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15 Warrior (sidekick) 10, Spellcaster (sidekick) 5

Maximilian Schmerz

Sage Half-elf 165,000 Add: 195,000


+2 STR ● +12 INT

14 Armor Breastplate

+5 18
Set Max HP
2 Shield

+1 +4 CON
+3 CHA
2 Dex ● Medium Armor Heavy Armor

13 Misc
Temporary Hit Points: Misc
Magic can't put me to sleep; Adv. +4 ARMOR

+3 on saves vs. charmed CURRENT HIT POINTS Heal INITIATIVE



Hide 2nd DC
10 d8+3


5 d6+3 30 ft, 15 ABILITY SAVE DC
+4 Acrobatics (Dex) ● Light ● Medium ● Shields


16 +3 Animal Handling (Wis) WEAPONS

FEATURE MAX RECOVER USED ● Simple Martial ● Other Weapons:
●● +17 Arcana (Int) > Firearms
INTELLIGENCE +2 Athletics (Str) > Fire Absorbing Tattoo (Immunity) 1 Dawn LANGUAGES TOOLS & OTHERS

●● +13 Deception (Cha) > Common Herbalism Kit
● +12 History (Int) > Infernal Alchemist's Supplies
● +8 Insight (Wis) Celestial

+3 Intimidation (Cha) > Draconic

● +12 Investigation (Int) > Latin
●● +13 Medicine (Wis) >


● +8 Perception (Wis)

+3 Persuasion (Cha) > Wand of Paralysis < Fire Absorbing Tattoo (Immunity) <

CHARISMA ●● +17 Religion (Int) > Portable Hole (place/fold) < <

+2 +4 Sleight of Hand (Dex) > Familiar (dismiss/reappear) < <

● +9 Stealth (Dex) > Use familiar's senses < <

● +8 Survival (Wis) > < <

● +9 Thieves' tools (Dex) > < <



18 PASSIVE WISDOM (PERCEPTION) Alchemist's Fire Dex 20 ft +3 1d4 Fire

Target +1d4 damage at the start of each of its turn; Can end it as an action with a DC 10 Dex check
Darkvision 60 ft



Alchemist's Fire, flasks Alchemist's Fire, flasks
Reload Reload



MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Dragon Head by spikeilustra; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet
Choose Feature
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Natural Philosopher -You have learned many things about alchemy during your studies.
Starting at 1st level, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded up, to any skill check I'm used to helping out those who aren't as smart as I am, and I
made to identify herbs, potions, poisons, or other alchemical substances. If you are proficient patiently explain anything and everything to others. There's
with such a skill, this bonus stacks with your normal proficiency bonus. nothing I like more than a good mystery.
Bombs At 1st level, you can create volatile alchemical bombs using your alchemist's supplies.
Whenever you take a short or long rest, you can create a number of bombs equal to 10 plus PERSONALITY TRAITS
twice your alchemist level. The cost of materials necessary to create these bombs is negligible.
The statistics of a bomb are shown in the Bombs sidebar. After 24 hours, an unused bomb Self-Improvement: The goal of a life of study is the betterment
becomes inert. Priming Bombs Once per turn you can take the Use an Object action to prime a of oneself. (Any)
bomb with explosive reagents and make an attack with it, increasing the bomb's explosive
potential. When you do so, you can add your Intelligence modifier, instead of Dexterity, to the IDEALS
bomb's damage roll.Additionally, when you throw a bomb in this way, its damage increases by
1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10). I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not
By 2nd level, your research has granted you insight into new alchemical formulations for your fall into the wrong hands.
bombs. Select three bomb formulae from here. Once per turn when you prime a bomb, you can
apply a formula to it. Applying a formula sometimes changes all of the damage dice rolled for a
bomb, but also grants it special effects.
ApothecaryMany practically-minded alchemists assume the role of the apothecary, for
Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and
adventuring parties always needs a healer, and clerics might be in short supply. During their
take notes on its anatomy.
downtime, such alchemists have a marketable skill to depend upon for income and can do an
indisputable amount of good with their knowledge. Apothecaries are constantly at work
studying potions and herbology, preferring to learn how to mend the body, rather than destroy
it.Bonus ProficienciesWhen you choose this field of study at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with
the Medicine skill.
Formula: Painkiller BombAt 2nd level, you can create painkiller bombs. By mixing your bomb's Feature Name: Researcher
explosive reagent with a slurry of analgesic oil, you can change it into a painkiller bomb. A
When I attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if I do not know
painkiller bomb deals no damage, and instead grants each creature within its blast radius
that information, I often know where and from whom I can obtain it.
temporary hit points equal to 1d8 plus half your alchemist level, which last until the end of your
Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium,
next turn. This bomb has no effect on constructs and undead.
university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Unearthing
Reagent DiceYou start with three reagent dice, which are d10s, and you gain additional reagent
the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or
dice as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Reagent Dice column of the Alchemist
even a whole campaign.
table. You regain all expended reagent dice when you finish a long rest.When you prime a
bomb, you can expend a number of reagent dice up to your proficiency bonus and add the dice
to the bomb's damage roll.Reagent Synthesis
When you finish a short rest, you can choose to regain all of your expended reagent dice that Half-Aquatic Elf (+2 Charisma and +1 to two other ability scores of
weren't used to brew potions. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a my choice)
long rest.In the course of your research, you have made a number of discoveries regarding the
nature of alchemy. At 4th level, you gain two discoveries of your choice, found here. When you Skill Versatility: I gain proficiency in two skills of my choice.
gain certain alchemist levels, you gain additional discoveries of your choice, as shown in the
Discoveries Known column of the Alchemist table
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the discoveries you
know and replace it with another discovery that you could learn at that level.



