13-CS-Dhartisut Tiwari

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21/ase/e/-o13 P q No 01

Aartkut hsa
om ecooning ho8 Con tc a 0e i h heme.
Drs cus& to Lonte 9moua fhe Chataeters gand
2 ) pacts
Itoas uly 1976 hat he narrator,along oith
hes koite mary 8om ona than and daugh te
8uzanne Set Sail from plymouth . Ehgla nd fob
Sail ardu nd fhe noorld. The Son hoas
Tust 8x
years old while the daughte. oas 8even The
arator oas a 37 years old busMnes8man But the
dreamt kike an exploreh He uoanted to rep eas
he_ perfomanee of Cnplain Tames Cook ,made
200 years er'erfor 16 years he had been
impong his 8easaring 8kfus2 Bat28h voaters.
He Envested al his Savngs 0 tilng ond testting
out a boat, alled hoaveoalker. 24 oas 23 mekers
tongs and 30 tom n oeiguts 2 oith a wood en
LOKoer pers
They had fo Coyer more han one lakh /omet ers
distance in three years The irst lengfh ley
of the
Vogage up to Cape 7Touon 8ouh africa, pa88ed
plea sant uyBefore headih4 sor the east he narator
hired two Crevomen-an Ameri can
named karry
vgil and a Susis named Herb aiegler.
help, He Knero fhat he 8outhern ndan their
hoas Very
rouh öformy amd denger0 u Ps hey
lekt.caps Toon, They began to ace
Aohich Kept blosing tor a fe 8ong oinds
oeeksBut the
gales did no i hte hirn So much c&the
Of the
Which oerc up fo 15 metres
qlmostfouohing the ma'n n akd.
13/esE-s/ Dhartsu hoan P Po No-02

Dn De comber 2S, the boat noas 3 s08 km east of

Cape Touon.tn 8pite Oouoeather Theu
Celebrated chritmasThey hoped &5 hat he
Oeather oould Chanqe, and i dd
changred, but
or the oorse
fanuary2 mernings he hoa ve rOge very
The noere 8ling 8/0ulyThe Shtp rose fo
he fop of each uwaves as they hit The uo lnd
Screanmed To slow he boat douon 7They dropped
he 8form 8al amd put a heavy rope n o oop
acro88 he back, part oF he boat , 7hey equpped
Them ewes uoh lgelines oil8kns aned fe fackeds
Then, Thoy hoated or the greader dnger ohead
The 4rs Sign of he apphoachmg di aster Came
osth 9n ei8ilen ce The uofnd dropped and he
8ky be came dark oith a geofening roar, a cloud
K e a hing hi the 8hip 2 to48 a a dron
Ond hoave ve 7he geah deemed guwt at hand
The roor 2ncreaseol to fhunder The
Of the boat meved up an eP osion 8hook the
plattorms A voa ve broke over he ship ond
he narra for lS head hit agam&f he oheel He yelt
he uaa3 beng Suoallow ed by he wwes But he
id not lo3e hope Ond Paftencee
The boat Koas d/mo& erning 0ver the ma
poles lay tlak. The narrotonsgrabbed he OF
He woa3 foB8 ed around he deck, ike a
His chest bones CraKed, hi8 eeh
rag dol
no ere broke 1d
his moufh uoag lled heihb/0o But he huno
on he noheel
P No 03

The narrator oumda hon er 8ores 0md Com ves

He made 8ome repairs fo 8fop the oater trom
enfenng He 8pread dhe Con ragoero88 theop
i holes8ome boober nouooused fouoard3 the &des
indteado beloo.
oere bloeke
My prob/em aroge ohen he hong pumbs
My prob/erm
up oh oebris. The electaric pump oent out o
order The oater level roße dangerously Back on
deckthe marrtor ound he two 8eprafed honopumb
also thoon overbraads
The nut was bitely old, hey dent out distres8
radfo 8ingals askh tor help The tle girl
heag 0a& 8ool/ en n d she got black eyg' olue
o her 2nury 8he also haad a doep Cut om her
grms . But she ddn't Complas be cause 8he didn
uoqrto Cause 00rry o her father
2 Trm uary 3 000rh ng,the 8ikuaton a 8 mder
ComfrolThe marrotor nd other members jook o0
hours 's rest in Jotatto They had Survived for
15 hoursSPnce the uoave hit 8ut he baat usas
badly dasnaged.E uoas hof lkely_do fake he
Satly fo Ausral
At 4 PM 8/ack clouds begoo o buld up agaiy
The oeather rermained had throughot tha night
Omrmuary Smornig he norotor voen n o
Comtor he fldren His Bon n a8ked i hey
woere going o dre He add ed that hey were not
afairedode hy &tayeo ogehen
allour o hem
18/csE-cs /DhortigutThoarPo NO-

