to complaints of

interruption of power supply on account of normal fuse off, line break down,
distribution transformer failure, major power failure, failure of power
transformers equipments etc.


The DHBVN shall make the endeavor to cater continuous supply to its
consumers. It will have to match the reliability indices benchmarks set by the
Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission from time to time.



S Nature of Service Standard (indicating Amount of Manner

r. Maximum time limit Compensatio of
N for rendering n payable to paymen
o service) affected t
. consumer

1 Normal Cities and Within Within 2 Rs. 100 in Automati

Fuse Off Towns 4 hours hrs. of each case of c
receipt of default
Rural Area Within complaint,
8 hours
t shall be
2 Line Cities and Within Rs. 100 to Automati
Breakdown Towns informed each c
8 hours
s about the affected
(12 hrs likely time consumer
if pole to be taken
Rural Area Within of supply if
16 asked for
hours by the
(24 hrs complainan
if pole t.

3 Distribution Cities and Within Rs. 100 per Automati

Transforme Towns 24 day or part c
r Failure hours thereof to
Rural Area Within affected
48 consumer
subject to a
maximum of
4 Major Cities and Within
Rs 3000/-
Power Towns 7 days.
Failure Alternat

Failure Rural Area Alter nat
involving e
Power arrange
Transforme ment,
r/ to
Equipment restore
etc. the
supp ly
to the
area, t o
24 hrs.

5 Period of Not to Normal Rs. 100 per Automati

Load exceed 4 hrs. supply day or part c
Shedding per day to be thereof to
continuously restore each
for 4 days d within affected
72 hrs. consumer
subject to a
maximum of
Rs 3000/-

6 Period of Maximum Not to Consumers Rs. 200 to Automati

Scheduled duration at a exceed to be each affected c
outages stretch 8 hour s informed, consumer
on any at least, 24
day hrs. in
Restoration By 6 PM
of supply on any

7 Voltage Where no Withi n Within 2 Rs. 100 in Automati

Variations expansion of 4 hrs. hrs. of each case of c
LT= +/- 6 network is in cit ies receipt of default
% involved & to wns complaint,
& 8 h rs. complaina
HV = +6 %
in ru ral t shall be
area informed

- about the
Where up- Within Rs. 100 per
9% 60 days likely time
gradation o f day or part
LT to be taken
thereof in
EHV = for
distribution each case of
+10% redressal of
system is default to
& -12.5 required each affected
% consumer
Where up- Within subject to a
gradation o f 180 maximum of
High days Rs 3000/-
Tension/ E HT
system is

Opening of Within 4 hour Rs. 100 in

neutral and each case of
neutral default
2% of supply

8 Meter Inspect and Within 7 days of Rs.100 for Automati

Complaints check receipt of meter each day of c
correctness testing fee delay subject
to a
Replace Within 7 days of its maximum of
slow/fast being so established Rs 3000/-.
meters on checking.

Replace Within 7 days of its

creeping or being so established
stuck met ers on checking.

Replace Within 7 days of Rs.200 in

burnt meters receipt of complaint each case of
if cause not default
to consumer

Replace Within 24 hours of

burnt met ers payment of charges by
in all other consumer

9 Application Release of Within one month of Rs. 200 for Automati
for new supply where receipt of application each day of c
connection/ service is complete in all respect default,
additional feasible from along with prescribed subject to
load/ existing charges Section 44 o f
Temporary network Act and also
Connection subject to a
maximum of
Rs 3000/-.

Release of Immediately after Rs. 200 for To be

supply where expansion/ each day of claimed
Distribution Commissioning or with default in
Network in such period as case of LT,
expansion / specified by the Rs. 500 for
Commissioni Commission each day of
ng of New default in
Sub Station case of HT &
required for EHT & Rs.
providing 1000 for e ach
connection day of defaul t
in case of
g of New S ub
subject to
Section 44 o f

Within 30 days after Rs.100 for

attaining seniority (The each day of
no. of new connections default
Pump Sets
shall be limited to the subject to
target fixed for the Section 44 o f
year) Act and also
subject to a
maximum of
Rs 3000/-.

1 Transfer of ownership, Within 7 days of Rs. 100 for Automati

0 change of category receipt of application each day of c
complete in all respect default
subject to a
maximum of
Rs 3000/-.

1 Conversion of LT single Within 30 days from Rs. 100 for Auto mati
1 phase to LT three phase, the date of payment of each day of c

1 Conversion from LT to HT charges default c
and vice-versa subject to a
maximum of
Rs 3000/-.

1 Redressal of If no Within 24 hours of Rs. 100 for Automati

2 consumer’s additional receipt of complaint each day of c
complaint informati on default
regarding is required subject to a
billing maximum of
If additio nal Within 7 days of Rs 3000/-.
informati on receipt of complaint
is required

1 Reconnectio Cities and Within 6 hours of Rs. 100 for Automati

3 n of supply Towns receipt of payment each day of c
following from consumer default
disconnectio subject to a
n Rural Area Within 12 hours of maximum of
receipt of payment Rs 3000/-.
from consumer

1 Refund of Advance Within 30 days after Rs. 100 for To be

4 Consumption Deposits/ receipt of request each day of claimed
Consumption Security, default
meter Security subject to a
maximum of
Rs 3000/-.

1 Issue of No Due Certificates Latest by 5PM next day Rs. 100 for To be
5 of receipt of request each day of claimed
subject to a
maximum of
Rs 3000/-.

1 Shifting of Shifting of Within 15 days after Rs. 100 for Automati

6 meter/ meter/ receipt of request each day of c
Service Service along with prescribed default
Connection/ Connectio n charges subject to a
Lines/ maximum of
Equipments Shifting of Within 45 days after Rs 3000/-. To be
LT / HT receipt of request claimed
Lines along with prescribed

Shifting of Within 60 days after
Transform er receipt of request
Structure along with prescribed



S Nature of Service Standard (Indicating Overall

. Time Limit for Standard
N rendering Service) s of
. Performa

1 Normal fuse-off Cities and Towns Within 4 hours 99%

Rural Area Within 8 hours

2 Line Breakdowns Cities and Towns Within 8 hours (12 hrs. i f 95%
pole gets broken)

Rural Area Within 16 hours (24 hrs. if

pole gets broken)

3 Distribution Cities and Towns Within 24 hours 95%

Transformer Failure
Rural Area Within 48 hours

4 Major Power Failure Cities and Towns Within 7 days. 95%

involving Power
Alternate arrangement, to
Transformer / Rural Area
restore the supply to the
Equipment etc.
affected area, to be ma de
within 24 hrs.

5 Period of Load Not to exceed 4 Normal supply to be 95%

Shedding hrs. per day restored with in 72 hrs.
continuously for 4

6 Period of Scheduled Maximum durati on Not to exceed 8 hours o n 99%

outage at a stretch any day

Restoration of By 6 PM on any day


7 Voltage Variations Where no Within 4 hrs. in cities & 95%

expansion of towns & 8 hrs. in rural
network is involv ed area

Where up- Within 60 days 90%
gradation of LT
distribution syst em
is required

Where up- Within 180 days 85%

gradation of High
Tension /EHT
distribution system
is required

Opening of neutr al Within 4 hrs. 99%

and neutral volta ge
exceeding 2% of
supply voltage

8 Meter Complaints Inspect and che ck Within 7 days of receipt of 95%

correctness meter testing fee

Replace slow/fast Within 7 days of its bein g

meters so established on

Replace creeping or Within 7 days of receipt of

stuck meters complaint

Replace burnt Within 7 days of receipt of

meters if cause n ot complaint
attributable to

Replace burnt Within 24 hours of

meters in all othe r payment of charges by
cases consumer

9 Application for new Release of supply Within one month of 95%

connection/Additional where service is receipt of application
load connection/ feasible from complete in all respect
Temporary existing network along with prescribed

Release of supply Immediately after 95%

where Distributi on expansion/ Commissioning
Network expansio n or with in such period as
/ Commissioning of specified by the
New Sub Station Commission
required for

Agriculture Pump Within 30 days after 80%
Sets attaining seniority (The
no. of new connections
shall be limited to the
target fixed for the year)

1 Transfer of ownership, change of Category Within 7 days of receipt of 99%

0 application complete in a ll

1 Conversion of LT single phase to LT three Within 30 days from the 99%

1 phase, Conversion from LT to HT and vice- date of payment of
versa charges

1 Redressal of consumer’s If no additio nal Within 24 hours of receipt 99%

2 complaint regarding billing information is of Complaint

If additional Within 7 days of receipt of 99%

information is Complaint

1 Reconnection of supply Cities and Within 6 hours of receipt 99%

3 following disconnection Towns of payment from

Rural Areas Within 12 hours of recei pt 99%

of payment from

1 Refund of Advance Consumption Deposits/ Within 30 days after 99%

4 Consumption Security, meter Security receipt of request

1 Issue of No Due Certificates Latest by 5PM next day of 99%

5 receipt of request

1 Shifting of meter/ Service Shifting of Within 15 days after 95%

6 Connection/ Lines/ meter/ Servi ce receipt of request along
Equipments Connection with prescribed charges

Shifting of LT / Within 45 days after

HT Lines receipt of request along
with prescribed charges

Shifting of Within 60 days after

Transformer receipt of request along
Structure with prescribed charges

1 Distribution Transformer Urban areas Shall not
7 failure rate exceed
5% p.a.

Rural area Shall not

10% p.a.

1 Faulty Meters Shall not

8 exceed 1
(MNR, Burnt, Sticky, etc.)
% of

1 Billing Mistakes Shall not

9 exceed
0.1% of
consum ers

2 Voltage variations at The

0 supply point voltage
shall be
within the
hereun der

a) LT
+6% to -

b) HT
+6% to –

c) EHT
+10% to
12.5 %

2 Reliability Indices The reliability indices mentioned hereunder The

1 shall be computed separately for urban and Commissio
rural feeders. n will lay
down the
a) Average number of interruptions in 11KV
later on.
b) Average duration of interruptions in 11K V

c) Average number of interruptions per


d) Average duration of interruption per





Report for the month of

Name of the Licensee :

Total No. of services :
Total No. of Distribution Transformers:

S Nature of Service Nos. of Nos. % age Overall

. complai of attend Standards
N nts compl ed of
. receive aints Performan
d attend ce

1 Normal fuse-off Cities and 99%

Calls Towns

Rural Area

2 Line Breakdowns Cities and 95%

Calls Towns

Rural Area

3 Distribution Cities and 95%

Transformer Failure Towns

Rural Area

4 Major Power Fail ure Cities and 95%

involving Power Towns

Transformer / Rural Area
Equipment etc.

5 Period of Load Not to exceed 4 95%

Shedding hrs. per day
continuously f or
4 days

6 Period of Scheduled Maximum 99%

outage duration at a

Restoration of

7 Voltage Variations Where no 95%

expansion of
network is

Where up- 90%

gradation of LT
system is

Where up- 85%

gradation of
High Tension /
EHT distribution
system is

Opening of 99%
neutral and
neutral volta ge
exceeding 2%
of supply

8 Meter Complaints Inspect and 95%



creeping or
stuck meters

Replace burnt
meters if cau se
not attributable
to consumer

Replace burnt
meters in all
other cases

9 Application for new Release of 95%

connection/Addition supply where
al load connection/ service is
Temporary feasible from

Release of 95%
supply where
expansion /
Commissioni ng
of New Sub
Station requi red
for providing

Agriculture 80%
Pump Sets

1 Transfer of ownership, change of 99%

0 Category

1 Conversion of LT single phase to LT 99%

1 three phase, Conversion from LT to HT
and vice-versa

1 Redressal of If no 99%
2 consumer’s complaint additional
regarding billing information is

If additional 99%
information is

1 Reconnection of Cities and 99%

3 supply following Towns
Rural Areas 99%

1 Refund of Advance Consumption 99%

4 Deposits/ Consumption Security, m eter

1 Issue of No Due Certificates 99%


1 Shifting of meter/ Shifting of 95%

6 Service Connection/ meter/
Lines/ Equipments Service

Shifting of LT
/ HT Lines

Shifting of
Transform er

1 Distribution Urban areas Shall not

7 Transformer failure exceed 5 %
rate p.a.

Rural area Shall not

exceed 10
% p.a.

1 Faulty Meters Shall not

8 exceed 1%
(MNR, Burnt, Sticky,
of metered
etc.) installati ons

1 Billing Mistakes Shall not

9 exceed
0.1% of

2 Voltage variations at The voltage

0 supply point variation
shall be

within the

a) LT
+6% to -6%

b) HT
between +
6% to -9%

c) EHT
+10% to –

2 Reliability Indices The reliability indices mentioned hereunder The

1 shall be computed separately for urban and Commission
rural feeders. will lay
down the
a) Average number of interruptions in 11KV
later on.
b) Average duration of interruptions in 11KV

c) Average number of interruptions per


d) Average duration of interruption per


Chapter 16 (Manual -15)

Information available in electronic form

Information available on website in electronic form:

1. Board of Directors
2. Act & Policies
3. Statistical Information of DHBVN
4. Financial data of DHBVN (Annual Statement of Account)
5. Billing and Collection Information
6. Delegation of Power
7. Conduct Regulations of Employees
8. Punishment and Appeal regulation
9. Annual revenue requirement (ARR) filed with HERC
10. Annual Budget Estimates
11. DHBVN ISO Certification
12. PRM Schedule
13. Transfer and Posting orders
14. General Instruction and Order of Administration
15. Seniority & Ranking List
16. DHBVN Accounts, Budget, Cash & Bank, Costing and Internal Audit Manual
17. Pay and Salary Details of Employees
18. Sales Manual, Circulars and Instructions
19. Citizen Charter
20. Technical Specification and Standard Drawings
21. Approved Rates of 33 KV & 11 KV items for preparation of Estimates
22. Procurement Manual
23. Tender Notices
24. Standard Bidding Documents
25. List of Black Listed firms
Note : The Obsolete information is generally removed from the website.

Chapter - 17 (Manual - 16)

Particulars of the facilities available to

citizens for obtaining information.

Means, methods or facilitation available to the public which are adopted by

the DHBVN for dissemination of information :

• Web Site of the Nigam; .

• Citizen Charter
• Advertisements in newspapers.
• Press releases through print and electronic media.
• Exhibitions
• Hoardings
• leaflets
• Notice Boards.
• Complaint Centres.
• Consumer Care Centre/Call Center at Gurgaon.
• Programmes of Bhajan Mandalies and drama Parties.
• Oral announcements with drum beating
• Public meetings
• Bijli Sabhas/ Open Darbars
• Manuals and regulations are available in print and electronic form.
• System of issuing copies/documents to public opinion leaders.
• Inspection of record on request
• Availability of copies of documents on request.