> Silk rope, feet of 50 0.1 > > Common clothes 3
> > > Belaying pin (club) 2
> > > Lucky charm SP
> > > Belt pouch (with coins) 1
> > >
> > >
> > >
10 GP

> > >

> > >
> > >
> > >
11.2 lb
> > >
66 - 130 lb
> > >
> > >
195 lb
Add Equipment EQUIPMENT
MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet
Brewing Potions
You can spend 10 minutes and expend any number of reagent dice to brew potions. These > FEAT: Homebrewer

potions retain potency for 24 hours, after which they become inert. If a potion calls for a saving Using a set of alchemist's supplies over the course of 10
throw, it uses your bomb save DC. minutes, you can brew potions. You gain a number of reagent
The number of reagent dice and the alchemist level required to brew a potion are given in the dice equal to your proficiency bonus and can expend them to
following table: brew any potions available to an alchemist of 3rd level. These
Potion Cost Alchemist Level potions retain potency for 24 hours, after which they become
Potion of Climbing 1 reagent die 3rd inert. If you have the Reagent feature from the alchemist class,
Potion of Growth 1 reagent die 3rd > you Elven
FEAT:can use these reagent dice to add additional [XGtE
alsoAccuracy damage74]
Potion of Healing 1 reagent die 3rd a bomb's damage
Whenever roll.
I have advantage on an attack roll that uses Dexterity,
Potion of Water Breathing 1 reagent die 3rd Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, I can reroll one of the dice
Universal Solvent 1 reagent die 3rd once. [+1 Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma]
Cure-All 2 reagent dice 7th
Potion of Greater Healing 2 reagent dice 7th
Potion of Heroism 2 reagent dice 7th
Potion of Resistance 2 reagent dice 7th > FEAT:
Sovereign Glue (1 ounce) 2 reagent dice 7th
Beginning at 5th level, you carry a supply of concussive explosives which help you escape from
perilous situations. As a bonus action, you can throw one of these explosives at your feet,
disorienting and distracting nearby foes. Each Large or smaller creature within 5 feet of you
can't take reactions until the start of its next turn
At 6th level, you gain a feature granted by your Field of Study. > FEAT:
Potion Toss
Starting at 6th level, you've developed a chemical mechanism to deliver potions more
effectively to distant allies. You can use your action to hurl a potion at a willing creature within
20 feet of you. The target gains the benefit as if they had drank the potion normally.
Field of Study Feature
At 10th level, you gain a feature granted by your Field of Study.
By 10th level, you've tested out your own tolerances to painkillers such that you can take a
small measure regularly without ill effect. Whenever you drink a potion that has the effect of
restoring your hit points (even if you already have all of your hit points), you gain advantage on > MAGIC ITEM: Wand of Paralysis [DMG 211] ● Attuned
saving throws until the end of your next turn. This wand has 7 charges, regaining 1d6+1 at dawn. As an action,
NOTES I can expend 1 charge to have a creature within 60 ft make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. It can
repeat this save at the end of each of its turns. When the last
charge is used, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes.
> <
> <
> MAGIC ITEM: Stone of Good Luck [DMG 205] ● Attuned
> <
While this polished agate is on my person, I gain a +1 bonus to
> <
ability checks and saving throws.
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> MAGIC ITEM: Portable Hole [DMG 185]
> <
> < As an action, I can unfold this black cloth, 6 ft in diameter, and
> < place it on a solid surface, whereupon it creates a 10-ft deep
> < extradimensional hole. It can't be used to create passages. The
> < space is always the same, so I can store things and creatures in
> < there. Removing it and folding it back takes an action.
> <
> MAGIC ITEM: Boots of Elvenkind [DMG 155]
> <
> < While I wear these boots, my steps make no sound, regardless of
SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL the surface I am moving across. I also have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.

