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Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

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Shell concentration dynamics driven by wave motion in flume

experiments: Insights for coquina facies from lake-margin settings
Cristiano Fick a,⁎, Elírio Ernestino Toldo Jr a,b
, Eduardo Puhl c
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências: Marine Geology, PPGGEO/IGEO, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Ave. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Centro de Estudos de Geologia Marinha e Costeira, CECO/IGEO, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Ave. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Porto Alegre, Brazil
Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IPH - UFRGS), Ave. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Porto Alegre, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coquinas are important carbonate oil reservoirs in the sin-rift sequence of the Brazilian marginal basins, mainly in
Received 24 April 2018 Campos and Santos basins. They are generated from shell accumulations in lake-margin environments in which
Received in revised form 30 July 2018 waves and bottom currents, at storm conditions, were the main hydrodynamic agents of transport and
Accepted 1 August 2018
reworking. In order to investigate the role of wave transformation processes in shallow waters – swash, breaking
Available online 4 August 2018
and wave shoaling – in shell concentrations, a physical modelling of the coastal environment was performed in
Editor: Dr. B. Jones laboratory. The experimental setup consisted of a 2D flume, a wave generator, and a sedimentary bottom com-
posed by quartz sand and shells (bivalves, gastropods, and fragments). An underwater camera, wave gauges
Keywords: and an ADV were used to record the sedimentary processes and to perform a quantitative analysis of the hydro-
Shell accumulation dynamics dynamics. The experimental scenario reproduced a rift-lake margin. A coastal sector of Lake Tanganyika,
Lake-margin coquina facies Tanzania, Africa, was used to set the model boundary conditions (in a 1/20 scale) as well as the coastal gradient
Wave transformation processes and wave conditions. From 54 h of wave experiments which alternated from fair-weather to storm wave condi-
Wave flume experiments tions, three shell concentration dynamics were observed: reworking, winnowing, and dynamic bypassing. The
Shell orientation
reworking (erosion) was characterized by traction, rolling, and saltation of bioclasts, together with the traction
and suspension of sand. The occurrence of the latter was restricted to the breaking and swash zone in both
fair-weather and storm conditions. The winnowing (erosion) was featured by sand suspension and the gentle
traction and rotation of the bioclasts on the bottom. The winnowing occurred at the proximal area of the shoaling
zone, just behind the first wave-breaking point in storm wave conditions. The dynamic bypassing (omission) was
identified by the ripples migration over static shells on the bottom of the distal shoaling zone, which produced
alternated burial and exhumation of bioclasts. The quantitative analysis of the oscillatory flow indicated higher
velocities at the breaking zone (reworking domain) than at the shoaling zone (winnowing domain) mainly dur-
ing storm conditions. This study provided new and more accurate insights to depositional models of lake-margin
coquinas, suggesting that each wave transformation process control a specific dynamic of shell concentration.
Also, the limit between the breaking zone and the shoaling zone in storm conditions (1st wave-breaking
point), was identified as a better criterion to bound the reworking domain, where fragmented coquinas are
produced, from the winnowing and dynamic bypassing domains, where non-fragmented coquinas occur, in
contrast to the fair-weather wave base criterion.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2015). In the Pre-Salt sequence of Campos Basin, Brazil (Coqueiros

Formation - Early Cretaceous), the coquina packages are composed by
Coquina is a generic term used to denote sedimentary rocks consti- rudstones, grainstones and packstones, which mainly consist of bivalve
tuted by the skeletal grains generated from dense fossil hardpart and gastropods shells and that sometimes show mechanical reworking
concentrations in subaqueous environments. Some continental margin and a siliciclastic matrix (Bertani and Carozzi, 1985; Dias et al., 1988;
basins of Brazil (Campos and Santos) and West Africa (Congo and Abrahão and Warme, 1990; Carvalho et al., 2000; Terra et al., 2010;
Cabinda) have coquina packages that are hundreds of meters thick, Muniz, 2013).
which represent important hydrocarbon reservoirs (Thompson et al., The depositional models for the Pre-Salt (sin-rift/non marine)
sequence of Campos Basin suggest that large shell concentrations
⁎ Corresponding author.
were mainly deposited in ramp-type (or platform) lake margins
E-mail addresses: (C. Fick), (E.E. Toldo), under the action of storm waves and currents, in which the matrix (E. Puhl). winnowing and the bioclast reworking were the dominant dynamics
0037-0738/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 99

of the skeletal grain concentrations (Bertani and Carozzi, 1985; Dias (Fig. 1A), the sedimentological concentrations are typical from the
et al., 1988; Abrahão and Warme, 1990; Carvalho et al., 2000; Muniz, shoreline to the storm wave base (from the backshore/foreshore to
2013). In a tectonic context, that ancient rift-lake environment was sim- the inferior shoreface), while the biogenic accumulations are dominant
ilar to the great modern lakes of East Africa – Lake Tanganyika and Lake in back-barrier lagoons and in areas deeper than the storm wave base
Malawi –, which are considered as good analogues in terms of morphol- (offshore).
ogy and hydraulic process (Thompson et al., 2015), despite the fact that Focusing in the sedimentologic concentrations of shells, Kidwell
these lakes do not currently have thick shell concentrations. (1986) presented a heuristic model (R-Sediment) of dynamics and
Studies on coquina analogues, either in modern coastal shell types of shell beds based on the rates of net sedimentation (non-
deposits or in outcrops of ancient carbonate rocks, have improved the bioclastic sediment) from field observations (Fig. 1B). In this model,
understanding of bioclastic accumulation processes. From the results five ways of representing bioclastic concentrations were established by
of Jahnert et al. (2012), who studied the Holocene coquina barrier of separating them into two erosive dynamics, in which the rate of net sed-
Shark Bay, Australia, the authors suggested that large shell deposits on imentation is negative, and three omissive dynamics, when the rate of
backshore zones are generated in periods of strong storms and surges net sedimentation is zero. The erosive dynamics are: (I) winnowing,
with concomitant base level fall, in addition to great supply of mollusc which is characterized by the selective removal of the fine matrix; and
skeletons in the environment. Furthermore, outcrop analyses made by (II) reworking, which results from shell sorting from the matrix. On the
Tavares et al. (2015) and Chinelatto et al. (2018) in the Morro do Chaves other hand, the omissive dynamics are: (III) total passing, in which the
Formation, a Barremian-Aptian coquina package, have pointed out that suspended sediment remains in the water column; (IV) dynamic
fragmented coquinas are deposited in high-energy conditions above the bypassing, which is characterized by the bedform migration; and
fair-weather wave base (FWWB) and non-fragmented coquinas with (V) sediment starvation, which is when the sediment supply is absent.
fine matrix are accumulated in low-energy conditions between the In addition to these zero and negative R-sediment dynamics, other
FWWB and the storm wave base (SWB). pivotal factor to generate shell beds is the positive R-hardpart, that is,
Dynamics and types of shell concentrations in subaqueous environ- the input of skeletons in the system. Regarding the environmental con-
ments were studied and classified by Kidwell (1986) and Kidwell et al. trols, this author suggested that the erosive dynamics are more linked
(1986) into three types: sedimentologic, biogenic, and diagenetic. to high-energy environments such as shorelines and offshore bars, and
Sedimentologic concentrations (allochthonous/parautochthonous) the omissive dynamics linked to low-energy shorelines and distal
result from hydraulic processes of accumulation in which the shells deposits.
represent the sedimentary particles and the non-bioclastic matrix either Although the above-cited depositional models for the coquina
is removed or does not settling. Biogenic concentrations are in situ accu- packages of the Pre-Salt sequence provide much information on ancient
mulations (autochthonous) that originate from the high productivity of lake environments and their sedimentological mechanisms, they lack
gregarious organisms. Diagenetic concentrations are generated after the discussions on how the wave processes – shoaling, breaking and
burial of shells by physical and chemical processes such as the compac- swash – affect the sedimentary processes of coquina facies, once they
tion and the later matrix dissolution. In terms of coastal environments control the sediment transport in wave-dominated settings. The

