1 Colour and Brightness Components of Foveal Visual Evoked Potentials in

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Eleetroencephalography and clinical Neuropt~vsiologv, 1984, 58: 107-119 107

Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd.



• Neurologische UniversitiJtsl~linik Di~sseldorf, Moorenstr. 5. 4000 Di~sseldorf (F.R.G.) and ** National Hospital for Ner~ous Diseases,
Queen Square, l+ondon WC1N 3BG (England)

(Accepted for publication: January 3+ 1984)

While much of the literature on colour evoked luminance levels above and below the equal
potentials deals with steady-state potentials (e.g., brightness level were introduced. Uncontrolled
Regan 1970, 1972) or measurement of spectral adaptation effects to colour or luminance are to be
luminosity functions (e.g., Siegfried 1971; Est6vez avoided in colour experiments and care was taken
et al. 1975; Zrenner 1983), there have been rela- in the present study to guard against this.
tively few parametric studies of the different ef- The results obtained from a group of 10 sub-
fects of colour and brightness changes on transient jects are presented and the chosen method of
visual evoked responses. One reason for this may heterochromatic brightness matching is discussed.
be the difficulty of defining colour and brightness A preliminary account of this work has appeared
parameters psychophysically. VEPs have fre- elsewhere (Paulus et al. 1984).
quently been recorded to colour onset, but these
responses inevitably have both colour and bright-
ness components (for definitions of luminance, Methods
brightness and additivity failure, see Appendix).
Experiments in which coloured patterns wer& used Stimulating equipment
as the stimuli have indicated that colour-related The stimulator used provided a circular 4 ° di-
effects may be masked by dominating pattern ameter centrally fixated test field surrounded by a
responses (Shipley et al. 1965; Spekreijse et al. rectangular background field with a diameter of
1977; Est6vez and Dijkhuis 1983). 60 °. The fixation spot was a small black dot of 0.5
The present study addresses the problem of m m diameter. The test field alternated between a
discriminating colour and brightness effects by yellow and either a red, orange or green stimulus.
using unstructured colour substitution stimuli de- This was provided by an intermingled matrix of
fined both psychophysically and photometrically. about 100 red and 100 green LEDs whose inten-
Equal brightness matches were performed by het- sity could be independently controlled. By simul-
erochromatic brightness matching carried out by a taneous illumination of the red and green LEDs at
trained observer between a yellow reference colour various intensities it was possible to produce a
and red, orange and green test colours. Replace- stimulus of yellow, or of differently saturated reds
ment of the yellow reference by an equally bright or greens. The matrix of diodes and the lamps
colour should result in a pure colour evoked re- illuminating the background were placed about 10
sponse. To discriminate any additional effects of cm behind a translucent screen, so that a homoge-
brightness changes, a range of colour stimuli with neous field could be produced. Because of this
simple construction, no lens system or other opti-
1 Present address: Neurologische Klinik. Alfried Krupp Krhs, cal devices were needed. The test field and the
43 Essen, F.R.G. Supported by Deutsche Forschungs- background were separated by an opaque partition
gemeinschaft, Grant No. Pa 267. mounted behind the screen so that they would not

0013-4649/84/$03.00 ,-~ 1984 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd.

108 W.M. P A U L U S ET AL.

influence each other. The subject was seated with 0.6

his eyes 40 cm in front of the screen. The luminos- • ¥ 578
O 595 n m
ity of the surrounding background, derived from 4 Ve • R
tungsten lamps, was kept constant at 25 c d / m 2.
21.9 21.5 ¢d
Recording system 0,5 I

Silver-silver chloride disc electrodes were located 01 0.2 0.3 0./.

