4 Artazos Energy (Exam)

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Complete the table

Object Form of energy
A plane flying
An orange
A radio
A bell

2. Draw an electric circuit and label the name of the different components.

3. How do light and sound propagate?


4. Complete
The sources of light are:____________________________ and ______________________
Depending on how bodies respond two light, they can be: __________________,allow light
pass through; ____________________, prevent light from passing through; and
___________, allow light to pass through but it is diverted.
There are two properties of light: ____________________________, is the change of
direction that occurs when light passes from one medium to another. For example
__________. ___________________, is the change of direction that occurs when light hits
and object. For example _____________. There are three types: __________________;
_________________________ and ______________________________.
_________ is produced by the vibration of bodies or air. It propagates from a ____________
medium such ________ or the ______________. If the medium has more ____________
that can vibrate, the sound is transmitted faster.
The qualities of sound are: __________________, can be high or low, ______________ and
volume, can be loud or quiet.
__________ is the transfer of energy from one body to a colder one. The transfer continues
until two bodies are in ________ equilibrium. We measure temperature with a
__________________. It can be high or _____.
Heat can produce three types of change:
___________________________,_____________________and _____________________.

5. What are the changes of state? Explain them.


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