Lpa Audit Checklist

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Audit Checklist

The Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program is the Australian livestock industry’s on-farm food safety,
animal welfare and biosecurity program. It meets the stringent requirements of our export markets, Cost?
providing an assurance of the safety of red meat grown on Australian farms. There is no additional
charge to the producer;
the cost of initial on-farm
What does it mean for me? More information about remote audits is At the conclusion of the audit, you are
auditing is covered by the
When producers become LPA-accredited, available on the ISC website. provided with an LPA site audit summary.
LPA accreditation fee. However, should
they are promising to meet LPA’s requirements This could outline any further actions required
the first audit reveal LPA requirements
and fulfil their responsibility in the production Who does the audits? and agreed timeframes.
are not being met, subsequent audits
of safe and ethical red meat. On-farm audits Qualified auditors from AUS-MEAT visit LPA- may be charged.
are conducted each year to ensure farm accredited farms and conduct the on-farm How can I prepare for an audit?
management systems are complying with audits for the LPA program. The process is Producers selected for an audit will receive Time?
the LPA Rules and Standards. overseen by the Integrity Systems Company. an LPA Audit Notification Pack, including an On average 2-4 hours,
audit checklist. Reviewing on-farm practices although on the size of the
Who gets audited? What does an on-farm audit involve? against the checklist will identify any areas that operation and the producer’s
All LPA accredited producers – from large may need attention before the audit. The more management systems
If selected for an on-farm audit, producers
scale operators to hobby farmers – may be preparation that is done before the audit, the and understanding of LPA.
receive an LPA Audit Notification Pack with
audited. Audits are selected at random from smoother the process is likely to be.
information to help them prepare for audit.
the database of all LPA accredited producers,
They are then contacted by an auditor to
including producers with just a few livestock. Can the auditor provide advice?
organise a mutually convenient time for the
Approximately 2,000 random audits are
auditor to visit the farm and carry out the audit. No. The auditor is not able to provide specific also allow property risk assessments and farm
conducted each year.
advice to producers they have audited, biosecurity plans to be completed entirely online
What happens during an audit? however they may be able to provide guidance rather than on a printed template. A step-by-step
What is involved in a remote audit? guide to creating and uploading documents on
as to where to obtain assistance or advice.
Some producers may now be selected to On the day, the auditor will check how records your LPA account is available on the ISC website.
participate in a remote LPA audit. If selected are maintained and assess on-farm practices
for compliance with the LPA Rules and
How do I provide the records Alternately, some producers find that keeping
to complete an audit remotely, the producer required for the audit?
Standards. The auditor may accompany the clear notes in a diary works well. Others use
must upload the required documents to the
producer on an inspection of property facilities There is no perfect formula to record keeping. customised hardcopy record books, computer
‘Audit records’ page of the nominated LPA
relating to on-farm practices. Parts of the farm The LPA record keeping templates are used spreadsheets, or keep their records within their
account two days before the scheduled date
that have been identified as contaminated by many producers and include all details that farm management software programs.
of audit, before notifying the auditor of the
submission via phone or email. The auditor will with persistent chemicals may also be must be recorded. All documents may now be Regardless of the method, it is important that all
then arrange a time with the producer to review visited to review the management systems uploaded to the producer’s LPA account for relevant management activities are accurately
the documentation to complete the audit. implemented at these locations. safe storage. Updates to the LPA website now and clearly recorded for the auditor to review.

