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Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea.

Cuba and its neighbors form the

Greater Antilles, a chain of islands created millions of years ago when two of
Earth's tectonic plates collided.

Cuba is a long and narrow island. It stretches 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) from
east to west, but is only 60 miles (100 kilometers) wide in most places.

High mountains and rolling hills cover about one-third of Cuba. The other two-
thirds of the island are lowland plains used mainly for farming.

Topic – Cuba’s Landscape

Main Idea – Cuba is a very large island


It doesn’t have to be April 1 for this bear to fool someone! Invented by the Florida
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, “Robo Bear” looks and acts like a
300-pound bear, twitching its tail and moving its head. But law enforcement
officers are hiding in the bushes, operating the bear by remote control. “Robo Bear
looks so real that one guy even took pictures of it,” said wildlife officer Donald
Topic – Robo Bear

Main Idea – Robo Bear is a robot that is invented to look exactly like a real bear

Scientists don’t know why some lost pets are able to find their way back home
over great distances. Although there are many theories—looking for familiar
landmarks, using a keen sense of smell—no one knows for sure how they do it.
Sampson doesn’t care how Skittles made it home—she’s just glad he’s back. And
she’s noticed only one difference since his return. “When Skittles goes outside,”
she says, “he doesn’t go much past the porch.”

Topic – How does pets find their way home

Main Idea – Scientists say that pets find their way home using their great sense of

Earth’s veil of atmosphere not only provides the right mix of breathable air for
animals and plants, it also acts as a sort of force field against solar radiation and
deadly space debris. As much as 22,000,000 pounds (10,000,000 kilograms) of
meteors burn harmlessly in the Earth’s atmosphere each day. The solar system’s
other planets are typically too hot or too cold to support liquid water, but Earth is
just right. Life began more than 3.5 billion years ago in our oceans, which cover
nearly 70 percent of the planet’s surface and are a source of the water vapor
responsible for our weather. And before you get eager to blast off and explore the
rest of the solar system.

Topic: the reason why earth has living things

Main idea: about how earth has living thing


A manatee glides through clear, warm spring water in Florida. A grizzly

bear catches a juicy trout in Yellowstone National Park. A bald eaglesoars near the
U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. A little over 50 years ago, these species were
among the first group of animals that received protection from the federal (or
national) government in the United States. Once nearly extinct, all three species
bounced back thanks to a law called the Endangered Species Act.

Topic – endangered animals

Main Idea – The three species of endangered animals were nearly dead but
survived due to the help of the USA government

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