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NAME: Shawn Dominic T.

Lizada Course/Year/Section: BSN 1-D

1. On your worksheet, write down the common activities that you do every day in a week
reflecting on how you spend your 24 hours.
2. Make a pie by categorizing the following activities (e.g. meals, study, leisure, family,
church activities, relationships, house chores…).
3. Be able to approximately indicate the time spent for each category.


Important Note: To edit data on the pie chart, double click on the pie and click ‘edit data’ on the
top portion of the page. An excel file will pop up and there you can edit/add data for your pie of

Guide Questions:

1. Which activities take up the most/least of your time?

2. Given this schedule, would you consider yourself productive? Why or why not?
3. How can you improve your pie of life to be more productive?

1. I think studying takes up way too less of my time. I admit that I should study more
often and I have to raise the bar for myself as I am taking a difficult course and I am
already in College. I study appropriately, but I hope to improve on that. I hope that I will
study more.
2. I am not productive most of the time. I wake up late, do unnecessary things, and sleep
late. I wish I will be able to be very productive but that starts with making sure that I
change my psychology. I should condition myself to get rest early and wake up early so
that I can be productive early.
3. I should change my ways and be more productive. I should motivate myself and I
usually do that by praying/meditating. I must always remind myself to wake up, pray,
and start my day.

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