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Supporting Lecturer : Sri Rahayu S. Ag, M.Pd

Class : TBI 2

Vivi Nurul Ilmi (0304231006)
Dinda Azalia Simangunsong (0304233088)
M. Radja Affan Hanafie (0304232078)
Salwa Khumairoh Hasyim (0304233110)
Firza Sakinah (0304233089)


Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin, all praise and gratitude to the Almighty Allah SWT
for the blessing of Allah grace, and that we were given the opportunity to be able to
compile our assignment about “Transition Signals”.

First of all, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Mrs. Sri Rahayu S.
Ag, M.Pd as the lecturer in Productive written language skills subject. Who has many
proffesions in order to complete this assignment.

This paper discuss about mini research of Transition Signals that has a purpose to
understand the meaning and function. The explanation about it, will be explained in detail
through research written in this paper.

Hopefully, this paper can hel the readers to expand their knowledge about
Transition Signals. Although this paper has some of disadvantages. For that, the
compilers always receive critics and suggestion from all of you to increase our quality
and abilities. Thank you.

06 December 2023

TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of Study.............................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Formulation.............................................................................................................2
1.3 Purposes the research.............................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II : THEORITICAL HOMEWORK.............................................................................3
2.1 The definition of transition signals........................................................................................3
2.2 The function and the type of transition signals......................................................................3
2.3 Transition signals improve writing skills...............................................................................5
2.4 Identify transition signals in a piece of writing......................................................................6
CHAPTER III : CLOSING..............................................................................................................8
3.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................8
3.2 Suggestion..............................................................................................................................9



1.1 Background of Study

In learning English there are four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Listening and reading are as receptive skills, while speaking and writing are as
productive skills. Writing is one of the most important skills in language learning. Writing is the
process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate
thoughts and ideas in a readable form. The goal of the writing is to express ideas or thought, so
the students should be able to express their ideas or thought in written form. According to
Whitaker (2009:4) “writing needs a complicated process that involves choosing a topic, thinking
(brainstorm), doing research, discovering then thesis, planning (outline), writing, revising,
editing and proofreading”. Generally, writing is the most difficult skill for the students to master
because it takes a long process from choosing ideas until becomes good writing. To create a good
writing, the paragraph should be coherent. 3 Coherence is one of the requirements of a good
paragraph. Coherence demands that the ideas or sentence presented in a paragraph should flow
smoothly from one to the other. One of the ways to make a coherent paragraph is by using
transition signals which are connectors between paragraphs.

Transition signals are words and phrases that connect ideas of sentences and paragraph
for coherence. Transition signals are the important elements that support a good writing because
they help the writer bringing the readers from one idea to another idea without any ambiguities.
They help to make clear connections and see sentences and paragraph flow together smoothly
and making them easier to read and understand. They also help carry over a thought from one
sentence to another, from one paragraph to another, or between separate sentences, paragraph or

In this case, the writer will focused to analyze the transition signals that the students use.
Because in writing the students should know the context and elements of the writing. One of the
elements in writing is the students should understand about transition signals. Transition signals
have function to introduce an additional idea, an opposite idea or contrast, choice or alternative,

restatement or explanation, list in order, example, conclusion or summary, result, and to
introduce show cause-effect.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What is the definition of Transition Signals ?

2. What is the function and the type of transition signals ?

3. How transition signals can improve writing skills ?

4. How to identify transition signals in a piece of writing ?

1.3 Purposes the research

This research was conducted for knowing about “Transition Signals”. To know the
definition of transition signals, know the function and the types of transition signals, also to
understand how transition signals can improve writing skills as well as explore how to identify
transition signals in a piece of writing.



2.1 The definition of transition signals

Transition signals are used to tie a presentation together and to ensure a smooth flow of
thought that can easily be followed by the listener. Transition signals are signposts that let the
listener know where you are and where you are going. You can signal that you are moving on to
the next point, changing direction, or moving on to the next section in a number of ways.

Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add cohesion
to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships between sentences and
between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand your ideas. We use a variety of
transition signals to fulfill a number of functions. Transition signals can be placed at the
beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence, but are most often used at the beginning.
They must be separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma.

2.2 The function and the type of transition signals

There are many functions of transitional signals. First, to show the order or sequence of
events. Second, to indicate that a new idea or an example will follow. Third, to show that a
contrasting idea will be presented, or to signal a summary or a conclusion. Transition signals are
used to achieve good cohesion and coherence in writing, and they help carry over a thought from
one sentence to another or from one paragraph to another. They can be placed at the start,
middle, or end of sentences, and it's not necessary to use them in every sentence, but good use of
transition words will help make the relationship between ideas clear and logical.

The type of transition signals is :

1) Temporal Transitions

1) Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly. Used to sequence ideas or events in time order.

2) Meanwhile, During, Afterward. Used to show the time relationship between two
events or ideas.

3) Before, After, Eventually. Used to indicate the time sequence or chronology of an event
or idea.

2) Cause and Effect Transitions.

1) Because, Therefore, Thus. Used to indicates the cause-and-effect relationship between

two events or ideas.

