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1. What is your name?

I’m Pastora
2. What do you do?
I’m studingy an estatal exam
3. Where do you live?
I’m live in Seville
4. What is your favourite device?
Mobile phone
5. What's your favourite colour?

Please tell us about what you use technology for most often and why:

I spend very much time with that because I need it to study. I’m prepare an estatal exam so I
need some device to do that. for example, my mobile phone to listen to music for chilling and
my laptop to prepare the units


Alicia: Hey! Welcome to the group. Can you tell us about your first electronic device?
Hi what’s up?
Truthfully I don’t remember what was my first electronic device, I suppose it was a mp3
because I love listen to music. Actually I don’t use that because I listen it on my phone

Kalyn: I’m pretty addicted to social media. I use it every day! What social media sites do you
usually use?
Hi Kalyn
I don’t think that I’m addicted to social media but I use it every day like you to know what
about of news on newspaper by Instagram and listen music on Spotify or YouTube

Connor: I heard that the club is going to start meeting once a week, instead of once a month.
What is your opinion on this?
Respect the meetings of the club I think it would be a good idea because we can talk about
news of everything we know but I prefer to meet more times a month if we can

Write a short email to your friend (about 50 words). Tell your friend your feelings about this
and what you plan to do. You have 10 minutes.
Hi guys, what’s up?
Are you read the president’s message?
I’m disappointed about that, I wanted to go, I was excited with the trip. We should look
forward more members to doesn’t occur on future. What are you do? I think I will wait
because I want to go so I’ll write a reply to hold my spot for de new date

Pastora Silva Ríos

Write an email to the president of the club (about 120-150 words). Tell them your thoughts
about this and what you would like to do. You have 20 minutes.

Dear president,
I hope you have a good healthy
I writing this message to you to expose my feelings about that notice and to reply what I will
At first, I want to know you my disappointment about the cancellation because the trip it was a
great opportunity to see the robotic display and learn about that to participate on school
robotics concurse.
Although we don’t can go to the science museum now, I want to hold my spot for the new
date because how I writed before I am still thinking that a great opportunity to learn about
robotic for my future because I am so interested by that.
I look forward to your response
Best regards,
Pastora, the newest member of the club

Pastora Silva Ríos

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