Fig. 1. A) Schematic longitudinal profile of a wave-dominated coast and areas of wave processes (Modified from Walker and Plint, 1992 and Short, 1999), highlighting the typical zones of
the genetic types of shell concentrations according to what was presented by Kidwell et al. (1986). B) Sedimentary dynamics according to the R-sediment model of Kidwell (1986).
100 C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

shoaling is the first transformation that waves suffer when approaching et al., 2015). The relief gradient and the wave parameters of a shoreline
the coast, increasing their steepness on the water surface from the point sector from Lake Tanganyika were used to set up the experimental
that the orbital flow touches the bottom (wave base level) until the first scenario (Fig. 2C).
wave-breaking point. The breaking processes occur when the wave The shoreline sector between Kigoma and Lagosa (~130 km),
steepness exceeds its limit of stabilization and collapses, producing Tanzania, on the east margin of Lake Tanganyika, was chosen due to
intense agitation in the water column and on the bottom from the two reasons. Firstly, it is because this sector is placed on a hanging-
first breaking point until the shoreline (surf zone). Swash is the process wall margin of the lake (Cohen, 1990) that features a ramp-type
that happens in the shoreline (Short, 1999) and is characterized by a (platform) margin where carbonate deposits tend to be expressive
bidirectional, thin flow that goes up and down on the beach face (Platt and Wright, 1991) and because it is similar to the setting where
(foreshore). Although widely used by the scientific community as a the Pre-Salt coquinas were supposedly generated (Muniz, 2013;
fossil concentration model, the dynamics of Kidwell (1986) does not Tavares et al., 2015). Secondly, modern coquina deposits (gastropod
explain in detail (or does not link) how those wave processes may shells) with tens of kilometers of lateral extension and width can be
control the shell concentration dynamics along the coastal profile. found on the nearshore zone (Cohen and Thouin, 1987; McGlue et al.,
To improve the knowledge of coquina deposition in lake-margin 2010). These deposits are the most expressive modern shell concentra-
environments, this work aims to investigate the role of wave shoaling, tions known in Lake Tanganyika.
breaking and swash in shell concentration dynamics and their deposi- The relief gradient of the Kigoma southern margin was calculated
tional products. From physical modeling of a coastal environment in a from a bathymetric map of the lake (Capart, 1952) and from a profile
reduced scale, a lake-margin scenario with bioclastic and siliciclastic of the coastal zone presented by McGlue et al. (2010). In both cases,
bottom sediments was reproduced under alternating energy conditions the gradient reached values very close to 1° dip. The fair-weather
(fair-weather and storm waves). wave parameters of the prototype were as well calculated since no
measured data was found in the literature. In order to estimate wave
2. Materials and methods height (H) and period (T), wind data modeled for Lake Tanganyica
and presented by Docquier et al. (2016) was used. From the annual
This item presents all steps of the experiments conducted in the wind speed average (WS10m = 4.5 m/s) and the fetch dimension of
laboratory as the choice of the prototype environment, adjustments of the Kigoma southern margin (middle sector ~ 100 km), the wave pa-
spatial and temporal scales, and the preparation of the experimental rameters were calculated through the Shore Protection Manual formu-
scenario. Furthermore, the wave flume geometry, wave generation lation (Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1984) for deep-water
equipments and how the wave parameters were measured are shown. and fully developed wave conditions. The calculated fair-weather H
and T were, respectively, 0.51 m and 3.7 s.
2.1. Prototype environment
2.2. Wave flume and sediments
In order to reproduce a wave-dominated lake-margin scenario, Lake
Tanganyika (Fig. 2A and B) was chosen to represent the prototype The wave flume used in the experiments is located at the hydraulic
environment since it is considered as a good analogue to the ancient laboratory of the Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas of Universidade
rift lakes from Early Cretaceous of Western Gondwana (Thompson Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. It has a 2D geometry that is 40.0 m long,

Fig. 2. Prototype environment. A) Localization of the African Great Lakes, at the southeast region of Africa. B) Detail of the Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi. C) Zoom on Lake Tanganyika,
highlighting the shoreline sector of the lake (yellow rectangle) used to set the morphology and the wave parameters in the physical model. Images from Google Earth (Landsat/Copernicus,
Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO).
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 101

1.0 m wide and has a depth ranging from 1.03 to 0.56 m at the most dis- the flume. Two cameras recorded images and videos: a digital video
tal and proximal (corresponding to a platform) sectors, respectively for subaerial scenes and an underwater one for subaqueous scenes.
(Fig. 3A and B). At the distal extremity, a flat-type wave generator Two types of sediments were used in the lake-margin model:
(Fig. 3C) consists of an electric motor coupled to a mechanical system silisiclastics and bioclastics. The siliciclastic grains were represented by
that moves a beater (a metal plate) fixed at the bottom. The frequency quartz fine sand (D50 = 200 μm) moderately well sorted in a total
of the waves generated by this system is related to the motor rotation volume of 2 m3. The bioclastic grains were constituted by 45 kg of
frequency which limits the generation to regular (single-frequency) whole and/or fragmented mollusc shells of bivalves (disarticulated)
waves. Besides that, the lateral displacements (amplitude) of the beater and gastropods with a median sieved diameter (Dsv-50) that is around
are adjustable, allowing the control of T and H of the generated waves. 3 mm. The length of the long axis of the shells reached a maximum of
The maximum H generated in this flume is around 14 cm and T can be 2.0 cm. Bivalves were by two main species, Anomalocardia brasiliana
produced between 1.17 and 2.20 s (Clemente, 2013). H and T of the (Fig. 4A) and Diplodonta punctata (Fig. 4B), while gastropods were
waves generated in the experiments were measured by a capacitive classified as Cerithium eburneum (Fig. 4C) and Olivella sp. (Fig. 4D).
wave gauge (DHI 201) that recorded voltage variations with a 40-Hz The background proportions of the bioclastic material according to its
frequency acquisition that depends on water oscillations during the weight between whole and fragmented skeletal grains were 5% and
propagation of waves. In order to measure the orbital velocities along 95%, respectively. Among the whole shells, the number of bivalve and
the water column, a 25-Hz Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) posi- gastropod individuals represented 90% and 10% of the population,
tioned at different depths was used. The bottom morphology analysis respectively. These shells were obtained from the coastal plain of
of the simulated coastal profile was performed through a bathymetric Santa Catarina, Brazil, in dense bioclastic deposits from the Holocene
surveying using a limnimetric ruler placed over the horizontal walls of package (Fornari et al., 2012).

Fig. 3. A) Longitudinal geometry of the flume built with brickwork walls and a concrete bottom. B) Superior view showing the proximal sector (above the platform). C) Wave generator
engine: I – metal plate (beater), II - course control, III - inertial flywheel, IV - rotation reducer, V – electric motor.
102 C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

used in the two modelling wave-energy conditions, the storm waves

in a deep-water setting was set with a HM four times higher than the
fair-weather waves.
After keeping the same horizontal and vertical geometric scales and
following Froude's criterion to set the geometric and time scales, it can
be considered that the hydrodynamic similitude of these physical
modelling experiments was satisfactory (Hughes, 1993). However, as
it was established for the grain size scale, a limitation was assumed
15because the bioclastic grains were not small like the geometric
scale. This difficulty is typical for physical modelling of coastal environ-
ments and does not disqualify the obtained results (Kamphuis, 1985;
Hughes, 1993).