> MAGIC ITEM: Fire Absorbing Tattoo [TCoE 119] ● Attuned

When I attune to this magic needle, it disappears and I gain a
red magical tattoo of a design of my choosing. It grants me
resistance to fire damage. As a reaction once per dawn when I
take fire damage, I can gain immunity against that instance of
damage and recover half the damage as HP.
MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet
Male 46 Medium 177 cm 71 kg
Maximilian Schmerz

Chaotic Neutral / Graying Pale Blue Pale






Evo ga backstory : The LIchtenhofs were a hunter family of some renown at the turn of the century. Born in
1898 Karl to Albus and Yohana, first boy after 3 girls, things were looking good. And then came the great war
and with it a perfect opportunity for the enemies of the family. As the front line grew closer some of the
external defences had to be taken down and it was all a Vampire prince needed to finally remove this thorn in
his side. The invasion was swift and the only thing that saved young Karl and the scroll his father ordered him
to keep safe was the chaos of the Marne. There he joined the army as young medic by the name of Maximilan
Schmerz. After the war he was given a scholarship for the University of München. There he discovered a great
passion for learning and has completed both a medical and a historical doctorate. However the pyre of his
former home kept still burned in his heart so at night, after his many lectures he would hunt. Case by case
meticulous and lethal, vampires were the main target of his nightly "walks". Eventually he branched out from
vampires into other creatures of the night each a delicious puzzle for him to solve, preferably on his operating
APPEARANCE table and slowly disassembled . For 20 years monster all over central Europe would just disappear from places
they were supposed to be safe, or would be blown to bits by traps in their home, his particular approach led to
him being given the moniker "Father Christmas". During this time he became patron of the hunter community
Modest LIFESTYLE DAILY PRICE 1 gp and even married a fetching young huntress by the name o Olga however their life together was cut short by
the rise of the Nazi party. He sent her to America with their unborn son but he stayed behind hearing of the
resurgence of vampires under the cover of the nazis, his vengance perhaps being an option in these new
chaotic times.


MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet
Companion Options

Owl Tiny

Celestial Unaligned

-4 STR -4 INT Temporary HP: SUCCESSES

11 +2 1
Set Max HP
+1 DEX +1 WIS

-4 -1 CON -2 CHA ARMOR




5 ft,

fly 60 ft


1 >


◆ Find Familiar: If dropped to 0 HP, the ◆ Flyby: The owl doesn't provoke opportunity attacks
8 +1 Acrobatics (Dex)

familiar disappears, leaving behind no when it flies out of an enemy's reach.

+1 Animal Handling (Wis)
physical form. The familiar must obey all ◆ Keen Hearing and Sight: The owl has advantage on
-4 Arcana (Int)
INTELLIGENCE commands of its master. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
-4 Athletics (Str)
-4 -2 Deception (Cha)
-4 History (Int)
2 +1 Insight (Wis)
-2 Intimidation (Cha)
-4 Investigation (Int)

+1 +1 Medicine (Wis)
-4 Nature (Int)
12 ● +3 Perception (Wis)
-2 Performance (Cha)
CHARISMA -2 Persuasion (Cha)

-4 Religion (Int) FEATURES TRAITS
+1 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
● +3 Stealth (Dex) Find Familiar (1st-level conjuration [ritual] spell, PHB 240):
+1 Survival (Wis) ◆ Summon a spirit that serves as a familiar, appearing in an unoccupied space within 10 ft
SKILLS It assumes a chosen form (can change at every casting): bat, cat, crab, frog (toad), hawk,
lizard, octopus, owl, poisonous snake, fish (quipper), rat, raven, sea horse, spider, or weasel.
It has the chosen form's statistics, but its type changes from beast to celestial, fey, or fiend
When the familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form
It reappears when I cast this spell again (in a new form if so desired)
◆ The familiar acts independently of me, but it always obeys my commands
Darkvision 120 ft; Adv. on Wis (Perception) checks
In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn, but it can't attack
using hearing/sight
◆ While it is within 100 ft of me, I can communicate with it telepathically
◆ As an action, I see/hear what it does (but not with my senses) until the start of my next turn
◆ As an action, I can temporarily dismiss it, having it disappear into a pocket dimension
◆ As an action, while it is temporarily dismissed, I can cause it to reappear within 30 ft
◆ I can't have more than one familiar bonded at a time; As an action, I can dismiss it forever
CLICK HERE ◆ When I cast a spell with a range of touch, my familiar can deliver the spell
TO CHANGE It must be within 100 ft of me and it must use its reaction to deliver the spell when I cast it
THIS ICON It acts as if it cast the spell, but it can use my modifiers for any attack rolls the spell requires

MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet
Notes Page Options

Investigator Ravens Slumber

GrimoireAt 1st level, you have a grimoire containing four 1st-level spells of your This black crystal pendant is a magical gateway to a small pocket dimension. You
choice that have the ritual tag from any class's spell list (the spells needn't be can use the pendant as an improvised weapon to make a melee or ranged
from the same list). You can't cast spells in your grimoire except as rituals, unless weapon attack against a Large or smaller creature. On a hit, the target must
you've learned them by some other means. succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be trapped within the crystal. A
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can add an additional ritual spell from creature that wants to be trapped can intentionally fail this saving throw.
the Investigator Rituals list to your grimoire at no cost. The Ritual Level column on Only one creature at a time can be held in a raven's slumber. That creature is
the Investigator table shows the maximum spell level you can add to your aware of the passage of time and can see the world outside of this talisman as if
grimoire.Additionally, whenever you find a ritual spell on your adventures, you through a window. You can release a held creature to an unoccupied space within
can add it to your grimoire if it is on the Investigator Rituals list of a level you can 5 feet of you as a bonus action.
add to your grimoire. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 If a companion creature granted to you by a class feature, or a beast that you've
hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it. tamed as a companion, is reduced to 0 hit points while within 100 feet of you, it is
At 2nd level, you are extremely adept at uncovering knowledge which pertains to immediately drawn into the pendant and stabilized. If the pendant already holds a
eldritch threats and forgotten legends. You have advantage on Intelligence creature, this effect fails.
checks related to researching creatures, spells, and other ancient or secret lore. Seeing glass
Beginning at 2nd level, you can hastily perform any ritual spell in your grimoire This ornate silver hand mirror is decorated with a motif of withered roses. The
that has a casting time of 1 action, completing the ritual as a bonus action. If the mirror's reflection always shows the true form of any creature viewed in it as if it
ritual requires spell components worth 100 gp or less, you cast it without using were seen by the true seeing spell. You can see invisible creatures, the true form
spell components. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your of shapechanger, and the true faces of creatures attempting to disguise their
Intelligence modifier (minimum once), and regain the ability to do so when you hideous appearance.
finish a long rest.As you gain higher levels in this class, you can use this feature If the seeing glass is turned upon a vampire, the glass immediately shatters and is
additional times. You can use it once more at 5th level (Intelligence modifier + 1), destroyed.
9th level (Intelligence modifier + 2), 13th level (Intelligence modifier + 3), and Dispeling stone X4 This smooth, rainbow-colored, egg-shaped stone can be
17th level (Intelligence modifier + 4). thrown up to 30 feet and explodes in a 10-foot-radius sphere of magical energy
Spy BravadoStarting when you choose this specialization at 3rd level, your on impact, destroying the stone. Any active spell of 5th level or lower in the
knowing smile and infectious confidence inspires trust in most people you meet, sphere ends.
even when you're not telling the truth. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill Watchers Candle This black tapered candle cannot be lit. When a celestial, fiend,
and add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. undead, or fey comes within 120 feet of the candle, it lights and burns with a
TrinketsBy 3rd level, you have a collection of trinkets which aid your espionage. purple flame. Once the candle has caught flame, it burns for one hour, and it
You can use the following trinkets: cannot be used again.
Glass Dust. As a bonus action, you can throw this dust in the air, becoming Watcher's candles cannot function if they are wrapped in packaging or stowed in
invisible until the beginning of your next turn. This effect ends early if you take a container.
damage.Horn-Rimmed Glasses. As a bonus action, you can cast the spell disguise Infiltrators keyDormant. The Infiltrator's Key grants the following benefits in its
self once without using a spell slot or spell components.Martini Glass. As a bonus dormant state:
action, you can cast the spell charm person once without using a spell slot or spell The key can be used as thieves' tools for the purpose of opening locks. When
components.Most supernatural creatures have some form of weakness, a gap in using the key, you are considered proficient in thieves' tools and you have
their armor that allows them to be defeated. Starting at 5th level, once on each of advantage on ability checks made to open locks.
your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, it is treated as if it has While holding the key, your steps are muffled, giving you advantage on Dexterity
vulnerability to the weapon's damage. Vulnerability from this feature only doubles (Stealth) checks made to move silently.
your weapon damage dice and your ability modifier; do not double additional Awakened. When the Infiltrator's Key reaches an awakened state, it gains the
sources of damage, such as spells and other class features. following properties:
Additionally, the attack, as well as all other attacks made against the creature until While holding the key, you can use a bonus action to transform the key into a
the start of your next turn, are considered magical for the purposes of bypassing magic dagger or back into a key. While the key is in the form of a dagger, you
damage resistance and immunity. gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and it returns to your
Blood HunterHunter's BaneAt 1st level, you have survived the Hunter's Bane — a hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged attack.
dangerous, long-guarded ritual that alters your life's blood, forever binding you While holding the key, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells
to the darkness and honing your senses against it. You have advantage on from it: alter self, invisibility, knock, or pass without trace. Once a spell has been
Wisdom (Survival) checks to track fey, fiends, or undead, as well as on Intelligence cast using the key, it can't be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn.
checks to recall information about such creatures.Also at 1st level, you gain the Exalted. When the Infiltrator's Key reaches an exalted state, it gains the following
ability to channel — or sometimes sacrifice — a part of your vital essence to curse properties:
and manipulate creatures through hemocraft magic. You know one blood curse As a bonus action, you can touch the key to a floor, wall, or ceiling that is no more
of your choice, detailed in the "Blood Curses" section at the end of the class than 5 feet thick and cause a magical opening to appear in the surface. When you
description. You learn one additional blood curse of your choice at 6th, 10th, create the opening, you choose its length and width, up to 10 feet for each
14th, and 18th level. Each time you learn a new blood curse, you can also choose dimension. The opening lasts until the key passes through it to the other side, at
one of the blood curses you know and replace it with another blood curse.Each which point it disappears (if a creature is in the opening when the doorway closes,
time you use your Blood Maledict feature, you choose which curse to invoke from the creature is safely shunted to the nearest unoccupied space). The key can't be
the curses you know. While invoking a blood curse, but before it affects the used to create another opening until the next dawn.
target, you can choose to amplify the curse by taking necrotic damage equal to While holding the key, you can use an action to cast one of the following spells
one roll of your hemocraft die. This damage can't be reduced in any way. An from it: dimension door, gaseous form, or mislead. Once a spell has been cast
amplified curse gains an additional effect, noted in the curse's description. using the key, it can't be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn.
Creatures that do not have blood are immune to blood curses unless you have
amplified the curse.Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest
before you can use it again. You can use Blood Maledict twice between rests
starting at 6th level, three times starting at 13th level, and four times starting at
17th level.

MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet
Notes Page Options

Discoveries Bombs
Lazarus boltYou've discovered a radical necromantic workaround: restoring life Oil By mixing your bomb's explosive contents with a few drops of a
with direct electricity to the heart. As an action, you can drive a bolt into the torso super-surfactant, you can change it into an oil bomb. An oil bomb deals no
of a creature that has died within the last minute and shock it back to life. That damage, but coats each creature within the blast radius in a sticky, flammable oil.
creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This feature can't return to life a creature The next time a creature coated in oil takes fire damage, it takes an extra d6
that lacks a heart, a creature that has died of old age, or a creature that is missing damage for each die of fire damage rolled, up to a maximum of half your
vital organs alchemist level, rounded up. This oil can be removed by dousing a creature with a
Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long gallon of water.
rest. Holy By adding a few drops of holy water to your bomb's explosive contents, you
Fire in the holeYou have tweaked your bomb's formula to increase its explosive can change it into a holy bomb. A holy bomb deals radiant damage instead of fire
yield. Your bomb save DC increases by half your proficiency bonus, rounded damage and has d8 damage dice, unless the target is a celestial, fiend, or undead.
down. The bomb's damage dice are d6s against celestials and a d12s against fiends and
Precision Explosives undead.
You have modified your bombs to have narrow gaps in their explosions, perfect Laughing Gas
for keeping some creatures safe from the blast. You can choose one creature in By mixing your bomb's explosive contents with a drop of jesterate, a highly
the blast radius of a bomb other than the target to automatically succeed its euphoric chemical, you can change it into a laughing gas bomb. A laughing gas
saving throw against the bomb and take no damage from it. bomb deals poison damage instead of fire damage, has d6 damage dice, and
Using a special alchemical process requiring 8 hours of work, you can create a requires a Constitution saving throw instead of a Dexterity save. Additionally, the
homunculus. A homunculus functions as a familiar summoned by the find familiar target, as well as each creature within the blast radius that fails its saving throw,
spell, with several differences: falls prone in a fit of laughter. Once a creature is targeted by this bomb or
succeeds on a saving throw against it, it does not fall prone on subsequently
The telepathic link between you and your homunculus functions at any distance, failed saving throws.
provided you and your homunculus are on the same plane of existence. Smoke By removing your bomb's explosive reagent entirely, you can change it
Your homunculus is a construct and can't assume a different form. into a smoke bomb. A smoke bomb deals no damage but fills a 10-foot radius
You cannot dismiss your homunculus as you would a familiar. sphere with smoke. This fog spreads around corners and its area is heavily
Your homunculus can take the Attack action on its turn. obscured. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier or
When your homunculus dies, its body remains, and can be reanimated as a ritual until a wind of moderate or greater speed (atleast 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
requiring 1 hour of work, which can be performed over the course of a short or Once you throw one of these bombs, you can't throw another for 1 minute.
long rest. Your homunculus can take the Attack action on its turn. Teleportation
Archery By replacing your bomb's explosive contents with a glowing etherite crystal, you
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. can change it into a teleportation bomb. A teleportation bomb deals no damage
Crimson Rite and instead opens a rift in space, instantly teleporting you to its point of
Also at 2nd level, you learn to invoke a rite of hemocraft that infuses your weapon detonation. This effect fails if the bomb explodes more than 30 feet away from
strikes with elemental energy. As a bonus action, you can activate any rite you you.
know on one weapon you're holding. The effect of the rite lasts until you finish a Withering By mixing your bomb's explosive components with a powerful
short or long rest. When you activate a rite, you take necrotic damage equal to desiccating agent, you can change it into a withering bomb. A withering bomb
one roll of your hemocraft die. This damage can't be reduced in any way. deals necrotic damage instead of fire damage, has d8 damage dice, and requires
While the rite is in effect, attacks you make with this weapon are magical, and a Constitution saving throw instead of a Dexterity save. Additionally, the target, as
deal extra damage equal to your hemocraft die of the type determined by the well as each creature within the blast radius that fails its saving throw, can't regain
chosen rite. A weapon can hold only one active rite at a time. Other creatures hit points until the end of its next turn.
can't gain the benefit of your rite.
You choose one rite from the crimson rites below when you first gain this feature.
You learn an additional crimson rite at 7th level, and again at 14th level.
Rite of the Dawn
When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of the Dawn as part of
your Crimson Rite feature. When you activate the Rite of the Dawn, the extra
damage dealt by your rite is radiant damage. Additionally, while that rite is active
on your weapon, you gain the following benefits:

