Cloud Computing

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Amazon EC2.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services
(AWS) that allows users to rent virtual servers in the cloud. EC2 instances provide scalable computing
capacity and can be used for a wide variety of applications. Here are some key aspects of Amazon EC2:
1.Instances:EC2 instances are virtual servers that run in the cloud.
Users can choose from a variety of instance types based on their specific requirements, such as
compute power, memory, and storage.
2.Instance Types:Instances come in various families optimized for different use cases, such as
compute-optimized, memory-optimized, storage-optimized, etc.
Examples of instance types include t2 (burstable performance), m5 (general-purpose), c5 (compute-
optimized), and more.
3.AMI (Amazon Machine Image):An AMI is a pre-configured virtual machine image that contains the
information needed to launch an instance, including the operating system and any additional
4.Regions and Availability Zones:EC2 instances can be launched in different geographic regions
around the world.
Each region consists of multiple Availability Zones, which are essentially data centers with redundant
power, networking, and cooling.
5.Elastic Load Balancing:EC2 instances can be used with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to distribute
incoming traffic across multiple instances to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.
6.Security Groups and Network ACLs:Security Groups act as virtual firewalls for instances, controlling
inbound and outbound traffic.
Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) provide an additional layer of security at the subnet level.
7.Auto Scaling:Auto Scaling allows users to automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances in a fleet
based on demand or a predefined schedule.
8.Elastic Block Store (EBS):EBS provides block-level storage volumes that can be attached to EC2
EBS volumes are used for persistent storage, and they can be detached from one instance and
attached to another.
9.Key Pairs:EC2 instances are usually accessed using SSH (for Linux instances) or Remote Desktop
Protocol (RDP) (for Windows instances).
Key pairs are used for secure key-based login to instances.
10.Monitoring and Logging:AWS provides tools like Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring EC2 instances,
collecting and tracking metrics, and setting alarms.
Users can also enable detailed monitoring, which provides additional metrics at a more granular level.
11.Use Cases:EC2 instances can be used for a wide range of applications, including web hosting,
application development and testing, machine learning, data processing, and more.
Amazon EC2 is a fundamental and versatile service within AWS, providing users with the flexibility to
run virtual servers in the cloud to meet their specific computing needs.
Amazon S3
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a scalable object storage service provided by Amazon
Web Services (AWS). It is designed to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the
web. Amazon S3 is commonly used for backup and restore, data archiving, web and mobile
applications, content distribution, and big data analytics. Here are key features and concepts
associated with Amazon S3:
1.Buckets:In Amazon S3, data is stored in containers called "buckets." Each bucket has a globally
unique name within AWS.
2.Objects:Objects are the fundamental entities stored in Amazon S3. An object consists of data, a key
(unique within a bucket), and metadata.
3.Object Storage:Amazon S3 provides object storage, meaning it can store any type of data, such as
documents, images, videos, and application backups.
4.Durability and Availability:S3 is designed for 99.999999999% (11 nines) durability of objects over a
given year. It achieves high durability by storing data redundantly across multiple facilities.
5.Storage Classes:S3 offers different storage classes to optimize costs based on the access frequency
and durability requirements. Examples include Standard, Intelligent-Tiering, Glacier, and more.
6.Versioning:Versioning allows you to keep multiple variants of an object in the same bucket. This can
be useful for tracking changes and recovering from unintended deletions.
7.Access Control:Access to S3 buckets and objects can be controlled using bucket policies, access
control lists (ACLs), and Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.
8.Lifecycle Policies:Lifecycle policies enable you to automate the transition of objects between
storage classes or delete them when they are no longer needed.
9.Static Website Hosting:S3 can be used to host static websites, providing a cost-effective solution for
serving web content.
10.Transfer Acceleration:Transfer Acceleration allows fast, easy, and secure transfers of files to and
from S3 using the Amazon CloudFront content delivery network.
11.Event Notifications:You can configure event notifications on S3 buckets to trigger AWS Lambda
functions, SQS queues, or SNS topics in response to object-level events (e.g., object creation, deletion).
12.Multipart Upload:For large objects, you can use multipart upload to upload parts of an object in
parallel, improving performance and reliability.
Amazon S3 is widely used as a foundation for various cloud-based applications and services due to its
durability, scalability, and ease of use. It's a core component in many AWS architectures, serving as a
reliable and cost-effective storage solution for diverse use cases.
Amazon Web Service Daigram
| |
| User / Client |
| |
| |
| Amazon Route 53 |
| (Domain Name System) |
| |
| Amazon CloudFront |
| (Content Delivery Network)|
| |
| Amazon S3 |
| (Object Storage) |
| |
| Amazon EC2 |
| (Elastic Compute Cloud)|
| |
| Amazon RDS |
| (Relational Database) |
| |
| AWS Lambda |
| (Serverless Computing) |
Key Components:
User/Client: Represents end-users or clients interacting with the AWS services.
Amazon Route 53: A scalable and highly available Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
Amazon CloudFront: A content delivery network (CDN) service for fast and secure delivery of data and
Amazon S3: Simple Storage Service for scalable and durable object storage.
Amazon EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud for scalable virtual servers in the cloud.
Amazon RDS: Relational Database Service for managed relational databases.
AWS Lambda: Serverless computing service for running code without provisioning or managing
This diagram illustrates a simple flow from the user/client to various AWS services, including DNS,
CDN, storage, compute, and databases. In a real-world scenario, you might include additional services
like security groups, IAM (Identity and Access Management), VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), and more,
depending on the complexity of your application architecture.
Microsoft azure core complex
| |
| Azure Portal |
| |
| |
| Azure Resource |
| Management |
| |
| |
| Azure Identity and Access |
| Management |
| |
| |
| Azure Active Directory |
| (Identity and Access Management Service) |
| |
| |
| Azure Networking |
| (Virtual Networks, Load Balancers, |
| Application Gateways, etc.) |
| |
| |
| Azure Compute |
| (Virtual Machines, App Services, |
| Functions, Kubernetes Service, etc.) |
| |
| |
| Azure Storage |
| (Blob Storage, File Storage, Table Storage, |
| Disk Storage, etc.) |
| |
| |
| Azure Databases |
| (SQL Database, Cosmos DB, Redis |
| Cache, etc.) |
| |
| |
| Azure Services |
| (AI, IoT, DevOps, Analytics, etc.)|
| |
Key Components:
Azure Portal: The web-based interface for managing Azure resources.
Azure Resource Management: Manages and organizes resources in Azure.
Azure Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manages user identities and access to Azure resources.
Azure Active Directory: Provides identity and access management services.
Azure Networking: Manages virtual networks, load balancers, gateways, and other networking
Azure Compute: Includes services for running applications, such as virtual machines, app services,
functions, and Kubernetes service.
Azure Storage: Provides scalable and secure storage solutions, including blob storage, file storage,
table storage, and disk storage.
Azure Databases: Includes various database services like SQL Database, Cosmos DB, Redis Cache, etc.
Azure Services: Encompasses a wide range of specialized services for artificial intelligence, Internet of
Things (IoT), DevOps, analytics, and more.
This simplified diagram illustrates the core components of a typical Azure architecture, but the actual
architecture will depend on specific application requirements and use cases. Azure offers a vast array
of services, and the architecture may include additional components such as security services,
monitoring, and compliance tools based on the needs of the application.

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