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Renzo Gabriel Caballeda

Shawn Dominic Lizada BSN 2-D November 5, 2022

John Lloyd Placido
Let's Assess and Evaluate!

I. Among the environmental issues mentioned in the video, what do you think is applicable
in the Philippines and why?
- The mentioned environmental issues in the video that are applicable to the Philippines
setting is pollution. Considering that we are a 3rd world country in the 4th industrial
revolution, we are striving as we pave our way into the future, however, the means are
destroying our country. Cars are everywhere. Smoke. And countless factories. These all
contribute to pollution which are the root cause of Global Warming resulting to Climate

II. What are the most common environmental issues you observed in your community, and
how was it managed?
- In our community, the most common environmental issues are improper waste disposal
and water pollution. The mentioned environmental issues were managed by the local
government by putting trash bins that are specific for the types of trash like
biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable, which are being collected everyday.
This is to promote waste segregation. And for the issue on water pollution, the local
government is doing their best to clean the coastal area, they are having coastal
clean-ups. They do not encourage people to throw their garbage in the waters, they
have consequences to people who are caught throwing their trash in the waters. Not
only the local government is managing this environmental issue, but there are also
schools and different types of Non-profit organizations who are involved in the coastal

III. What are the most common wastes you have at home?
- At home, the waste we have are single-use plastics from grocery stores and markets.
There are also packaging plastics like wrappers and foil. There are also a lot of tin cans
of canned goods and sodas. These wastes are often soiled and not reusable.

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