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Mata Pelajaran : B.

Tingkat | Jurusan : XII | a:1:{i:0;s:3:"TKJ";}
Pembuat Soal : Rini Meilani,S.Pd.
Satuan Pendidikan

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

1 Anna …. ( not see) the movie “inception” in the emema yet …..
A. Is not seeing C. Diidn’t see E. Hasn’t
B. Doesn’t see D. Have seen
2 My birthday party will be celebrated …..
A. in – at C. in – on E. at – on
B. on – at D. on – in
3 Today the weather ………… cold, but last Monday it.. …… terribly hot.
A. Is, was C. Am, were E. Are, was
B. Am, was D. Are, were
4 Have you ever ….. Him?
A. Been met C. Meet E. Been meeting
B. Met D. Meeting
5 Ira : I met my favorite idol FATIN yesterday Intan : wow ……. It sounds interesting Ira : I was so …..
she was really awesome and…
A. Excited, friendly C. Nervous, amazing E. Happy, beautiful
B. Friendly, excited D. Amazing, nervous
6 We will see you … Saturday
A. At C. Or E. Width
B. In D. On
7 Thank you so much for helping me. I really …….
A. Accept C. Appreciate E. love
B. Agree D. Deserve
8 Ima : “ My I see your dress?” Anisa : “ of course, here it is “ Ima : “ what a nice dress.” Anisa :
A. Thank’s C. Congratulations E. Nevermind
B. I’m sorry D. Not at all
9 I’m tired. I’m ….. to bed now
A. Gone C. Go E. Go on
B. Goes D. Going
10 Mr. and Mrs. Sofyan …. That house in 1988
A. Has bought C. Bought E. Are buying
B. Have bought D. Buy
11 Ikhsan : do you feel like coming to my birthday party next weekend?
A. She declines the invitation C. She doesn’t like the party E. She wants to come to the
B. She approve to come to D. She object to the invitation
the party
12 He ….. in a vocational school
A. Study C. Studies E. Had study
B. Studied D. Is studying
13 It ......... a beautiful day today
A. Am C. Was E. be
B. Are D. Is
14 The teacher tells ...... how to make a letter.
A. We C. They E. Their
B. Us D. I
15 It was very windy. All the flights were…….
A. Cancel C. Has cancelled E. Having cancel
B. Cancelling D. Cancelled
16 Budi is a good person, he always kind to everybody. The synonym of “good” is ….
A. Naughty C. Bad E. Digger
B. Fine D. Nice
17 ……. You met your friend last Saturday?
A. . Did C. Does E. Were
B. Do D. Are
18 The Susanto Jaya company hired nine new employees, some of ….. men.
A. Which is C. Whom were E. Whom are
B. Which are D. Whom is
19 Herman : …. do you wear in shoes? Tian : It’s 40
A. What shape C. ? What material E. What is made of
B. What size D. ? What color
20 This area is not suitable for farming because the soil is not …….
A. Fertile C. Fertility E. Fertilization
B. Fertilized D. Fertilizer
21 My sister is a …….. She often files in board. She has to get training before working in airplane.
A. Secretary C. Chef E. Chefed
B. Typewriter D. Stewardess
22 Son : Dad, may I use your car? Mine is in the garage. Father : It is ok!. I;m not using it. The underlined
words are used to ask for …..
A. Advice C. Agreement E. Possibility
B. Suggestion D. Permission
23 We did not know how …………… him stop drinking
A. Make C. Made E. To make
B. To be made D. Making
24 Please excuse me ………….. you
A. To interrupt C. Interrupt E. Interrupting
B. For interrupting D. Interrupted
25 Do you work …. the evening?
A. a. In C. On E. With
B. At D. Or
26 I …. any parties since I lived in this town
A. Attend C. Has attended E. Am attending
B. Attended D. Have attended
27 They have visited their grandmother …..
A. Several times C. Last week E. Two days ago
B. Today D. Yesterday
28 This is an expression of surprising …
A. Thank you C. I’m fine, thank you E. I’m sorry to hear that
B. I don’t believe that D. I’d love you
29 I’m tired. I’m (go) to bed now.
A. Gone C. Go E. Goo on
B. Goes D. Going
30 Rindi is (stand) between Rani and Andara.
A. Stand up C. Sitting E. Sit down
B. Stands D. Standing

B. Soal Essai

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