Biology HW

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1. .Differentiate between Rabi and Kharif crops.

Ans. Rabi and Kharif are two distinct cropping

seasons in India. Rabi crops are sown in winter,
typically between October and December, and
harvested in spring, around March to May.
Wheat, barley, and mustard are examples of
Rabi crops. In contrast, Kharif crops are planted
with the onset of the monsoon, from June to July, and are harvested in the autumn,
between September and October. Rice, maize, and cotton are common examples of
Kharif crops.

2. What are the various ways to improve the variety of crops?

Ans. Crop variety improvement: It can be done either by hybridisation or by

introducing a gene.

(i) Hybridisation: Hybridisation refers to crossing between genetically dissimilar

(ii) Crop improvement by introducing a gene: This provides the desired
characteristics and results in genetically modified crops.

3. What is hybridization? Name the various types of hybridization.

Ans. Hybridization is a breeding technique that involves crossing two genetically

different individuals to create offspring with desirable traits

Intraspecific Hybridization: Crossing individuals of the same species with distinct

characteristics to obtain improved traits.

Interspecific Hybridization: Breeding between individuals of different species, aiming to

combine advantageous traits from both species.

Intergeneric Hybridization: Crossing individuals from different genera, often employed

to create hybrids with novel characteristics.

Intragenic Hybridization (or Line Breeding): Repeatedly crossing and selecting within a
specific line or population to enhance and stabilize desirable traits.

4. What do you mean by genetically modified crops?

Ans. Genetically modified crops, often referred to as GMOs

(Genetically Modified Organisms), are plants whose genetic
material has been altered through genetic engineering
techniques. Scientists modify the DNA of these crops to
introduce specific traits, such as resistance to pests, diseases,
or environmental conditions, as well as enhanced nutritional
content. The purpose of genetically modifying crops is to improve their overall
performance, yield, and resilience

5. What are the purposes of crop variety improvement?

Ans. Crop variety improvement seeks to enhance agricultural productivity by developing

resilient, high-yielding varieties with resistance to diseases and tolerance to
environmental stresses. This effort also addresses nutritional deficiencies, adapts to
climate change, and reduces environmental impact.

6. What are the desired agronomic characters for fodder crops and cereal crops?

Ans. Desired agronomic traits for fodder crops include high biomass yield, nutritional
value, and palatability for livestock. For cereal crops, key traits involve high grain
yield, disease resistance, and adaptability to varied environmental conditions, ensuring
robust and reliable harvests.

7. What are macronutrients and micronutrients?

Ans. Macronutrients are essential nutrients required by plants and organisms in

relatively large quantities, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Micronutrients
are vital elements needed in smaller amounts, such as iron, zinc, and copper. Both are
crucial for the healthy growth and development of plants.

8. List the nutrients required by the plants and their sources?

Ans. Plants require macronutrients like nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)
sourced from fertilizers and organic matter. Micronutrients such as iron (Fe), zinc (Zn),
and copper (Cu) are needed in smaller amounts and are often supplied through soil and
organic amendments. These nutrients collectively support plant growth and development.

9. Differentiate between manure and fertilizer.(Any two). Why are manure considered
better than fertilizers?

Ans. Manure is organic, derived from animal and plant decomposition, gradually releasing
nutrients to enhance soil health. Fertilizers, synthetic or natural, provide quick nutrient
availability but may lack organic content. Manure is favoured for its sustainable, soil-
improving qualities, including organic matter and microbial support, leading to reduced
environmental impact compared to fertilizers.

10. What do you mean by compost and green manure?

Ans. Compost is humus-like material created from decomposed

organic matter, enhancing soil structure and fertility. Green
manure involves growing specific crops, like legumes, to be
incorporated into the soil, providing nutrients and preventing erosion. Both practices
contribute to sustainable soil management and improved agricultural productivity.

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