Chapter -18 (Manual 17)

Other Useful Information

Sales Circular No. D- 3/2016

Memo No.Ch- 3/SE/C/R-16/372/15 Dated: 9.02.2016

Subject: Mhara Gaon Jagmag Gaon.

Please refer to S.C. No. D-25/2015 dated 24.07.2015 vide which

MharaGaonJagmagGaon Scheme was launched to address the issues of high line losses
and arrears in rural domestic sector on 1st July, 2015. Under the scheme one best RDS
feeder of 83 rural constituencies had been selected. The supply hours of these feeders
were increased from 12 hours to 15 hours. It was stipulated that the supply hours of
these feeders will be increased to 18 hours on shifting of meter outside the premises
and replacement of naked wires with insulated cables.
The matter has been considered and approved by PSCM on dated
07.01.2016 to increase the supply hours from 15 hours to 18 hours to the 4 no. feeders
nmely 11 KV feeder Bar-gujjar, Talwara, Bijuwali and Khatrawan who have qualified
the above norms w.e.f. 26.01.2016.
Further, it has been decided to add two new 11 KV feeders instead of one
no feeder in every constituency (where, the supply hours has been increased from 12
hours to 15 hours) where the supply hours shall be increased from 12 hours to 15
hours. As such, the selected feeders are given as under:-
Sr. Name of Name of Name of
Name of village
No. Circle feeder constituency
1 2 3 4 5
Manesar Manesar
1 Gurgaon Chillar, Moujabad, Jetpur, Pataudi
Kunthal, Musli, Rattakhera, Ellenabad
2 Sirsa Goriwala,
RampuraBishnoian&ChalJalu Dabwali
Alikan, Masita, Maujgarh,
Masita DS
Ranga Ranga
Bansudhar Mirpur, Kalanwali
DS DhaniSuknchain&Ahmedpur
Sales Circular No. D- 25/2015

Memo No.Ch-25/SE/C/R-16/372/15 Dated: 24.07.2015

Subject: MharaGaon Jag Mag Gaon.

In compliance to the decision of the Government of Haryana to curb theft
of power, improving billing efficiency and quality of service to the consumers of the
selected feeder, the ‘MharaGaon Jag Mag Gaon Scheme’ has been launched w.e.f.
01.07.2015. Under this scheme one RDS feeder in each of the Haryana Assembly
constituencies having least AT&C losses have been selected and shall be provided
increased supply hours from 12 to 15 hours w.e.f. 01.07.2015.
The Scheme shall be applicable to the consumers of the villages covered
under the ‘MharaGaon Jag Mag Gaon Scheme’ on the selected RDS feeder in each
constituency. The salient features of the scheme are as under:-
1. The principal amount of the old arrears will be recovered from the consumers
of the village in five regular installments alongwith current bills. After payment
of the last bill and arrear installment, entire surcharge amount will be waived
2. Reconnection at defaulter premises shall be allowed after payment of first
installment without surcharge of outstanding bill. Balance outstanding amount
will be paid in four installments alongwith next current bills.
3. Following activities shall be carried out in the villages to improve the quality of
service to consumers:-
i. Replacement of bare conductor with AB cable.
ii. Replacement of defective/electro mechanical meters.
iii. Shifting of meters outside the premises.
iv. Maintenance of DT's.
v. Maintenance of LD system.
vi. As a one time measure, the meter so replaced would not be subject to
further checking from the M&T Lab.
4. When the naked LT conductor of the village is fully changed into AB cables as
per site requirement and the meters of all the households have been brought
out, the power supply to the village will be increasedfrom 15 hours to 18 hours.
5. For measuring the power supplied to the village the meters shall be installed on
all the points from which 11 KV lines go into the village. After allowing for the
permitted quantum of technical losses i.e. 20%, if the village pays bills to the
extent of 90% of power supplied, their electricity supply will be increased from
18 to 21 hours. After the defaulting amount of the feeder becomes less than
10%, 24 Hours supply will be provided.
DHBVN team alongwith senior officers of the District Administration will hold
the Bijli Panchayat in all the villages on the selected feeders. Suitable date and time of
holding Bijli Panchayat in these villages will be fixed by the SE/XEN and intimated to
Deputy Commissioner of the district as well as MLA of the constituency.
In the Bijli Panchayats, relevant data relating to the village concerned will be
presented. Copies of that data will also be given to the members of Panchayat and
others present. During these meetings, cooperation of Sarpanch / Panches and village
residents will be sought. The officers of the DISCOM will present a plan of action for
improving the system and services in the village. All electricity related problems in the
village shall be addressed.
Following activities are to be performed on the day of Bijli Panchayat:-
I. Making villages aware of the problems and hearing their grievances
II. Bill dispute settlement on spot.
III. Release of new connection on spot.
IV. Extension of load on spot.
In case a village does not fulfill the obligations cast upon them in terms of
helping installation of AB cables, replacement of meters and bringing them outside
the houses, eventually leading to reduction of losses, the increased supply hours of
power will be withdrawn.The above scheme has already been conveyed to all SEs
(OP) vide Director/Operation, Hisar D.O. letter dated 02.07.2015.

Category Processing Consumption Service Note for service

Charges Deposit Connection connection charges
DS Rs. 10 up to 2 Rs. 500 per Nil If the service line is more
KW load and KW. or Part than 30 Mtr. then applicant
beyond two thereof has to deposit the
KW load Rs. unjustified cost of the
20 per KW or estimate
part thereof
limited to
maximum Rs.
NDS -do- Rs. 1000 per Rs. 350 per Service connection charges
KW. KW for Single shall be applicable where
Phase Rs. the length of new line to be
750 per KW provided isupto300 mtr
for Three .This length of 300 Mtr
Phase would include 11 KV line(
whether overhead or
cable),LT line and service
cable. Where this
lengthexceeds 300
meters,the applicant
should be required to pay
the cost of 11 KV LT line
and service cable in excess
of 300 meters as additional
service connection charges.
The additional cost
chargeable would be Rs 70
per meter for load upto 50
Kw and at the rate of
Rs100 per meter for load
exceeding 50 Kw. No
component of distribution
S/St transformer to be
created is to be charged.
LT If the length of new line
Industrial (including LT/HT line or
Connection cable)to be provided is
more than 300 Mtr. then
Rs. 500 per
Rs. 500 Per the additional cost would
-do- KW. or part
KW be chargeable @ Rs. 70 per
Mtr. for load upto 50 KW.
No component of
distribution substation
transformer to be created
Category Processing Consumption Service Note for service
Charges Deposit Connection connection charges
is to be charged

HT -do- Rs. 750 per Rs. 750 per If the length of new HT
Connection KW or part KVA (Service line/cable to be provided is
On 11 KV thereof (One connection more than 300 Mtr, then
third of the charges may the additional cost would
total ACD may be deposited be charged @ Rs. 100 per
be deposited at the time of mtr.
at the time of compliance
submittion of of demand
the notice)
Balance two
third at the
time of
compliance of

Bulk Supply -do- Rs. 1000/- per Service connection charges

KW or part shall be applicable where
thereof the length of new line to be
provided isupto 300 mtr .
This length of 300 Mtr
would include 11 KV line
(whether overhead or
cable),LT line and service
cable. Where this length
Rs. 500 Per
exceeds 300 meters,the
applicant should be
required to pay the cost of
11 KV LT line and service
cable in excess of 300
meters as additional
service connection charges.
The additional cost
chargeable would be Rs 70
per meter for load upto 50
Category Processing Consumption Service Note for service
Charges Deposit Connection connection charges
Kw and at the rate of Rs
100 per meter for load
exceeding 50 Kw. No
component of distribution
S/St transformer to be
created is to be charged.

Street light -do- Rs. 2000 per No charges

Supply KW or part Full cost of the deposit
thereof estimate is to be deposited
by the applicant after
preparation of estimate
when demanded
Temporary -do- Four times the No charges Full cost of the estimate is
Supply relevant to be deposited by
charges to be applicant after preparation
recovered of estimate
under normal
Sales Circular No. D-4/2016

Subject: Simplified application form for new connection, reconnection,

extension of load, reduction of load and change of name.

Please refer to S.I. No. 16/2015 dated 8/9/2015 vide which A&A form
was circulated. Now, as the issue of simplification of forms and procedure for new
connections has been deliberated from time to time keeping in view the policy
directions from State and Central Governments for providing hassle free citizen
services and enabling ease of business environment. Accordingly, to achieve the above
objectives, the application form for new connection, reconnection, extension of load,
reduction of load and change of name has been simplified and is attached as Annexure-
I. Further for the registration of application for the above services, the applicant is
required to submit only 2 nos. documents as given in Annexure-II. The existing
application form and document requirements are hereby superseded with the new
application form and document requirement information.
It is further clarified here that for the above mentioned services, the field
offices should not demand any other document like affidavit, agreement, surety, or any
other document of their own from the applicants.



(1) Office Details [To be filled by office or system generated based Area input ] :
Operation Sub- Application Number Date of Application

(2) Application For: ……………………………………………………………………………..

[New Connection / Extension of Load / Reduction of Load/ Change of Name/Reconnection]
(3) Category of Supply: ………………………………………………………………………
[Domestic/Non-Domestic/LT Industrial /HT Industrial/Public Water Works/
Lift irrigation/Street Light/Bulk Supply/Railway
Traction/Agriculture etc.]
(4) Type of Supply:…………………………………………………………………………...
[Permanent /Temporary] If temporary specify period –
From: …………………..To………………
(5) Applicant Particulars:
(a) Type of Applicant: …………………………………………………….
[Individual / Govt. Department or Institution/Private Institution or establishment]
(b) Name of the Applicant [person/firm/Company/trust]: ………………………………….
(c) Name & Designation of Authorized Signatory in case of Companies
(d) Name of Father/ Husband/Director/Partner/Trustee: …………………………………..
(e) Identity Proof of the Applicant :-………………………………………………………………….
Premise Details where connection is Communication Details
Plot /House/Kila/Flat No. Plot /House/Kila/Flat
Sector/Colony/Street Sector/Colony/Street
Village/Town/City Village/Town/City
Landmark/neighbor Telephone Number
Pin no. Mobile Number
Authorized Area [Y/N] E-Mail
Aadhar Number
(6) Applied Load Details:
Connected Load Contract Demand [KVA]* for HT Industry Purpose of
[KW] Only Supply

(7) Details of Connection on the same premise/property/other connections

in the name of Applicant
Account Holder Account Address Category Connected Contract
Number Load [KW] Demand

(8) Option of Consumer to Supply Meter & Metering Equipment [ Yes/No]

(9) Declaration by Consumer : I/We hereby declare that

(a) The information provided in this application is true to my knowledge.
(b) I/We agree to abide by all the Rules & Regulations of the Nigam & HERC.
(c) I/We will deposit electricity dues and old dues if any, as per the
electricity tariff and other charges failing which the supply of electricity
will be
liable to be disconnected.
(d) I/We will own the responsibility of security and safety of the meter, cut-
out and the
(f) I/We am/are the owner(s) / legal occupier of the premises in which
supply of
(g) electricity is hereby requisitioned for which true copies of documents are

Signature of Applicant
Dated: - DD/MM/YYYY
Annexure – II

Documents required to be submitted along with the Application:

(i) Proof of Ownership / Legal occupation of the premises. This may be

any one of the following :
(a) Copy of sale deed/allotment letter or lease deed or rent deed in the name
of the applicant
(b) Property tax receipt or tax demand notice as proof of ownership and
rent deed or any other legal proof of being a tenant and paying rent as
proof of occupancy.
(c) For agriculture supply connection- a copy of KhasraGirdawari
/Jamabandi in the name of applicant.
(ii) Proof of identity:-
(a) Where the applicant is an individual (any one of the documents given
- Electoral identity card.
- Passport
- Driving license
- Ration card
- Photo identity card issued by a Govt. Agency
- Pan card
- Aadhar card
(b) Where the applicant is a Company, Trust, Educational Institution, Govt.
Deptt., the application form shall be signed by an authorized person
along with a relevant resolution/authority letter of the
company/institution concerned. In case of a registered company all the
Directors shall be jointly and severely liable.
Time Schedule fixed to deliver the services:

Period (in days) within which supply of electricity is

Rated Sytem Voltage of Service to be provided from the date of receipt of
connection applied application
Low Tension(LT) 45
11 KV 65
33 KV 95
Extra High Tension (EHT) 180
Time allowed (in days )for consumers on
Extra High
Activity Under Sub regulation LT 11 KV 33 KV )
3.3.1 To issue Demand Note 10 20 25 30
To deposit the charges and
documents as demanded in the
3.3.2 Demand Note 10 10 20 40
To issue Service connection
3.3.3 order 5 5 5 10
To release the electric
3.3.4 connection to the applicant 20 30 45 100
TOTAL 45 65 95 180

Subject:- Revised Schedule of Tariff approved by HERC for Distribution and

Retail supply of Electricity for FY15-16.
In Compliance to HERC order dated 7.05.2015 on True Up of the ARR
for the FY 2013-14, Annual Performance Review for the FY 2014-15 and determination
of Distribution and Retail supply tariff for the FY 2015-16 , the category-wise tariff is
attached as Annexure-A for implementation.

The revised Tariff shall be applicable w.e.f. 1/04/2015.