Page 1 Integrity Systems Company is a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia | March 2021 lpa@integritysystems.com.au www.integritysystems.com.au/lpa 1800 683 111
LPA Audit Checklist
What happens if any issues are
identified during the audit? Element 1 Property risk assessment Element 2 Safe and responsible
If the issue is minor, the auditor may record an It’s your responsibility to minimise the risk of livestock being exposed
animal treatments
‘observation’ which means that the producer to sites that are unacceptably contaminated with persistent chemicals
should consider taking action to improve the It’s your responsibility to make sure that livestock you sell for
or physical contaminants. human consumption do not contain unacceptable chemical
relevant practice. If the issue is more significant,
the auditor may raise a ‘corrective action request’ residues or physical hazards.
What’s required?
which means that the producer needs to do
■ All potentially contaminated sites are identified. What’s required?
something to ensure compliance with LPA
requirements, and this action will be followed up. ■ All identified sites are managed to restrict livestock ■ Animal treatments are administered only by trained
access to prevent exposure and contamination. and/or competent staff in accordance with label directions
How long does a producer have ■ Potentially exposed animals are identified and managed and/or vet advice.
to rectify an issue? to minimise risk of contamination of livestock intended ■ Chemicals are stored securely in accordance with
for human consumption. label/manufacturer’s directions.
If a ‘corrective action request’ is raised,
the auditor and the producer will agree to the
The proof you’ll need: Sufficient records are maintained to:
necessary activities that need to be undertaken
to rectify the problem, and a timeframe for A map highlighting potentially contaminated sites 1. Enable treated livestock to be traced
completion (usually a period of 30 days). or sources of contamination on your property. (from birth/introduction through to dispatch)
Any soil residue and animal fat test results 2. Demonstrate the correct/controlled use of chemicals.
What happens if the results of Identification and management of animals that may have
the audit show serious problems? The proof you’ll need:
been exposed to contaminated sites or physical contaminants.
The results of an audit determine what steps A recent Property Residue Status report from the Ability to demonstrate competency in the storage, use and
need to be taken. Producers can seek help relevant department of primary industries or agriculture. disposal of chemicals. Completion of a recognised chemical
to change their practices, where required. user’s course (e.g. ChemCert, SMARTtrain, etc) is the easiest
Records for animals that may have been exposed way to do this.
Failure to address problems identified may to persistent chemicals or physical contaminants.
lead to a producer losing their accreditation. Records of animal treatments and physical contamination.
Where a critical issue is identified, producers A letter of clearance from your state authority
for any exposed animals. A copy of the latest With Holding Period (WHP)
can be suspended immediately. and Export Slaughter Intervals (ESI) (available from
Copies of NVDs for any exposed animals that apvma.gov.au/residues).
Can an auditor withdraw have been sold or transferred.
A note of animals that may have been purchased while
my LPA accreditation? All of the above must be collated into a single still within a WHP/ESI.
No. An auditor reports outcomes to the Integrity risk assessment document.
Written authorisation and directions for any off-label use
Systems Company, which will review any issues of chemicals or drugs.
Completing your property risk assessment online:
and can withdraw LPA accreditation.
Updates to the LPA website now allow property risk assessments to Demonstration of the equipment used and of storage methods.
be completed entirely online rather than on a printed template. Log in No ‘expired’ chemicals or veterinary drugs are kept.
Can producers decline to be audited?
to your LPA account to complete your property risk assessment online. Demonstrate understanding of WHP and ESI requirements.
No. It is a condition of accreditation that
LPA producers agree to participate in the audit For help completing your digital property risk assessment, visit the ISC
process. Refusal to participate may result in website to access ISC’s detailed step-by-step guide to creating and
LPA accreditation being withdrawn. uploading documents to your LPA account.

Page 2 Integrity Systems Company is a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia | March 2021 lpa@integritysystems.com.au www.integritysystems.com.au/lpa 1800 683 111
LPA Audit Checklist
Element 3 Stock foods, fodder crops, Element 4 Preparation for dispatch of livestock
grains and pasture treatments It’s your responsibility to make sure that livestock to be transported are fit for the journey,
It’s your responsibility to make sure that your livestock are not exposed to feeds are not unduly stressed and the likelihood of contamination is minimised when penned
containing animal products or unacceptable chemical residues. on farm and transported to the destination.