at FZ, PL, O, and half-way between P~ and O~ (POx) Fig. 1. Colour loci (circles) of the colour stimuli within a part
and at both mastoids, serving as a linked refer- of the CIE u',v' diagram. In this type of chromaticity diagram,
ence. Electrode-skin impedance was kept below 5 equal spatial distances are supposed to represent equal percep-
kg2 measured at a frequency of 400 Hz. Electrical tual steps. One row (triangles) of the Uniform Colour Scales
activity was recorded by 4 T6nnies amplifiers with (MacAdam 1974), representing equal perceptual distances, has
been added for comparison and shows a similar decline in
time constants of 0.3 sec and an upper frequency luminance for red colours of equal subjective brightness.
response 3 dB down at 30 Hz. The 26 different
stimuli were presented randomly under the control
of a Nicolet MED-80 computer, which stored ev- with heterochromatic brightness matching (Paulus
ery trial with a sampling rate of 1 kHz, a pre- 1978/79).
stimulus time of 50 msec and a total sweep dura- The resulting luminance values for red, orange
tion of 512 msec. The data were digitized with and green, equated in brightness to the reference
12-bit resolution. An artifact rejection facility ex- yellow, were: 13.0, 16.6 and 23.1 c d / m z respec-
cluded single trials with significant eye movement tively. To demonstrate the perceptual colour dif-
artifacts by discarding trials with amplitudes ex- ferences of our stimuli a comparable row (L = - 2,
ceeding the input range of the AD convertor. j = 6, - 1 0 less than or = g less than or = 4) of
colours of the Uniform Colour Scales (McAdam
Psychophysicalprocedures 1974, 1978) has been added (triangles). The col-
VEPs were measured to substitution of the ref- ours are separated by equal perceptual steps differ-
erence yellow (wavelength 567 nm, luminance 21.5 ing only in red-green hues whilst the blue-yellow
c d / m 2) by a red, orange or green stimulus of and brightness, j and L, are kept constant. Their
equal brightness, as well as by an identical yellow luminance value can be seen to decline towards
control stimulus, i.e., without any test field change. the red colours with a similar slope. (For an over-
The colour loci of the red, orange and green view of 'colour brightness' perception, see
stimuli were spectral colours of 595, 578 and 552 Wyszecki and Stiles 1982.)
nm wavelength 2. In Fig. 1 their colour loci are The Uniform Colour Scales data represent the
plotted on the CIE u',v' chromaticity diagram, in most modern estimation of subjective scaling of
which equal distances are supposed to represent saturation and brightness changes in colour per-
equal colour differences (Wyszecki and Stiles 1982). ception. They provide a 'grand average' reference
Equal brightness of red, orange and green, com- for the subjective procedure of heterochromatic
pared with the reference yellow, had been de- brightness matching, in which there is a great deal
termined psychophysically at a flicker rate of 2 Hz of inter-individual variability between different
by one of the authors (W.P.), who had experience observers. The estimations of our trained observer
(W.P.) correspond closely to the UCS data (Fig. 1)
and on this basis the same stimuli were employed
2 Although in physical terms the stimuli are not monochro- for all the subjects in the group.
matic, their colour loci are identical with spectral colours. This The colour loci were derived by measurement
is due to the involvement of only two receptor systems, the
with a Photo Research Spectra Spotmeter photom-
'green' and 'red' receptors. For example a monochromatic
yellow colour of 567 n m is indistinguishable from an adequate
eter, which provides CIE tristimulus values X, Y,
additive mixture of green and red, which in fact was used in Z for each colour measured. These values are
our equipment. transformed in the chromaticity diagram coordi-