S.No Categoryofconsu EnergyCharges FixedCharge(Rs.perkWpermo MMC(Rs.perkWp
mers (Paisa/kWhor nthoftheconnectedload/perk ermonthofthecon
/kVAh) VAofsanctionedcontractdema nectedloadorpart
nd(incasesupplyisonHT)orasi thereof)

1 DomesticSupply
0 - 50 units per
270/kWh Nil Rs. 115 up to 2
kW and Rs. 70
51-100 units per above 2 kW
450/kWh Nil
Category II(Total ; consumption more than 100 units/month and up to 800 units/months,
telescopic tariff)

0-150 450/kWH Nil

151-250 500/kWh Nil Rs 120 up to 2 kW

and Rs 70 above 2
251-500 605/kWh Nil kW

501-800 675/kWh Nil


675/kWh (flat
Rs. 120 up to 2
801 units and rate and no
Nil kW and Rs.70
above telescopic
above 2 kW
2 NonDomestic
S.No Categoryofconsu EnergyCharges FixedCharge(Rs.perkWpermo MMC(Rs.perkWp
mers (Paisa/kWhor nthoftheconnectedload/perk ermonthofthecon
/kVAh) VAofsanctionedcontractdema nectedloadorpart
nd(incasesupplyisonHT)orasi thereof)

Rs. 250/kW up to 5
kW and Rs.
Upto 5 kW (LT) 605/kWh Nil
225/kW above 5
kW & up to 20 kW

Above 5 kW and
675/kWh Nil
Up to 20 kW (LT)

Above 20 kW
615/kVAh 170/kW Nil
upto 50 kW (LT)

consumers above
650/kVAh 170/kW Nil
50 kW upto 70
kW (LT)

Consumers above
630/kVAh 170/kW Nil
50 kW (HT)
3 HTIndustry(above50kW)

Supply at 11 KV 615/kVAh 170/kVA Nil

Supply at 33 KV 605/kVAh 170/kVA Nil

Supply at 66 kV or
595/kVAh 170/kVA Nil
132 kV

Supply at 220 kV 585/kVAh 170/kVA Nil

Supply at 400 kV 575/kVAh 170/kVA Nil

645 Paisa per

Arc furnaces/ kVAh if supply
200/kVA Nil
Steel Rolling Mills is at 11 kV (see
note 2 below)
S.No Categoryofconsu EnergyCharges FixedCharge(Rs.perkWpermo MMC(Rs.perkWp
mers (Paisa/kWhor nthoftheconnectedload/perk ermonthofthecon
/kVAh) VAofsanctionedcontractdema nectedloadorpart
nd(incasesupplyisonHT)orasi thereof)

4 LTIndustry-upto50kW

Upto 10 KW 595/kVAh Nil Rs. 185/kW

Above 10 KW and
upto 20 KW

Above 20 KW and Rs.170 /kW to be levied on 80%

600/kVAh Nil
upto 50 KW of the connected load

consumers above
625/ kVAh
50 kW upto 70
kW (LT)
5 AgricultureTube – wellSupply

Metered: (i)with Rs. 200 / BHP per

10/kWh Nil
motor year

upto 15 BHP

(ii)with motor
above 15 BHP
8/kWh Nil
Nil Rs. 15 / Per BHP / Month Nil
(i)with motor

upto 15 BHP

(ii)with motor
above 15 BHP Nil Rs. 12 / Per BHP / Month Nil

6 690/kWh 180/kW Nil
S.No Categoryofconsu EnergyCharges FixedCharge(Rs.perkWpermo MMC(Rs.perkWp
mers (Paisa/kWhor nthoftheconnectedload/perk ermonthofthecon
/kVAh) VAofsanctionedcontractdema nectedloadorpart
nd(incasesupplyisonHT)orasi thereof)

7 LiftIrrigation 690/kWh 180/BHP Nil

8 MITC 690/kWh 180/BHP Nil

9 StreetLighting 690/kWh Nil Rs. 180/kW

10 RailwayTraction

Supply at 11 KV 610/kVAh 160/kVA Nil

Supply at 33 KV 600/kVAh 160/kVA Nil

Supply at 66 or
590/kVAh 160/kVA Nil
132 kV

Supply at 220 kV 580/kVAh 160/kVA Nil


Supply at 66 kV 590/kVAh 160/kVA Nil

Supply at 132 kV 590/kVAh 160/kVA Nil

12 BulkSupply
Rs. 160/kW or Rs.160/kVA as
Supply at LT 610/kVAh Nil
(see note no. 4 below)
Supply at 11 kV 600/kVAh Nil

Supply at 33 kV 590/kVAh Nil

Supply at 66 or
580/kVAh Nil
132 kV
S.No Categoryofconsu EnergyCharges FixedCharge(Rs.perkWpermo MMC(Rs.perkWp
mers (Paisa/kWhor nthoftheconnectedload/perk ermonthofthecon
/kVAh) VAofsanctionedcontractdema nectedloadorpart
nd(incasesupplyisonHT)orasi thereof)

Supply at 220 kV 575/kVAh Nil

For total
consumption in a
month not
Rs. 100 /kW of the recorded
13 exceeding 500 470 /kWh Nil
flat/dwelling unit

For total
consumption in a
month exceeding 585 /kWh
500 units/flat/

14 rding/Decorativ 830/kWh 180/kW Nil

Temporary Energy charges 1.5 times the energy charges of relevant category for
15 Metered which temporary supply has been sought plus fixed charges/ MMC at
supply normal rates of relevant consumer category

1) Energy charges in case of Domestic consumers are telescopic in nature upto the
consumption of 8 00Units/month. In case of consumption more than
800units/month, no slab benefit shall be admissible and tariff applicable will be
675paisa/kWh for total consumption.
2) In case of Arc furnaces/ Steel RollingMills for supply at 33 kV and above, the HT
Industrial tariff at the corresponding voltage level shall be applicable.
3) Fixed charges for HT Industrial supply and Bulk Supply category are in Rs./kVA
of Contract Demand. For Railways and DMRC, the fixed charges are in Rs./kVA of
the billable demand.
4) In case of Bulk Supply Consumers (other than Bulk Supply–DS), the fixed charges
are in Rs./kW of the connected load where contract demand is not sanctioned
and in Rs./kVA of contract demand where contract demand is sanctioned.
5) 80% of the connected load shall be taken into account for levying fixed charges
where leviable in case of LTindustrial Supply. In case of LTindustry above 20kW
where MDI meter is installed the fixed charges shall be Rs.170/kW/monthof
recorded demand if it is in kWor 153/kVA/month of recorded demand if the
same is in kVA.
6) Fixed charges for unmetered APconsumers, MITC and Lift Irrigation category are
in Rs./BHP/month.
7) Fixed charges for Bulk Supply Domestic areinRs. /kWof the recorded demand.
8) Under Bulk Supply (Domestic) category no benefit of lower slab shall be
admissible in the higher consumption slabs. Total consumption shall be charged
at a single tariff dependingupontheaverageconsumption/flat/residentialunitfor
that month.
9) In case of single point supply as per HERC (Single Point Supply to Employers’
Colonies, Group Housing Societies and Residential or Commercial cum
Residential Complexes of Developers) Regulations, 2013, BulkSupply
(DomesticSupply) tariff shall be applicable. A rebate of 4% incase of supply at
11kV and 5% incase of supply at higher voltage in the energy consumption as
recorded at Single Point Supply meter shall be admissible. NDS load, if any,
beyond the prescribed limit as per schedule of tariff, the NDS tariff shall be
applicable on monthly consumption corresponding to the NDS load as detailed in
the said Regulation. The Bulk Supply (Domestic) Tariff shall apply only to the
consumer categories covered by the Single Point Supply Regulations notified by
the Commission.
10)In addition to the tariff as above, the Discoms shall levy FSA as per HERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tarifff or Generation, Transmission,
Wheeling and Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year Tariff Framework)
Regulations, 2012.
11)The above tariff does not include ElectricityDuty, Municipal Tax and FSA.
12)In case of Health and Educational Institutions having a total load exceeding
20kW, these shall be treated as non–domestic category where the entire load is
NDS. However if there is mixed load or there is some other category’s load
(other than Industrial) in the total load and if such other load exceeds 10% of the
total load then Bulk Supply tariff shall be applicable.
13)The Electricity Duty, Municipal Tax and FSA shall be charged at kWh.
14)The Schedule of tariff for supply of electricity by the Discoms shall get modified

Sales Circular No. D- 37/2015

Subject: Levy of fuel surcharge adjustment (FSA) for revised tariff of

domestic category issued vide Sales Circular No. D-36/2015.

Please refer to Sales Circular No. D- 35/2015 dated 14.10.2015 vide

which FSA to be levied was circulated which shall remain continued till 31.12.2015.
Now, in compliance to the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission order dated 15th
Oct, 2015 in case no. HERC/RA-10 of 2015 & HERC/RA-11 of 2015 regarding
Distribution and Retail Supply Tariff for FY 2015-16, the revised FSA to be levied on
newly created slabs of Domestic category is clarified as under please:-

FSA as per new Slab (Rs . Per unit).

Category of Amount to be levied w.e.f. Amount to be levied
01.04.2015. w.e.f. 01.07.2015.
Domestic Supply
Category- I (Total consumption upto 100 units.).
0-50 units Rs. 1.14 upto 40 units &Rs 1.43 Rs. 1.17 upto 40 units
above 40 units &upto 50 units &Rs 1.46 above 40 units
&upto 50 units
51-100 Rs 1.43 Rs 1.46
Category- II (Total and upto 800 units). consumption more than 100 units

0-150 units Rs 1.14 upto 40 units &Rs 1.43 Rs 1.17 upto 40 units
above 40 units &upto 150 &Rs 1.46 above 40 units
units. &upto 150 units.
151-250 Rs 1.14 upto 40 units &Rs 1.43 Rs 1.17 upto 40 units
units above 40 units &upto 250 &Rs 1.46 above 40 units
units. &upto 250 units.
251-500 Rs 1.14 upto 40 units &Rs 1.43 Rs 1.17 upto 40 units
units above 40 units &upto 250 units &Rs 1.46 above 40 units
and Rs. 1.52 above 250 units and &upto 250 units and Rs.
upto 500 units. 1.55 above 250 units and
upto 500 units.
501-800 Rs 1.14 upto 40 units &Rs 1.43 Rs 1.17 upto 40 units
units above 40 units &upto 250 units &Rs 1.46 above 40 units
and Rs. 1.52 above 250 units &upto 250 units and Rs.
and upto 500 units and Rs. 1.64 1.55 above 250 units
above 500 units and upto 800 and upto 500 units and
units. Rs. 1.67 above 500 units
and upto 800 units.
Category-III (Total consumption more than 800 units).
Above 800 Rs 1.14 upto 40 units &Rs 1.43 Rs 1.17 upto 40 units
units. above 40 units &upto 250 units &Rs 1.46 above 40 units
and Rs. 1.52 above 250 units &upto 250 units and Rs.
and upto 500 units &Rs. 1.64 1.55 above 250 units
above 500 units. and upto 500 units &Rs.
1.67 above 500 units.

Sales Circular No. D- 24 /2015

Memo No.Ch-24/SE/Comml./R-16/67/2007 Dated: 24.7.2015

Subject: The Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Rooftop Solar Grid

Interactive System based on Net Metering) Regulations (1st Amendment),
Please refer to Sales Circular No. D-3/2015 vide which Notification dated
25/11/2014 on Regulation No. HERC/31/2014 (Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive System
based on Net Metering) was issued for compliance.
Now, the Hon’ble Commission has amended the aforesaid Regulations vide
notification dated 09.06.2015 with Regulation No. HERC/31/2014/1st Amendment / 2015 as
2. Amendment of Regulation 6 (Capacity targets for Distribution Licensee).
Existing Regulation shall be substituted with the following Regulation.

6.1 The distribution licensee shall provide net metering arrangement to eligible consumers as
long as the total capacity (in MW) of rooftop solar systems does not exceed the target capacity
determined by the Commission
Provided a maximum cumulative capacity of 200 MW shall be initially allowed to eligible
consumers under net metering, in the area of supply of each licensee, to be reviewed yearly by
the Commission.
Provided that the cumulative capacity of rooftop solar systems to be allowed at a particular
distribution transformer/power transformer shall not exceed 30% of the peak capacity of the
distribution transformer in case of interconnection with the grid at low tension and 15% of the
peak capacity of the power transformer in case of interconnection with the grid at high tension
or the revised cumulative capacity as the Commission may decide from time to time.

6.2 The licensee shall update the distribution transformer level and power transformer level
capacity available for connecting rooftop solar systems under net metering arrangement and
the cumulative capacity of the rooftop solar systems installed under net metering arrangement
on six monthly basis and shall provide the information on its website as well as to the

3. Amendment of Regulation 9 (Energy Accounting and Settlement)

The following Regulation shall be inserted below Regulation 9.5 as Sr. No. 9.6.

9.6 In order to promote Solar Power generation in Haryana through net metering, the licensees
shall provide incentive on the power generated through rooftop solar system. Incentive at the
rate of 25 Paise per unit shall be given during the FY 2015-16 on the solar power
generated to the extent the same is admissible for off-setting consumer’s consumption as per
Regulation 9.1. The incentive payable shall be given by way of adjustment in the energy bill in
each billing cycle. The incentive payable under these Regulations shall be reviewed by the
Commission every year alongwith ARR/Tariff petition for that year and the incentive payable
accordingly for FY 2016-17 onwards.
Provided that the amount of incentive paid by the licensees during the FY 2015-16 shall be
made revenue neutral by the Commission while issuing Order on the ARR/Tariff petition of the
licensees for the FY 2016-17.
Provided further that the incentive shall be paid only to the eligible consumers who install the
rooftop solar system after notification of these Regulations.

4. Amendment of Annexure-I to the Regulation

In Annexure – 1 to the Principal Regulation, under CERTIFICATE OF SITE VERIFICATION, the
particulars under Serial No. 4 shall be substituted with the following:
Total capacity of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems already connected to the Distribution
Transformer including this installation in kWp (capacity to be restricted as per Regulation 6.1).
The HERC Notification is also available on commission website

Sales Instruction No. 3/2016

Memo No. Ch- 3/SE/Comml./R-17/67/2006/Vol-2 Dated: 18/3/2016

Subject: The Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Rooftop Solar Grid
Interactive System based on Net Metering) Regulation, 2014-
Implementation procedure thereof.

Please refer to Sales Instruction No. 22/2015 issued vide this office memo No.
Ch-22/SE/Comml./R-17/67/2006/Vol-I dated 11/12/2015wherein the detailed procedures
for implementation of HERC Regulation No. HERC/31/2014 on ‘Rooftop Solar Grid
Interactive System based on Net Metering’, was circulated for compliance. In the ibid Sales
Instruction, the list of companies/ firms temporarily empanelled for carrying out the work
under DHBVN was provided at Annexure-VI.
The matter has been reviewed by the Management and it has now been decided
that the firms which have been empanelled by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) (list available on its website ) and to whom empanelment
certificate thereof has been issued by MNRE for the purpose of installation of grid connected
Roof Top Solar power plant vide various empanelment lists, circulated from time to time shall
only be authorized to execute the work of installation of Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive
System based on Net Metering under DHBVN. The earlier list circulated vide Annexure-VI of
Sales Instruction No. 22/2015 may be treated as withdrawn.

Sales Circular No. D-10/2016

Memo No. Ch-10/SE/Comml./R-16/57/16/Loose Dated: 31/3/2016

Sub: Sale of LED’s at subsidized rates to the domestic consumers of DHBVN.