2.4. Experimental setup

Fig. 4. Bioclasts used in the lake-margin model. A) Anomalocardia brasiliana (Gmelin,
1791; apud Fornari et al., 2012). B) Diplodonta punctata (Fornari et al., 2012).
C) Cerithium eburneum (Bruguiere, 1792; apud Fornari et al., 2012). D) Olivella sp. The experimental setup aimed to simulate a coastal-lake profile
(Fornari et al., 2012). scenario, focusing on the generation of shell concentrations as well as
on their concentration dynamics by wave propagation processes
2.3. Geometric and time scales under fair-weather and storm wave conditions. The initial coastal pro-
file was built inside the wave flume (Fig. 5A) with fine quartz sand
The geometric scale of the physical model was set by the fair- that was 16.5 m long and 1° dip starting from the most proximal
weather H of the prototype and by a minimum effective value of H point. The water level in the flume was variable and higher in storm
produced in the physical model, suitable to a pre-established range of experiments than in the fair-weather ones in order to simulate surges
H values (varying from few millimeters to 14 cm) that can be provided and water level increases that typically occur during storm events.
by the wave generator. According to Hughes (1993) and following the The entire experiment consisted of alternated fair-weather and storm
Froude number criterion, this relationship between the wave heights conditions summing up a total of 54 h of wave generation. Four fair-
from the prototype and model is an efficient way to set geometric and weather experiments – FWE – (Fig. 5B) with 9 h of duration (3 sessions
dynamic scales in the physical models of coastal environments. The of 3 h) were alternated with three storm wave experiments – SWE –
geometric scale is expressed by Eq. (1): (Fig. 5C) of 6 h of duration (2 sessions of 3 h). The FWE were longer
than the SWE in order to follow the premise that fair-weather conditions
HP are continuous in the nature (more persistent), while storms are episodic
NL ¼ NH ¼ ð1Þ
HM events. The FWE duration was set by the time that the simulated coastal
profile spent to reach morphological stability. Therefore, from the first
where NL is the geometric scale, NH is the wave height scale, HP is the FWE experiment, it was verified that profile stability took around 9 h
wave height in the prototype and HM is the wave height in the model. to be reached and, thus, this time was used as reference. On the other
The relationship expressed in Eq. (1) is only valid to undistorted models hand, the SWE duration was set in order to simulate an event lasting
where the vertical and horizontal scales are the same (Hughes, 1993), as around one day (24 h) similarly to what happens in the nature (short-
it was the case of this physical model. From the calculated HP (item 2.1) term event). Then, taking into account the experimental time scale
and the applied HM (Table 1), a pre-observed effective NL (a minimum (item 2.3), an experiment duration of around 6 h was found. The
value necessary to surpass the scale effects caused by the water surface sequence of the experiments and their respective boundary conditions
tension) representing fair-weather waves in the flume was equal to 20. are presented in Table 2.
In order to set the time scale (NT), the NL relation was used, by follow- At the end of each fair-weather condition experiment, a bioclastic
ing the Froude criterion as well (Eq. (2)), according Hughes (1993) input of 15 kg was added to the bed load (Fig. 5D and E), in order to
recommendations. Applying Eq. (2), NT was 4.47. Therefore, from the meet the premise of positive R-hardpart to shell beds generation. The
calculated T of the prototype (TP), a modeled T (TM) of 0.83 s was shells were homogeneously distributed over the sandy bottom from
found. However, it was not possible to apply an ideal TM due to a fre- the FWWB to the end of the profile (distal point). The positioning of
quency limitation of the wave generator motor (minimum T is 1,17 s). this bioclastic distribution aimed at obeying the same position where
Consequently, an error margin for NT was assumed (Table 1). benthic molluscs live – according to their natural habitat at the littoral
pffiffiffiffiffiffi zones – in order to reproduce autochthonous and parautochthonous
NT ¼ NL ð2Þ communities (Kidwell et al., 1986; Gierlowski-Kordesch, 2010). The
FWWB was defined after the first fair-weather condition experiment
For storm wave conditions, the ideal setup of geometric and time from the point where wave ripples were not generated (~12 cm
scales was applied with no error (Table 2). HM and TM were set accord- depth) to the end of the profile, which is the zone where there was an
ing to the maximum HM possible (high-energy waves) reached for the insignificant sediment transport.
desired TM once the setup of these two wave parameters in the flume
are dependent on each other (Clemente, 2013). From the HM values 3. Experimental results

3.1. Morphological evolution of the simulated coastal profile

Table 1
The wave parameters applied in the experiments and representative values in the proto-
type environment. The morphology of the simulated coastal profile had a very dynamic
behaviour along the experiments, alternating erosion and deposition in
Wave Model Prototype
limited sectors of the profile which was directly associated with the
Applied HM Applied TM Ideal TM NT error HP TP
wave condition. In a general way, during the fair-weather wave experi-
(m) (s) (s) (%) (m) (s)
ments (FWE), deposition prevailed at the swash zone and sometimes at
Fair-weather 0.025 1.17 0.83 41 0.51 5.2 the breaking zone and erosion was dominant at the shoaling zone
Storm 0.10 1.50 1.50 0 2.00 6.7
(Fig. 6A, C, E and G). On the other hand, in storm wave experiments
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 103

Table 2
Experiment sequence and the behavior of the wave parameters along them.

Exp. Wave condition Session Initial time (h) Final time (h) Duration (h) Water level (m) H (m) T (s) L (m)

E1 Fair-weather A 0 3 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4

B 3 6 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
C 6 9 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
Input of shells — 15 kg
E2 Storm D 9 12 3 0.25 0.1 1.5 2.0
E 12 15 3 0.25 0.1 1.5 2.0
E3 Fair-weather F 15 18 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
G 18 21 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
H 21 24 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
Input of shells — 15 kg
E4 Storm I 24 27 3 0.25 0.1 1.5 2.0
J 27 30 3 0.25 0.1 1.5 2.0
E5 Fair-weather K 30 33 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
L 33 36 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
M 36 39 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
Input of shells — 15 kg
E6 Storm N 39 42 3 0.25 0.1 1.5 2.0
O 42 45 3 0.25 0.1 1.5 2.0
E7 Fair-weather P 45 48 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
Q 48 51 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4
R 51 54 3 0.20 0.025 1.17 1.4