That veuing Mar omd the yarrotor tell fhat

end odz Very e a r But the boat rode out
the end
he prm 8 the morning 6fonuY
he uong ceased He Calclaseif heir poiron
ouile he hinKig .8ue foined hom ond

oave him a 8elt -made Car &he had drawn

he unny ures e her mother and tatker
augh md fo thonk hem He
o ake hem
Then he
hoped to see. the islong af about Spm.
uoent belouw o get a Shorf map At 6
a m o 8 u e woke him p happy-
to give the
mes. 7he slang e Ansferdom
The neptmorming they uoere reeived by al
Dn the 2selsnds 3
h e 2 8 uoorkers
43/esE-ceDhorH3iet Thsa
P No-oS
0 e 0 6a my 0ne
DAn lnveslement in knosledoe payg Hhe bes
An Envestment n Knouo leddae pay
he hest
2nteresta quote Said by one of the founding
fathers of 0 unites Sate, Ben jontn fron~tn
Ths resonatee oith me as I
coegrm neuO
Conhnuo ugly &tmve
hings ang enhonee my 8kMs
each md every day My Consran
drive tor
gaining Knousedge,1Aohat feod me to pursw'ng
ond Succes8{Ully bfaintn a Ma8fer'8 in
Koowledge Bas ed enferpen eershipEven hougAt
my Bachelo's degree was i Computing , T
8g that a bus iness post Groduate ohat
Coropument 2t oel re8ulhng i2 g woider Variety
o fob 0pporfunihes and arear poshi.
he Cours e hoag Centred around bu8 8 imeg3 ,more

mportanty how to Ctart a duces8tuly

buáging ndho o maiojaing iFThe dopíc
hat oerefaught are not_Tust àcaderm coally
useful,bud more imporfmfly ore uBe for
he real uoorlo Converng Subjeek Such a8
markefng humn resourees ho to aguires
undingprojest plannin tonduhhg market
researoh omd on oumens esign amongst etes
These 8k|18 were nof ony be ugetulu 1 shart
my ow Com pans but osl d l8o help me 2 my
suture Correrfor eponples lenroing about
13/esE-cs ekartzu Tiroo *
P NO-0

Mamag ing_people et aaenty human resauree)

md assigo Pretect o the opht pesple
uil help me reasly .8oce my suture Tob
arll mes ukely be | haT Endusfry
OsPagres hpughtout my areer and
becomes a Tean eader, my Key role ua1
Consisto cliriohg tha ubrk fo the nit
people Copaye deing tie fob 2n the
best oay postibfeplonnfng tor the paeec
ka otlso poDre benitua i hi's Scenario
As piect are Mor mally faken Care oF by
he Team eader or manýer, it noil be Émporlord
okno how to plan ahead dnd mihgrate
EK as much as pos876Te en&uring the best
outome tor the prefeoAter o ailg to
Plan is planngfo fau
Amother4undoiental leskonhat oo8egrn
Hhis Cousge oas hat oguteom workA
umber o he 8ign n e omd a8ks given
n volved nterachng mg voorking oith oher
ohat moade h i eren more ~mtresingLoos the
uc heeVery persog w as Coing To m a
totally dereatbackgroung.Student rom
lao bgmking Omd tnn ce , 1Bran ce, chemst
psucholoey o neme 9os
437esE-cs/ Dharzut 7Tasan
P No-O7

great becaus ee we al hod aiferent

8kin do boing to the able ond USe ooLg ed
Jearnrom ea ch Ofher very uoe iereated
agive anoake envfomeutuohere uoe mamagad
o teor Tom each other very Usel. T created
agiveandake eny~or ment ushere we
Coul a
progreas tegether moen ufeu
haerk as a team, other dhan noorkK n9
agains ea ch other n order o get better
results Thesetea bo3d poreets haug
he Smportmce , ohere we Could a
prORre82 fogether_or Someone, Yau ail/
have uoork uaith others 2 order
to achzeve h obfectives md get uork odone
over alU,1found ha Hhe ma3ter's 2n Knoo
ledge Based.atrepren esrship Course Gmd
Paovern to be am aaouad area
exper~ence h a uoas ach 2n know leolge.
have leareda najoniy efhings
meny of vohich al be eptrem ely use
throughout both my Creer omd peraonal e

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