nates x, y by: sponse wave forms. Yellow is the most desaturated

x = X / ( X + Y + Z) spectral colour and, due probably to adaption to
yellow during the course of the experiment, the
and tungsten lamp illuminated background was, in fact,
y = Y / ( X + Y + Z) almost indistinguishable from the reference yellow.
Fourteen subjects (11 male, 3 female), aged
The appropriate wavelength has then been de- between 25 and 35 years, served as experimental
picted from the CIE 1931 Standard Colorimetric subjects. Their visual acuity was normal and all
System, which is printed in Wyszecki and Stiles the subjects could read the Ishihara plates without
(1982), in 1 nm intervals. Our stimuli were spectral difficulty. Data from 4 subjects had to be excluded
colours with maximum possible saturation, since a from further analysis because of high noise con-
blue cone intrusion was not present. This was tamination of their records, probably due to photic
reflected in zero values for Z. alpha-driving in spite of the random stimulus pre-
sentation. One hundred responses were averaged
VEP procedure from each subject for each colour. The data for
To study the influence of additional brightness each subject were collected in two 1 h sessions,
increments or decrements on the different colours, presented on the same day with a 30 rain break
we introduced 26 different stimuli. In addition to between them.
the equally bright stimuli, brighter and darker
stimuli with luminance increments and decrements
of 15~/~ and 50% for each colour were provided.
Some further stimuli of +100% and 75% were To demonstrate the cardinal wave form fea-
included for red, yellow and green stimuli. A yel- tures, Fig. 2 presents grand averages of 10 subjects
low to no-stimulus control was also included and for all colour and luminance levels at the 4 differ-
is plotted at the bottom of the 'orange' column in ent electrode sites. Inspection of the wave forms
Fig. 2 (off response). Photometric calibration was reveals an inconstant, very small, positive-going
performed with a Photo Research Spectra Spotme- peak at about 55 msec followed by a prominent
ter photometer. negative component with onset at around 60 msec
The stimuli were presented in random order to and peaking at around 87 msec, showing a clear
avoid adaptation to brighter or darker luminance occipital maximum and a gradual decrease to-
levels. The stimulus sequence alternated between wards more anterior leads. This N87 component is
the reference yellow, presented with a randomized most pronounced for red, somewhat smaller for
time interval between 300 and 500 msec, and a orange, even smaller for green and virtually absent
following 300 msec test stimulus. Thereafter for the purely luminance changes of the yellow
another randomized 300 500 msec yellow stimu- stimuli.
lus occurred, followed by a compensating stimulus For a given colour, N87 is more accentuated for
with the complementary ~ colour to the test stimu- stimuli with additional luminance increments. For
lus, again of 300 msec duration, before the se- a saturated red stimulus, the N87 peak is followed
quence started off again. The responses to the by a long-lasting negative wave which obscures the
complementary colour stimuli were not analysed. later positive components. This negative after-wave
The use of yellow instead of white as a refer- appears most prolonged for the brightest red
ence stimulus should not substantially alter re- stimuli.
For the colour substitution stimuli of equal
brightness, the N87 component shows a very simi-
"Complementary' is used in terms of colour opponent theory.
lar configuration for red, orange and green stimuli,
The intention was to avoid adaptation in the red green oppo-
nent channel. Since neither the red nor the green colours
although it is somewhat smaller in amplitude for
stimulated the 'blue' receptor, the blue-yellow channel was the latter. This component is still seen with the
constantly unbalanced towards yellow. colour stimuli with a reduced luminance of 15%,


Y R Y Y 0 Y Y Y Y Y G Y

J [ _ l J L__ _J l__

• 100 . ~ A ~ _ _

•15 ~ V p~ -15
~ %/A .50

/ -

m2 I 16,6


-50 J"


' ' I ' P ' I ' 1 ' ' ' I I ' I ' I ' ' ' I ' I ' I ' I ' ' I ' I ' f ' '
100 200 300 LO0 ms 100 200 300 400 ms 100 200 300 l.O0 ms 100 200 300 l.O0 ms


Y Y Y 0 Y Y Y Y Y O Y

I__ __J [__ J I__ _ L _ _

• 100 !

*50 *50 ~

*15 -15 *15 ~ .15 . /

13,0 / 16,6 21.5 ~ 23,1

-15 -15 -IS../~/~ A /-15"~

-50 / -50 ~

-75 - - off ~" -75 "-- -75

I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' ' ' I ' I ' I ' I ' ' ' f ' [ ' t ' I '
100 200 300 /.C~3ms 0 1130 200 300 z,O0 ms 100 200 300 l.O0ms 100 200 300 400 ms
Fig. 2. For legend see facing page.


