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Industrial Training Report

In partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Technology
(Computer Science & Engineering)

Supervised By Submitted By
Dr. Ved Mitra Satish Meena
Coordinator – Industrial Training College ID - 21EEJCS028

Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Jhalrapatan, Distt. Jhalawar – 326 023


I’m, Satish Meena, declare that the Industrial Training has been done by me and
the work presented in this report, is my own. I further confirm that –
● The Industrial Training and the associated work was done wholly or mainly by
me as a part of V-Semester Industrial Training in the curriculum of B.TECH degree
programme in Computer Science & Engineering prescribed by the Rajasthan
Technical University, KOTA.
● The work contained in this report is original and has been done by me under the
guidance of Instructors from “Chhabra Thermal Power Project.”.
● The work has not been submitted, in whole or in part, in any previous semester
of my B.TECH degree.
● We have followed the guidelines provided by the university and our supervisor
in writing the report.
● Whenever we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from
other sources, we have given due credit to them in the text of the report and
given their details in the References.
● I have acknowledged all main sources of help.

Date: 16 November, 2023 Satish Mena



I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my supervisor Dr. Ved Mitra
and also to Mr. Rajendra Meena from Chhabra Thermal Power Project. for their
valuable support, training and guidance throughout the training period. Without
their help and support, this practical training work would not have taken the
present shape.
I express my heartfelt appreciation to Chhabra Thermal Power Project . For
providing me with a valuable opportunity to undergo industrial training.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards the entire team at
Chhabra Thermal Power Plant . for their guidance & suggestions.
Additionally, I acknowledge the support of my friends and family and their
encouragement. This collective effort has significantly contributed to the
successful completion of this endeavor.
Again, I extend my sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the
realization of this training.

The Chhabra Thermal Power Plant represents a critical infrastructure for energy generation,
and its Contra The Chhabra Thermal Power Plant represents a critical infrastructure for
energy generation, and its Control and Instrumentation (C&I) system plays a pivotal role in
ensuring the plant's reliable, safe, and efficient operation. This abstract provides a concise
overview of the C&I system at the Chhabra Thermal Power Plant, highlighting its key
components and functionalities.

The C&I system at Chhabra Thermal Power Plant encompasses a sophisticated network of
sensors, transmitters, controllers, and actuators designed to monitor and regulate various
processes. The integration of advanced control strategies, such as PID controllers and
feedforward control, allows for adaptive responses to dynamic operating conditions,
contributing to stability and optimal performance.

Safety is paramount in the Chhabra C&I system, with emergency shutdown systems,
pressure relief mechanisms, and temperature controls implemented to prevent accidents
and protect personnel and equipment. The system is calibrated regularly to ensure the
accuracy of measurements, providing reliable data for informed decision-making.

The plant's C&I system is complemented by a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) system, providing a centralized interface for monitoring and controlling the entire
facility. This enhances visibility, coordination, and responsiveness to changing operational

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) elements empower operators to interact effectively with

the C&I system, facilitating seamless control, monitoring, and response to alarms or
abnormal conditions. Continuous improvement is a core aspect of the Chhabra C&I system,
allowing for upgrades and advancements to meet evolving standards and operational

In conclusion, the Chhabra Thermal Power Plant's C&I system is a sophisticated and integral
component that ensures the plant's reliability, safety, and efficiency. Its robust design,
coupled with advanced control strategies and a commitment to compliance with industry
standards, positions the Chhabra Thermal Power Plant as a cornerstone in sustainable and
resilient energy generation.

ol and Instrumentation (C&I) system plays a pivotal role in ensuring the plant's reliable, safe,
and efficient operation. This abstract provides a concise overview of the C&I system at the
Chhabra Thermal Power Plant, highlighting its key components and functionalities.


1 About the Company/Institute 8

1.1 Company/ Institute Profile...............................................................8
1.2 Overview of the Company/ Institute...........................................9-10

2C&I 11-12
2.1 Sensors…………………………………………………………………………………13-15
2.2 Transmitters…………………………………………………………………………16-18
2.3 Controllers…………………………………………………………………………….19-20
2.4 Actuators…………………………………………………………………………………21-22

3 Conclusion 23

4 Refrance

List of Figures


Chapter 1
About the Company/Institute

1.1 Company/ Institute Profile

● Company/ Institute Name :Chhabra Thermal Power Plant.

● Address : Village – Motipura Chowki, Tehsil – Chhabra,

Distt. – Baran (Raj.) (325205)
● Website of the Company/ Institute :

● Contact Person :
(a) Name : Rajendra Meena
(b) Contact No. : +91 9928738737
(c) E-mail ID :

1.2 Overview of the Company/ Institute

Chhabra Thermal Power Plant is one of Rajasthan's coal fired power plants.
It is located at Chowki Motipura (Village) of
tehsil Chhabra in Rajasthan's Baran district. The planned capacity of power
plant is 2320 MW.

