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Project Proposal in Introduction to


Beltran, Edrenette Rose R.

Corpuz, Shiene T.
Frias, Kyla Bianca S.
Reataza, Lhuzbeth F.

This is app that may use to tracker your everyday emotion / feelings. In may install to your
mobile phones and no Wi-fi/cellular load needed to access this app.

It may help those people that have bipolar condition or even a simple people that have their
mix emotions.


They well tracker their emotion weekly and it will rate it then they will see what motivation
letter they need at that week in the way of percentage of their votes.

The emotion that may be collect is will be recorded weekly and may summarize it in the end of
the week. All the emotion that summarized by the percentage is will be accumulated into
motivational quote or letter it will be depends on the Percentage.

The EmotionKoTo is ensure the emotion of the user daily and to make feel the user that
everyday we will make them feel that their emotion is valid.

If the user is not input their emotion it may have comorbilities that could bias the result every
It will be if they not input the emotion in that day. It will never be resume or back it in the
calendar the app will be record a 1 day.
“Enhancement of Computer Systems Project Proposal”

An explanation of the project, its background, and its importance is given in the introduction
section. It should include a concise overview of the computer system's current status and the
improvements that are required.

The project's precise objectives are described in the objective section. In this instance, it might
be similar to this:
- A 20% increase in system performance.
- To add multi-factor authentication and improve system security.
- To enhance user experience and simplify the user interface.


The project's boundaries are specified in the scope section. What is and is not included in the
project should be made clear. For instance:
- Within scope: Security implementations, hardware improvements, and software updates.
- Out of scope: Relocating data centers and altering network infrastructure.

Enumerate the observable outcomes or items that the project will generate. Updates for
software, hardware installations, documentation, etc., may fall under this category.

Describe the standards that will be applied to decide whether or not the project is successful.
What criteria or requirements need to be fulfilled in order for the project to be approved and
deemed finished?
Provide specifics on the project's exclusions. This clearly states what the project will not cover,
which helps to control expectations.

Any restrictions or limitations that the project team should be aware of are described in this
section, including:
- Financial constraints.
- Time restrictions with a set deadline for the job.
- The accessibility of resources, such as personnel and machinery.

Budget Pal is a budget planner. It’s a user-friendly software application that users may access
from their computers and mobile devices to track the money they are getting and the money
they are spending. It helps users set a budget, so they can stick to their spending targets. Budget
Pal also allows users to set their Ipon goals for a certain amount of time to track if they are
achieving them.

The objective of Budget Pal is to help users allocate every peso to a purpose so they can put
their money to good use as they develop a good habit of managing their money, such as
spending and saving.


Budget Pal allows users to track their expenses. They can write down their plan for how they
will spend their money each week or month. Users can manually input expenses, including
category, amount, and date. It also allows users to write down their personal goals that they
want to achieve in a certain amount of time.

There will be a detailed project plan outlining the scope, timeline, and resource allocation. The
source code for the budget planner software application was organized and documented. There
will also be a plan for data backup and recovery in case of system failures or data loss. And
lastly, a final project report summarizing the project’s achievements, challenges, and
recommendations for future improvements
The programmers ensure that the budget pal meets the needs and expectations of the users,
provides proficient financial tracking and planning features, and is built with a strong focus on
data security and user experience.

This project does not include data entry for existing financial records, such as past transactions
and budgetary data. The user is responsible for inputting their financial information into the
software application.

The project is subject to strict time constraints. The project’s success may be impacted by delays
in the development and testing phases, which must be finished within the predetermined time
“Mobile pharmacy application for android”


Our technology is very rampant to use nowadays, like computer, mobile phone and many more. It has a
huge advantage to create a system that can we use in our daily lives. Approximately 1 billion people has
their own devices to be use every day because it can easily help us to connect with other people. Mobile
technology has a good impact to the users where in you can give a good information when it comes to
health conditions. Mobile pharmacy application for android is to promote an easy way to help people
that need a right medication if it is good or not for your health, it also efficient to the people that has a
disability to go to the pharmacy.


The main purpose of this project proposal is to provide clients with a convenient and direct way to
search, select, order, and receive desired medication.


This project proposal is about to create an easy way to know what’s the right and not right medication
for the users, it can also help them to select, order, and search for medicine that you need.


Mobile Pharmacy Application for Android is more efficient to use especially nowadays that a lot of us has
their own devices to be use every day, wherein we can easily identified or search for the medication that
good to our health.


People with disabilities who can no longer go to the pharmacies will benefit from this, because they can
now search and select what’s the right medication for them. And for the pharmacies also this proposal
help them to upgrade their work by using mobile devices to know immediately and review if the
medication of the recommendation is correct.

This project proposal is cannot be used casually it can bring risk of misuse. It also has a limit to avoid risk
to those abuse their health.


Mobile Pharmacy Application for Android ii takes a long time to carry out this project and it also
necessary to review the considerations.

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