The Efficient Lighting Programme is one of the flagship DSM programme advocated
by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Ministry of Power and similar scheme has been launched
in the State of Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh successfully. EELP Scheme has
potential of energy saving and peak demand reduction and is in line with the National objectives.
Reduction in peak load will improve the utilization factor of distribution network which in turn will
be used for releasing load pending on account of system constraints. The proposed programme is
solely on voluntary basis for Domestic Consumers
In compliance to the HERC order dated 22.01.2016, the Nigam has decided to
provide 9 watt LED's to domestic category consumers under "Energy Efficient Lighting
Programme" through Energy Efficiency Services Ltd., New Delhi (EESL).

The salient features of the scheme are as under:-

1. Any Domestic Consumer can purchase maximum 10 number LED bulbs. The LED bulbswill
be distributed to the consumers by way of paying upfront cost of LED bulbs upto a
maximum of 10 LED bulbs.
2. The tentative maximum price of a LED shall be Rs. 100/-. However, the actual price shall be
as discovered through the competitive bidding process.
3. Energy Efficiency Services Ltd., New Delhi (EESL), an energy service company shall carry
out the distribution of LED bulbs either through Door to Door mode or through counter
mode. The counters shall be placed in the distribution area in consultation with the DISCOM.
4. EESL, an energy service company shall be required to maintain a minimum inventory of 2%
LED bulbs as cushion for timely replacement of defective LED bulbs. EESL has agreed to
extend warranty for replacement of the faulty LED bulbs due to technical defects, free of
cost for 3 years commencing from distribution of LED bulb to the consumer. Technical
defects exclude physical damage, outdoor applications etc. The replacement will be
provided within a period of 7 working days from the date of lodging a complaint.
5. EESL will provide an authenticated list of domestic consumers in the form of Consumer
Account Number (CA), who have availed LED bulbs and the number of LED bulbs availed
per CA number
6. Proper record/register of LED's distribution shall be maintained by concerned sub-division

Sales Circular No. D-4/2016

Memo No. Ch-4/SE/Comml./R-17/55/2006 Dated: 12/4/2016


The 16th Feb 2016 No 6/2/2016 -2P-in exercise of power conferred by the clause of sub
regulation (1) regulation (2) of the central electricity authority( Measures relating to safety
and electric supply) regulation ,2010 the Governor of Haryana hereby notifies voltages upto 33
KV for the purpose of Self Certification for new and existing electrical installation through
chartered Electrical Safety Engineers by the owner under regulation 30 regulation 43 of the
said regulations.

Sales Circular No. D-21/2015

Memo No. Ch-21/SE/Comml./R-16/370/2015 Dated: 10/7/2015

Subject: Right to Service Act-2014.

In compliance to the Law and legislative Department Notification No. Leg. 07/2014
dated 26th March, 2014 and Administrative Reforms Department Notification No.
07/31/2014-3AR dated 7th May, 2015 vide which Govt. of Haryana has notified the Right to
Service Act-2014. The various services to be provided to the citizens within the time frame are
enclosed herewith for strict compliance. The said notification and Right to Service Act – 2014
are also available on the website

No.7/31/2014-3AR.— In supersession of the letter of even No. 7/8/2011-3AR, dated

the 7th June, 2011 and dated1st December, 2011 and in exercise of the powers
conferred under Section 3 of the Haryana Right to Service Act, 2014, (4 of 2014), the
Governor of Haryana, on the recommendations made by the Commission hereby
notifies the following services, the time frame within which these are to be provided to
citizens, Designated Officer, First Grievances Redressal Authority and Second
Grievances Redressal Authority as per the schedule given below:—

46. Power Normal fuse off Cities and Town- Concerned JE [In charge] SDO[OP]
call Within 4 hours Lineman/
Complaint center in
charge of the shift

Rural Area-Within 8 Concerned JE [In charge] SDO[OP]

hours Lineman/Complaint
center in charge of
the shift

47. Power Overhead line Cities and Towns- JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]
breakdowns Within 8 hours

Rural Area within 16 JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]


48. Power Breakdowns Cities and Towns- JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]
due to breakage Within 12 hours

Rural Area-Within 24 JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]


49. Power Underground Cities and Towns- JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]
cables Within 48 hours

Rural Area-Within 48 JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

50. Power Distribution Cities and Towns- JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]
Transformer Within 24 hours

Rural Area-Within 48 JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

51. Power MajorPower 7 days XEN/ SE[OP] CE[OP]

failure Alternate arrangement Construction
involving to restore the supply in
power the affected area to be
transformer / within 24 hours.

52. Power Period of


a) Maximum Not to exceed 8 hours JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

duration in a in any day
single stretch

b) Restoration By 6 PM on any day JE [In charge] SDO[OP] XEN[OP]


*In case of power shortage/grid issues the local

field officials are not responsible.
** The local field officers are responsible for
scheduled cuts/shut downs taken by them for
maintenance, extension of system etc.

53. Power Voltage Cities and Towns- JE SDO[OP] SDO[OP] XEN [OP]
Fluctuation Within 4 hours [Incharge] XEN [OP]
with no Rural Area-Within 8 JE
expansion/enha hours [In charge]
ncement of

54. Power Meter

(i)Inspect and Within 7 days of JE SDO[OP] XEN[OP]
check receipt of Meter testing [In charge]
correctness fee

(ii)Replace Within 7 days of its JE SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

/ fast being established on [In charge]
meters/ checking
stuck/ defective

(iii)Replace Within 7 days of JE SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

burnt meters if receipt of complaint [In charge]
cause not
attributable to

(iv)Replace Within 24 days hours JE SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

burnt meters in of payment of charges [In charge]
all other cases by consumers

55. Power Release of new

additional load/

[a] Release of Within 30 days from SDO [OP] XEN [OP] SE [OP]
connection receipt of complete
where service is application charge &
feasible from documents

[b] Release of
where network
required for

(i) For LT Within 30 days from SDO [OP] XEN [OP] SE [OP]
Connections receipt of complete
application, charges &

(ii) For 11 KV Within 71 days from SDO [OP] XEN [OP] SE [OP]
Connections receipt of complete
application, charges &

(iii) For 33 KV Within 97 days from XEN [OP] SE [OP] CE [OP]

Connections receipt of complete
application, charges &

(iv) Above 33 Within 167 days from XEN [OP] SE [OP] CE [OP]
KV level receipt of complete
connections application, charges &

* The Time Limit may get modified to the extent

extra time taken by the Electrical inspector in
inspection and testing of consumer in the
compliance of demand notice.

56. Power Transfer of title

and conversion
of services

a) Transfer of Within 7 days from SDO [OP] XEN [OP] SE [OP]

title and /or receipt of complete in
change of all respect

b) Conversion Within 30 days from JE [In SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

of LT single the date of payment charge]
phase to LT charges
three phase or

c) Conversion Within 30 days from JE [In SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

of LT to HT or the date of payment charge]
vice- versa charges

d) Conversion Within 30 days from JE [In SDO[OP] XEN[OP]

of HT to EHT the date of payment charge]
or vice-versa charges

connection and

(i) Shifting of Within 15 days after JE [In SDO (OP) XEN (OP)
meter/ service receipt of request along charge]
connection with prescribed

(ii) Shifting of Within 45 days after SDO XEN (OP) SE (OP)

LT/HT lines up receipt of request along (Operations)
to 11 KV with prescribed

(iii) Shifting of Within 45 days after SDO XEN (OP) SE (OP)

HT Line receipt of request along (Operations)
exceeding with prescribed
11KV charges

(iv) Shifting of Within 60 days after SDO XEN (OP) SE (OP)

Transformer receipt of request along (Operations)
with prescribed

* The shifting of lines and transformers are subject

to the availability of Right of way (ROW) and
deposit of cost of shifting by consumer wherever

58. Power Complaint (i) Within 24 hours of Commercial SDO (OP) XEN (OP)
about consumer receipt of complaint if Assistant
bills and no additional (CA)
restoration of information is required
Resolution of
complaints on
electricity bills

(ii) Within 7 hours of Commercial SDO (OP) XEN (OP)

receipt of complaint if Assistant
additional information (CA)
is required

59. Power Reconnection (i) Cities and Towns JE [In SDO (OP) XEN (OP)
of supply within 6 hours of charge]
following receipt ofpayment
disconnection from consumer
due to non-
payment of bills

(ii) Rural area within JE [In SDO (OP) XEN (OP)

12 hours of receipt of charge]
payment from
Sales Circular No. D- 5 /2016

Memo No.Ch- 5/SE/C/379/2015 Dated: 02.03.2016

Subject: - Grievances Redressal Committee constituted under New Enterprises Promotion

Enclosed please find herewith the notification dated 22.01.2016 received from
Principal Secretary to Govt, of Haryana, Industries and Commerce Department on the subject
cited matter for your kind information and further necessary action.

Sales Circular No. D-12/2016

Memo No. Ch-12 /SE/Comml./R-17/389/2016 Dated: 25/5/2016

Subject:- Acceptance of payments of electricity bills of more than Rs. 1.00 Lac
through RTGS/NEFT only.

The detailed procedure for acceptance of payments of Electricity Bill

through RTGS/NEFT mode was circulated vide FA//HQ, DHBVN, Hisar memo No. Ch-
30/FA/Hqs.,/BKG/Coll- 407 dated 18/12/2015 (Annexure-I).
HERC in its order on the ARR for FY 2015-16 has issued a directive that
the payments above Rs. 1.00 lakh should be accepted through RTGS/NEFT only.
However, the payment made through online mode such as Net Banking, Credit Card
and Debit Card shall be considered at par with RTGS/NEFT for the purpose.
Further to this, there may be some genuine cases requiring correction in
the electricity bills wherein part payments are to be allowed on account of following
i) Late receipt of adjustment entry for open access consumers.
ii) Wrong billing case (for Non R-APDRP Area).
iii) Court Case
iv) Disputed amount on account of other reasons etc.
In order to accept part payments in such like cases in the “Online Cash
Collection and Reconciliation” system, following business process, mapped in the
system, shall be adopted for Non R-APDRP area:-
I. The CA of the concerned S/Divn. after approval from the competent
authority, shall enter the Part payment amount in the system to be accepted
from the consumer, for the electricity bills above Rs. 1.00 lac.
a. If the Part payment amount is less than Rs. 1.00 lac, the same can be
accepted at the Cash Counter (through cash/cheque/draft as the case
may be).
b. If the Part payment amount is greater than Rs. 1.00 Lac, the payment can
be made only through Online & RTGS/NEFT mode.
II. The cashier, irrespective of approval of the competent authority, shall not be
permitted to take Part payment of the electricity bill above Rs. 1.00 Lac, at
the counter.
III. The third party vendors collecting payment of electricity bills either
through cash or cheque or DD shall not be permitted to accept payment of
electricity bills above Rs. 1.00 Lac.
For R-APDRP area, the information of payable amount is retrieved from the R-
APDRP system by the “Online Cash Collection and Reconciliation” system on real time
basis. Thus, in R-APDRP areas following changes shall be made considering the fact
that there is already an automated established procedure of “Bill Revision” and “Part
I. The payment of electricity bills above Rs. 1.00 Lac should not be accepted at
the Counters as well as through Stub.
II. To avoid inconvenience to the consumers, the amount payable by the
consumer after “Bill Revision” or “Part Payment” approval should be made
available for retrieval by the “Online Cash Collection and Reconciliation”
system immediately, on real time basis.
To ensure proper accounting / checking, a register containing each and every entry
where part payment has been allowed shall be maintained in the office of SDO/OP. The
register shall be maintained consumer wise and month-wise by appending brief
remarks for making part payment. A monthly statement shall be submitted by SDO/OP
to the office of XEN/SE/CE ‘OP’ concerned. In addition to this statement, soft copy of
above register shall be submitted to the Chief/Auditor on monthly basis.
Besides above, the following action are required to be taken to make the concerned
consumer aware about this change by way of following:-
A. All bills to be generated henceforth should have a prominent display to this
effect for information and awareness of the consumers. Action in this regard is
to be taken by the billing agencies M/s HARTRON and M/s HCL(T) for which
FA/HQ, DHBVN, Hisar has already issued instructions vide memo No. Ch-
42/FA/HQR/BKG/Coll-407 dated 1/1/2016 (Annexure-II).
B. The arrangement shall run concurrently i.e. off-line and on-line (RTGS/NEFT)
for a period of one month.
C. All SE/OP shall create awareness in this regard amongst industrial Associations
/ RWAs and wide publicity through print media / local TV channels.
D. All HT Industrial / NDS consumers shall be intimated of this mandatory
provision through delivery of these instruction through hard copy / soft

Sales Circular No. D-7/2016

Memo No. Ch-7/SE/Comml./R-16/194/2004 Dated : 18/3/2016

Subject: - Scheme for Out of Court Settlement of pending Court

Cases/Arbitration Cases.