(SWE), erosion occurred at the breaking zone and deposition took place 3.2. Shell concentration dynamics
at the swash and shoaling zones (Fig. 6B, D and F).
As a result of these erosive and depositional behaviors along the The shell concentration processes were identified from in loco obser-
profile, a set of bed morphological changes were observed during the vations and video analysis of subaerial and subaqueous views during
experiments. These features were named applying the typical nomen- the experiments along the entire profile, providing a very detailed
clature for the coastal environment morphology (Short, 1999), identi- description of the bioclastic and siliciclastic particle interaction on the
fied as follows: the berm, the bar, the storm bar, and the storm shoal bottom and in the water column. The concentration dynamics was
(Fig. 6H). The berm was generated on the subaerial beach at the produced by the comparison between the particle transport mecha-
maximum point of wave swash in the FWE, and this deposit was eroded nisms observed in the physical model with the sedimentary dynamics
during the SWE. The bar was formed exactly at the wave-breaking point described in the model by Kidwell (1986). Thus, three concentration
in both the FWE (first point) and SWE (second point). The storm bar modifiers were observed in the experiments: winnowing, reworking,
and the storm shoal were generated during SWEs at the first wave and dynamic bypassing. Their areas of occurrence were delimited and
breakpoint and at the shoaling zone, respectively. the wave condition was established (Fig. 7A and B).
From the bottom morphology and wave parameters, the sub- The winnowing was featured by the continuous removal of the
environments of a wave-dominated coastal setting were identified in siliciclastic grains from the bottom and by the very small movement of
the simulated profile according to the classification of Walker and bioclasts. The removal of sand occurred through grain suspension from
Plint (1992). In consequence, the backshore, foreshore, upper and the bottom to the water column and redeposited at an adjacent sector
lower shoreface and offshore sectors were delimited along the profile (Fig. 8A, B and C), endorsing the erosive process. On the other hand, the
(Fig. 6H). The backshore was attributed to the subaerial sector during displacement of the shells on the bottom did not occur, but they have
the FWE from the beginning of the profile (at 0.0 m) to the point of reoriented themselves. The winnowing dynamic predominated in the
maximum wave swash at 4.4 m, which corresponds to the berm profile sector between the storm bar and the storm shoal (13.5 to
crest. The foreshore comprised the entire wave-swash zone (4.4 to 16.5 m), right behind the first wave-breaking point during SWE towards
5.0 m) in the FWE and was characterized by a smooth bottom. The the offshore zone. The wave-shoaling process (Fig. 7B) mainly drove the
upper shoreface was delimited from the point of maximum wave- latter dynamics during the SWEs, i.e. in higher energy wave conditions.
swash retreat (at 5.0 m) to the first wave-breaking point in FEW The reworking was characterized by the intense movement of
(spilling-break at 7.0 m), which was marked by the presence of the siliciclastic and bioclastic grains on the bottom and in the water column.
bar on the entire area of wave- breaking. On the bottom, the upper Traction and saltation were the dominant mechanisms of transport and
shoreface was characterized by the occurrences of asymmetrical motion over the sand and shells. Moreover, the suspension of sand and
ripples that migrated to onshore. The lower shoreface extended from the rolling of gastropods were observed (Fig. 8D, E and F). Although
the first wave-breaking point (at 7.0 m) to the fair-weather wave there was movement of shells, large displacements of these particles
base (FWWB at 13.0 m), which was marked by the storm bar, did not occur along the profile. Except the gastropods, which were
comprising the zones of wave-shoaling and breaking processes during transported from the zone of bioclastic input (offshore) to the
the FWE and SWE, respectively. Moreover, this sub-environment backshore/foreshore, the rest of the shells (bivalves and fragments)
was featured by asymmetrical to symmetrical ripples on the bottom. stayed in their original place or had a gentle displacement towards the
The offshore was delimited between the FWWB (13.0 m) and onshore. When bivalves and some fragments reach the concave-down
the most distal point of the profile (19.0 m) by the storm shoal. position in a more hydrodynamic state (Brenchley and Newall, 1970),
This zone was only dominated by the wave-shoaling in SWE that they became more fixed on the bottom and thus it is hard to put them
produced symmetrical ripples on the bottom. The delimitation of in movement again. However, the reworked sand showed movement
these sub-environments was necessary for a better understanding of that was indicated by the migration of ripples and suspension towards
the simulated profile behavior and a more robust presentation of the the offshore zone (erosive character), later being accumulated at the
next results and later discussions. storm bar. The reworking dynamic occurred from the backshore
104 C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

Fig. 5. A) Dimensions of the coastal profile and water levels for the experimental fair-weather and storm conditions as well of the zone of bioclastic input. B) Experiment of fair-weather
conditions. C) Experiment of storm conditions. D) Shell bed at the zone of bioclastic input. E) Shell bed in detail. Note the higher wave height and the larger wave-breaking zone in the
storm condition compared to the fair-weather condition.

(2.0 m) to the storm bar (13.0 m - lower shoreface), under the influence These concentrations were described from in loco and image observa-
of swash and wave-breaking processes during the SWEs (Fig. 7B). tions as well as from sedimentological analysis. Some aspects recom-
During the FWEs characterized by waves with lower energy (lower mended by Kidwell et al. (1986) to describe shell beds were followed
H), the reworking took place only between the berm and the bar into in this study, such as the biofabric: bioclast percentage by weight
the foreshore and upper shoreface (Fig. 7A). (associated with the sandy matrix), position and orientation of the
The diagnostic feature of the dynamic bypassing was the slow shells, geometry, and taxonomic composition. However, the description
migration of sandy wave ripples over the shell bed, showing no indica- made here had the objective of pointing out only the aspects with hy-
tions of bioclastic movement (only re-orientation) and sand suspension drodynamic significance disregarding the ecological aspects since the
(Fig. 8G, H and I). This omissive dynamic occurred into the lower set scenario for this physical modelling simulation focused mainly on
shoreface (7.0 to 13.0 m) during the FWEs (Fig. 7A) and at the the fossil concentrations from sedimentological processes.
offshore-area over the storm shoal during the SWEs (Fig. 7B). In both The SA (sparse accumulation) shell concentration was featured by a
cases, shoaling was the active wave process. sparse monotypic accumulation of whole gastropods (Fig. 10A, B and C)
over the surface of the backshore, foreshore and upper shoreface zones
3.3. Description of the shell concentrations generated in the experiments (Fig. 9). Shells did not stack, so it was neither possible to quantify the
bioclast percentage nor the bed thickness; however, its 2D geometry
Four different types of shell concentrations (called SA, MSsh, GS, and was classified as stringer. In plane view, the long axis of gastropods
MSof) were observed along the simulated lake-coastal profile (Fig. 9). was mainly oriented perpendicular to the wave crest or shoreline
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 105

matrix-supported, polytypic with bivalves (65%) and gastropods

(35%), as well as shell fragments, placed on the lower shoreface
(Fig. 9). The shells and fragments had sizes between 0.25 and 2.0 cm.
The body of the MSsh concentration presented wedge geometry
(Fig. 9) that was 3.5 m long (11.0 m to 14.5 m) and 3.0 cm thick
(maximum) at its central portion. The content of bioclasts varied from
5% to 30%. At the surface of the MSsh bed, there were asymmetric
sandy ripples where shells and fragments were trapped in the trough
at an oblique or concordant cross-section orientation that was rarely
perpendicular (Fig. 10F). The long-axis orientation, in plane view, of
bivalves (perpendicular to umbo orientation) and gastropods (same
orientation to aperture orientation) was mainly parallel to the direction
of wave crests, being 66% and 57% the respective percentages in the rose
diagram W–E quadrants (Fig. 10G). Moreover, the umbo orientation of
bivalves was unimodal to onshore (N quadrant) and bimodal for the
gastropod apertures to W and E quadrants.
The GS (grain-supported) shell concentration had a densely packed
fabric (Fig. 10H and I), grain-supported, polytypic, with bivalves (92%)
and few gastropods (8%), as well as shell fragments, placed on the
bottom of the proximal offshore (Fig. 9). The shells and fragments had
sizes (long axis) that varied from 0.25 to 2.0 cm. It was classified as a
bed geometry body 1.5 m long (15.0 m to 16.5 m — between the
storm bar and storm shoal) and from 1.0 to 2.5 cm thick. The content
of bioclasts varied between 50% and 75%. The cross-section orientation
of the shells was mainly concordant and minority oblique. The long-
axis preferential orientation of bivalves, in plane, was slightly parallel
to the direction of wave crests, being 52% oriented W–E in the rose
diagram (Fig. 10J), having a unimodal umbo orientation towards the
offshore (S quadrant).
The MSof (offshore matrix-supported) shell concentration was
featured by a dispersed packed bed (Fig. 10K and L), sandy matrix-
supported, polytypic, with bivalves (96%) and few gastropods (4%), as
well as shell fragments, placed on the bottom of the offshore, constitut-
ing the storm shoal body (Fig. 9). The shells and fragments has sized
varying from 0.25 to 2.0 cm. It was classified as bed geometry that
was 2.5 m long (16.5 m to 19.0) and from 0.5 to 2.5 cm thick. The
content of bioclasts varied between 10% and 30%. The cross-section ori-
entation of the shells was mainly concordant and less oblique when
they were trapped in the trough of the symmetrical sandy ripples at
the top of the bed (Fig. 10L). The in plane long-axis orientation of
bivalves did not have a clear preferential tendency, being 50% oriented
parallel (W–E) and 50% perpendicular (N–S) to the direction of wave
crests and, also, showed a polimodal umbo orientation (Fig. 10M).