Y R Y Y 0 Y Y Y Y Y G Y
_ i j [__ J L__ _ I

1 ~'J .15 .15 .J"

] - 5 -15 -15

i I ~ I i I ' I '
0 100 200 300 t.O0 ms 100 200 300 z.O0 ms 100 200 300 L.O0ms 100 200 300 /.00 ms

O Z -- L M

t__ / F _

• 100 ~ *75

• 50 "~ *50 ~ ' V ~ /r~ /.~ /~ I *50


C~ 16,6 21.5 23,1

13.0 z~"

-15 -'~ -15

-50 /J" _ 50 ...~ - "*v ~ -50 -'~

-75 off -75 ~ -75


r ' I ' l ' ! ' I ' ' ' 1 i I ' I ' I ' l i ' I i ,

0 100 200 300 /,00 ms 100 200 300 /*00 ms 100 200 300 /.00 ms 100 200 300 400 ms

l:ig. 2. ( ; r a n d averages of V E R s from 10 subjects at 4 different electrode sites. F,. P~. PO, and O,. The mMdlc ro,.', of traces (marked
on the left by tile actual test sth+;ulus intensity hi c d / m 2 ) represents the responses to subjecfivel~ equally bright colour stimuli. C o l o u r
tcspollSe>, with a d d i t i o n a l JtlFnill;.mce illl..'felllelltS and decrenlents (marked ill percentages at tile left of e a c h trace) arc sJlo~.~l~ D.bove and
below respecti,,elx. A l l c o l o u r stimuli are preceded and follo,,~ed b', the s a m e , , e l l o ~ reference stimulus, as indicated at the top of each
trace {for further e x p l a n a t i o n , see texl). Negati',h~ plotted up'~ards.
112 W.M. P A U L U S ET AL.

but is not evident for the transition to the two seems to be superimposed on the longer-lasting
dimmer colour stimuli. negative wave and is only visible as a small deflec-
In contrast to the colour-brightness dependent tion for the brightest stimuli, although it reappears
N87, the most pronounced feature in the wave with decreasing brightness and dominates the wave
form correlating with pure luminance changes is a forms for the darkest orange and red stimuli.
positive deflection starting at around 75 msec and Topographically, N87 and P120 have an occipital
peaking at around 120 msec (P120). It increases in maximum with a steep decline in amplitude in the
amplitude, both for luminance decrements and parietal leads. P120 has an obvious polarity inver-
increments, i.e., for any change in luminance. For sion at F~ (although this may be partly contributed
the green stimuli, P120 follows the preceding N87 by the linked mastoid reference).
potentials. For bright orange and red stimuli, P120 At longer latency a non-specific P250 compo-

red orange yellow green

'I/I~'A S pV J~ SpV s yv

/~ vvw
I /h ,, ~ / I ,
, A I
/ ; 'w.,< '\U~/

z,,~.-.~I ..,~ ~1 ~ ~ '~ ~"%'~/


6~, V

C) " 100' 200 3(~0' Z~O mS () ' 100'2~' 300' ~0 'mS {~ ' 100 200' 3~0' /~0 ms {~ ' 1C}0' 2~' 300' ~}0 'ms
Fig. 3. Individual wave forms of the average responses to 100 bright red, orange, ~ellow and green stimuli, recorded from O, in 10
different subjects.
C O L O U R A N D B R I G H T N E S S C O M P O N E N T S OF VEPs 113

nent, with a predominantly frontal maximum, N 87 - AMPLITUDE

shows somewhat increased amplitudes for more
-8- red
saturated colour stimuli.
In the late part of the analysis epoch a clear pV_6_
sequence of colour-offset potentials is elicited by
the transition from the test stimulus to the con- -4--
stant yellow reference stimulus. Only the first 162
'\ -3~
msec of this 'off response' were included in the
analysis epoch. A positive peak at 85 msec (P85
\ i