Nigam has decided to re-introduce the scheme for Settlement of disputes

pertaining to various categories of Electricity consumers which are pending in
Courts/Arbitration/DCDRF/State Commission/National Commission etc, in the
LokAdalats being held regularly under the jurisdiction of DHBVN.
The salient features of the scheme are as under:-
1. The scheme shall remain in operation w.e.f18.03.2016 to 15.07.2016.
2. The scheme will be applicable to all categories of consumers.
3. The scheme will be applicable to all the disputes of consumers of electricity
which are pending in the courts including DCDRF, State Commission or in
Arbitration etc. as on 31.01.2016.
4. All such disputes where penalties have been levied may be settled provided the
consumer/ applicant pays a reduced amount of 50% of the amount initially
assessed, along with simple interest @12% per annum on the unpaid balance
amount of the reduced amount.
5. Disputes on account of levy of development charges are also covered under the
6. The scheme will be applicable to the cases where unauthorized load has been
detected resulting into change of category from LT industrial to HT industrial
and LT surcharge at the prescribed rate of 25% of SOP has been charged. The
dispute can be settled on the payment of 50%of the amount of LT surcharge
along with simple interest@12%per annum on the unpaid amount of the
reduced amount.
7. The Scheme will be applicable to the cases where the amount was charged due
to checking by M&P on Account of Slowness but where the actual date of
slowness could not be ascertained for settlement provided the consumer pays
the reduced amount of 50% along with simple interest @12% per annum on
unpaid balance amount of the reduced amount.
8. However, the above scheme will not be applicable where the dispute is on
account of applicability of multiplying factor wherein the amount calculated as
per multiplying factor shall be charged fully but along with simple interest
@12% instead of surcharge.
9. There may be certain cases where the initial assessment was not made as per
instructions of Nigam and same was on higher side. It is clarified that the
amount assessed means the amount to be assessed as per instructions
prevailing at that time not necessarily the amount charged initially. However,
the revised calculations in respect of such cases may be got vetted with the
concurrence of local internal audit by SDO Operation concerned.
10. The scheme will be applicable to the cases where amount has been charged on
average basis. The dispute can be settled after payment of 50% reduced
amount along with simple interest@ 12% per annum on the unpaid balance
amount of the reduced amount.
11. In case, the court case has arisen on account of surcharge levied and the
principal amount has already been paid, the matter may be settled by levying
simple interest @ 12% per annum.
12. The scheme shall also be applicable to the cases, where dispute is on account of
MMC, these cases may be settled by payment of full amount of MMC along with
simple interest @ 12% per annum on the unpaid balance amount.
13. The scheme shall also be applicable to theft cases booked only for the First time
& where consumer/user has not been convicted for offence of theft of energy
by any Court of Law where the case shall be settled subject to deposition of
following amounts:
i. Revised amount of compounding charges @ Rs. 10,000 per KVA of
contract demand for Industrial Service, Rs. 5,000 per KW for
Commercial Service, Rs. 2,000 per BHP for Agricultural Service, Rs.
2,000 per KW for Other Services(as per Sales Circular No. D-
67/2013) for cases booked prior to issue of aforesaid Sales Circular
where the compounding charges were levied @ Rs. 20,000 per KVA of
contract demand for Industrial Service, Rs. 10,000 per KW for
Commercial Service, Rs. 2,000 per BHP for Agricultural Service, Rs.
4,000 per KW for Other Services (as per Sales Circular No. D-
43/2007). Compounding charges for the cases booked after issue of
Sales Circular No. D-67/2013 shall remain unchanged. No interest shall
be levied on the compounding charges.
ii. 50% of assessment amount along with simple interest @ 12% per
annum thereon.
14. The SDO (OP) must ensure to send the notices to all the consumers covered
under this scheme within 10 days after issuance of this Circular to make the
scheme successful.
15. (i) The scheme shall be applicable where less than 50% of the assessed amount
has been deposited by Consumer. The applicant pays a reduced amount of
50% of the amount initially assessed, alongwith simple interest @12%
per annum on the unpaid balance amount of the reduced amount.
(ii) The scheme shall also be applicable to the cases where 50% and more than
50% payment has been made by the consumer, the case shall be settled only
without refund of any amount.
16. Cases already settled/decided will not be re-opened and the scheme will not be
applicable to the cases which have been decided in favour of Nigam.
17. The cases which have been disposed off on the jurisdiction ground may be
treated as pending cases, if the consumer had gone to the Civil Court.
18. SDO (OP) concerned is authorized to make the settlement of all cases on behalf
of the Nigam, and in case of any ambiguity, clarification be sought from
concerned XEN/OP or CGM/Commercial, DHBVN, Hisar.
19. Keeping in view the merit of the case, the concerned SDO may allow 2
installments of settled amount to the consumer.
The respective SEs/OP shall monitor personally the implementation of the
scheme and weekly progress report of settled cases may also be submitted to the office
of Coordinator, DHBVN, Hisar.
All out efforts should be made to settle maximum number of disputes pending in
various Courts/Arbitration/DCDRF/State Commission etc. & wide publicity for
settlement of pending court cases, in the LokAdalats under the above scheme be done

A Schedule of General Charges

Description Amount of charge

1. Meterinstallationcharges
(In cases where consumers opts to supply his on meters)
i) Single phase meter Rs. 100per meter
ii) Three phase meter Rs. 200permeter
iii) Three phase meter (with CTs. &PTs.) 3% of the cost of the
meter/meteringEquipmentsubject to a minimum of Rs. 500.

2. Meter inspection and testing charging

(if correctness of a meter belonging to the licensee is challenged by the
i) Single phase Rs. 50 per meter
ii) 3-phase whole current i.e. without CT Rs. 100 per meter
iii) L.T.Meters with CTs. Rs. 500 per meter
iv) HT & EHT metering equipment Rs. 1000 per meter
v) LT CTs only Rs.500/Set
vi) HT CTs(11 KV)only Rs 1000/Set
vii) vii)HT PTs(11 KV)only Rs 1000/Set

Note: if the challenged meter is found to beincorrect, the inspection and testing
charges will be refunded credit of these charges will begiven to the consumer
otherwise these will be forfeited.

3. Changing the meter or its position in the same premises at the

request of the consumer when no additional material is required, No
Charges shall be levied if the meter is relocated by the licensee

i) Single phaseRs. 100 per meter

ii) 3-phase without CTs. Rs. 200per meter
iii) LT meter with CTs. Rs. 800 per meter
iv) HT & EHF EHT metering equipment Rs. 1600 per meter

4. Resealing charges (where seals are found broken):

i) Meter cup-board Rs. 30
ii) Where cutout is independently sealed Rs. 25
iii) Meter cover or meter terminal coversingle phase Rs. .100
iv) Meter cover or meter terminal coverthree Phase Rs. 250
v) Maximum Demand Indicator or CTs.Chamber Rs550
vi) Potential fuses Rs.550
vii) Domestic consumer Rs. 100
viii) Non-domestic consumer Rs. 200
ix) A.P consumer Rs. 100
x) LT industrial consumer (upto 20 KW) Rs.500
xi) LT industrial consumer(above 20 KW) Rs. 1500
xii) HT industrial consumer Rs. 3000
xiii) Bulk supply/street lighting consumer Rs. 1500

5. Fuse replacement
Replacement of consumer’s fuse or fuses Rs.Nill

6. Testing consumer’s installations NIL

Testing Consumer's installation

i) For initial testing of new installation Nil
of any extension to an existing
installation if the installation is found
be in order and the wiring contractor
his representative is present at the site.
ii) For initial or subsequent testing of a
installation or an extension to an existing
installation if the installation is found
tbe defective or the wiring contractor or
his representative fails to be present:
(a) Single Phase LT installation Rs.100/- (Payable in advance for each
subsequent visit for the purpose of
testing the installation.)
(b) Three Phase LT installation Rs.200/- (Payable in advance for each
subsequent visit for the purpose of
testing the installation)
(c) Three Phase HT installation Rs.500/- (Payable in advance for each
subsequent visit for the purpose of
testing the installation)

7 Meter Reading Cards (New/ Replacement)(Domestic and Non-Domestic consumers)

(i) Provision of meter reading cards Rs. 30/-

including PVC jacket (for DS & NDS
(ii) Replacement of meter card found Rs. 15/- per card
to bemissing on consumer's premises
8 Supply of duplicate copies of electricity bills:
i)Domestic consumers Rs. 5/-
ii)Non-Domestic consumers Rs. 5/-
iii)L.T Industrial (upto20 kW) & AP Rs. 5/-
iv)L.T Industrial (above 20 kW) & Rs. 10/-
Li lighting consumer

v) H T. Industrial & bulk supply Rs. 20/-

9 Supply of duplicate copies of demand notice
Domestic consumers Nil
Non-Domestic consumers Rs. 20/-
L.T Industrial (upto20 kW) & AP Nil

L.T. Industrial (above 20 kW) & Street Rs. 20/-

lighting consumer
H .T Industrial& bulk supply consumer. Rs. 50/-
Supply of detailed print out of meter Rs. 50/-
10 Review of electricity bill: If the accuracy of licensee's bill is challenged by the
consumer and a review of the bill is demanded:
Domestic, & AP consumers. Rs. 10/-
Others Rs. 20/-
NOTE: If the bill is found to be incorrect, the credit of fee will be given to the
consumer, otherwise it will be forfeited
11 Meter Security Charges
As per regulation 5.6.3 of the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Duty
to supply electricity on request, Power to recover expenditure incurred in
providing supply & Power to require security) Regulations, 2005 "the amount of
meter security shall be equal to the cost of such meter as stated in cost data book
for that year.
12 Cost of Meter Cup Board (MCB)
Single Phase Meter Rs. 250/-
Three Phase Meter Rs. 350/-
13 Testing charges of Transformers or other equipment of consumer or private party

i) Protective Relays; Testing including Rs. 1100/ per relay

Power and Distribution Transformers:
Insulation resistance tests of winding Rs. 770/- per transformer
General checking of breather and other Rs. 400/- per transformer
Dielectric strength test of oil Rs. 220/- per transformer
Testing of relay and temperature Rs. 800/- each
indicators functioning
i Circuit Breaker 400 volts, 11KV and 33 Rs. 800/- each
KV: General checking of breaker and
testing of the tripping mechanism
ii) Current transformer and potential
transformer and meter:
a) Testing of LT current transformer Rs. 165/- each

b) Testing of 3 phase LT current Rs. 440/- each

c) Testing of 11 KV & 33 KV CT Rs. 550/- each

d) Testing of three phase 11 KV & 33 KV Rs. 1100/-each

e) Testing & recalibration of single phase Rs. 90/- per meter
energy meter
f) Testing & recalibration of three phase Rs. 330/- per meter
LT energy meter without CT
g) Testing & recalibration of three phase Rs. 660/- per meter
LT energy meter with CT
h) Testing & recalibration of HT / EHT Rs. 2000/- per meter
metering equipment ( i ) W i t h o u t
(ii) With CT / PT combined Rs. 2500/- per unit

i) Testing & recalibration of maximum Rs. 660/- per meter

demand indicator
j) Testing and adjustment of voltmeter / Rs. 165/- each
v) Checking of capacitor (Other than
initial checking on consumer's request:
a) 400 volts Rs. 110/-per job

b) 11 KV and above Rs. 110/-per job

vi) General:

a) Dielectric strength of oil of various Rs. 220/- per sample

b) Earth resistance test of substation Rs. 220/- per earth

c) Measurement of insulation resistance Rs. 220 per sample

of cables / equipments.
i) The above charges include the visiting charge of M&T staff as well
The charges of testing vans or trucks if needed for the purpose will be extra. All
charges shall be got deposited before undertaking the testing work.
Test report on prescribed form will be issued by the S.D.O (Operation) / M&T
lab, which will be produced by the applicant alongwith the wiring contractor's
test report.
The insulation, earth and oil tests as well as general checking and inspections
should be performed by the operation sub-division. Other tests requiring M&T
lab facilities shall be arranged by the operation sub-division.

1. Meter Service Charges (per meter/ per month): These charges shall be
leviable in case the meter has been supplied by the licensee and also that the
meter is installed inside the consumer premises or on pole outside the
consumer premises
i) Single phase Meter Rs.20
ii) Three phase Whole Current Meter Rs. 30
iii) Three phase C.T operated meters Rs. 150
iv)Three L.T tri vector meter 3% of actual cost of meter and
metering equipment and
installation of same
v) HT Tri vector meter 3% of actual cost of meter ( s)
and metering equipment
andinstallation of the same

2. Line Service Charges (per month) NIL

3. Service connection charges (For N.D.S, Industrial and Bulk Supply
Consumers in lieu of monthly line service charges): Service connection
charges shall be levied in accordance with the provisions of regulation 4 of
Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Duty to supply electricity on
request, Power to recover expenditure incurred in providing supply & Power
to require security) Regulations, 2005. Till such time the cost data book is
submitted by the licensees and approved by the Commission the following
existing charges shall continue to be levied.

i. Single phase NDS Rs. 350 per kW

ii. Three phase NDS Rs. 750 per kW
iii. Bulk supply & L.T Industrial Supply Rs. 500 per kW
iv. H.T. Industrial Supply Rs. 750/- Demand Per KVA of Contract

The above service connection charges shall be applicable where the length of
new line to be provided is upto 300 meters. This length of 300 meters would
include 11 kV line (whether over-head or cable), LT Line and service cable.
Where this length exceeds 300 meters, the applicant shall be required to pay
the cost of 11 kV line, LT Line and service cable in excess of 300 meter as
additional service connection charges. The additional cost chargeable would be
Rs. 70/-per meter for loads up to 50 kW and at the rate of Rs.100/- per meter
for loads exceeding 50 kW. No component of distribution S/St. transformer to
be created is to be charged.
In case, the proposed connection is to be released on voltage higher than
11KV, the actual cost involved for releasing the connection would also be
worked out and the amount recoverable shall be the highest of the
a) Actual cost.
b) Rs.500/-per kW in case of Bulk supply, Rs. 750/- kW in case of N.D.S and
Rs.750/-per kVA in case of H.T Industrial supply.
c) Rs. 4.5 lacs.
In case of independent feeder, the cost of controlling Circuit Breakers & terminal
equipment at Sub-Station end for taking out independent feeder shall also be
recoverable in addition to the Service Connection Charges worked out as above.

Note While recovering the above service connection charges the benefit of
first 30 meters length of this service is not to be allowed.