3.4. Oscillatory flow velocities

The oscillatory flow velocities were measured with an ADV at two

sections for each experimental wave condition to quantitatively analyze
the hydrodynamic behaviour of the model. The measurements were
made at the shoaling and breaking zones at 12.0 m and 7.5 m for the
FWEs and at 14.5 m and 12.0 m for the SWEs, respectively. At each
section, a series of measurements were performed vertically from the
bottom (z), resulting in velocity vertical profiles. The number of mea-
surement points and the spacing between them were not the same for
Fig. 6. Morphological evolution of the simulated coastal profile. A, C, E and G) Fair-weather
experiments (FWE). B, D and F) Storm wave experiments (SWE). H) Simulated coastal each profile due to the depth difference between the zones and an
profile at the end of the experiments, morphological features, and sub-environments. ADV technical issue. Due to this technical feature, in which the velocity
measures are obtained at 5 cm away from the sensor, limiting the
velocity profile amplitude in shallow sections. In order to analyze the
direction, being 58% of the shell aperture oriented to the N–S quadrants flow, the longitudinal (u) and vertical (w) components of velocity
(Fig. 10D); however, the rose diagram shows a polimodal behavior. were taken into account, where the positive values represent, onshore
Concerning the cross-section orientation of the skeletons, their long and upward directions, respectively, and the negative values represent
axis were all parallel to the bottom. The bioclasts of the SA concentra- offshore and downward directions, respectively. Each measurement
tion were exclusively gastropods sized from 0.7 to 1.5 cm (long axis), had a 5-minute duration at a 20-Hz acquisition frequency, generating
both Olivella sp. (majority) and Cerithium eburneum (few individuals). velocity time series. From the data sets, the mean velocities of the
The MSsh (shoreface matrix-supported) shell concentration was time series (Stokes drift) and the average of positive and negative
characterized by a dispersed packed deposit (Fig. 10E and F), sandy peaks (Eq. (3)) were analyzed. The peak values were obtained from a
106 C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

Fig. 7. Zones of shell concentration dynamics in the experiments. A) Zonation for the FWE. B) Zonation for the SWE.

statistic filtering to eliminate some noise effects, where the highest (u99 In the SWEs, the mean u velocities had different behaviors for the
and w99) and the lowest (u1 and w1) 99% values of the sample repre- breaking and shoaling zones. The breaking zone (Fig. 11C) presented
sented the positive and the negative peaks, respectively. significant negative means along the entire vertical profile but mainly
close to the bottom, which suggests the presence of a well-developed
 −  drift of water towards the offshore area. On the other hand, the means
max þ U max
U max ðu; wÞ ¼ ð3Þ were negative in almost the entire water column at the shoaling zone,
except at the deepest measurement point (z = 2 cm) that had a slight
positive mean, suggesting a near-bottom water motion to onshore and
where, U max is the average of the positive and negative peak velocities, to offshore in the rest of the water column. Regarding the average

U+max is the positive peak velocity, and Umax is the negative peak velocity. peaks, the breaking zone (Fig. 11C and D) showed higher values than
Table 3 presents the calculated Umax, Umax, U−
+ −
max and the mean u and w the shoaling zone for both u (Fig. 11C) and mainly for w (Fig. 11D),
velocities of each measurement. which suggests the occurrence of an oscillatory flow with more energy
For the FWEs, the mean u and w were very close to zero along the at the breaking zone than at the shoaling zone, a behaviour already
vertical profile (Fig. 11A and B) both at the breaking and shoaling expected for a wave-dominated coast (Komar and Gaughan, 1972;
zones. However, it is important to highlight that the slightly negative Fredsoe and Deigaard, 1995).
mean of the u component at the shoaling zone (Fig. 11A) along the Comparing the peak vertical profiles of the FWEs and SWEs, it was
entire profile suggests a small drift in the water column towards the observed that u and w in the FWEs presented small variations from
offshore area. On the other hand, the u average peaks at the breaking the wave-breaking zone to the shoaling zone. On the other hand, during
zone were slightly higher than at the shoaling zone (Fig. 11A), while the SWEs, the peak velocities showed large variations between these
the w peaks had similar values at both zones (Fig. 11B). zones mainly for w, also showing peak velocities that were significantly
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 107

Fig. 8. Snapshots of the underwater camera showing the mechanism of sedimentary dynamics of shell concentrations. A, B and C) winnowing dynamic at 15.0 m. D, E and F) reworking
dynamic at 12.0 m. G, H and I) dynamic bypassing at 12.5 m.

higher than in the FWEs mainly for u. These results agree with what is directly by the active wave processes — swash, breaking and shoaling —
expected in the nature, where storm waves have more energy to drive as well as by the wave energy condition — fair-weather and storm. The
sediment motion due to their higher wave heights and periods when reworking dynamics (erosive) always occurred in the most proximal
compared to fair-weather waves (Komar and Gaughan, 1972). (and shallow) zone of the profile (Fig. 7A and B), restricted to the
swash and wave-breaking processes. These processes produce more
4. Discussion energetic interactions with the bottom and generate intense sediment
motion in the water column and on the bed of the upper and lower
4.1. The control of the wave processes on the shell concentration dynamics shoreface and foreshore (Komar and Gaughan, 1972; Fredsoe and
Deigaard, 1995). Furthermore, this was also demonstrated by the higher
From the zoning of the shell accumulation dynamics along the near-bottom velocities (u and w) at the breaking zone than at the
simulated coastal profile, it was verified that they were controlled shoaling zone (Fig. 11A–D) mainly observed for w in the SWE

Fig. 9. Position of the shell concentration types on the simulated coastal profile.
108 C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

Fig. 10. Images of the shell concentrations. SA — General (A) and detailed (B and C) plan views and rose diagram of shell orientations (D). MSsh — General plan view (E), longitudinal view
(F) and rose diagram (G). GS — General (H) and detailed (I) plan views and rose diagram (J). MSof — General plan view (K), longitudinal view (L) and rose diagram (M). The rose diagrams
that show the shell orientation behaviors are graduated every 10° and the numbers over the circles represent the absolute frequency. The percentages were calculated take in account the
rose diagram quadrants, being N (315°–45°), E (45°–135°), S (135°–225°) and W (225°–315°). For a better understanding, the onshore direction was represented by the N point (0° or