-1 --
off), a negative peak at around 95 msec (N95 off) O-
and a second positive peak at around 125 msec b d b d
(P125 off) can be seen. Whereas P85 off and N95
Fig. 4. Mean amplitude+_standard error of component N87 in
off are best developed for transitions from bright all 10 subjects, measured at O, for all red and orange stimuli
red or green to yellow, P125 off increases in ampli- (excluding the off stimulus). The responses to the brightest red
tude with decreasing luminance of the test stimu- or orange are labelled b, the darkest d. Responses to red and
lus. i.e.. with transitions in which the return to the orange stimuli of equal brightness to the yellow reference are
labelled with an asterisk.
reference yellow represents a luminance increment.
P125 off, like the earlier P120 to the test stimulus,
shows a clear occipital maximum with a polarity
inversion at the frontal electrode. N95 off is seen for red and orange test stimuli. As can be seen, the
chiefly in occipital and (to a lesser extent) parietal amplitude for both colours steadily declines as
leads. The following negative-going slope, only luminance decreases, red stimuli yielding larger
partially represented in the analysis epoch, ap- amplitudes than orange. Asterisks indicate the am-
pears most pronounced for transitions from low plitude of potentials elicited by stimuli matched in
luminance test stimuli to the standard yellow, brightness to the reference yellow. In Fig. 5,
maximal for the yellow to yellow transition. latencies to the onset and peak of N87 are plotted
A basic problem to be faced, especially with for all red stimuli excluding the darkest. Only a
foveal and unstructured test fields, is the variabil- small trend towards latency reduction with brighter
ity of the representation of the visual cortex colours is observed.
(Brindley 1970) which is supposed to cause a great PI20 amplitudes are plotted in Fig. 6 for the
deal of inter-individual variability of evoked visual
responses (Halliday 1982). For this reason the
main features of the derived potentials have been N 8 7 - LATENCY
demonstrated in a grand average from 10 subjects Onset Peak
(Fig. 2). To illustrate inter-individual consistency ms red
of the observed wave forms, Fig. 3 depicts individ- ms red
ual O, averages for the brightest red, orange, yel-
low and green stimuli. The variability between
records seems to fit the model of a more or less
continuous gradation in the distinctness of the
component configuration rather than any bimodal
distribution into colour coders and non-coders, as
suggested by earlier work (Shipley et al. 1968).
55- 80-
1 I ~ I I ~ q - q
To quantify the results, the component latencies d b d
and amplitudes were measured from the individual
Fig. 5. Mean latency+ standard error of the onset and peak of
wave forms by means of an interactive cursor component N87 for all red stimuli. The values for dark red
display. Fig. 4 illustrates the group mean ampli- ha,~e been omitted, as N87 was too small for reliable latency
tudes and standard errors of component N87 at O, t11c;LMirelllelllS (see Fig. 4).


0-- I
b yellow
I ,T,
' \
I O~--
~ red d

P 120
1- I1 ~'.
,,' uV 3--
/.,- ' L 2--
6- 6-
blV +100
Fig. 6. Mean amplitude in microvolts of component P120 for Fig. 8. Relative amplitudes of components N87 and P120
all yellow and red stimuli, labelled as in Fig. 4. across all 4 electrodes.

yellow and red stimuli. In the case of the red Discussion

stimuli, this component is masked by the predomi-
nant N87 component until a luminance decrement These experiments distinguish the different ef-
of at least 50% from the equally bright red is fects of colour change, achromatic brightness
presented. For the yellow stimuli, luminance incre- change and colour plus brightness change on the
ments of 15% and 50% yield the same amplitude of VEP in man. When a coloured stimulus is viewed,
P120 as the corresponding decrements. No really both achromatic (luminance) and chromatic sys-
systematic changes in the latency of P120 for the tems contribute to the subjective sensation of
yellow stimuli could be demonstrated (Fig. 7). brightness (Guth et al. 1969). When stimuli of
Topographically, both N87 and P120 show a different colours are compared, those which are
clear-cut occipital maximum with a comparable equal in luminance may not evoke equal sensa-
decrease in amplitude in more anterior leads. P120 tions of brightness 4. In an attempt to produce
even shows a definite polarity inversion at F, (Fig. pure colour changes, the colour stimuli, compris-
8). ing orange and green colours of equal saturation
and a red with a saturation about 2.5 times higher,
P 1 2 0 - LATENCY were matched with the reference yellow by hetero-
chromatic brightness matching to provide stimuli
yellow of equal subjective brightness. In the authors'
opinion this is the optimum method of brightness
matching in recording transient evoked potentials
125- to colour, as compared to flicker photometry,
which depends in a major way on the temporal
behaviour of retinal colour opponent cells (Gouras
and Zrenner 1979) and tests mainly achromatic
properties because of the relatively high flicker
rate (see also footnote 5). The inclusion of stimuli
with additional luminance increments and decre-
ments made it possible to differentiate between
I 1 I 1 I 1
b " d
Fig. 7. Latency of PI20 for all yellow stimuli, labelled as in Fig.
7. 4 See note on additivity failure in Appendix.
C O L O U R A N D B R I G H T N E S S C O M P O N E N T S OF VEPs 115

