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QA analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Section - A ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Section B ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2018-19 (15) .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2017-18 (14) ................................................................................................................................................ 10
2016-17 (13) ................................................................................................................................................ 21
2015-16 (12) ................................................................................................................................................ 42
2014-15 (11) ................................................................................................................................................ 53

QA analysis
Section - A

One full question (Compulsory?) on process synthesis

– Input-output model, assumptions
– Separators, recycle and purge scheme and calculations using yield, selectivity, excess
reactants etc.
– Heating and cooling scheme
– Compression and expansion scheme
One full question from Safety
– One short question
– One HAZOP study
One full question on Cost Estimation
– Estimation of Fixed Capital investment using
• Turnover ratio, table, cost indices, purchased equipment cost
– Cost of Production
• Calculate Variable and Fixed production costs

1. Cost Estimation
• Total production cost = (Variable + Fixed) production cost + Depreciation rate x Fixed
Capital Investment
Example 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6, 6.4, 6.5
excercise- 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10
example- 7.4, 7.5, 7.8 (without location factor part)

2. Safety and Hazard

Ch-2 (Pg-15-27)
Math- exercise: 2-6, 2-15, 2-16, (HAZOP ashbe sure)
Towler: Ch-10 (10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.5, 10.3.1, 10.3.2, 10.3.6, 10.6.3)

Process Safety: Full Slide (specially Hazard Layers of Protection, Risk, Safety, Process
Safety, Occupational Safety, Case study)
Hazard Evaluation:
HAZOP, Fault Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Procedure, Tree, Inherently Safer Design
Timmerhaus: Pg-29-35,
Towler: 10.7, 10.8.1

Safety + Hazard=1 set (35 marks)

BLEVE, VCE, UVCE (ref: slide)

Section B

Chapter 10
Table 10-1, Combating corrosion [ 16-17 ],
Ferrous metals and alloys [ 15-16 , 14-15 , 12-13 ],
Nonferrous metals and alloys [ 12-13 ],
Inorganic nonmetals, Organic nonmetals, Low and High Temperature Materials
Term Final: Factors contributing to corrosion [ 16-17 ],
Factors for selection of materials of construction [ 13-14 ],
Exercise 10-9 [ 15-16 ]

Chapter 12
Basic concepts of fluid transport, Newtonian fluids, Table 12-1,
Example 12-1 [ 16-17 ],
Example 12-3* [ 14-15 ],
Selection of pump s, Figure 12-16, Design procedures for pumps, Figure 12-17, Figure 12-24,
Design procedures for Compressors
Term Final:
Design of piping system [ 15-16 , 12-13 ],
Exercise 12-4 [ 13-14 ],
Example 8-8 [ 15-16 , Coulson & Richardson, Volume 1, Page 370]
Extra: Example 12-2, Exercise 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-5, 12-8, 12-10

Chapter 14
Calculation steps for Double pipe HE [Donald Kern or Slides of Shoeb Sir, Heat 301], Heat
Exchanger Nomenclature [Slides of Shoeb Sir, Heat 301], Key Heat Exchanger types available [
16-17, also available on slides of Shoeb Sir, Heat 301], Gasketed and welded plate + Spiral plate
and tube [ 14-15 , 13-14 ], Compact [ 14-15 ], Example 14-5, Shell and tube exchangers, Kern
method, Bell - Delaware method, Figure 14-46, Figure 14-47, Example 14-6 [ 12-13 , same type]
Term Final: Example 14-2 [ 16-17 ], Topics in a TEMA sheet [ 16-17, Slides of Shoeb Sir],
Factors for
selection of HE [ 12-13 ], Exercise 14-2 [ 13-14 ], 14-10 [ 14-15 ], 14-11 [ 14-15 , for Kern
Method], 14-12
[ 16-17 , 13-14 ]
Extra: Example 14-3, Exercise 14-1

Chapter 15
Table 15-1, Guidelines for the separation process selection, Distillation design procedures for
columns with Sieve trays [Figure 15-1, Establishment of physical equilibria data,
Determination of number of equilibrium stages, Selection of column internals, Figure 15-3,
Diameter evaluation for columns with sieve trays, Figure 15-5, Example 15-2 [16-17, 13-14] ,
Design procedures for trayed columns separatin4rf6g dilute solutes, Example 15-4, Design
procedures for liquid/liquid extraction, General Design Concepts for Separation by Adsorption
[15-16, 14-15, 13-14, procedure], Figure 15-27
Term Final: Table 15-8 [ 14-15 ], Exercise 15-1 [ 14-15 ], Example 15-2. A distillation column is
separating a feed that is 50 mol% n-hexane and 50 mol% n-heptane……. [ 15-16 , 12-13 , Lubna
mam’s note]
Extra: Example 15-5, Exercise 15-3 [using equation 15.9], Exercise 15-5
2018-19 (15)
1(a) slide: Process Flowsheet development