Unit Installed Capacity Date of

Stage Status
Number (MW) Commissioning

Stage I 1 250 2009 October Running

Stage I 2 250 2010 May Running

Stage II 3 250 2013 December Running

Stage II 4 250 2014 July Running [2]

Running (EPC by L&T

Stage III 5 660 2016 Oct
POWER) [3]


Stage III 6 660 Nov2018

Chapter 2
Control & Instrumentation (C & I)
Control and Instrumentation (C&I) in thermal systems involves the design,
implementation, and maintenance of control systems and instrumentation
devices used in thermal processes. This can include systems such as power
plants, heating systems, and other applications where temperature, pressure,
flow, and other variables need to be monitored and controlled.
Key aspects of C&I in thermal systems may include:

Sensors and Measurement Devices: Selection and installation of sensors to

measure various parameters like temperature, pressure, flow rate, and level
within the thermal system
Control Systems: Designing and implementing control systems to regulate
the operation of the thermal system. This involves the use of controllers,
actuators, and feedback mechanisms to maintain desired operating conditions.
Safety Systems: Implementing safety measures and emergency shutdown
systems to protect the thermal system and personnel in case of abnormal

Data Acquisition: Collecting and analyzing data from sensors to monitor the
performance of the thermal system. This data is crucial for making informed
decisions and optimizing the system.
Instrumentation Calibration: Regular calibration of instruments to ensure
accurate and reliable measurements.
Communication Systems: Integration of communication systems to facilitate
data exchange between different components of the thermal system and with
the central control room.

Figure 2.1 The C & I System

In summary, C&I in thermal systems plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient
operation of thermal processes through the use of sensors, control systems, and
instrumentation. It involves a multidisciplinary approach that combines engineering
principles, technology, and a deep understanding of thermal process

2.1 Sensors

Sensors and measurement devices play a critical role in the field of control

and instrumentation (C&I) in thermal systems. These devices are used to

collect data on various parameters within a thermal system, providing

valuable information for monitoring and controlling its operation. Here are

some common types of sensors and measurement devices used in thermal


temperature sensors:

• Temperature sensors are very important in thermal power plants.

• These sensors measure temperature and provide this information to C&I


• With the help of temperature sensors we can monitor the temperature

of various components of the power plant such as boilers, turbines, and


• This lets us know whether everything is working properly and if there are

any temperature abnormalities we can detect them and take necessary


pressure sensors:

• Pressure sensors are very useful in thermal power plants.

• These sensors measure pressure and provide this information to C&I


• With the help of pressure sensors we can monitor the pressure of various

systems of the power plant like boilers, condensers, and pumps.

• This tells us whether the system is under pressure or there is a problem.

• If any abnormal pressure condition occurs, we can detect it and take

appropriate actions to maintain plant efficiency and safety

level sensors:

• Level sensors are very useful in thermal power plants.

• These sensors measure the level of liquid or solid substances and

provide this information to C&I systems.

• With the help of level sensors we can monitor the level of tanks, silos,

and vessels of the power plant.

• This lets us know whether the substance is at the correct level or if there

is a problem.

• If any abnormal level condition occurs, we can detect it and take

necessary actions to maintain plant efficiency and safety.

flow sensors:

• Flow sensors are very important in thermal power plants.

• These sensors measure fluid flow rate and provide this information to

C&I systems.

• With the help of flow sensors we can monitor the flow rate of pipes,

valves, and pumps of the power plant.

• This tells us whether the fluid is at the correct flow rate or there is a


• If any abnormal flow conditions occur, we can detect them and take

necessary actions to maintain plant efficiency and safety.

Vibration sensors:

• Vibration sensors are very useful in thermal power plants.

• These sensors measure vibrations and provide this information to C&I


• With the help of vibration sensors we can monitor the vibrations of the

rotating equipment of power plants such as turbines, generators, and motors.

• This lets us know whether the equipment is working properly and if there is

any abnormal vibration so we can detect it and take necessary actions.

• Vibration sensors help monitor the health and performance of power plant


2.2 Transmitters

In the context of control and instrumentation (C&I) in thermal systems,

transmitters play a crucial role in converting physical measurements

into electrical signals for further processing and communication.

Transmitters are devices that take the output from sensors, such as

temperature sensors, pressure sensors, or flow sensors, and convert

these analog signals into electrical signals that can be transmitted over

long distances without significant signal degradation. Here are some

key points about transmitters:

Temperature transmitters:

• Temperature transmitters measure temperature in thermal power plants and

convert this information into electrical signals and provide it to C&I systems.

• These transmitters provide accurate temperature readings which is essential for

monitoring and controlling various equipment, pipes, and processes of the power


• With the help of temperature transmitters we come to know whether the

temperature is in the right range and if there is any abnormal temperature

condition we can detect it and take necessary actions

Pressure transmitters:

• Pressure transmitters measure pressure in thermal power plants and convert this

information into electrical signals and provide it to C&I systems.

• With the help of pressure transmitters we can monitor the pressure of pipes,

tanks, and vessels of the power plant.