predominantly colour-evoked components and ated in the retina or lateral geniculate) and can be
luminance-evoked components. correlated with the early processing in the visual
Large inter-individual differences (up to 100% cortex. This is well seen for bright red responses
according to Wagner and Boynton 1972) com- which are closely similar in shape to those re-
plicate heterochromatic brightness matching. Our corded in monkeys by Padmos and Van Norren
approach was to apply a single set of stimuli, (1975). Their small component P1 (50-65 msec)
determined by the match of the trained observer could be shown in an earlier single cell investiga-
W.P,, to the whole group of subjects. The hetero- tion by Gouras and Padmos (1974) to represent
chromatic brightness match of W.P. stands in close the arrival of the lateral geniculate signals at the
relation to the Uniform Colour Scale data (Fig. 1) cortex 5. Padmos and Van Norren's (1975) N1
which provide the best currently available estima- (65-100 msec), is almost identical to our N87,
tion of equal brightness of different colours. although the former shows a more rapidly declin-
In the present results the first small component, ing trailing edge and is about 10 times larger,
P55, is followed by a colour-dominated compo- presumably due to the absence of skull attenua-
nent, N87, which is present for red, orange and tion. Their P2 (90-130 msec) corresponds closely
green stimuli and is strongly accentuated, at least to our P120.
for red and orange, if luminance increments are An important observation, illustrated in Fig. 2,
incorporated. is that VEPs to red and green colours have com-
For saturated red stimuli with large brightness parable wave forms and latencies when the stimuli
increase N87 predominates, so that all other com- are equal in brightness to the reference yellow,
ponents up to 200 msec are obliterated in the although the amplitude is somewhat larger for red.
response. P120 seems to be a predominantly lumi- However, with the addition of brightness incre-
nance-mediated component, as may be seen from ments to the tegt stimuli the colour-related N87
Fig. 2, where the yellow increment as well as the component behaves differently for red compared
decrement stimuli produce a response dominated to green colours, becoming much enhanced for the
almost exclusively by this component. P120 is also former. With the brightest stimuli N87 has a com-
present for luminance changes in the colour stimuli, pletely different time-course for red and green
but more evident for green than for red, where it is responses up to 150 msec, although in photometric
progressively masked by the negative prolongation terms the + 100% red stimulus (26 c d / m 2) differs
of N87, as already described. less in luminance from the reference yellow (21.5
The frontally dominant component, P250, is c d / m 2) than the red of matched brightness does
probably related to further cortical processing. Its (13.0 cd/m2). It appears therefore that past re-
amplitude seems to depend in part on stimulus ports of different specific red and green compo-
discriminability, since it shows increasing ampli- nents are probably due to brightness changes and
tude with increasing brightness steps or colour not to pure colour stimulation (Wilson et al. 1981).
saturation. It may represent the P3a component of Larger components for red stimuli in comparison
the task-related cognitive ERPs since the random- to other colours seem to be a consistent finding by
ized presentation of 26 different stimuli means many authors (Padmos and Van Norren 1975;
that any particular one of them is relatively un-
s The onset latency of the firing of red/green colour opponent
As compared with the colour onset potentials retinal ganglion cells following stimulation of the centre of their
the early offset potentials are smaller but appear receptive fields lies between 20 and 45 msec for low flicker
to show a similar colour-related negative peak, rates, decreasing with additional stimulus intensity (Gouras
N95 off, and a distinct luminance-related positive and Zrenner 1979). The findings by these authors, that cells
showing clear green/red opponent properties with stimulus
peak, P125 off. Both have an occipital maximum.
durations of 200 msec lose their opponent properties for flashes
The components P55 and N87 are among the of 10 msec duration, may explain why methods based on colour
shortest latency components described in human flashes have encountered more difficulty in getting reliable
VEP literature (except those components gener- results (e.g., White et al. 1977).
116 W . M . P A U L U S ET A L .

