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A blood bank management system is a software application that helps blood banks manage
their operations more effectively and efficiently. The system provides an automated platform for
managing blood donation, collection, testing, storage, and distribution activities. The primary
objective of the blood bank management system is to ensure the timely and safe availability of
blood for transfusion to those in need.

In this project, there are two types of login. i.e Admin and User. After Logging in as a user,
he/she can View dashboard, request for blood and donate blood. Admin has full control of the
system, admin can Add as well as manage State, City, Members. And also from the admin panel,
he/she can maintain Active and Non-active donors. In short, The system helps to donate &
request blood online, manage donors and request blood details. The design of this project is
simple and the user won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate.

Manjila Panta
BCA 2076

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