4. Extension In Load: Charges shall continue to be levied in accordance with

the provisions of regulation 4 of Haryana Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Duty to supply electricity on request, Power to recover
expenditure incurred in providing supply & Power to require security)
Regulations, 2005.
i) Extension in single phase load in Rs.350/- per kW (for extension part
N.D.S. category only)
ii) Extension in three-phase load in Rs.750/- per kW (for extension part
N.D.S. category only)

iii) Extension in load bringing the total Rs.500/- per kW (for extension part
load up to 50 kW (both for Bulk and LT only)
Industrial supply).
iv) Extension in load bringing the total load above 50 kW
a) For Bulk Supply Rs.500/- per kW (for extension part
b) For HT Industrial supply Rs.750/- per kVA (for extension part
NOTE: Where there is a change of category from L.T. (up to 50 kW) to H.T
(above 50 kW), the charges would be levied on the additional kVA demand,
calculated as under (as an example):
1. Existing Sanctioned Load 40 kW
2. Applied Load 150 kW with Contract Demand of 140 kVA
3. Additional Demand 140-(40/0.90)=95.55 kVA
i) The line service charges on the original load, if already being levied,
shall continue.
ii) While assessing the connected load for working out this charge both
general and industrial loads shall be taken into account.
iii) Load exceeding 50 kW shall be catered on 11KV and above. The above
limit shall be applicable both for new and extension cases after taking into
account the existing load.
An increase in the connected load without increase in Contract Demand shall
not call for payment of service connection charges. However, consumers
seeking extension in Contract Demand within the sanctioned connected load
shall be required to pay service connection charges on KVA basis on the
incremental contract demand.
For the new connections no line service charges shall be recoverable and
financial justification will not be required to be worked out.
In case due to non-availability of material with the Licensee, the applicant
supplies the material, due credit of the cost of material supplied shall be given
to the applicant from the Service Connection Charges as worked out above.
The rates of material would be worked out on the basis of issue rates as fixed
by the Controller of Stores or the actual on which it is purchased by the
applicants, whichever is lesser.
5. Advance Consumption Deposit (ACD): As per regulation 5.4.1 of the
Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Duty to supply electricity on
request, Power to recover expenditure incurred in providing supply & Power
to require security) Regulations, 2005 new applicants shall deposit
consumption security at the flat rates given hereunder:
Category of consumer Consumption Security Amount ( Rs. /
KW or part thereof of the connected
1. Agriculture Supply 100
2. Domestic Supply 500
3. LT Industrial Supply 500
4. HT Industrial Supply 750
5. Non Domestic Supply 1000
6. Bulk Supply 1000
7. MITC 750
8. Lift Irrigation 1000
9. Public Water Works 1500
10. Street Light 2000
11. Railways 1500
NOTES: In case of consumers who are sanctioned additional connected load, the
additional consumption security shall be got deposited for the additional
connected load, treating it as a new connection.
6. Capacitor Service charges (per month)
Capacitor Size AP Consumers Industrial Consumers
(a) Capacitors up to Rs. 5/- Rs. 10/-
(b) Capacitors of 3KVAR Rs. 10/- Rs. 20/-
(c) Capacitor of 4KVAR Rs. 15/- Rs. 30/-
(d) Capacitor of 5KVAR Rs. 20/- Rs. 40/-
(e) Capacitor of 7KVAR Rs. 30/- Rs. 60/-
7. Administration charges for dishonouredcheque: The actual charges
levied by the bank shall be recovered by the licensee for bouncing of cheque
against payment of charges to the licensee.
8. Testing Fee for Capacitor, transformer Oil and Insulation Resistance of Cable /
Other Equipment: Routine checking shall be done by licensee and no Charges
shall be levied on the consumers for such routine checking. However, in
case the checking is done at the request of the consumer then the following

1. Capacitors at 230 / 440 Voltage level Rs. 200 per visit

2. Capacitors at 11 KV and above Rs. 400 per visit
Voltage level
3. Checking of the Transformer Oil Rs. 200 for first sample and Rs. 150 for
every additional sample
4. Checking of insulation resistance of Rs. 300 per cable / equipment
cables and other equipment
9. Application Form for new connection (if purchased from the licensee)
a) AP & DS category Rs. 10/-
b) HT category Rs. 200/-
c) All other categories Rs. 20/-

i) Wherever in the above schedule, a rate is expressed as a rate per month or as a
monthly rate, it means a proportionate charge if the period of charge is less than
one month.
ii) In case where disconnection and connection takes place in the same month, a full
month's charge shall be recovered.
iii) In case a consumer elects to pay the cost of the service line, the amount payable
by him shall be the estimated cost of service line (excluding the cost of 30
meters) and equipment and of installing the same.

iv) In case of temporary supply, if the service line and meter are provided and
installed by the Licensee, the consumer shall be charged four times the relevant
charges provided above for each period of 30 days or less. Concession of first 30
meters of free service line is not to be allowed.

Memo No. Ch-29/SE/C-R-16/Loose/45/2010/F-33 Dated : 25/6/2013

Subject: Schedule of Tariff applicable for the FY 2013-2014.

This is in continuation of Sales Circular No. D-11/2013 dated 1/4/2013

on the subject matter above.
Now detailed Schedule of Tariff applicable for the FY 2013-2014
approved by HERC for Distribution and Retail Supply of Electricity is attached
herewith for implementation. The schedule of tariff is also available on commission


(i) Applicability
Applicable to consumers for lights, fans, domestic pumping sets, lifts, fire
and house-hold appliances in the following premises:-
(a) Single private house / flat
(b) Group housing societies other than those covered under HERC (Single
Point Supply to Employers' Colonies, Group Housing Societies and
Residential or Commercial cum Residential Complexes of Developers)
Regulations, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as Single Point Supply
Regulations). In case of Group Housing Societies covered under Single
Point Supply Regulations and opting for option-2, individual
connections to residents of such Group Housing Societies shall also be
covered under Domestic Supply Schedule subject to the conditions in
the said Regulations
(c) Hostel of Educational Institutions (including Mess/ Canteen),
(d) Working Women's hostels run by Red Cross and Social Welfare
(e) Anganwadi Workers' training Centres set up by Indian Council for Child
(f) Places of public worship such as Mandirs, Masjids, Churches,
(g) Village Chaupal owned by Gram Panchayat / Communities.
i) Private dwelling, in which space is occasionally used for the conduct of
business by a person residing therein, shall also be served under this

ii) Where a portion of the dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of a
business, the consumption in that portion shall be separately metered
and billed under the appropriate Non-Domestic tariff or Industrial
power supply tariff. If separate meters are not provided, the entire
supply will be classified under Non- Domestic supply or industrial
power supply tariff as applicable.
iii) Resale of energy is strictly prohibited except where necessary
permission/exemption is granted by Haryana Electricity Regulatory
iv) A hostel shall be considered as one unit and billed without
compounding. The supply for residential quarters/flats attached to the
educational institutions for staff-members shall also be considered as
one unit and billed without compounding.
v) Consumption of Street lighting in Group Housing Societies, other than
those covered under Bulk Supply (Domestic) Schedule, shall be billed
at Domestic tariff.
vi) Character of Service
A.C, 50 cycles, single phase, 230 volts;
A.C, 50 cycles, three phase, 400 volts (for connected load above 5 kW but up
to 50kW);
A.C, 50 cycles, three phase, 11000 volts or higher voltage (for connected load
above50 kW).
vii) Payment
In the event of the bi-monthly bill not being paid in full within the period
specified in thebill, a surcharge at the rate of 3% shall be levied for each
billing cycle of 2 months orpart thereof on the unpaid amount of the bill until
the amount is paid in full.

(i) Applicability
Applicable to consumers for lights, fans, appliances and small motors in all non-
residential premises such as:-
(a) Business houses,
(b) Cinemas,
(c) Clubs,
(d) Call centres/BPOs/KPOs/ITES
(e) Public / corporate offices,
(f) Educational Institutions,
(g) Ho
(h) Hotels,
(i) Nursing Homes/Clinics/Dispensaries,
(j) Shops,
(k) Malls,
(l) Street lighting in AnajMandis,
(m) Street lighting in HUDA sectors which have not been transferred to local
Municipal Bodies etc.

Note: In case of Health and Educational Institutions having a total load exceeding
20 kW, these shall be treated as non-domestic category where the entire load is
NDS. However if there is mixed load or there is some other category's load (other
than industrial) in the total load and if such other load exceeds 10% of the total
load then Bulk Supply schedule as at Sr. No. 6 shall be applicable.
(ii) Character of Service
A.C, 50 cycles, single-phase, 230 volts (for connected load up to 5 kW)
A.C, 50 cycles, three-phase, 400 volts (for load above 5 kW but up to 50 kW)
A.C, 50 cycles, three-phase, 11000 volts, or higher voltage (for load above 50 kW
except for existing consumers as on 30th September, 2010 with load above 50 kW
andupto 70 kW who are on LT supply)
In the event of the monthly/bi-monthly bill not being paid in full within the
period specified in the bill, a surcharge at the rate of 1% %/3% shall be levied
for each billing cycle on the unpaid amount of the bill until the amount is paid in


(i) Applicability
Applicable to all Industrial loads, agricultural loads (other than agriculture tube
well pump sets) e.g. Threshers, "Toka" connections etc. and existing LT industrial
consumers as on 30th September 2010 with load above 50 kW and upto 70 kW
who are on LT supply.
(ii) Character of Service
A.C, 50 cycles, single-Phase, 230 volts (For connected load upto 5 kW)
A.C, 50 cycles, three phase, 400 volts (for connected load above 5 kW but up to
50 kW and for existing industrial consumers as on 30th September 2010 with
connected load above 50 kW and upto 70 kW who are on LT supply).
(iii) Factory Lighting
The consumption for bona-fide factory lighting will be included for charges
under the above tariff. However, supply to residential quarters, if any, attached
to the factory and outside the factory premises will be separately metered and
billed under schedule 'DS'.
(iv) Temporary disconnection of supply
(a) The industrial consumers seeking temporary disconnection of supply shall
submit their written requests giving therein specific reasons for the same to
Sub-Divisional Officer (Operations) {S.D.O. (OP)} concerned at least one
month in advance of the date from which the temporary disconnection is
being sought. Requests for temporary disconnection for a maximum period
of six months shall be examined and decided by concerned Executive
Engineer {Xen (OP)} keeping in view themerits of each case. The requests for
temporary disconnection beyond a period of six months and upto 12 months
shall be referred by respective SEs to concerned Chief Engineer (CE (OP)} for
decision. While considering such requests for temporary disconnection, the
following guidelines shall be kept in view:-
i) The consumer is not a defaulter of Licensee's dues, whether disputed or
ii) The consumers seeking temporary disconnection under "Force Majeure Clause"
are not required to submit their requests one month in advance as stipulated
under above paragraph.
iii) The Force Majeure Conditions for the purpose of this clause will include only the
a) Acts of God e.g. Floods, Tempests, Earthquake, lightning.
b) Acts of Civil and Military Authorities e.g. Wars, Mutiny, Civil
commotion/disturbances, Riots.
c) Fires, Strikes, Lockouts.
Note: The disputes between partners, shortage of funds and raw materials etc.
for the purpose of allowing temporary disconnection will not be
considered as Force Majeure reasons under this clause.
iv) The disconnections sought under Force Majeure reasons must be supported by
documentary evidence issued by concerned Civil Authorities.
v) The temporary disconnection under Force Majeure reasons may be allowed even
beyond a continuous period of 12 months by CE (OP) concerned. The CEs (OP)
will, however, submit periodical report after every six months relating to
temporary disconnections allowed by them to the Chief Engineer/Commercial of
the Licensee.
vi) The requests-for further extension of temporary disconnection of a consumer
who has been allowed temporary disconnection for a period up to 12 months
shall be considered only after a minimum period of six months from the date up
to which the last disconnection was allowed. For example in case a consumer
seeks temporary disconnection for 12 months and the same is allowed from
01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 and if he applies for further extension, the same will
not be allowed before 1st July, 2013. During the intervening period i.e. for the
period 1st January 2013 to 30th June 2013, he will be billed on normal tariff as if
there were no temporary disconnection.

(b) During the period of temporary disconnection beyond one month, the consumption
of industry for repair work and factory lighting, if any, upto 5% of the monthly
average consumption of preceding six months (or less, if 6 months consumption is
not available) will be charged at 200% of the normal energy charges without levy of
fixed charges in case applicable. In case of excess consumption than the said limit of
5%, the temporary disconnection facility shall be considered to have been
withdrawn from that month and the consumer shall be billed on normal tariff as if
there was no temporary disconnection. The consumption during the first month will
be billed at normal tariff i.e. energy charges plus fixed charges, if applicable, subject
to minimum charges as per (c) below
(c) The industries which are allowed temporary disconnection will pay minimum
charges @ Rs. 220/- per kW or part thereof of the connected load for one month
following the month in which temporary disconnection has been allowed and no
minimum charges will be levied thereafter.

(viii) Capacitor Surcharge

(a) All the LT industrial consumers are required to install shunt capacitors of
adequate rating and of BIS mark manufactured by the standard firms approved by
the Licensee. No new connection shall be released without installation of shunt
capacitors of required capacity as per the table given below. Rating of LT shunt
capacitors required to be installed on various sizes of motors shall be as under:-
Rating of KVAR rating of LT capacitors for various R.P.M. of the Motors
Sr. No. motors
(BHP) 750 RPM 1000 RPM 1500 RPM
1 3 1 1 1
2 5 3 2 2
3 7.5 4 3 2
4 10 5 4 3
5 15 7 5 4
6 20 9 7 5
7 25 10 9 7
8 30 12.5 10 7.5
9 40 15 12.5 10
10 50 20 15 12.5
11 60 22.5 17.5 15
12 75 25 20 17.5
13 90 30 25 20
14 100 35 25 22.5

(b) In case of consumers where the shunt capacitors have not been installed or
where these are found missing or in-operative or damaged, one month
registered notice shall be served on such consumers to provide the desired
capacity of healthy shunt capacitors and in case of non-compliance, a
surcharge of 10% of SOP (sale of power) amount (sale of power amount means
the consumption charges as defined in the 'Duty to Supply Regulations' of the
Commission) shall be levied and it shall continue to be levied till the
prescribed capacity of shunt capacitors are installed by the consumers. The
intimation of installation of shunt capacitors shall be required to be given by
the consumer through the submission of Test Report, which would be duly
verified and accepted by the SDO concerned.
(c) In case of consumers billed under kVAh tariff, capacitor surcharge will not be
(ix) Excess connected load Surcharge
If the connected load of a consumer exceeds the sanctioned load, the excess load
shall be treated as unauthorised load. Wherever use of unauthorised load is
detected by the Licensee, the excess load shall be charged at the rate of Rs. 220/-
per kW per month for the preceding six months or for the period from the date of
last checking or from the date of release of connection whichever is less. The
billing of the consumer shall also be revised for this period if there is change in
sub-category/category with theexcess load detected and the difference shall be
charged from the consumer besides the penalty as above. The consumer will have
to submit the revised test report alongwith all relevant documents and ACD for
regularization of the excess load. The penalty as well as difference in billing on a/c
of change in sub-category/category shall remain chargeable upto one month from
the date of submission of requisite documents. The competent authority shall
sanction the revised load within one month of the receipt of complete documents
from the consumer. Detection of excess load, however, shall not be treated as un-
authorised use of electricity under section 126 of the Electricity Act, 2003.
If there is change in category with the excess load i.e. L.T. industrial supply to H.T.
industrial supply and it is not possible to regularise it as HT industrial supply, then
the consumer will be allowed at his option to have the load sanctioned up to 50
kW and remove the excess load.
(x) Payment
In the event of the monthly bill not being paid in full within the time specified in
the bill, a surcharge of 1 % % shall be levied on the unpaid amount of the bill for
each 30 days successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.

Applicable for load exceeding 50 kW to,

(a) All industrial consumers

(b) Arc furnaces and mixed load of Arc furnaces and steel rolling mills
(c) All other steel furnaces (including induction furnaces and stainless steel
furnaces), Steel Rolling Mills (including cold rolling/ re-rolling, steel/
stainlesssteel mills), mixed load of such steel furnaces and steel rolling mills
Character of Service
A.C, 50 cycles, 3 phase 11 KV or higher voltage.
For Arc Furnaces & mixed load of Arc furnaces & Steel Rolling Mills, the voltage of
supply would be 33 KV and above, depending upon availability of bus voltage at
the feeding end substation, wherever possible at the discretion of the Licensee.