White et al. 1977; Novikova et al. 1980). (1977) and recently by Estdvez and Dijkhuis (1983).
Comparable components to N87 have been re- Recent electrophysiological data suggest that, un-
ported by several workers in addition to Padmos der conditions of constant light adaptation, the
and Van Norren as already discussed. White et al. luminance of a brief stimulus is more reliably
(1977, 1979) and Novikova et al. (1980) recorded a coded by cells without orientation specificity
similar peak for bright onset flashes. Kellermann (Maguire and Baizer 1982). Their cortical response
and Adachi-Usami (1972/73) (using red, green latencies also shortened with increasing luminance,
and blue colour onset flashes) recorded a negative as suggested by Fig. 5.
component at around 80 msec and a positive It is interesting to speculate on the electrophysi-
component at around 105 msec but the negative ological correlates of the colour-related compo-
wave was much less prominent than in the present nents in the light of recent work. The stronger N87
study. As they used a strongly adapting chromatic component, which can be elicited with bright red
background, for the purposes of isolating cone as compared to pure colour or luminance stimuli,
mechanisms, it may be that N87 is better seen for may be due to inherent properties of the receptive
a transition from an unsaturated colour or white. fields of opponent colour cells (Paulus and
The greater part of the experimental work on KrOger-Paulus 1983). Pure unstructured luminance
colour VEPs is, however, difficult to correlate be- stimuli produce almost no response from an oppo-
cause of widely differing experimental aims and nent X-type unit (Zrenner 1983), which in contrast
designs, as summarized in a recent review by reacts much better either to luminance contrast or
Zrenner (1983). Such, for example, are the experi- to the unbalancing of the receptive fields centre
ments aimed at the detection of signals from dif- and surround with chromatic stimuli. An addi-
ferent cones, investigation of spectral sensitivity tional luminance component for coloured stimuli
functions, examination of congenital and acquired will cause an even greater imbalance.
colour vision deficiencies, investigation of the Recent electrophysiological work by Michael
peculiarities of the blue sensitive mechanism in (1978a, b, 1981), indicates that geniculate fibres
VERs and other aspects. The importance of the end on double opponent colour-coded units 6
particular methodology employed is evident in organized in colour-coded columns in the visual
Padmos and Van Norren's (1975) statement that cortex. At the next stage of cortical colour process-
the mere withdrawal of the achromatic back- ing, simple colour-coded cells with an orientation-
ground causes a delay of 20 msec without altering specific receptive field structure can be found.
the shape of the VEP. The lack of a background, According to Michael (1978a, b), however, double
together with the prolonged ganglion cell response opponent cells are the first processing stage for
to short flashes (Zrenner 1983) may, at least in chromatic information, which is bypassed by
part, be responsible for the later components found achromatic signals. The earlier colour-related N87
by previous authors (Perry et al. 1969; greater than may in some way reflect these early stages of
215 msec). Shipley et al. (1968) found configura- colour processing in the visual cortex. There re-
tion shifts between bright red and green colours mains, however, the difficulty of explaining the
similar to those in Fig. 2, starting, however, at difference in the VEPs to bright red and bright
around 175 msec. green.
Unstructured stimuli may result in weaker re- In psychophysical terms it may be seen from
sponses in comparison with checkerboard fields, the results of the heterochromatic brightness
but they help to avoid complications due to chro- matching that there is a greater contribution to the
matic aberration (Regan 1972). White et al. (1979) perceived brightness from the chromatic systems
also used unstructured test fields after their own for the red and orange stimuli than for the green
and previous findings (Shipley et al. 1965) had stimulus, in which the conditions for brightness
shown that the VEP responses following check-
erboard stimulation persisted regardless of its col- 6 T h e s e are u n i t s in w h i c h b o t h the c e n t r e a n d s u r r o u n d of the
our. This has been supported by Spekreijse et al. receptive field r e s p o n d r e c i p r o c a l l y to c o m p l e m c n l a r y colours.
C O L O U R A N D B R I G H T N E S S C O M P O N E N T S OF VEPs 117