3) Comparison Transitions

1) Similarly, Likewise, In the same way. Used to compare or equate two ideas or events.

2) On the other hand, In contrast, Conversely. Used to indicates the difference or contrast
between two ideas or events.

4) Contrast Transitions

1) However, Nevertheless, Nonetheless. Used to show contrast or difference between two

ideas or events.

2) On the contrary, in contrast, conversely. Highlights the difference between two things.

5) Explanation Transition

1) For example, Specifically, In other words. Used to give a more detailed explanation or
example related to the previous idea.

2) Namely, That is, in particular. Mentioning something with more specificity or detail.

6) Transition Transitions

1) Furthermore, Moreover, Additionally. Used to add information or ideas that support

the previous idea.

2) In addition, Besides, Furthermore. Used to shows the addition or continuation of the

previous idea.

7) Emphasis Transitions

1) Indeed, In fact, Truly. Used to give emphasis to an expressed idea pr statement.

8) Conclusion Transition

1) In conclusion, To sum up, In summary. Used to summarizes the ideas that have been
expressed and close a text or speech.

2.3 Transition signals improve writing skills

Transition signals can improve writing in several ways:

1. Enhancing Cohesion and Coherence.

Transition signals help in achieving good cohesion and coherence in writing by signaling
relationships between ideas. They act as bridges between different parts of the writing, linking
sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that they flow and there are no abrupt jumps or
breaks between ideas.

2. Improving Readability and Flow.

They create powerful links between sentences and paragraphs, improving the flow of
information across the whole text. This results in smoother writing, making it easier for the
reader to follow the ideas presented.

3. Guiding the Reader.

Transition signals act like signposts, guiding the reader through the text and helping them
understand the relationships between sentences and paragraphs. They help carry over a thought
from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another.

4. Clarifying Relationships.

Good use of transition signals makes the relationship between ideas clear and logical.
They can show the order or sequence of events, indicate the introduction of a new idea or an
example, present a contrasting idea, or signal a summary or conclusion

In summary, transition signals play a crucial role in improving the overall quality of
writing by enhancing its coherence, readability, and logical structure.

2.4 Identify transition signals in a piece of writing

To identify transition signals in a piece of writing, you can follow these steps:

1. Examine the text.

Look for words or phrases that connect ideas and add cohesion to the writing. These
transition signals can be placed at the start, middle, or end of sentences and are usually separated
from the rest of the sentence by commas.

2. Categorize transition signals.

Transition signals can be categorized into several types, such as those that show addition,
contrast, reason, alternative, and conclusion. Some common transition signals include
"however," "moreover," "in addition," "on the other hand," "however," "in contrast," "as a
result," and "in summary".

3. Check for coherence and flow.

Look for the smooth flow of information across the text and the clear relationships
between sentences and paragraphs. Transition signals help create powerful links between
sentences and paragraphs, improving the overall readability and coherence of the writing.

4. Review common transition signals.

Some common transition signals include "however," "moreover," "in addition," "on the
other hand," "however," "in contrast," "as a result," and "in summary". Familiarize yourself with
these words and phrases, as well as their functions in different contexts.

5. Practice identifying transition signals.

Read and analyze examples of transition signals in various texts to improve your ability
to recognize and understand their functions. This can be done through practice exercises, such as
identifying the transition signals in a given paragraph or essay.

By following these steps, you can develop a better understanding of transition signals and
their roles in enhancing the coherence, readability, and logical structure of a piece of writing.



3.1 Conclusion

1. Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add cohesion to
your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships between sentences
and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand your ideas.

2. There are many functions of transitional signals. First, to show the order or sequence of
events. Second, to indicate that a new idea or an example will follow. Third, to show that a
contrasting idea will be presented, or to signal a summary or a conclusion. Transition
signals are used to achieve good cohesion and coherence in writing, and they help carry
over a thought from one sentence to another or from one paragraph to another.

3. The type of transition signals is :

1. Temporal Transitions

2. Cause and Effect Transitions

3. Comparison Transitions

4. Contrast Transitions

5. Explanation Transitions

6. Transition Transitions

7. Emphasis Transitions

8. Conclusion Transitions

4. Transition signals improve writing skills

1. Enhancing Cohesion and Coherence.

2. Improving Readability and Flow.

3. Guiding the Reader.

4. Clarifying Relationships.

5. Identify transition signals in a piece of writing

1. Examine the text.

2. Categorize transition signals.

3. Check for coherence and flow

4. . Review common transition signals.

5. Practice identifying transition signals.

3.2 Suggestion

After knowing the definition of trajsition signals, the function and the type of transition
signals, how to improve our writing skills with transition signals and how to identify transitions
signals in a piece of writing, the productive written language skills in the future will hopefully be
even better. It's better if we immediately apply what is contained in this material to everyday life
in English communication.


The Learning Centre 2013, Transition signals in writing, UNSW, viewed 20 September 2013

UniLearning 2000, Transition signals, UOW, viewed 20 September 2013,

Roberts, J. Q. (2017). Essentials of Essay W Essentials of Essay Writing riting . Bloomsbury



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