Solution To Exercise 17 Chapter 11

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Chapter 11, exercise 17 solution

17. Using the tax shield approach, the OCF at 61,000 units will be:

OCF = [(P – v)Q – FC](1 – TC) + TCD

OCF = [($28 – 16)(61,000) – 245,000](1 – .21) + .21($655,000/4)

OCF = $419,117.50

We will calculate the OCF at 62,000 units. The choice of the second level of quantity sold is arbitrary
and irrelevant. No matter what level of units sold we choose, we will still get the same sensitivity. So,
the OCF at this level of sales is:

OCF = [($28 – 16)(62,000) – 245,000](1 – .21) + .21($655,000/4)

OCF = $428,597.50

The sensitivity of the OCF to changes in the quantity sold is:

Sensitivity = OCF/Q = ($419,117.50 – 428,597.50)/(61,000 – 62,000)

OCF/Q = +$9.48

OCF will increase by $9.48 for every additional unit sold.

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