(Fig. 11D). Regarding the control of the wave conditions over the the FWEs, the reworking only induced rolling and an incipient saltation
reworking dynamics, the results suggested which energy intensity, dis- of gastropods at the upper shoreface. Moreover, the maximum depth in
tance and depth of activity were higher in the SWEs (episodic event) which there was reworking was around 3 times deeper in the SWEs
than in the FWEs (continuous condition). The more intense motion than in the FWEs, which caused an increase of around 4.5 times in the
and transport of sediments that occurred in the SWEs agree to what is longitudinal extension of the reworking dynamic activity in a simulated
expected in natural coastal processes under storm conditions (Aigner, lake margin of 1° dip, extending from the backshore to the lower
1985; Walker and Plint, 1992). In the SWEs at the breaking zone, the u shoreface (Fig. 7B).
and w components were around twice as high as in the FWEs, which The winnowing dynamics was restricted to the zone of wave-
provided a reworking characterized by intense saltation, traction and shoaling processes and only occurred during the SWEs, taking place at
rolling of bioclasts (Fig. 7B), as well as sand suspension and transport. the beginning of the offshore area (below the FWWB) at an intermedi-
In addition, the intense water drift on the bottom towards to offshore, ate zone between reworking and dynamic bypassing activities. This
observed at the breaking zone during SWEs (Fig. 11C — mean profiles), activity suggests that the winnowing occurred at an intermediate condi-
may have contributed to intensify the reworking dynamic, acting as a tion of energy within an energetic range (Fig. 12) varying from a maxi-
bottom current that put shells and sand in motion. These bottom mum extreme at the breaking zone – where reworking took place – to
currents, which are induced by the strong stacking of water in the a minimum extreme at the distal offshore area – where there was
shore zones at storms (Komar, 1976; Allen, 1982, 1984; Aigner, 1985; dynamic bypassing activity. This range of energy can be demonstrated
Pepper and Stone, 2004; Warner et al., 2012), have been widely men- by the variance of velocities and the mechanisms of sediment motion.
tioned in the literature as one of the factors that promote reworking Reworking, the most energetic dynamic in which was represented here
and winnowing of coastal shell beds (Aigner, 1985; Fürsich and by the highest velocities, produced traction, rolling and saltation of
Oschmann, 1986; Fürsich, 1995; Dattilo et al., 2008; Bressan and bioclasts as well as sand suspension. On the other hand, winnowing gen-
Palma, 2010). However, in the experiments it was observed that near- erated an incipient traction and rolling of bioclasts (only gastropods),
bed water drift (current) during storms acted mainly at the breaking and sand suspension driven by the lowest near-bed velocities of the
zone (shoreface), in order to rework and transport sediments. In its oscillatory flow at the shoaling zone (Fig. 11C). Here, the overlying
turn, at the shoaling zone (offshore), where occurred de winnowing water drift (Fig. 11C), towards to offshore, was a factor that secondarily
dynamic, the near-bottom drift was weak and towards to onshore assisted the winnowing dynamic, in order to transport the suspension
(Fig. 11C), so that it did not winnow the sand. On the other hand, during sand. In contrast, the omissive dynamic bypassing featured the lowest
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 109

Table 3
Velocity values for both u and w components from each measurement point according to its wave condition and associated process.

Condition/process z (cm) U+
max U−
max U max Mean

u component (m/s)
Fair-weather/breaking 0.5 0.15 −0.11 0.13 −0.007
1 0.16 −0.10 0.13 0.002
Fair-weather/shoaling 1 0.12 −0.11 0.12 −0.008
2 0.11 −0.11 0.11 −0.008
3 0.10 −0.11 0.11 −0.009
4 0.11 −0.11 0.11 −0.005
Storm/breaking 2 0.25 −0.26 0.25 −0.075
3 0.23 −0.26 0.25 −0.084
4 0.26 −0.26 0.26 −0.070
5 0.29 −0.25 0.27 −0.040
6 0.29 −0.25 0.27 −0.044
Storm/shoaling 2 0.26 −0.22 0.24 0.002
4.5 0.24 −0.25 0.24 −0.013
7 0.23 −0.27 0.25 −0.023
9.5 0.24 −0.30 0.27 −0.031
12 0.25 −0.32 0.28 −0.037

w component (m/s)
Fair-weather/breaking 0.5 0.01 −0.02 0.02 −0.003
1 0.02 −0.02 0.02 −0.003
Fair-weather/shoaling 1 0.02 −0.03 0.02 −0.005
2 0.02 −0.02 0.02 −0.002
3 0.02 −0.02 0.02 −0.004
4 0.02 −0.03 0.02 −0.002
Storm/breaking 2 0.04 −0.07 0.05 −0.010
3 0.05 −0.07 0.06 −0.007
4 0.07 −0.09 0.08 −0.006
5 0.08 −0.11 0.09 −0.004
6 0.10 −0.12 0.11 −0.007
Storm/shoaling 2 0.02 −0.02 0.02 −0.001
4.5 0.03 −0.05 0.04 −0.001
7 0.06 −0.07 0.06 0.000
9.5 0.07 −0.09 0.08 0.000
12 0.09 −0.12 0.10 −0.001

energetic condition, only producing sand traction on the bottom (ripples ripples of smaller length than those generated at the offshore area
formation) and no motion of bioclasts. under storm conditions. As well as in the SWEs, the dynamic bypass
In the FWEs, the dynamic bypassing took place from a distal adjacent was also restricted to the zone of wave-shoaling processes during the
zone (lower shoreface) to the reworking zone (upper shoreface), FWEs. The position of the shell concentration in the simulated coastal
having no winnowing between them (Fig. 7A). Here, reworking only profile presented a consistent behavior to what is expected for natural
generated rolling of bioclasts and traction of sand, while the dynamic wave-dominated settings. According to Kidwell (1986), the erosive
bypassing produced a very incipient sand traction that resulted in dynamics are most likely to happen near shoreline zones with higher

Fig. 11. Vertical profiles of mean velocities and average peaks. A) Component u in the FWEs (B) Component w in the FWEs (C). Component u in the SWEs (D) Component w in the SWEs.
110 C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

Fig. 12. Energy distribution on the simulated lake-margin profile in a storm condition. The dimension of the blue ellipses represents, qualitatively, the difference of energy between the
breaking and shoaling zones. Numbers around the blue ellipses indicate the u and w velocities (in m/s) from the near-bottom measurements.

energy, whereas the omissive type tends to occur at distal zones with activity, there was no erosion as it is expected for erosive dynamics
lower energy, as it was observed in the experiments. (Kidwell, 1986). The aggradational behavior of the MSsh concentration
occurred because there was no resultant motion of bioclasts at that
4.2. The shell concentration dynamics and the deposit types zone (parautochthonous accumulation), except for the gastropods
which were transported towards onshore and by the constant sand
The shell concentration dynamics are discussed here regarding their supply coming from the lower shoreface during the SWEs, generating
depositional products as well as the accumulation types generated in a matrix-supported shell concentration (around 70% sand). The sand
the simulations. The experimental results suggest that each sedimento- supply to the lower shoreface was induced by the strong offshore drift
logical mechanism or the combination of two, according to their (current) existing in the entire water column at the breaking zone
intensity energy, produced different depositional features. (Fig. 13 – red arrows). Combining this drift with the onshore near-
The SA concentration was characterized by the sparse accumulation bottom motion of the shoaling zone (Fig. 13 – blue arrow), it was
of gastropods along the backshore, foreshore, and upper-shoreface produced a convergence zone of two vectors of water motion at the
(Fig. 9), mainly generated by the swash-controlled reworking and, offshore/lower-shoreface boundary (1st wave-breaking point), which
secondarily, by wave-breaking (just at the upper-shoreface). The trans- generated sand accumulation and, consequently, the storm bar forma-
port of the gastropods from the offshore/lower shoreface zone towards tion at that point (Fig. 13). Regarding the shell orientations, the MSsh
the onshore only occurred in the SWEs, where the saltation and rolling concentration showed a gentle preferential long-axis orientation
were the mechanisms of bioclastic motion, which characterizes it as an (perpendicular to the umbo orientation for bivalves) that was parallel
allochthonous accumulation. During the FWEs, reworking was identi- to the wave crests for both bivalves and gastropods (Fig. 10G), as it is
fied by a weak rolling of the gastropods which were previously expected in wave-breaking zones according Nagle (1967).
transported and deposited at the upper shoreface in the SWEs, gener- The GS concentration, a densely packed accumulation mainly
ating an incipient motion of these shells towards the onshore and a consisted of fragments and bivalve shells (grain-supported), was gener-
later deposition at the backshore. Furthermore, there was dynamic ated by the shoaling-controlled winnowing at the beginning of the off-
bypassing activity in the FWEs resulting in some burial of shells at shore area, a zone slightly behind the first wave-breaking point in the
the lower shoreface. Gastropods from the SA concentration (Fig. 10D) SWEs. From the constant erosion of sand grains, which were put in sus-
presented a preferential long-axis orientation most perpendicular to pension in the water column and later transported and deposited in the
the shoreline or to the direction of wave crests, in agreement with adjacent distal zone (forming the storm shoal), the GS concentration
the results found by Nagle (1967), in which the authors suggested was matrix cleaned, generating a bed-shaped deposit consisting of
that the swash process, a bidirectional shallow flow, induces this between 50% and 75% of bioclasts (by weight). The transport of the
shell orientation behavior at shoreline zones. Moreover, the polimodal suspended sand from the beginning of the offshore area to the distal off-
rose diagram of the gastropods aperture directions, which had its shore zone can be explained by the drift (current) existing in the
modals in the N–S quadrants (onshore–offshore directions), suggests overlying water column at that point (Fig. 11C). This erosive character
that bidirectional swash movements (“coming and going”) similarly of the GS deposit agrees with the Kidwell (1986) prediction for shell
produce the bidirectional aperture orientation of gastropods since the concentrations produced by winnowing dynamics. With exception of
apertures tend to orientate in the same direction of the flow gastropods, the transport of bioclasts did not occur at that zone, only
(Futterer, 1982). presenting re-orientations and very small movements of bivalves and
The MSsh concentration featured by a dispersed packed accumula- fragments (parautochthonous/autochthonous accumulation) that
tion of fragments, bivalves, and gastropods at the lower shoreface, was were controlled by the lowest velocities from the offshore area. At the
generated by the breaking-controlled reworking during the SWEs and lower-shoreface zone, the shell motion controlled by the lowest veloci-
by the shoaling-controlled dynamic bypassing in the FWEs. The product ties was more intense. The long-axis orientation of bivalves in the GS
of the intense and chaotic rolling, saltation, and traction of bioclasts as deposit was gentle parallel to the direction of wave crests (Fig. 10J),
well the suspension, saltation, and traction of sand was an aggradational the same behaviour observed in the MSsh concentration, although it
deposit of sand and shells (whole and fragments) which formed the had a preferential umbo orientation towards offshore, in agreement
storm bar body. Although this concentration showed reworking with Nagle (1967) concerns as well.
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 111

