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Тема: My best friend

Aims and objectives:
- to train using of the lexical material on the topic;
- to teach students to express their opinion;
- to practice speaking andreading skills;
- todevelop the skills of pair and group work.
I Greeting
T.Good morning, pupils. It’s nice seeing you again! Today we are going to talk
about friends and friendship. I’d like to ask you some questions:
II Warming up
 Are friends important to you?
 How often do you see your friends?
 Are your friends like you or very different?
 Have you got a lot in common with your friends?
 Do you like the same music (films, books)?
 Do you wear the same clothes?
T. You see the list of qualities on the blackboard. What are the most important
qualities in a friend? Write the seven qualities in order of importance for
you.Writethe most important quality first.
being the same age
having the same interests
a sense of humour
III Pair work
T. Discuss your list of qualities with a partner. Use the phrases in the box
In my opinion…
I think/I don’t think…
I’m sure…
I agree/I disagree…
I believe…
Pupil1. In my opinion, a sense of humour is the most important quality.
Pupil2. I don’t agree .I think kindness is more important than a sense of humour.

Pre-reading tasks:
T. We are going to read the text about a British survey on the most important
qualities in a friend. Which opinion is the most similar to your own?
What is a good friend?
We asked a hundred British ten- and eleven- year-olds to tell us what qualities
they thinkare the most important in a friend. Here are the results.
1. loyalty
2. a sense of humour
3. kindness
4. honesty
5. having the same interests
6. being the same age
7. appearance
James Dawson, from Manchester
“Loyalty is very important, but in my opinion a sense of humour is the most
important quality. A good friend can laugh at a joke. My best friend and I have the
same sense of humour. We laugh at the same jokes and cartoons on TV. I don’t
like people who spend lots of money on expensive clothes. That’s a waste of
money. Appearance isn’t very important.”
Mark Conway, from Worthing
“Having the same interests is the most important thing because then you have
lots to talk about. Also a sense humour is very important. I can share jokes with my
friends. We can share secrets too. I can say things to my best friends and know
they won’t tell anyone else. A loyal friend is a good friend.”
Jessica Crips, from Cardiff
“I changed school last year. But my friend Rachel, from my old school, is still
my best friend. So loyalty is the most important thing for me. I’ve got lots of
friends of different ages, so age isn’t important. And I don’t think appearance is
important either.”
Samantha Cavendish, from Inverness
“I think loyalty is important, but I’m sure kindness is the most important quality.
All my friends are very kind to me. When I broke my leg last month, lots of my
friends came to visit me in hospital. And my best friend lent me all her new CDs.
That was very kind of her. “
After- reading tasks:
1) T. Read the questions and write A, B, C or D.
A. James B. Mark C. Jessica D. Samantha
 Who thinks being the same age isn’t important?
 Who tells jokes and secrets to their friends?
 Who thinks kindness is more important than loyalty?
 Who talks about their problems with their friends?
 Who thinks having the same interests is very important?
 Who likes listening to music?
 Who thinks sense of humour is more important than loyality?
2) T.Compare the results of the British survey with the list which you have
V Writing
Read the notes. Write sentences about Sandra.
My best friend is Sandra. She’s…..
Name Sandra
Age 13
Colour of hair brown
Good qualities generous and cheerful
Bad qualities lazy and desorganised
Hobbies shopping and playing the piano
We like together go out and discuss our news

T. I want one of you read out a sentence and another write it on the board.
V Summing up.
1) Evaluation
You have worked very hard today. Your marks are…..
The lesson is over.
Thanks for your work.
See you next time.Goodbye!
2) Home assignment
T. Your home assignment is to write about your best friend using your notes
about Sandra.

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