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CBSE Worksheet-39

Class – VI Science (Light, Shadows and Reflections)

1. If the Sun is above your head, the shadow formed would be

a. Shortest
b. Longest
c. Absent
d. Sometimes short, some time long.
2. From a source light travels as rays which are
a. Parallel
b. Convergent
c. Divergent
d. Diffused
3. The shape of shadow depends on
a. The size of the source of light
b. The shape of the object
c. The position of the source of light
d. All of the above.
4. In a plane mirror image formed is
a. Real and inverted
b. Virtual and erect
c. Real and erect
d. Virtual and inverted
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Solar eclipse i. Reflection of light.
b. Lunar eclipse ii. New moon day.
c. Sun iii. Full moon night.
d. Bouncing back of light iv. lateral inversion.
e. Plane mirror v. Ultimate source of light.

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6. Fill in the blanks.
a. An object which does not emit light is called ---------------------.
b. An object which allows all the light falling on it to pass through is called -------.
c. ------------- mirror are used in making periscope.
d. Our shadow is ------------- at noon.
e. In plane mirror image are of ----------- size.
7. What is eclipse?
8. State two effects of rectilinear propagation of light.
9. Three identical towels of green, blue and red colour are hanged on a cloth line in the
sun. What would be the colour of shadows of these towels?
10. Give one word/two words to replace the statement.
a. An object which allows part of light falling on it to pass through.
b. An object which gives out own light.
c. An object which does not give out own light.
d. A celestial body that reflect the light.

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Answer key
1. a
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. (a) – (ii), (b) – (iii), (c) – (v), (d) – (v), (e) – (i).
6. (a) Non-luminous (b) transparent object (c) plane (d) shortest (e) same.
7. An eclipse is the darkening of a heavenly body when the shadow of another heavenly
body in space falls on that body.
8. The effect of rectilinear propagation of light are:
a. Formation of shadows.
b. Formation of lunar and solar eclipse.
9. The colour of shadow do not depends on the colour of the object. The shadow is
always black in colour. So, all three towels will form same colour shadow.
10. (a) Transparent (b) Luminous (c) Non- luminous (d) Moon.

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