Fig. 13. Vertical profiles of mean velocities (u in m/s) within the breaking and shoaling zones indicating the water drift in storm wave conditions (SWE). The basin-ward near-bottom
motion at the shoreface (breaking zone – red arrows) combined with the near-bottom motion towards the onshore at the offshore area (shoaling zone – blue arrow) have produced
the sand deposition (yellow ellipse) at the shoreface/offshore interface, generating the storm bar with aggradational behavior.

Finally, the MSof concentration was influenced by the shoaling- Aptian) in the Brazilian marginal basins. The depositional models used
controlled dynamic bypassing at the offshore area, producing a for this discussion are the most recent works in the literature that de-
dispersed packed accumulation mainly consisted of fragments, bivalve scribed and interpreted in detail ancient facies of rudstones or coquinas
shells, and a matrix-supported. Moreover, together with the bioclastic (shell concentrations) from Campos and Sergipe-Alagoas Basins.
supply that occurred in each FWE–SWE cycle, an aggradational deposit Muniz (2013) studied the lacustrine carbonate rocks from the
was formed represented by the storm shoal body. The dynamic Coqueiros Formation (Lagoa Feia Group of Campos Basin – Brazil)
bypassing was featured in the MSof concentration by the alternating where four facies of rudstones (grain-supported coquina) can be
buried and exhumed shells at top of the deposit. Despite the fact that highlighted: the Rmb facies, composed by articulated/desarticulated
these shells did not present any displacements along the experiments whole shells of bivalves and with low content of matrix; the Rcb facies,
(autochthonous accumulation), they had a gentle re-orientation that composed by desarticulated and broken shells of bivalves and with low
was shown by the polimodal rose diagram of umbo orientations content of terrigenous matrix; the Rtb facies composed generally by
(Fig. 10M), although the modals being placed at the N–S quadrants indi- unbroken bivalves and with high content of terrigenous matrix; and
cates a preferential long-axis orientation parallel to the wave crest Rgb facies featured by the dominant presence of gastropods. These
direction. facies were interpreted as being from a wave-dominated lake-margin
Analysing the general context of the concentration types, their setting (Fig. 15A), where the Rmb and Rtb facies belonged to the coastal
different quantities of gastropods can be highlighted as an important zone below the FWWB, a lower energy zone that generated few
indicator of the influence of shell shapes on the bioclastic transport reworking and left fragmented shells. On the other hand, the Rcb facies
along the simulated coastal profile. The exclusive presence of gastro- belonged to the subaqueous zone above the FWWB, a higher energy
pods in the SA concentration (100%) and the 35% gastropod content zone that produced intense reworking, fragmenting and disarticulating
(among the whole shells) of the MSsh concentration, in contrast with the shells. Furthermore, Tavares et al. (2015) and Chinelatto et al.
the quantities lower than the gastropod supply background (Fig. 14) (2018) described outcrops of the coquina package of Morro do Chaves
of the GS and MSof concentrations, indicate an increase of the percent- Formation (Barremian/Aptian) from the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil,
age of gastropods to the onshore direction. Hence, this result suggests which is considered as a good ancient analogue to the Pre-salt coquinas.
that gastropods were easier to be transported than the fragments and
whole bivalves. The rounded shape of gastropods was an aspect that
facilitated the rolling and saltation mechanics of bioclasts, being
transported to larger distances and sorted apart from the fragments
and bivalves of planar shape. That suggests then that shell shapes
were a determinant factor in the bioclastic transport accordingly to
what has been reported in the literature for fossil hardparts in coastal
environments (Frostick and Reid, 1983; Aires and Lopes, 2012; Cruz
et al., 2016). Furthermore, the location of gastropod accumulation at
the backshore/foreshore zones of the simulated lake-margin scenario
was similar to the gastropod concentrations found in Lake Tanganyika
along the southern Kigoma shoreline sector (McGlue et al., 2010).

4.3. The implication of the experimental results on the coquina facies

models from the Brazilian marginal basins

The experimental results are discussed here in order to contextual-

Fig. 14. Graphic of gastropod content (among the whole shells) in shell concentrations.
ize the zonation of the shell concentration dynamics in a simulated Note that the gastropod percentage increases from the distal to proximal areas. The SA
lake-coastal environment into the depositional models of coquina facies and MSsh concentrations showed a gastropod enrichment compared to the background
applied to lacustrine packages from the sin-rift sequence (Barremian/ content, whereas the GS and MSof concentrations presented depletion.
112 C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114

Fig. 15. A) Facies model of lake-margin coquinas according to Muniz (2013), Tavares et al. (2015) and Chinelatto et al. (2018), separating the proximal fragmented and disarticulated
coquinas (Rcb, Cfi and T3) from the distal non-fragmented and articulated coquinas/grain-supported concentrations (Rmb, Cm and T4) and non-fragmented/matrix-supported facies
(Rtb, Cmi and T5/T6) following the FWWB criterion. B) Facies model for lake-margin coquinas suggested from the experimental results, where the limit between the breaking and
shoaling zones in storm conditions more accurately delimits the highly reworked shell concentrations with high content of matrix (MSsh – Rcb, Cfi and T3) from the poor reworked
and winnowed concentrations (GS – Rmb, Cm and T4), and more distal low fragmentation and matrix-supported facies (MSof – Rtb, Cmi and T5/T6). SA concentration was compared
with Rgb facies (Muniz, 2013) due the high content of gastropods of both.