1(b) similar to the example from the slide: Process Flowsheet development

2(a) Similar to Example 2.3 (slide: Cost Estimation)

2(b) **Depreciation needs to be added.**

3(a) Slide: Cost estimation, page: 20
3 (b) from Slide: Break-even analysis for optimum production


4 (b)

3 study nodes: 1. Cooling water line, 2. Stirring motor, 3. Cooling water temp

*Hazop table*



5(c) slide: Materials selection and Equipment Design, page: 19-30



6(a) 2015-16, 7(a)





2017-18 (14)
1. similar to the example from the slide: Process Flowsheet development

2(a) Cost indices and cost curve method. Ref: slide: Cost Estimation

2(b) slide: Cost Estimation, (i) page: 43, (ii) page: 34, (iii) practice slide problems




3(d) *lame* ref: slide: Chemical Process Safety

4(a) ref: slide: General Design Considerations, page: 8

5(a) slide: Materials selection and Equipment Design, page: 15 – 32



The aim of distillation is to take a liquid mixture and separate it into two or more streams which
have compositions different to the feed stream. In a basic distillation column, a feed stream
in the middle of the column and two streams leave, one at the top and on at the bottom.
with lower boiling points are concentrated in the stream leaving the top while components with
higher boiling points are concentrated in the stream leaving the bottom. Separation is
accomplished by controlling the column temperature and pressure profiles to exploit contrasts in
the relative volatility of the mixture components and in this way the tendency to change phase.
The lighter, lower boiling point component evaporates and travel up the column to form the top
product and the heavier, higher boiling point components consolidate and venturing out down the
column to form the bottom this problem, we are given the percent of propane in the
distillate product and n-butane in the bottoms product which is 98.4 and 98.2, respectively. It is
also stated that the reflux ratio is given to be 1.5 and the quality of the feed is 66 percent
It requires to calculate for the minimum number of stages, the minimum reflux, and the number
of theoretical stages. Shown a diagram in below figure for distillation
2016-17 (13)

1(b) ref slide: General Design Considerations, page: 26 – 27

2(a) similar math:

2(b) similar math:



Parameters Deviation Possible Causes Consequences Action Required

1.(i) Install Pressure and

temperature controller
for the flash drum V-40

(ii) Check the pressure

1. Lower Feed of the steam supplied for
temperature passing 1. Higher Liquid level in heating the feed
Pressure Less through FCV the flash drum V-40

2.Lower vapour 2.Install pressure

2. Leakage in flash recovered at the top of indicator in the flash
Pressure Less drum the flash drum drum

3.(i) Install the flow

meter like orificemeter in
the feed line to
continously monitor the
3.Lower flow rate of flow.
the feed because of 3.Less vapour will be
the possible plugging formed and thus less (ii) Update filter and
or chocking of feed product will be maintainence procedure
Pressure Less line recovered

1. Install Pressure and

1. Higher feed temperature controller
Pressure More temperature 1. Lower liquid level for the drum

2.Blockage in vapour 1. Risk of drum V-40

Pressure More stream explosion 1. Install Pressure alarm

1. No separation occurs
1.Blockage in inlet or separation may not be
Level Less feed line upto desired level 1.Install low level alarm

2.No separation may 2.Install temperature

occur.Also the valve controller at the feed
Less 2.Inlet stream too hot FCV7 may damage stream

1.Install temperature
1.Inlet feed stream controller at the feed
More too cold 1.No separation occurs stream

2.Blockage in vapour
More stream 2.Risk of drum explosion 2.Install pressure alarm
5(a) slide: Materials selection and Equipment Design, page: 10 – 13


7(a) different cost of power
8(a) Quantity of component ther than propylene & propane to too small, thus they will not affect
the calculation.