Your weapon sheds bright light out to a range of 20 feet.

You have resistance to necrotic damage.
When you hit an undead creature with a weapon for which the Rite of the Dawn is
active, you roll an additional hemocraft die when determining the extra damage
from the rite.
Curse Specialist
Starting at 3rd level, you learn to master blood curses. You gain an additional use
of your Blood Maledict feature. In addition, your blood curses can target any
creature, whether it has blood or not.
When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll, you can
use your reaction to roll one hemocraft die and subtract the number rolled from
the creature's attack roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature's
roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll succeeds. The creature
is immune if it is immune to blindness.Amplify. You apply this curse to all of the
creature's attack rolls until the end of the turn. You roll a new hemocraft die for
each affected attack.

MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet
Spell Sheet Options


Maximilian Schmerz

Intelligence 6 +11 DC 19

) Purify Food and Drink (R) 5-ft rad of food and drink is rendered free of all poison and disease — Trans 1a 10 ft V,S Instantaneous P 270
> Speak with Animals (R) Speak verbally with and understand beasts for duration; interaction limited by intelligence of beasts — Div 1a Self V,S 10 min P 277
> Unseen Servant (R) Create a mindless, invisible, shapeless, Medium servant for simple tasks; bns a to mentally command it — Conj 1a 60 ft V,S,M 1 h P 284
) Fly 1+1/SL willing creatures gain fly 60 ft speed — Trans 1a Touch V,S,M Conc, 10 min P 243
> Magic Circle Celes., elem., fey, fiends, or undead can't enter/leave; dis. on atk; +1h/SL dura.; see B (100gp cons.) — Abjur 1 min 10 ft V,S,M† 1 h P 256
> Moment to thing You can take one additional action and move around in your space while no time passes for other creatures. That
1 can
bns beSelf
used only toV take the Search or Use an Object act
> Technomancy With a complex input gesture, you can manipulate a technological device you can see within range. You can use
this ability
1 bnsto perform any basic operation on the device, includin
> Find Familiar (R) Gain the services of a familiar; can see through its eyes; it can deliver touch spells; see B (10gp cons.) — Conj 1h 10 ft V,S,M† Instantaneous P 240
WILL Comp. Languages (R) Understand all spoken language or written language when touched; does not help vs. cyphers — Div 1a Self V,S,M 1 h P 224
) Alarm (R) Door, window, or 20-ft cube area; audible (60 ft) or mental alarm (1 mile) if undesignated crea enters — Abjur 1 min 30 ft V,S,M 8 h P 211
> Clue When you cast this spell, all footprints and fingerprints within a 45-foot radius of a point you touch become highlighted
Div 1 and
a glow faintly for the duration.
10 min At the time of casting, c
> Heroism 1+1/SL crea immune to fear, gain spellcasting ability modifier temp. HP start of each turn as spell lasts — Ench 1a Touch V,S Conc, 1 min P 250
) Detect Magic (R) Know presence of magic within 30 ft; 1 a to see auras and determine school — Div 1a Self V,S Conc, 10 min P 231
> Concealed shot . The attack's projectile is invisible while in flight and the weapon itself is silent. If the weapon is a firearm, this spell
Ilus suppresses
1a the
Self smoke and
S, M
the weapon produces, making
> Whispering wind You point your finger in a direction and whisper a message of twenty-five words or less, while specifying up to six creatures to be the targets. If a target is in range and in the app
> Knock 1 object is unlocked (1 lock), unstuck, unbarred, arcane lock suppressed for 10 min; audible for 300 ft — Trans 1a 60 ft V Instantaneous P 254
) Leomund's Tiny Hut (R) 10-ft rad immobile dome of force holds 9 Medium crea; blocks magic; ends if I leave; see book — Evoc 1 min S:10-ft rad V,S,M 8 h P 255
) Phantom Steed (R) Summon quasi-real steed with 100 ft speed (10 mph); I designate rider; spells ends if it takes dmg — Illus 1 min 30 ft V,S 1 h (D) P 265
) Water Breathing (R) 10 willing creatures can breathe underwater for the duration — Trans 1a 30 ft V,S,M 24 h P 287
> Afterimage You create an illusory duplicate of yourself which follows your every movement. When you are hit by an attack during the spell's duration, roll any die. On an odd roll, the attack t
MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign); Spell Sheet 1/1 Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet



ATTACK (action) HIDE (action) BLINDED

Make one melee or ranged attack with a weapon, or Hide from those that can’t perceive you. Your Dex Fail checks involving sight. LEVEL EFFECT (cumulative)
multiple attacks with the ‘Extra Attack’ class feature. (Stealth) check is the DC for anybody’s Wis (Perception) Attacks have disadvantage. 1 Disadvantage on ability checks
(See the ‘Attack Action’ section below.) check to discover you. Enemy attacks have advantage. 2 Speed halved
CAST A SPELL (casting time of the spell) OVERRUN (action or bonus action) (DMG 272) CHARMED 3 Disadvantage on attacks / saves
Effect depends on the spell being cast. Move through hostile’s space once by winning opposing Can’t harm/attack charmer. 4 Hit Point maximum halved
DASH (action) Str (Athletics) check. Advantage if you are larger or Charmer has advantage on 5 Speed reduced to 0
Gain your speed as extra movement for this turn. disadvantage if you are smaller than the opponent. ability checks to interact socially. 6 Death
DISENGAGE (action)
Your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks for Choose an action that you will take in response to a set Fail checks involving hearing.
the rest of the turn. trigger. Taking the action uses your reaction. Readying a FRIGHTENED
DODGE (action)
spell requires concentration and expends the spell slot. Disadvantage to checks/attacks while the source of fear is in sight.
Attack rolls from attackers you can see have disadvantage SEARCH (action) Can’t willingly move closer to the source of fear.
and you have advantage on Dex saving throws until the Search for something, possibly with a Wis (Perception) GRAPPLED
start of your next turn, until you become incapacitated or or Int (Investigation) check. Speed 0, regardless of bonus. Ends when grappler is incapacitated or when
your speed drops to 0. TUMBLE (action or bonus action) (DMG 272) moved out of grappler’s reach by an effect.
ESCAPE (action) Move through hostile’s space once by winning opposing INCAPACITATED
Escape a grapple by winning a Str (Athletics) or Dex Dex (Acrobatics) check. Can’t take actions or reactions.
(Acrobatics) check vs. grappler’s Str (Athletics) check. USE OBJECT (action) INVISIBLE
HELP (action) You can interact with an object once per turn for free. A Can’t be seen (normally), but still make noise and tracks.
Give an ally advantage on next ability check or attack roll second interaction and special cases take an action to Attacks have advantage. Enemy attacks have disadvantage.
vs. an opponent within 5 ft of you, if done before the complete (e.g. draw a second weapon, equip a shield, PARALYZED
start of your next turn. drink a potion, retrieve an item from a backpack). Incapacitated. Can’t move or speak. Fail Str and Dex saving throws.
COMBAT ACTIONS (PHB 192) Enemy attacks have advantage. Enemy attacks within 5 ft are critical hits.
Incapacitated. Can’t move or speak. Unaware of surroundings. Resistance
MELEE ATTACK (one attack) to all damage. Immune to poison / disease. Fail Str and Dex saving throws.
Normal attack on target within 5 ft. If attacking with a light HALF +2 AC and Dex saving throws Enemy attacks have advantage. Stop aging. Weight increases by factor 10.
melee weapon in one hand, allowed to make an attack with a 3/4 +5 AC and Dex saving throws POISONED
light melee weapon in other hand as a bonus action, see ‘Two- TOTAL Can’t be targeted directly by attack or spell Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
Weapon Fighting’. If either weapon has the thrown property, it COVER (PHB 196) PRONE
may be thrown as part of this action. Crawl (at ½ speed) or stand up (costs ½ speed). Attacks have disadvantage.
RANGED ATTACK (one attack) Enemy attacks have advantage within 5 ft and disadvantage if further away.
Normal attack if up to normal range (first number). Disadvantage on the attack if up to long range (second number).
Disadvantage on the attack if a hostile that is not incapacitated is within 5 ft and can see the attacker. Speed 0, regardless of bonus. Disadvantage on Dex saving throws.
TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING (bonus action with attack action) Attacks have disadvantage. Enemy attacks have advantage.
If making an attack with a light melee weapon in one hand, allowed to make an attack with a light melee weapon in
other hand as a bonus action. This off-hand attack can’t add a positive ability score modifier to the damage roll. If the Incapacitated. Can’t move. Can speak only falteringly.
weapon has the thrown property, it may be thrown as part of this action. Fail Str and Dex saving throws. Enemy attacks have advantage.
DISARM (instead of one attack) (DMG 271)
Knock an item from grasp by winning weapon attack roll vs. opponent’s Str (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check. Incapacitated. Can’t move or speak. Unaware of surroundings.
Disadvantage on the weapon attack roll if the item is being held with two or more hands. Larger opponents have Drop everything. Fail Str and Dex saving throws.
advantage and smaller have disadvantage. Enemy attacks have advantage. Enemy attacks within 5 ft are critical hits.
GRAPPLE (instead of one attack)
With a free hand, give the grappled condition to an opponent that is within reach and up to one size larger than you CONDITIONS (PHB 290)

