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I. Introduction.
A. Problem
B. Objective
C. Scope and Background
1) Organization and Data under scope
2) IT Service Management (ITSM)
3) IT Tickets
II. Analysis of Work Done and Design.
A. Fishbone Analysis
B. Software & Hardware Design
1) Software Requirements
2) Hardware Requirements
C. Development Tools Used
1) Python
2) Essential Libraries in Python for Data Science & Machine Learning
a) Scikit-learn
b) Pandas
c) NumPy
d) Matplotlib
e) SciPy
3) Jupyter Notebook
4) Tableau
a) Tableau Public for data sharing
III. Learning Experiences on Business / Technology.
A. Key Experiences and Lessons Learnt from the Project
1) Real life scenarios have new challenges compared to the Theoretical problems
2) Domain Knowledge of IT Service Management helped understand data
3) Merely ticket data from formal enterprise source (structured data) isn’t complete
& reliable, explore other sources for Structured\unstructured data
4) Theoretical Knowledge of the business process is not enough
5) Align the approach to business objective
6) Handling poor quality data, missing data and Uncertainty
7) Data is more valuable than the algorithm
8) Learning about Statistical Techniques
9) Learning how to code
B. Situational and Crisis Management Scenario during the Project
1) Facing the lack of training data
2) Absence of ITSM Domain knowledge and experience
3) Poor Quality Data
4) Meeting demand for ever growing data size for processing
5) Potential Crisis post deployment
a) Network outage in Real-time Solutions
b) Change of data model in the source
c) Change in service level agreement of IT services
IV. Conclusion.
A. Results
1) Confusion Matrix for Random Forest Algorithm
2) Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve For ITSM Project
3) Ticket Forecasting
B. Contributions\Benefits realized by predicting Priority 2 tickets through this study
C. Project statistics
D. Contribution
E. Suggestions

F. Findings
1) Re-Training
2) Scope for Future Research


Figure Number Name\Title Page Number

1 Fishbone diagram for problem of slow & incorrect IT Ticket 10
2 End to End Stepwise Approach to the problem 14
3 Key Domains in Machine Learning 15
4 Snapshot of Query fetching Ticketing data 17
5 Snapshot of Query Reading the Imported Data 17
6 Snapshot of Ticket Data Features & Description 18
7 Ticket Priority as a Data Variable 18
8 Snapshot of Refining the List of Most Relevant Attributes 19
9 Snapshot Showing That There Is No Data Missing 20
10 Variables that accept values as special character, missing data 21
but not null data
11 Example of Data Sort & Fill Up for All Missing Values 21
12 Removing Records with Missing Values of Priority, Urgency & 22
Impact Variables
13 Snapshot of Query Fetching Unique Closure Codes to know 22
more about CI_name
14 Occurrences of Unique Closure Codes in the Data Set 22
15 Snapshot of Queries to Summarize Data 23
16 Filtering Priority Values to Focus on Priority 1 & 2 24
17 Under-sampling Query to Handle Imbalance of Available Data 24
18 A View of Final Data Set to Train & Test the Models 26
19 Splitting the Training and Testing Data Sets 26
20 Query and Output of Logical Regression Method/Model 27
21 Query and Output of K-Nearest Neighbor Model 28
22 Query and Output of SVM Model 29
23 Query and Output of Random Forest Model 30
24 Comparing Accuracies of Different Models 31
25 Confusion Matrix for Random Forest Algorithm 36
26 ROC Curve for this ITSM Classifier 37
27 Ticket Forecasting Output Trend 38
28 Diagnostic Plots for the Forecasted data 38


Table Number Name\Title Page Number

1 Features of Python Language 11
2 Classifier Accuracy 30

I. Introduction.

A. Problem

Organizations operating in IT-enabled business segments follow an agreement with IT service

organizations, and a process to manage these IT services. Depending on size & intensity of business, an
organization may receive thousands of IT incidents/tickets per year. These tickets are handled to best
practice Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework with incident management,
problem management, change management and configuration management processes. These ITIL
practices attained matured process level. There are audits to find out compliances and further
improvement initiatives on return of investment. As organizations reach higher maturity levels, the
conventional potential of improvements reduce. This project presents ticket data to show ways to
improve the incident management process from following problems:

 The incident management is poor in spite of implementation of ITIL best practice process.
 Time taken to correctly identify and assign High Priority ticket is can breach in Service Level
Agreement for not resolving in time. This is the problem we are going to solve in this project.

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