• This lets us know whether the pressure is in the correct range and if there is an

abnormal pressure condition we can detect it and take necessary actions.

• Pressure transmitters help maintain the safety, efficiency, and performance of a

power plant.

Level transmitters:

• Level transmitters measure liquid or solid level in thermal power plants and

convert this information into electrical signals and provide it to C&I systems.

• With the help of level transmitters we can monitor the level of tanks, silos, and

vessels of the power plant.

• This lets us know whether the level is in the correct range and if there is an

abnormal level condition we can detect it and take necessary actions.

• Level transmitters help in inventory management and process control of power


flow transmitters:

• The function of flow transmitters is to measure fluid flow rate in thermal power

plants and convert this information into electrical signals and provide it to C&I


• This tells us whether the fluid flow rate is in the correct range or not.

Flow transmitters help monitor and control power plant processes

2.3 Controllers

In thermal systems, controllers are used to maintain desired conditions such as

temperature, pressure, or flow rates by adjusting various components of the
system. Here are some key points about controllers in the context of thermal

Distributed Control System (DCS) :
• The function of DCS is to monitor and control various processes and
equipment of the power plant.
• This system is connected to multiple controllers and workstations, which
provide real-time data, alarms, and control options.
• With the help of DCS we can optimize power plant operations, enhance safety,
and improve overall efficiency.
• This gives us better control, monitoring, and coordination in thermal power

Programmable Logic CONTROLLER:

• PLCs are widely used in industrial automation.
• These are electronic devices that perform digital logic operations.
• Through PLCs we can control and monitor industrial processes.
• These processes include manufacturing, assembly lines, power plants, and
• PLCs come with high reliability and flexibility, and they are programmed with
programming languages.
• Using PLCs we can automate processes, increase efficiency, and reduce human

Supervisory Control:
• PLCs are widely used in industrial automation.
• These are electronic devices that perform digital logic operations.
• Through PLCs we can control and monitor industrial processes.
• These processes include manufacturing, assembly lines, power plants, and
• PLCs come with high reliability and flexibility, and they are programmed with
programming languages.
• Using PLCs we can automate processes, increase efficiency, and reduce human

Data Acquisition (SCADA) system:

• SCADA system is connected to multiple devices and sensors, from which we
get real-time data.
• The SCADA system analyzes this data and provides us with visual
representation, alarms, and reports.
• Through SCADA systems we can monitor processes, detect abnormalities, and
perform control actions.
• This gives us the ability to do better decision-making and process optimization.
• SCADA system has become very important in industrial automation

2.4 Actuators

 Actuators are devices or components within a system that are

responsible for physically moving or controlling a mechanism, typically
in response to an input signal from a controller. In the context of
control and instrumentation (C&I) in thermal systems, actuators play a
crucial role in adjusting various components to maintain desired
conditions such as temperature, pressure, or flow rates. Here are some
key points about actuators in thermal processes.

Electric actuators:

• Electric actuators operate from electricity.

• Electric motors are used in this.
• These actuators generate mechanical motion, such as linear motion or
rotational motion.
• Electric actuators are very versatile and relatively easy to control. In industrial
applications, electric actuators are commonly used to control valves, robotics,
conveyors, and other automated systems.
• Electric actuators are reliable and efficient, and are available in different sizes
and capacities.

Pneumatic actuators:

• Pneumatic actuators operate from compressed air.

• In this pneumatic cylinder are used.
• These actuators generate mechanical force, such as linear motion or rotational
• Pneumatic actuators are very common in industrial automation, and are used
to control valves, dampers, and other mechanical systems.
• Due to the flexibility and availability of compressed air, pneumatic actuators
are reliable and cost-effective.
• Apart from this, pneumatic actuators come with noiseless operation and high
force output.

Hydraulic actuators:

• Hydraulic actuators operate from hydraulic fluid.

• In this, hydraulic cylinders are used.
• These actuators generate mechanical force, such as linear motion or rotational
• Hydraulic actuators are used in high force applications, where a lot of force is
• They are used in heavy machinery, construction equipment, and industrial
• Hydraulic actuators are reliable and powerful, and are available in different
sizes and capacities.

Mechanical actuators:

• Mechanical actuators operate by mechanical force.

• In this, gears, levers, and linkages are used.
• These actuators generate mechanical motion, such as linear motion or
rotational motion.
• Mechanical actuators are very versatile and relatively easy to control.
• They are used in various applications, such as automotive systems, industrial
machinery, and robotics.
• Mechanical actuators are reliable and cost-effective, and are available in
different sizes and configurations.

Chapter 3

In conclusion, the Control and Instrumentation (C&I) system plays a pivotal

role in the efficient and safe operation of thermal power plants. This intricate
network of sensors, transmitters, controllers, and actuators is designed to
monitor, regulate, and safeguard various processes within the plant. Here are
key points summarizing the significance of C&I systems in thermal power plant

Reference Chapter 4


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