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Task e: Using organizational structure you institute and conduct an interview with experienced

managers in your organization, categorize each manager in your organization into three level
management levels and evaluate their managerial skills. Your evaluation should be as comprehensive
as possible (indicate levels, strengths, and weaknesses and give relevant suggestions for improvement.)

Common Types of Organizational structures:

1. Functional Structure –It is the type of organizational structure that divides the firm into
departments according to skills and responsibilities prescribed by the organization, such as sales,
marketing, operations, etc.
2. Hierarchical structure – It is a pyramid-shaped type of organizational structure in which the
chain of command comes from the top –down.
3. Horizontal or flat structure – This type of structure fits start-ups business/companies as it only
includes a few levels, such as upper-level management and staff-level employees.

Management Levels:

1. Administrative, Managerial, or Top Level of Management – An organization's ultimate power

and authority source. They are the one that oversees the policies and goals of the
2. Executive or Middle Level of Management – this level focuses more on each respective
department. One of their roles is executing the plans laid down by the top management in each
of their departments.
3. Supervisory, Operative, or Lower Level of Management – this level consists of supervisors and
officers. They are the ones concerned with the execution and coordination of day-to-day tasks
to ensure meeting the organizational goal.

Managerial Skills:

1. Conceptual: Ability to solve long-term problems. (problem-solving, Critical thinking)

2. Human Relations: Ability to work effectively, lead and assure harmonious interpersonal relations
within the organization.
3. Technical: Ability to use tools, apply specialized knowledge and manage processes and

1. Joannares P. (CEO of Joannares Social)

- Joannares social is a small and starting marketing agency. It only consists of 5
employees and each has a specific role in an organization. Such as Content
Creation, Operations, and Marketing strategy.
- The content creation department consists of 2 employees one is specialized in
graphics design and one is in copywriting. Operations consist of 2 employees as

CEO / Marketing Strategist

1. Joanne – Marketing Strategist/ Focuses more on client relationships and

creating strategies.

Content Creation Team:

1. Portia – Graphics Design

2. Kaye – Copywriting, content scheduling, and content analysis.

Operations Team:

1. Dee – Operations manager and click-up specialist (Click-up is a system used

for a more organized flow of work tasks within the agency)
2. Rome- Focuses more on social media engagement and customer relations.

Joannares Social – belongs to the flat organization. Because it only has 1 upper level and the rest are
staff level.

Joanne P. – Is on the Top level of management as she is the one creating strategy for all clients which
will be implemented by the next different teams. Since she is only starting he acquires 2 managerial
skills such as conceptual, and human relations.

Portia – She belongs to lower-level management as she only performs task given by the upper
management. She has Technical skill as she uses specific apps and websites in her designs.

Kaye – Belongs To lower management as well and has the managerial skill of conceptual as she
conceptualizes captions and content strategy for the clients.

Dee – belongs to middle management as she oversees the task and roles of everyone in the organization
and reports to the upper management. She is responsible for making sure everyone meets the deadline.
She has managerial skills of Human relations and technical skills since she specializes in a system used by
the organization.

Rome: Belongs to lower-level management as she performs duties/ task laid by the operations manager
in a day-to-day basis.

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