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\ ey NATIONAL POPULATION COMMGSION | P.O BOX A179, INARA, ABEOKUTA, OGUN BTATE, HIGH ' vit ' omen: O2NEU, Maat, on WECUIA MAHL AAI “Ail eorrespondennce 10 be addin to the fot Ho... ee Ww Aouad teva nop 1th Hay, wot nd daa ft We DANO avinnonnne WL VELL OLY TONININY OFINLOLA ATTESTATION OF BERTIE \ The Act No, 69 of December, 1992:0h Birth», Deaths ote ( ompuliory Registration) of the Vederal + Republic of Nigeria avsigned the finelion of the registration of Bhths, Deas, Marriages, Divorces ete 0 National Population Commission, ‘This was relntorced by section 24 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, “ 2. That, MRS. ADESANYA CHRISTIANAH having made a solemn and Statutory Dee! ation conscientiously believinyy same to be trie on the 2H Hay of July, 2024 obtained at State High Court of hustice, holding at Abeokuta, Ogan State Of Nigeria, ‘Thal, BELLO OLUWATUMININY OYINLOLA yur born al Sagan in Sagamy Local Government Area of Ogan Stite of Nigeria on the déb day of December, 1985 to the fanuly of 1%. ADESANYA ADESOVE (ATH) (FATHER) and hails from Sagamu in Sagamy Local Goverstnent Area of Ogun Stitte and MRS, ADEBANYA CHMISTIAMAH (MOTIER) and tisils from Uebu Ode in ljebu-Ode fant Government Arca of Ogun State, 4. That BELLO OLUWATUMININU OYINLOLA. is un indigene of Sagamu in Sagamu Local Government Area of Ogun State of Nigeria, if 5. ‘That the time of her, birth falls beyond the coverage of Act No. 69 of December, 1992 on Birthy, Deaths ete (Compulsory Registration) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the issuance of National Birth Certificate, | 6. In the light of the above information, gratefully accept this Birth Attestation Letter in respect of BELLO OLUWATUMINING OYINLOLA, MR. 0. S, ADELEYE | State Director, National Population Commission, Ogun State.

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