by winning Str (Athletics) check vs. opponent’s Str (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check.
MARK (with melee attack) (DMG 271)
LIGHTLY OBSCURED (dim light) Disadvantage on sight Perception checks
With a melee attack you can mark the target of that attack. The next opportunity attack against the marked target
HEAVILY OBSCURED (darkness) Effectively blinded (see conditions)
before the end of your next turn has advantage and doesn’t cost you your reaction.
BLINDSIGHT Out to range, perceive without sight.
SHOVE (instead of one attack)
DARKVISION Out to range, treat dim light as bright light. Can’t see colors.
Move opponent 5 ft or make prone by winning opposing Str (Athletics) check. Disadvantage if trying to move the
opponent to a side rather than to directly away from you. TRUESIGHT Out to range, perceive everything regardless of (magical) darkness,
invisibility, illusions, shapechanging, or etherealness.

MOVE (limited by movement speed) FORCED MARCH

You can move your movement speed every turn. You can break up your Marching more than 8 hours per day requires a Con PACE MINUTE HOUR DAY EFFECT
movement between actions. You can switch back and forth between different saving throw at DC 10 + 1 per additional hour, at the Fast 400 feet 4 miles 30 miles -5 passive Perception
types (e.g. from flying to walking), by subtracting the distance already moved end of each additional hour. If failed, suffer one level Normal 300 feet 3 miles 24 miles ––
from the new speed. of exhaustion (see conditions). Slow 200 feet 2 miles 18 miles Able to use stealth
You can freely move through a nonhostile’s space, and through a hostile’s FOOD (one pound per day) TRAVEL PACE (PHB 182)
space if it is two sizes larger or smaller than you. Another creature’s space Go without food for 3 + Con modifier of consecutive
counts as difficult terrain. days (1 day minimum). At the end of each day beyond that, suffer one level of exhaustion (see conditions).
CLIMB / SWIM (at ½ speed) WATER (one gallon per day)
May involve a Str (Athletics) check if the climb / swim is difficult. If only half a gallon is consumed, DC 15 Con saving throw at end of day. If failed or consumed less than half, suffer
CRAWL (at ½ speed) one level of exhaustion, or two levels of exhaustion if currently already exhausted (see conditions).
Crawl while prone (see conditions). Dropping prone costs no movement speed. FALLING
DIFFICULT TERRAIN (at ½ speed) 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d6. End prone if taken any damage from the fall.
Moving through difficult terrain costs twice as much speed. Another creature’s SUFFOCATING
space counts as difficult terrain. Hold breath for 1 + Con modifier in minutes (30 seconds minimum). After that, survive for Con modifier in
JUMP rounds, after which drop to 0 hit points and dying.
After moving at least 10 feet on foot, you can jump your Str score in feet straight SHORT REST
forward, or 3 + your Str modifier in feet up. The jump distance is halved when A short rest takes 1 hour of doing nothing too strenuous. At the end of the rest, spend hit dice to regain hit points.
performing a standing jump. LONG REST
STAND UP (costs ½ speed) A long rest takes 8 hours with nothing too strenuous for more than 1 hour of that. Regain all hit points and half hit
Standing up from being prone costs half your movement speed for this turn. dice at end. If food and water are consumed, reduce exhaustion level by 1. Maximum of 1 long rest per 24 hours.
MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v13.1.4+221130 (Printer Friendly - Redesign) Made by Joost Wijnen (; Design inspired by Wizards of the Coast character sheet

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