What’s required? The proof you’ll need:

What’s required? The proof you’ll need:
■ Only animals that are in a condition Copies of all NVDs and
■ Agricultural chemicals are applied to Ability to demonstrate competency
for travel are selected. transport records.
fodder crops, grain and pasture only in the storage, use and disposal
by trained or competent staff and in of chemicals. Completion of a ■ On-farm assembly and transport are Transport operation name and
accordance with label directions and/or recognised chemical user’s course managed to minimise the risk of stress registration details.
relevant approvals in accordance with (e.g. ChemCert, SMARTtrain, etc) and contamination of animals. Date and time of yarding and
relevant legal requirements. is the easiest way to do this. ■ As well as ensuring bobby calves truck departure.
■ Chemicals are stored securely in Records of any chemicals used on are fit and well for transport, you must Records of feedback/complaints
accordance with label/manufacturer fodder crops, grain and pasture. also document that all bobby calves from processors or purchasers.
directions. dispatched are:
A Commodity Vendor Declaration Demonstration of any actions taken
■ Exposure of animals to fodder crops, for introduced/purchased feed. 1. Between 5 and 30 days of age in response to feedback/complaints.
grain and pasture and introduced Origin of purchased feedstuff 2. Protected from cold and heat A note of animals that may have been
stock feed that has been treated (i.e. an invoice). 3. In good health, alert and able exposed to physical contaminants such
is managed to minimise risk of to rise from a lying position as broken needles, buckshot or wire.
unacceptable chemical residues Identification of animals fed
or grazed on purchased feeds, 4. Adequately fed milk or milk
in livestock for human consumption.
treated crops or pastures. replacer on the farm within
■ Exposure of animals to stock 6 hours of transport
feed is managed to eliminate risk A copy of the latest WHP available
from APVMA at portal.apvma.gov.au/ 5. Prepared and transported to
of animal products being fed to
pubcris. ensure delivery in less then
ruminant livestock, other than
18 hours from last feed with
approved exemptions. Chemical approvals if required.
no more than 12 hours spent
Documentation of all off-label use on transport.
Sufficient records are maintained to: (from a vet or APVMA).
1. Trace the status of exposed livestock Farm map or list of treated areas.
2. Trace the status of fodder crops, Stock feed test analysis (if conducted).
grain and pasture, and introduced stock
feed intended to be fed to livestock
(specifically WHP/ESI from slaughter
or grazing/harvest as applicable)
3. Demonstrate the correct/controlled
use of chemical.

Page 3 Integrity Systems Company is a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia | March 2021 lpa@integritysystems.com.au www.integritysystems.com.au/lpa 1800 683 111
LPA Audit Checklist
Element 5 Livestock transactions and movement Element 6 Biosecurity
It’s your responsibility to make sure that any purchaser of your livestock can assess the It’s your responsibility to implement systems that minimise the risk of introducing and spreading
chemical residue or food safety status of the animals, that you can do the same for the infectious diseases onto livestock production properties.
livestock you buy, and the movement of all livestock can be traced. Equally, it is important
that when purchasing livestock from other producers that you ensure that the livestock What’s required? Copies of Livestock Health Statements/
are sourced from an LPA accredited PIC. This requirement also includes ensuring PICs Declarations (or equivalent) for
■ Each Property Identification Code (PIC)
are LPA accredited when placing livestock on agistment. Incoming livestock.
must have a Farm Biosecurity Plan
that covers each of the following as Evidence that you have inspected
What’s required? The proof you’ll need: a minimum: the introduced livestock for signs of ill
A current, correctly completed LPA NVD Ensure that all movements of any health or disease on arrival and keep
■ a. Manage and record the
accompanies all livestock transactions livestock onto your PIC are updated introduced livestock in isolation for a
introduction and movement
and movements including between to the NLIS Database in accordance minimum period of time.
of livestock in a way that
properties with different Property with regulatory requirements. minimises the risk of introducing Evidence that livestock are inspected
Identification Codes (PICs). Records of purchases, sales or spreading infectious disease; regularly for ill health and/or disease
and movements. and appropriate action is taken in
Sufficient records are maintained to: b. Where reasonable and practical,
response, where necessary.
Copies of LPA NVDs (checked control people, equipment and
1. Ensure the declarations on the for accuracy and compared to vehicles entering the property to Boundary fences that are in good
LPA NVD concerning the food safety treatment records to ensure minimise the potential for property condition, including external gates
status of livestock both coming to and compliance with WHP/ ESI). contamination and, if possible, that are kept closed.
leaving the property can be reconciled keep a record of such movements Contact details for your local veterinary
with the livestock traceability system LPA NVD serial number for livestock
purchases and/or introduced livestock, onto the property; and practitioner or animal health officer.
adopted on farm.
sales and property to property c. Prevent and control animal Where reasonable and practical,
transfers (only when properties diseases on farm by regularly records of people and vehicles entering
have different PICs). monitoring and managing your property, including the date of the
livestock health. visit and their contact details.
Vendor’s name, address and PIC.
A note of animals that may have been Sufficient records are maintained to: Completing your farm biosecurity
purchased while still within a WHP/ESI. plan online:
1. Aid in tracing the origin of any new
A note of animals that may have been livestock disease or illness detected Updates to the LPA website now allow
exposed to physical contaminants such on your PIC farm biosecurity plans to be completed
as broken needles, buckshot or wire. entirely online rather than on a printed
2. Trace visiting people, vehicles and/
or equipment that may have had template. Log in to your LPA account to
contact with infectious livestock complete your farm biosecurity plan online.
while on your PIC. For help completing your digital farm
biosecurity plan, visit the ISC website to
The proof you’ll need: access ISC’s detailed step-by-step guide
A copy of your Farm Biosecurity to creating and uploading documents to
Plan (both digital or paper versions your LPA account.
are accepted).