• Factory lighting and Colony Supply

All consumption for bona-fide factory lighting including those of canteen and
Hospital, factory staff quarters, street lighting of the colony and the shopping
centre within the factory premises shall be included for charging under the above
• Temporary disconnection of supply
(a) The industrial consumers seeking temporary disconnection of supply shall
submit their written requests giving therein specific reasons for the same to
Sub-Divisional Officer (Operations) {S.D.O. (OP)} concerned at least one
month in advance of the date from which the temporary disconnection is
being sought. Requests for temporary disconnection for a maximum period of
six months shall be examined and decided by concerned Superintending
Engineer {S.Es (OP)} keeping in view the merits of each case. The requests for
temporary disconnection beyond a period of six months and upto 12 months
shall be referred by respective SEs to concerned Chief Engineer (CE (OP)} for
decision. While considering such requests for temporary disconnection, the
following guidelines shall be kept in view:-
i) The consumer is not a defaulter of Licensee's dues, whether disputed or
ii) The consumers seeking temporary disconnection under "Force Majeure
Clause" are not required to submit their requests one month in advance as
stipulated under above paragraph.
iii) The Force Majeure Conditions for the purpose of this clause will include
only the following:-
(a) Acts of God e.g. Floods, Tempests, Earthquake, lightning.
(b) Acts of Civil and Military Authorities e.g. Wars, Mutiny, Civil
commotion/disturbances, Riots.
(c) Fires, Strikes, Lockouts.
Note: The disputes between partners, shortage of funds and raw materials
etc. for the purpose of allowing temporary disconnection will not be
considered as Force Majeure reasons under this clause.
iv) The disconnections sought under Force Majeure reasons must be
supported by documentary evidence issued by concerned Civil
v) The temporary disconnection under Force Majeure reasons may be
allowed even beyond a continuous period of 12 months by CE (OP)
concerned. The CEs (OP) will, however, submit periodical report after
every six months relating to temporary disconnections allowed by them
to the Chief Engineer/Commercial of the Licensee.
vi) The requests for further extension of temporary disconnection of a
consumer who has been allowed temporary disconnection for a period
upto 12 months shall be considered only after a minimum period of six
months from the date upto which the last disconnection was allowed. For
example in case a consumer seeks temporary disconnection for 12
months and the same is allowed from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 and if he
applies for further extension, the same will not be allowed before 1st July,
2013. During the intervening period i.e. for the period 1st January 2013 to
30th June 2013, he will be billed on normal tariff as if there were no
temporary disconnection.
(b) During the period of temporary disconnection beyond one month, the
consumption of industry for repair work and factory lighting, if any, up to 5% of
the monthly average consumption of preceding six months (or less, if 6 months
consumption is not available) will be charged at 200% of the normal energy
charges without levy of fixed charges. In case of excess consumption than the said
limit of 5%, the temporary disconnection facility shall be considered to have been
withdrawn from that month and the consumer shall be billed on normal tariff as if
there were no temporary disconnection.
The consumption during the first month will be billed at normal tariff i.e. energy
charges plus fixed charges subject to minimum charges as per (c) below
(d) The industries which are allowed temporary disconnection will pay
minimum charges @ Rs. 400 per kVA or part thereof of the contract demand for
one month following the month in which temporary disconnection has been
allowed and no minimum charges will be levied thereafter.

• Contract Demand
a) The maximum demand for any month shall be defined as the highest average
load measured in kilovolt amperes during any 30 consecutive minutes period
of the month.
b) The contract demand means the maximum demand in kW/kVA for the supply
of which the Licensee undertakes to provide facilities from time to time.
c) In case the maximum demand of the consumer exceeds his Contract Demand
in any month by more than 5%, a surcharge of 25% will be levied on the SOP
amount for that month.
d) If in any case the maximum demand is being measured in kW, the same shall
be converted in KVA by the use of actual power factor.
• Power Factor
In view of introduction of kVAh tariff w.e.f.01.04.2012, power factor surcharge /
incentive is not be leviable/admissible to consumers covered under this category.
• Peak Load Exemption Charge (PLEC)
a) Peak Load Hours shall be determined and declared sufficiently in advance by
the distribution licensees from time to time with prior concurrence of the
b) HT Industrial consumers where metering is through Electronic Tri - Vector
Meter with the facility of recording consumption during the peak load hours
shall be eligible to avail power during peak load hours as provided below:- i)
All eligible HT industrial consumers shall be entitled to draw power
during peak load hours up to their contract demand (CD) without any
approval from the distribution licensee subject to levy of PLEC @ Rs. 1.0
/ kVAh up to 50% of the CD and Rs. 1.50 / kVAh above 50% of the CD,
with approval if required by the Discoms, as against the existing @
Rs.1.90 / kVAh. As all eligible HT industrial consumers have been allowed to
draw power during peak load hours up to their contract demand, the levy of
peak load violation charges @ Rs. 3.80/kVAh on the consumption beyond
peak load exemption limit/special dispensation is accordingly withdrawn.
However if a consumer exceeds his contract demand during peak load hours
beyond 5%, he will be liable to pay the usual demand surcharge as provided in
the schedule of tariff. The charge as per normal tariff, FSA and any other
charges in vogue shall be chargeable for the consumption during peak load
hours besides the peak load exemption charges as above

The admissible consumption of eligible HT industrial consumer during peak load hours
is worked out as under:-
Permissible consumption in KVAH 100% contract demand in KVA x
during peak load hours No. of peak load hours x 30

In the case of Open Access consumers the PLEC on power drawn through Open Access
during peak load hours shall be levied as under:
In view of clarifications issued by HERC vide its office memo No. 2246-2248/HERC
dated 5/9/2014 regarding levy of PLEC on power drawn through open access
consumers, the applicable rates for levy of PLEC on energy drawn through open access
during FY 2014-15, shall be as under:
Sr. No. Energy slab Chargeable PLEC
i For the energy drawn equivalent Nil
to energy consumption during
peak load hours in a month
worked out corresponding to
20% of contract demand.
ii Energy drawn beyond that 50% of PLEC as applicable for power
covered in (i) above and up to supplied by the distribution licensee
energy consumption during peak within the allowed peak load
load hours in a month worked exemption limit / allowed
out corresponding to 50% of dispensation i.eRs. 0.50 /kVAh.
contract demand.
iii Balance Energy drawn if any, 100% PLEC as applicable for power
beyond that covered in (i) and supplied by the distribution licensee
(ii) above i.e. beyond energy within the allowed peak load
consumption during peak load exemption limit / special dispensation
hours in a month worked out i.eRs. 1.50 /kVAh.
corresponding to 50% of contract
It is further clarified that for converting energy drawn through open
access in kWhs in a month into kVAhs, average recorded power factor of the consumer
for that month or 0.90, whichever is higher, shall be used.

1) All others HT industrial consumers where TOD facility for recording

consumption during peak load hours is not available, they are not allowed to run
their industries during peak load hours.
2) The PLEC shall not be applicable on those industrial consumers who are being
supplied from rural agriculture or rural domestic feeders as they are already
being given heavily curtailed supply.
3) The peak load hours (which are subject to change) are as under.
Morning peak Nil
load hours
Evening peak 18:30 Hours to
load hours 22:00 Hours

4) This facility can be withdrawn at any time without giving any notice depending
upon system constraints.

The consumption during peak load hours in a month upto the level of
permissible consumption as above shall be charged at Rs. 1.90/kVAh extra over
and above the normal tariff as peak load exemption charges. In case
consumption during peak load hours in a month exceeds the permissible
consumption, such excess consumption (over and above the permissible
consumption) shall be charged at Rs. 3.80/kVAh extra as peak load exemption
charges over and above the normal tariff.
ii) The eligible HT consumers who intend to avail power more than 20% of
contract demand during peak load hours shall be required to exercise their
option for availing special dispensation. Those consumers who submit their
options to the licensee for availing power beyond 20% of contract demand shall
be allowed permission/special dispensation by the licensee based on the laid
down criteria and subject to the technical feasibility on first come first served
basis. The distribution licensees shall evolve the set of criteria and procedure for
allowing special dispensation above 20% of contract demand to consumers and
get it approved from the Commission within two months from the date of issue
Permissible consumption: Allowed special dispensation in kVA X
KVAh no. of peak load hours X 30 the

Schedule of Tariff. The permissible consumption of such consumers during peak

load hours in a month shall be worked out as under:

The consumption during peak load hours in a month up to the level of

permissible consumption corresponding to special dispensation as worked
out above shall be charged at Rs. 1.90/kVAh extra over and above the normal
tariff as peak load exemption charges. In case consumption during peak load
hours in a month exceeds the permissible consumption, such excess
consumption (over and above the permissible consumption) shall be charged
at Rs. 3.80/kVAh extra as peak load exemption charges over and above the
normal tariff.
iii) The charges as per normal tariff, FSA and any other charges in vogue shall be
chargeable for the consumption during peak load hours besides the peak load
exemption charges as above.
• Payment
In the event of the monthly bill not being paid in full within the time specified in the bill,
a surcharge of 1 % % shall be levied on the unpaid amount of the bill for each 30 days'
successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.


(i) Applicability
Applicable to Irrigation pumping sets / Horticulture / Fisheries/ Lift Irrigation /
(ii) Character of service
A.C, 50 cycles, single phase, 230 volts A.C, 50 cycles, three phase, 400 volts
(iii) Annual Minimum Charges (AMC)
The annual minimum charges shall be Rs. 200/BHP per year for metered
agricultural supply including horticulture and fisheries.
(iv) Capacitor Surcharge
a) All the consumers under this category are required to install shunt
capacitors of adequate rating and of BIS mark manufactured by the standard
firms approved by the Licensee. No new connection shall be released without
installation of shunt capacitors of required capacity as per table below.
Rating of LT shunt capacitors required to be installed on various sizes of
motors shall be as under:-

Rating of motors KVAR rating of LT capacitors for various R.P.M. of the Motors
No. (BHP) Rating of
750 RPM 1000 RPM 1500 RPM
motors (BHP)
1 3 1 1 1
2 5 3 2 2
3 7.5 4 3 2
4 10 5 4 3
5 15 7 5 4
6 20 9 7 5
7 25 10 9 7
8 30 12.5 10 7.5
9 40 15 12.5 10
10 50 20 15 12.5
11 60 22.5 17.5 15
12 75 25 20 17.5
13 90 30 25 20
14 100 35 25 22.5

b) In case of consumers where the shunt capacitors have not been installed or
where these are found missing or in-operative or damaged, one month
registered notice shall be served on such consumers to provide the desired
capacity of healthy shunt capacitors and in case of non-compliance, a
surcharge of 10% of SOP amount shall be levied and it shall continue to be
levied till the prescribed capacity of shunt capacitors are installed by the
consumers. The intimation of installation of shunt capacitors shall be
required to be given by the consumer through the submission of Test Report
which would be duly verified and accepted by the SDO concerned.
(v) Payment
In the event of monthly bill not being paid in full within the period specified in
the bill, a surcharge of 1 % % shall be levied on the unpaid amount of the bill for
each 30 days' successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.


(i) Applicability
Applicable to general or mixed load exceeding 20 kW for the following
establishments irrespective of whether further distribution is involved or not:-
i) M.E.S and other Military Establishments,
ii) Railways, other than traction.
iii) Central P.W.D,
iv) Hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, nursing homes.
v) Schools/Colleges/Educational Institutions and other institutions
vi) Other similar Establishments.
A. Only one connection will be given at one contiguous area of
B. In case of Health and Educational Institutions having a total load
exceeding 20 kW, these shall be treated as non-domestic category
where the entire load is NDS. However if there is mixed load or there is
some other category's load (other than Industrial) in the total load and
if such other load exceeds 10% of the total load then Bulk Supply
schedule shall be applicable.
C. Business Houses, Cinemas, Clubs, Public / Corporate Offices, Hotels,
Shops, Malls, Call Centres, BPOs/KPOs where the entire load is NDS,
shall not be eligible for Bulk Supply schedule and shall be covered
under NDS schedule as provided therein.
(ii) Character of service
(a) A.C 50 cycles, 3 phase, 400 volts for loads up to 50 kW
(b) A.C 50 cycles, 3 phase, 11 kV or higher voltage depending on feasibility for
loads above 50 kW

(iii) Payment
In the event of the monthly bill not being paid in full within the time specified in
the bill,a surcharge of 1 % % shall be levied on unpaid amount of the bill for each
30 days'successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.


(i) Applicability
Applicable to all the Colonies / Group Housing Societies covered under Haryana
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Single Point Supply to Employers' Colonies,
Group Housing Societies and Residential or Commercial cum Residential
Complexes of Developers) Regulations, 2013 who opt for Single Point Supply
connection under the said Regulations and also for such other Group Housing
Societies which do not fall under the purview of these Regulations but, on their
own, opt for Single Point Supply under the ibid Regulations. The load of common
facilities for the residents of the Group Housing Society admissible for billing
under Bulk Supply (Domestic) tariff shall not be more than17.64% (15x100/85) of
the total residential/domestic load of the Group Housing Society / Colony. In case
of load of common facilities being more than 17.64% of the residential / domestic
load, the excess load shall be treated as NDS load and the pro-rata consumption
corresponding to this excess load along with other NDS load, if any, shall be billed
at NDS tariff as provided in the said Regulations. A single point electricity
connection shall be provided at the H.T. (11 kV) level (or higher) and further
distribution within shall be owned and managed by the Colony / Group Housing

(ii) Character of supply

A.C, 50 cycles, 3 phase supply at 11 KV or above voltage level at single delivery
point. Notes:
(a) The connected load of lifts, water supply pumps and fire fighting water
pumps shall form part of residential / domestic load.
(b) No industrial activity shall be permitted inside the complex.
(iii) Payment
In the event of the monthly bill not being paid in full within the time specified in
the bill, a surcharge of 1% % shall be levied on unpaid amount of the bill for each
30 days' successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.


(i) Applicability
Applicable to street lighting system including signal systems and road and park
lighting in Municipalities, Panchayats and Institutions.

(ii) Character of Service

A.C, 50 Cycles, single phase, 230 volts A.C, 50 Cycles, three-phase, 400 volts

(iii) Payment
In the event of the monthly bill not being paid in full within the time specified in
the bill, surcharge of 1 % % shall be levied on the unpaid amount of the bill for
each 30 days' successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.
(i) Applicability
Applicable to the Railways for Traction loads and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
(ii) Character of Service
A.C. 3-phase, 50-cycle, 11 KV & above for Railways traction and at 66 KV and above
for DMRC.
(iii) Demand Assessment
a) The demand for any month shall be defined as the highest average load
measured in Kilovolt amperes during any 30 consecutive minutes period of the
b)The billable demand shall be the actual maximum demand or 65% of the
contract demand whichever is higher.
c) The contract demand means the maximum demand in kW/KVA for the supply
of which the Licensee undertakes to provide facilities from time to time.

