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Course : Numerical Method

Code/Credit : MAT1.62.5012/3
Study Program/Faculty : Mathematics/FMIPA
Week :5

1. Objective
The objective of the task is to evaluate student’s competency in open method
for nonlinear equations topic.

2. Problems
Note: The parameter p, q, and r are the three last digit of your student
1. Find the greatest real root of
2x3  11,7x2 + 17,7x  5 = 0
a. Using three iterations of Newton Method with x0 = 3.
b. Using five iterations of Secant Method with x0 = 3, x1 = 4
2. Use Newton Method to find roots of
e0,5x(4  x)  2 = 0
x 1 1  x i
with relative difference of inter iteration  0,00000qr ,

for the following initial values

a. x0 = 2
b. x0 = 6
c. x0 = 8
Give explanation about the results.
3. Use Secant Method to find roots of
x2,qr  70 = 0
with initial guesses x0 = 3,5 and x1 = 4,5. The stopping criteria is the
x 1 1  x i
realtive difference of inter-iteration  0.00001
3. Assessment Rubric
Criterias Indicators
Excellent Able to answer all of problems correctly
Very Good Able to answer almost all of problems correctly
Good Able to answer half of problems correctly
Fair Able to answer only a few of problems correctly
Poor Unable to answer all of problems correctly
Skor 0-100

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