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Section 1

^))) Questions 1 -3
Answer the questions below. Choose the correct letter, a, b or c.

Exam ple: How long does the caller wan t to go away for?
a a w eek b a few w eeks 'c a few days

1 W here does the caller w an t to stay?

a in the country c by the beach
b in the city

2 W hat kind of hotel does the caller w ant to stay in?

a a family hotel c a farmhouse
b a spa

3 Which hotel does the caller choose?

a Sparkling Springs c Ocean Waves Resort
b Farmhouse Getaways

Questions 4 -7

Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.

Hotel Reservation Form

N a m e: W illia m French

B illin g A d d re s s:
( 4 ) ...................................................................................................................................
S ta n d m a rc h
N o rfo lk

M o b ile N u m b e r: 07632112254
( 5 ) ...................................................................................................................................

C heck-in D ate: 15th Ju n e

C h e c k-o u t D ate: 19th June

( 6 ) ...................................................................................................................................

P a ym e n t Type: C re d it card

A m o u n t: (7) £ ................................................................................................................................

88 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Practice test

Complete the map below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.


garden centre


Section 2

Questions 1 1 -1 3

Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.
everyday inventions
11 W hich exhibition does the tour guide re co m m e n d ? .............................................................
half an hour
12 How long do the guided tours la s t? .............................................................
ground floor
13 On which floor do the tours s ta rt? .............................................................

Practice tes t
Match the sections of the museum with the age group they are recommended for. Write A-C
next to 1 4 -1 7 .

A young people
B adults
C children

14 shapes and p a tte rn s ............
15 the history of flight ............
16 energy ............
17 exploring physics ............

Questions 1 8 -2 0

Complete the flow chart below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER
for each answer.

How to buy a ticket for an exhibition:



number ticket

Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

Practice test

Section 3

Questions 2 1 - 2 3

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.

Focus of s u rv e y :(21) student's accomodation preferences

Number of questions: 20
Inform ation required in firs t three questions: cost, num ber of rooms and
22 distance from campus
public transport
Topic of additional information: (2 3)..........................................................................

Questions 2 4 - 2 6

Choose THREE letters a -g

Which THREE ways does the tutor suggest Monica and Tom can improve their questionnaire?

a make the questions shorter

b make the questions sim pler
c increase the num ber of questions
d ask more questions about the students' homes
e not to ask so many questions
f ask for m ore explanations
g ask more questions about cost

24 e

25 b

26 f

Questions 2 7 -3 0

Complete the diagram below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.

Choosing Accommodation

Number of roc


( 28 ) bus stop


Distance from campus 54

Practice te s t
Section 4

Complete the summary of the introduction to a lecture on bird migration below. Write NO

look for food

Birds migrate for tw o main reasons: to (3 1)...........................and to breed. When they are
feed their youngIn the spring
breeding they need to move to areas w here they can (3 2)...........................
they m igrate from (33 ) cooler countries in the north. They spend several
warmer climates
months there, flying south again in the w inte r to (3 4 )...........................

^))) Questions 3 5 - 3 7

Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.

spring come earlier

3 5 How has global warm ing affected the arrival of s pring ? ...........................
high temperature
3 6 W hy have birds started to migrate earlie r?..........................
drops dramatically
37 W hat happens to the population of birds that breed la te ?...........................

^))) Questions 3 8 - 4 0

Choose THREE letters A-F

Match each geographical area with a migration pattern.

A migration to warm countries

B clockwise m igration
C long distance migration
D partial migration
E migration to countries w ith long days
F circular migration around entire globe

3 8 the tro p ic s ............
3 9 the Arctic and Antarctic C
4 0 North A m e ric a ............

92 Get Ready for IELTS: Listening

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