(iv) Demand Surcharge

In case the consumer exceeds his contract demand in any month, the excess
demand shall be charged @ Rs. 125 per KVA or part thereof per month. In case
consumer exceeds his contract demand in any month due to shifting of load by the
consumer in case of failure of supply at any other point under the jurisdiction of
Licensee and for reasons attributable to the Licensee, the excess demand shall be
determined on the basis of contract demand for supply at such points taken

(v) Power Factor

In view of introduction of kVAh tariff, power factor surcharge / incentive will not
be leviable/admissible to consumers covered under this category w.e.f.01.04.2013.

(vi) Payment
In the event of the monthly bill not being paid in full within the time specified in
the bill, a surcharge of 1% % shall be levied on the unpaid amount of the bill for
each 30 days' successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.


(i) Applicability
Applicable to pumps (other than irrigation) such as water supply pump sets, flood
dewatering pumping sets, sewerage disposal/treatment plants etc. installed by the
Govt., Govt. undertakings, Muncipalities, Panchayats, Religious institutions and
private institutions/bodies.
(ii) Character of Service
A.C, 50 cycles, Single-Phase, 230 volts,
A.C, 50 cycles, Three-Phase, 400 volts
A.C, 50 cycles, Three-phase, 11000 volts, or higher voltage depending on feasibility
for load above 50 Kw
(iii) Pump House Lighting
The consumption for bona-fide pump house lighting will be included for charges
under the above tariff.
(iv) Capacitor Surcharge
a) All the consumers are required to install shunt capacitors of adequate
rating and of BIS mark manufactured by the standard firms approved by the
Licensee. No new connection shall be released without installation of shunt
capacitors of required capacity as per table below. Rating of LT shunt
capacitors required to be installed on various sizes of motors shall be as

Rating of motors KVAR rating of LT capacitors for various R.P.M. of the Motors
(BHP) Rating of motors
(BHP) 750 RPM 1000 RPM 1500 RPM
1 3 1 1 1
2 5 3 2 2
3 7.5 4 3 2
4 10 5 4 3
5 15 7 5 4
6 20 9 7 5
7 25 10 9 7
8 30 12.5 10 7.5
9 40 15 12.5 10
10 50 20 15 12.5
11 60 22.5 17.5 15
12 75 25 20 17.5
13 90 30 25 20
14 100 35 25 22.5

b) In case of consumers where the shunt capacitors have not been installed or where
these are found missing or in-operative or damaged, one month registered
notice shall be served on such consumers to provide the desired capacity of
healthy shunt capacitors and in case of non-compliance, a surcharge of 10% of
SOP amount shall be levied and it shall continue to be levied till the prescribed
capacity of shunt capacitors are installed by the consumers. The intimation of
installation of shunt capacitors shall be required to be given by the consumer
through the submission of Test Report which would be duly verified and
accepted by the SDO concerned.
(v) Excess connected load Surcharge
If the connected load of a consumer exceeds the sanctioned load, the excess load
shall be treated as unauthorised load. Wherever use of unauthorised load is detected
by the Licensee, the excess load shall be charged at the rate of Rs. 150/- per kW per
month for the preceding six months or for the period from last date of checking or
from the date of release of connection whichever is less. In both the cases the
consumer will have to submit the revised test report along with all the relevant
documents and ACD. The penalty shall remain chargeable upto one month from the
date of submission of required documents. The competent authority shall sanction
the revised load within one month of the receipt of complete documents from the
(vi) Payment
In the event of the monthly bill not being paid in full within the time specified in the
bill, a surcharge of 1 % % shall be levied on the unpaid amount of the bill for each 30
days successive period or part thereof until the amount is paid in full.


(i) Applicability
Applicable to large commercial establishments/Malls/showrooms etc. who deploy
large hoardings to enhance their business visibility. Supply to all such Independent
Hoardings/Decorative Lightings should only be released on a standalone basis with
independent meters.
i. Applicability
Applicable to all domestic and Non-Domestic supply consumers including
touring cinemas, theatres, circuses and for construction purposes as well.
ii. Character of Service
A.C, 50 Cycles, Single-phase, 230 volts A.C, 50 Cycles, 3-phase 400 volts
A.C, 50 Cycles, 3-phase 11 KV or higher voltage (for load exceeding 50 kW)
depending upon feasibility.
i. Applicability
Applicable to (a) Industrial consumers, (b) Flood de-watering pump sets
installed by the Govt./ private bodies (c) lift irrigation, (d) Public water supply
and (e) Bulk Supply consumers.
ii. Character of Service
A.C, 50 Cycles, three-phase, 400 volts
A.C, 50 Cycles, three-phase, 11 kV or higher voltage depending on feasibility.
iii. Special conditions for temporary supply tariffs 'A' & 'B'
A. If the Licensee provides and installs the service line and meter, the charges for
erection and dismantlement of the service line including the cost of
consumables shall be borne by the consumer. The consumer shall be charged
meter service charges four times the relevant charges as prescribed in the
Schedule of General and Miscellaneous charges for each period of 30 days or
less during which the temporary supply has been given.
B. If a consumer provides the material for the service equipment and meter box
(the Licensee installing the same), the charges for erection and dismantlement
of the service line shall be borne by the consumer. Meter service charges will
not be leviable if the meter is also provided by the consumer. But in case the
consumer provides only the MCB and not the meter, meters service charges as
per (a) above shall be leviable.
C. Before any expenditure is incurred in giving temporary supply, cash deposit
shall be taken in advance from the applicant to cover the following:
(i) If the material is to be provided and installed by the Licensee:
1. Processing fee
2. Estimated cost with erection and dismantlement charges for
the service line
3. Four times advance consumption deposit
4. Meter security
Processing fee is non refundable. Estimated cost as at (b) above shall be
refunded at the time of disconnection after deducting erection and
dismantlement charges and cost of consumables. Advance consumption
deposit and meter security shall also be refunded after adjusting outstanding
payment, if any, at the time of disconnection of supply.
(ii) If the material is to be provided by the consumer and the service installed
by the Licensee:
1. Processing fee
2. Erection and dismantlement charges for the service line
3. Four times advance consumption deposit
4. Meter security (if meter is provided by the Licensee)
Processing fee and Erection and dismantlement charges for the service line
are non refundable. Advance consumption deposit and meters security (in
case charged) shall be refunded after adjusting for outstanding payment, if
any at the time of disconnection of supply.
General Note
The Electricity Duty and Municipal Tax, wherever applicable, shall be charged extra at per
kWh rate prescribed by the State Government and as notified from time to time.


MonthlyMinimum Charges (MMC):

a) The industrial consumers seeking temporary disconnection of supply shall

submit their written requests giving therein specific reasons for the same to Sub-
Divisional Officer (Operations) {S.D.O. (OP)} concerned at least one month in
advance of the date from which the temporary disconnection is being sought.
Requests for temporary disconnection for a maximum period of six months shall
be examined and decided by concerned Executive Engineer {Xen (OP)} keeping
in view themerits of each case. The requests for temporary disconnection
beyond a period of six months and upto 12 months shall be referred by
respective SEs to concerned Chief Engineer (CE (OP)} for decision. While
considering such requests for temporary disconnection, the following guidelines
shall be kept in view:-
i) The consumer is not a defaulter of Licensee's dues, whether disputed or
ii) The consumers seeking temporary disconnection under "Force Majeure Clause"
are not required to submit their requests one month in advance as stipulated
under above paragraph.
iii) The Force Majeure Conditions for the purpose of this clause will include only the
a) Acts of God e.g. Floods, Tempests, Earthquake, lightning.
b) Acts of Civil and Military Authorities e.g. Wars, Mutiny, Civil
commotion/disturbances, Riots.
c) Fires, Strikes, Lockouts.
Note: The disputes between partners, shortage of funds and raw materials etc.
for the purpose of allowing temporary disconnection will not be
considered as Force Majeure reasons under this clause.
iv) The disconnections sought under Force Majeure reasons must be supported by
documentary evidence issued by concerned Civil Authorities.
v) The temporary disconnection under Force Majeure reasons may be allowed even
beyond a continuous period of 12 months by CE (OP) concerned. The CEs (OP)
will, however, submit periodical report after every six months relating to
temporary disconnections allowed by them to the Chief Engineer/Commercial of
the Licensee.
vi) The requests-for further extension of temporary disconnection of a consumer
who has been allowed temporary disconnection for a period up to 12 months
shall be considered only after a minimum period of six months from the date up
to which the last disconnection was allowed. For example in case a consumer
seeks temporary disconnection for 12 months and the same is allowed from
01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 and if he applies for further extension, the same will
not be allowed before 1st July, 2013. During the intervening period i.e. for the
period 1st January 2013 to 30th June 2013, he will be billed on normal tariff as if
there were no temporary disconnection.
(b) During the period of temporary disconnection beyond one month, the consumption
of industry for repair work and factory lighting, if any, upto 5% of the monthly
average consumption of preceding six months (or less, if 6 months consumption is
not available) will be charged at 200% of the normal energy charges without levy of
fixed charges in case applicable. In case of excess consumption than the said limit of
5%, the temporary disconnection facility shall be considered to have been
withdrawn from that month and the consumer shall be billed on normal tariff as if
there was no temporary disconnection. The consumption during the first month will
be billed at normal tariff i.e. energy charges plus fixed charges, if applicable, subject
to minimum charges as per (c) below
(c) The industries which are allowed temporary disconnection will pay minimum
charges @ Rs. 220/- per kW or part thereof of the connected load for one month
following the month in which temporary disconnection has been allowed and no
minimum charges will be levied thereafter.

The industrial consumers seeking temporary disconnection of supply shall submit

their written requests giving therein specific reasons for the same to SDO
(OP)concerned at least one month in advance of the date from which the
disconnection is being sought. Such requests for a maximum period of six months
shall be examined and decided by concerned Executive Engineer in case of
LTindustrial consumer and by SE(OP) in the case of HTindustrial consumer keeping
in view the merits of each case. The request for temporary disconnection beyond a
period of six months shall be referred by respective SEs to concerned Chief Engineer
(OP) for decision. CE (OP) may allow temporary disconnection for a maximum
continuous period of 12 months on the merit of each case. While considering such
requests for temporary disconnections, the following guidelines are to be kept in

i) The consumer is not a defaulter of Nigam’s dues, whether disputed or

ii) The consumers seeking temporary disconnection under “Force Majeure Clause”
are not required to submit their requests one month in advance as stipulated
under above paragraph.
iii) The force Majeure Conditions for the purpose of this clause will include only the
(a) Acts of God e.g. floods, Tempests, Earthquakes. Lightning.
(b) Act of Civil and Military Authorities e.g. Wars, Mutiny, and Civil
commotion/disturbances, Riots.
(c) Fires, Strikes, Lockouts.
NOTE: The disputes between partners, shortage of funds and raw materials
etc. will not be considered as Force Majeure reasons under this clause.
iv) The disconnections sought under Force Majeure reasons must be supported by
documentary evidence issued by concerned Civil Authorities.
v) Temporary Disconnection Order (T.D.C.O.) under Force Majeure reasons can be
allowed even beyond a continuous period of 12 months by CE (OP) concerned.
The CE(OP) will however, submit periodical report after every six months
relating to temporary disconnections allowed by him to the G.M./Commercial
of the Nigam.
vi) The requests for further-extension of temporary disconnection who have been
allowed TDCO for a period upto 12 months shall be considered only after a
minimum period of six months from the date upto which the last disconnection
was allowed. For example incase a consumer seeks temporary disconnection
for 12 months and the same is approved from 01.01.2005 to 31.12.2005 and if
he applies for further extension the same will not be allowed before 1stJuly,
2006. During the intervening period i.e. for the period 1st January 2006 to

30thJune2006, he will be billed on normal tariff, as if there were no temporary

vii) Industries, which are allowed temporary disconnection, will pay minimum
charges for one month following the month in which temporary disconnection
has been allowed and no MMC will be levied thereafter. Since (MMC will be
charged for the first month of the TDCO, the consumer will be entitled for
consuming electricity equivalent to the MMC.)
vii) SeparateNDSconnection
a) The existing or new LT/HT industrial consumers can seek a separate
single phase NDS connection upto a load 5 kW on the same premises
having regular industrial connection for the purpose of meeting the
requirement of lighting etc. for offices, security, elevators, pumps etc.
The consumer through this connection shall not perform any industrial
activity even during temporary disconnection period of their regular
industrial connection.
b) This connection would be treated as a separate and distinct NDS
connection altogether from the regular industrial connection and will be
considered as a new connection.
c) This connection will be available to the consumer even during the
temporary disconnections of industrial connections.
d) The wiring and the connected load for this NDS connection will be
physically & distinctly separated from the wiring of the regular industrial
connection at all times & shall be connected to only lighting loads.
e) The shifting of load from this NDS connection to the regular industrial
connection will be treated as un-authorised use of electricity and will be
treated as per applicable instruction / policy of the Nigam.
f) The Location of the metering arrangement for this NDS connection will
be separate from the metering arrangement of their industrial
connection and will not be tapped from the existing LT/HT Industrial
With the provision of a separate connection in the NDS category for
factory lighting purposes the facilityto consume upto 5%of the monthly
average consumption of preceding 6 months for factory lighting is not
available to the consumer. And while effecting the TDCO of the
LT/HTindustrial consumer the same shall be effected by disconnecting/
removing of all 3 phases.
viii) In few cases, Nigam is not in a position to release separate NDS connection as
above due to non-availability of LT lines within a radius of 300 meters. In such
cases during the period of temporary disconnection beyond one month, the
consumption of industry for repair work and factory lighting, if any, upto 5% of
the monthly average consumption of preceding six months (orless, if 6 month
consumption is not available) will be charged at 200% of the normal tariff. In
case of excess consumption than the said limit of 5%, the temporary
disconnection facility shall be considered to have been withdrawn from that
month and the consumer shall be billed on normal tariff as if there were no
temporary disconnection.
The word ’month’ can be taken as the billing month or the calendar month or a
period of 30 days. In this regard, it is clarified that since the billing to a
consumer is done on the basis of consumption during his billing cycle which is
also called as “BillingMonth”, it would be desirable to grant the benefit of
temporary disconnection to the consumer from the start of the billing month
The information is proposed to be given normally within 15 days and in
any case within 30days from the date of receipt of application and in case
it is found that the information asked for cannot be supplied. The
rejection letter shall be issued stating reason thereof.

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