Tavares et al. (2015) described and interpreted several facies of coquinas Comparing the facies models of Muniz (2013), Tavares et al. (2015)
(rudstones), grouping them into fragmented coquinas – Cf and Cfi (ter- and Chinelatto et al. (2018) with the shell concentration types and their
rigenous matrix) – and non-fragmented coquinas – Cm and Cmi (terrig- respective active accumulation dynamics observed in this experimental
enous matrix). In its turn, Chinelatto et al. (2018) described 6 facies work, it were verified similarities among them (Table 4). Facies Rcb, Cfi
(taphofacies) – T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 – based in several parameters, and T3 were better compared with the MSsh concentration, whereas
as the matrix content (increase from T1 to T6), shell fragmentation Rmb and Cm facies showed similarities with the GS. The MSsh concen-
(decreases from T1 to T6), among others. As well as in Muniz (2013), tration was the deposit that suffered the most intense reworking, with
this carbonate package was interpreted as a lake-margin environment traction, rolling and saltation of bioclasts of diverse sizes during storm
where fragmented coquinas (broken shells) belonged to the subaque- conditions. Thus, it has then characteristics similar to those from the
ous zone above the FWWB with more intense reworking, while the Rcb, Cfi facies and T3 despite the fact that the fragmentation of shells
non-fragmented coquinas have been generated at the zone bellow the was not observed during the experiments probably due to the scale
FWWB, with poor or no reworking (Fig. 15A). limitation of the experimental setup. In addition, they have high content

Table 4
Similar parameters among coquina facies of Brazilian marginal basins (Cretaceo) and the shell accumulations generated in this experimental study.

This study — Muniz (2013) — Coqueiros Tavares et al. (2015) — Chinelatto et al. (2018) — Similar parameters
experimental Formation, Campos Basin Morro do Chaves Formation, Morro do Chaves Formation,
Sergipe-Alagoas Basin Sergipe-Alagoas Basin

SA Rgb – – High content of gastropods

MSsh Rcba Cfi T3 High fragmentation (high energy);
matrix-supported or high terrigenous
matrix content
GS Rmb Cm T4 Low fragmentation (low energy);
grain-supported or low terrigenous
matrix content
MSof Rtb Cmi T5, T6 Low fragmentation (low energy);
matrix-supported or high terrigenous
matrix content
obs: Rcb facies is clean of terrigenous matrix, but have moderate content of bioclastic fine matrix.
C. Fick et al. / Sedimentary Geology 374 (2018) 98–114 113

of terrigenous matrix, except Rcb facies that presents moderate content conditions, reworking was restricted to the foreshore and upper
of bioclastic matrix. Other simulated shell accumulation may be shoreface and the dynamic bypassing was limited to the lower
anologue to coquina facies is the GS (grain-supported) concentration. shoreface. During storm conditions (SWE), which presented a wave
It was produced by winnowing, characterized by the lower energy height 4 times higher than in FWE, the dynamics were more intense
that induced the small motion of bioclasts and where the fragmentation and had a broader extension. Reworking activity could be observed
of shells would not be expected and therefore, showing a larger similar- from the shoreline to the lower shoreface, while winnowing and
ity with the Rmb, Cm and T4 facies. Also, this facies group is grain- dynamic bypassing occurred at the offshore area. Moreover, it was
supported or have low-content of terrigenous matrix. In its turn, it demonstrated that winnowing had an effective activity only in
may highlight the similarities among the Rtb, Cmi and T5/T6 facies storm conditions and was not observed in FWE may be due to a limi-
with the MSof concentration, which was dominated by the dynamic tation of the simulation conditions at a smaller scale.
bypassing at most distal region, once the low shell fragmentation (low • Each shell concentration dynamic produced bioclastic accumulation
energy) and the high terrigenous matrix content are common features with specific features. It can be highlighted that reworking and
of these bioclastic accumulations. Finally, it is important to mention dynamic bypassing or the combination of those two were more likely
the similarity between the Rgb facies of Coqueiros Formation, described to generate matrix-supported deposits (MSsh and MSof types),
by Muniz (2013), and the SA concentration, once both were constituted whereas winnowing tended to produce grain-supported concentra-
most by gastropod skeletons. This sorting by specie may suggest the tions (GS type).
occurrence of a selective hydraulic process due the rounded shape of • The interface of the breaking and shoaling zones in storm conditions
these shells (discussed in the Section 4.2), which facilitate their move- proved to be an accurate boundary to separate the region of intense
ment on the bottom. shell motion (strong reworking) from the region of low shell motion
However, there are differences in the zones that control these higher (winnowing), in contrast with the depositional models for coquinas
or lower capacities of reworking along the wave-dominated coastal facies (Kidwell et al., 1986; Muniz, 2013; Tavares et al., 2015;
profile. The experimental results suggested that the sector of more Chinelatto et al., 2018) that used FWWB as a boundary. The former
intense reworking occurred at the zones of wave-breaking and swash region is marked by traction, rolling and saltation of bioclasts, while
processes extending from the first breaking point to the onshore in the latter is marked by a gentle traction and rotation. As well demon-
both fair-weather and storm conditions. On the other hand, the strated in the experiments, the wave breaking process also occurred
winnowing and dynamic bypassing always took place at the zone of below the FWWB (offshore) during storm conditions since the exten-
wave-shoaling processes in both wave conditions as well (Fig. 15B). sion of the breaking zone was controlled by the storm wave height
Therefore, in the experiments, the dynamics of shell concentrations and the bottom morphology as it occurs in natural coastal environ-
were controlled by the type of wave process and not by a local control – ments. The shape of the shells was a factor with pivotal importance
whose boundary between the zones of strong and poor reworking on their transport along the coastal profile. Rounded shells, as of the
(winnowing) is the FWWB – as the models of coquina facies of Muniz gastropods, were transported for longer distances than the flat and
(2013), Tavares et al. (2015) and Chinelatto et al. (2018) suggested. irregular bivalve shells and fragments. The large transport of gastro-
The FWWB indicates the depth (wave base level) in which the oscilla- pods, which took place from the offshore (zone of bioclastic input)
tory flow of the waves start to induce a gentle sediment motion on to the backshore, was facilitated by their rounded shape that induced
the bottom in fair-weather conditions. Then, in storm conditions, the rolling and saltation and made their burial difficult along the course.
processes intensify and the depth of the breaking zone, which is charac- On the other hand, bivalves and shell fragments had a null or very
terized by an intense reworking, can reach deeper or perhaps shallower small motion that only reached the lower shoreface as their flat
regions than the FWWB according to the magnitude of the storm (wave shape does not facilitate rolling, but suffers a gentle saltation and
height) and the bottom morphology. Hence, this present work suggests traction in order to promote a quick burial by sand deposition (ripples
that the zoning of the shell concentration dynamics following the migration).
criterion of wave processes is a more accurate way to interpret the
lake-margin coquina facies. The interface of the breaking and shoaling
zones should be defined as the boundary that separates the environ-
ment of high reworking domain (facies with fragmented shells) from
the one of winnowing and dynamic bypassing domains (facies with
We are grateful to Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas (IPH) and Núcleo
non-fragmented shells), in which the storm wave base represents the
de Estudos de Correntes de Densidade (NECOD) from Universidade
distal limit (Fig. 15B).
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul for the provided infrastructure and human
resources in order to perform the experiments. In addition, we would
5. Conclusions like to thank Dr. Adriano Roessler Viana for instigating the scientific
curiosity, as well as the manuscript reviewer, geologist Guilherme Furlan
The results of this experimental study led to the following Chinelatto, who provided important suggestions that improved the
conclusions: scientific quality of this work. Furthermore, the first author would like
to thank Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
• The shell concentration dynamics (sensu Kidwell, 1986) were directly
(CNPq) from the Brazilian government for the financial support.
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