FUG method for stage calculation
Nm 103.7315 103.7315 103.7315 103.7315 103.7315 103.7315 103.7315 103.7315 103.7315 10

Rm 0.352676 0.352676 0.352676 0.352676 0.352676 0.352676 0.352676 0.352676 0.352676 0.3

R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

X 0.323662 0.549108 0.661831 0.729465 0.774554 0.806761 0.830916 0.849703 0.864732 0.8

Y 0.363684 0.220638 0.159429 0.125014 0.102882 0.087431 0.076026 0.067259 0.060308 0.0

N 163.5903 133.381 123.5957 118.6951 115.7422 113.7656 112.349 111.2836 110.453 10

(X ^ 0.5 not X * 0.5)

As we can see incresing the reflux ratio will not change the number of stages significantly. More
reflux ratio means more load on column, thus optimize reflux ratio will be 9.


Reflux ratio = 9
Number of stages = 110

2015-16 (12)
1(a) (b) ref: slide: Cost Estimation

1(c) similar math:


Cost scaling factor according to size= size of the reactor^0.6, this is six tenth rule of scaling.

Cost of jacketed reactor in 1991 with size 0.2 m^3 =$10000.

Cost index of 1996 and 1991 are 382 and 361 respectively. Sizes are 1.2 m^3 and 0.2 m^3

Cost of reactor at 1996 = (size of reactor in 1996/ size of reactor)^0.6*(cost index of 1996/ cost
index of 1991)* Cost of jacketed reactor in 1991 with size 0.2 m^3 =$31006.08343


As per the given data and parameters asked, the net heat transfer in the heat exchanger can be
calculated with the help of overall heat transfer coefficient and area and the logarithmic mean
temp difference.

The elucidation has been shown.

The ratio of heat transfer capacity and the heat transfer from the heat exchanger can be used to
obtain the time cycle required.


3(b) slide


4(a) slide




6(d) slide: Materials selection and Equipment Design, page: 15-30

8(b) similar problem:


Data provided

Distance of condenser from pond i. e Static head = 10 m

Pipe length ( L ) = 200 m

Diameter of pipe ( d) = 75 mm = 0.075 m

C/S area of pipe ( A) = 3.14 * 0.0752 / 4 = 4.415 * 10-3 m2

Head loss in condenser ( hc ) = 8 * velocity head ( hv )
friction factor ( f ) = 0.003

Pupmp efficiency ( ) = 50 %

Now total head developed can be given as

Total head developed = static head + Head loss in condenser + head loss due to friction

h = 10 m + hc + hf
Head loss in condenser ( hc )= 8 * hv = 8 * u2 / 2g

u = velocity m/s

g = gravitaional acceleration = 9.81 m /s2

Head loss in condenser ( hc )= 8 * u2 / 2 * 9.81 = 0.4077 u2

The intersection of pump curve and system curve gives

Flow rate ( Q ) = 0.0058 m3/s


Head developed from equation 2

h = 10 + 104539.12 Q2 = 10 + 104539.12 ( 0.0058 m3/s ) 2 = 13.52 m

Now power required is given as
P=(Q* h* *g)/


=density of water = 1000 kg / m3

putting all values

P = ( 0.0058 m3/s * 13.52 m * 1000 kg /m3 * 9.81 m/ s2 ) / 0.5 = 1538 W = 1.538 kW

2014-15 (11)
1(a) book


3(a) 2015-16 (12), 1(c)

3(b) 2016-17 (13), 2(a)



5(a) slide: Materials selection and Equipment Design, page: 15-30

5(b) similar problem:


6(b) or the above design , I am analysing design calculations using HTRI tool.

Here cooling water flowrate initially estimated by use of Q=VA formula. but there is some
discrepency came due to fully developed flow calculations in software.

Q=VA=2*0.000217*160/2= 0.0315 cu.m ; m = density x Q = 0.0315/2*1000 =31.5 kg/s .

But as of software required flow rate is 34.5 kg/s. HTRI using advanced calculations for accurate
results. So I am going with HTRI Values.

Now i am analysing result given by the software for design verfication.

All the temperature , flow rate , pressure , pressure drop limit , Geometry details of cooling water
and distilled water are entered correctly in software (Highlighted in images for your easy

Here fouling factors are used as fouling resistance. Values given on problem is thermal
conductivity. Fouling resistance is inverse of thermal conductivity. So inverse of values given in
problem are used for calculation.

As of design analysis over design value is greater that zero (1st image). Which means actual heat
transfer coefficient is greater than required heat transfer coefficient. So it means that available
area is enough for achieving required process conditions at given process conditions and

And mainly actual calculated pressure drop is less than that given pressure drop limit. So that
criteria also achieved, So by use of given gerometry we can achieve given process conditions.

So geometry enough. Design accepted.

In attachements units are in SI units.
Refer attachments for more details.

8(a) 2017-18, 8



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