matching with the reference yellow were at almost Resume

equal luminance. This correlates well with the
observation that the main effects of additional Composantes correspondant gtla brillance et h la
brightness increments are seen in the colour-re- couleur clans les potentiels kvoqubs visuels fovbaux
lated N87 component for the red colour stimuli, chez l'homme
while for the green stimuli they are mainly seen in
the luminance-related P120 component. The EP Les diff6rents effets de la couleur et de la
method appears to offer a means of measuring the brillance sur les potentiels 6voqu6s visuels tran-
relative magnitude of colour brightness and lumi- sitoires ~ un stimulus fov6al ont 6t6 6tudi6s dans
nance components in different test stimuli. It re- un dispositif de stimulations contr616s psycho-
mains to be seen how well such measurements will physiquement et dans laquelle des stimulus rouges,
correlate with the subjective sensation of bright- oranges et verts de mEme luminance furent sub-
ness. stitu6s au stimulus jaune standard. Ces r6ponses
6voqu6es aux couleurs furent compar6es aux
r6ponses a des augmentations et diminutions de
Summa~ brillance, de chaque stimulus color& Une com-
posante initiale de faible amplitude, P55, 6tait
The different effects of colour and brightness suivie par une composante principalement li6e ~ la
on the transient visual evoked potentials to a couleur, N87, et une composante principalement
foveal stimulus have been investigated in a psy- li6e ~ la luminance, P120, avec un maximum sous
cho-physically controlled stimulus set-up, in which l'61ectrode occipitale. Les deux, N87 et P120,
equally bright red, orange and green stimuli were pr6sent6rent une baisse d ' a m p l i t u d e sous
substituted for a standard yellow stimulus. These l'61ectrode pari6tate et P120 une inversion de
colour-evoked responses were compared with the polarit6 sous F~. Ces r6sultats indiquent que les
responses to additional brightness increments and r6ponses aux stimulus rouge et vert de brillance
decrements of each of the colour stimuli. An initial 6gale ont des ondes tr6s similaires mais que celles-ci
component of small amplitude, P55, was followed changent tr6s vite lorsque des modifications ad-
by a colour-dominated component, N87, and a ditionnelles de brillance interviennent. La com-
luminance-dominated component, P120, with a paraison avec des rapports d'enregistrements sub-
maximum at the occipital electrode. Both N87 and duraux de potentiels 6voqu6s "h la couleur dans le
P120 showed a decline in amplitude at the parietal cortex stri6 du macaque sugg6re que P55 corre-
electrode and P120 had a reversed polarity at Fz. spond h l'excitation primaire par les fibres
These results indicate that the responses to equally g6niculo-corticales et que N87 et P120 repr6sentent
bright green and red stimuli have closely similar des 6tapes plus tardives de l'int6gration corticale.
wave forms, but that this changes rapidly with
additional brightness differences. Comparison with
the reports of subdural recording of colour-evoked Appendix
potentials in the macaque striate cortex suggests
that P55 corresponds with the primary excitation Definitions according to Wyszecki and Stiles
via geniculo-cortical fibres and that N87 and P120 (1982):
represent later stages of cortical processing.
LUMINANCE in c d / m 2 is the areal density of
luminous intensity and is defined in photometric
terms. It depends on the spectral sensitivity func-
tion V (?~) adopted in the Standard Normal Ob-
server CIE 1931 (quantitative data in Wyszecki
and Stiles 1982).

B R I G H T N E S S is defined as the attribute of a sensation which permits a judgement to be made

visual sensation according to which a given visual of the degree to which a chromatic stimulus differs
stimulus appears to be more or less intense. Lumi- from an achromatic stimulus regardless of their
nance and brightness may be related by a power brightness (Wyszecki and Stiles 1982). A satura-
law: tion scale is one in which colours vary in paleness
B = a Lp - - BO or their white content. The spectral hues are called
saturated colours, whereas white is called an un-
B denotes a measure of the brightness estimated saturated colour. The spectral colours are not
by an observer presented with a stimulus of lumi- themselves seen as being equal in saturation: spec-
nance L under specified conditions of observation. tral blues and reds appear more saturated than
The exponent p has a value of approximately 1/3. spectral greens and yellows. An unsaturated colour
The values of a and BO depend on the observing may be specified as a mixture of a spectral colour
conditions. This relation, however, is only valid for and white. The term colorimetric purity, p, has
achromatic stimuli because of: been defined for such mixtures as the ratio p =
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