Page 4 Integrity Systems Company is a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia | March 2021 lpa@integritysystems.com.au www.integritysystems.com.au/lpa 1800 683 111
LPA Audit Checklist
Element 7 Animal welfare
It’s your responsibility to have on-farm systems in place to ensure the management
and handling of livestock on your PIC is consistent with the requirements of the
Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for cattle, sheep and goats.

What’s required? The proof you’ll need:

■ You have on hand a copy of the current A copy of the current version of the
version of the Australian Animal Australian Animal Welfare Standards
Welfare Standards and Guidelines and Guidelines for cattle, sheep and/
for cattle, sheep and/or goats, as or goats (as applicable), or know where
applicable to your operation. This can to go to access the latest version.
be downloaded from A certificate of completion or other
integritysystems.com.au/welfare evidence showing that your PIC
(see the Tools and Resources section) representative or the person
and must be accessible as a ready responsible for the management
reference for you and your livestock of livestock on your PIC has been
handlers. appropriately trained in the content
■ The PIC representative or person of the Standards and Guidelines
responsible for the management of (e.g. through LPA learning).
livestock has successfully completed Records to demonstrate
training in relation to these Standards when staff involved in animal
and Guidelines through the LPA husbandry have been trained,
Learning tool or equivalent training. consistent with the contents of
■ Staff involved in animal husbandry the Standards and Guidelines.
are familiar with the content of the
Standards and Guidelines for cattle,
sheep and/or goats (as applicable).

Sufficient records are maintained to:

1. Demonstrate that your PIC
representative or the person
has been appropriately trained in
the content of the Standards and
Guidelines (e.g. through LPA learning)
2. Demonstrate that your staff have
been trained in line with the
Standards and Guidelines.

Page 5 Integrity Systems Company is a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia | March 2021 lpa@integritysystems.com.au www.integritysystems.com.au/lpa 1800 683 111
LPA Audit Checklist
LPA Audit Preparation Notes

Element 1 On-farm risk assessment

Element 2 Safe and responsible animal treatments

Page 6 Integrity Systems Company is a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia | March 2021 lpa@integritysystems.com.au www.integritysystems.com.au/lpa 1800 683 111
LPA Audit Checklist
LPA Audit Preparation Notes

Element 3 Fodder crop, grain and pasture treatments and stock foods

Element 4 Preparation for dispatch of live

Page 7 Integrity Systems Company is a subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia | March 2021 lpa@integritysystems.com.au www.integritysystems.com.au/lpa 1800 683 111
LPA Audit Checklist
LPA Audit Preparation Notes

Element 5 Livestock transactions and movements

Element 6 Biosecurity

Element 7 Animal welfare

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