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Article 01: TIJER2303156.

Adrienne Rich became a well-known figure in the American feminist movement quite soon.
Rich's poetry frequently addresses issues related to women, feminism, and the value of
family. This article talks about how Adrienne Rich's poetry unintentionally ties together
French and Anglo-American feminisms' views on gender and diversity. According to this
study of Adrienne Rich's poetic development, she moved from a more masculine to a more
feminine concentration until finally arriving at a more gender-neutral and globally
decentered perspective. This study looks into female melancholy as a result of masculine
In "Diving into the Wreck," a collection of post-feminist poetry written by Adrienne Rich in
1973, a woman's descent into the depths of the ocean is metaphorized as an exploration of
the feminine psyche beyond the confines of gender, with the goal of freeing herself from the
constraints of patriarchal society [3] (Page 1) Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Adrienne
Rich.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 12 May 2018,

Adrienne Rich in her poem "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" reveals her submission to the patriarchy
in this work. She makes it quite clear in the poem that women face discrimination and
sexism in every sphere. Because of her domineering personality, she is unable to fully
express herself in any artistic medium. (Page 2) Riley, J. E. (2004). A „Sense of drift:‟ Adrienne rich‟s
emergence from mother to poet. In Andrea O‟Reilly, (Ed.) From Motherhood to Mothering: the Legacy of
Adrienne Rich’s of Woman Born (pp. 209-223). New York: State University of New York Press.

Article 02: Diehl-CartographiesSilenceRichs-1980.pdf

In a culture where words are formed and assigned their dominant associations by men,
women, in order to speak at all, must either subvert their own speech by using the
patriarchal tongue or else seek for themselves experiences available only to women-what it
means to be a daughter, the emotions of a lesbian relationship, the process of childbirth
experiences which would then serve to free the woman poet through her choice of subject
from the history of patriarchal associations. Thus, Rich insists upon the authority of, as well
as the necessity for, solely female experience. (Page 5)

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