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PERSUASION  Informative – contains a data, facts,

feedback and other types of

 It uses creative mind and persuasive
information that has purpose of
language. Aims to convince, encourage,
providing its reader valid and relevant
or influence someone to believe a
particular idea
 Investigative – type of report which
PERSUASIVE ACTS could be about serious issues such as
political, crimes, and corruption, that
 ADVOCACY – Latin word advocare has purpose of scrutinizing evidences to
which means “to summon” or “to call prove an issue or a situation
one’s aid”  Recommendation – suggests or
 ADVERTISMENT – a public proposes possible actions and solution
announcement promoting a product, a to a certain problem or issue. Its first
service, an event or vacancy for jobs step is to identify the problem
 CAMPAIGN – a series of planned steps
to achieve a business, a political or a
military goal


 These phrases commonly used to make

each persuasive statement more
compelling and convincing for the
 The modal verbs usually accompany
these powerful phrases should and

Stand out – means to be prominent in


Stand up – means to rise, to stand, to position

and to move

Stand by – means to stay still or be in the same


Make a stand – means to have a position or to

decide on something


 A one way discussing a topic,

information, or an issue in the form of
writing or oral presentation


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