Gap Year Article

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For many years students have been plagued with the question “Would you ever take a gap

year?”. Parents and teachers usually protest any consideration of taking a gap year. Despite
constant debate, the answer lies in the laps of high school students.

Gap years offer a break from the stresses of academia and allow you to discover yourself
and mature. During a gap you get a job which will teach you about earning money and the
value of money. You can add different experiences to your CV which compensates for exam
results from formal education because work experience about your interests is more
valuable than studying about theory. You can also enrich yourself by learning about different
cultures and people if you go abroad for your gap year which will make you more mature and

Though if your gap year isn’t properly planned you might face negative aspects of a gap year
experience. Many take a gap year to take advantage of their parents and be lazy which is
detrimental to growth because time isn’t used wisely. Taking a gap year can also be
expensive and these costs will burden your parents. A gap year also makes it harder to
return to education and would slow down progress in your career.

I believe gap years can be beneficial to those who plan and will remain diligent in their
journey to find themselves through new experiences. The question remains lingering, “Would
you take a gap year?”

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