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Fun Tlme!
l-ut'r æ*îivif.its

1 a) Look at the pictures and fill in the verbs in the Iist.

fun activities
take play , see , watch , sample go (x2) pick
places of
b) ( t.z: Listen and check your answers.
types of TV
programmes/f ilms

will- be going to -
present continuous
(with future
i meaning)
-edl-ing adjectives I
conditionals (zero,
type 1)
both - neither -

discuss weekend
plans 2 ping pong at Bounce.
choose TV
express an opinion
works of art
invite - accepUrefuse 1
at the Tate

an instant message
an email about your
weekend plans

lVlusical instruments

r.r.: :.:, MUSIC

the River Thames

Brick !:*n
n a speedb oat.

Lane Market.


hF -.

fur -
F_: a ride in a caPsule
lp1,*, 6
t-- -
a football match
London ÉYe

) ;;____._
Wembley at


il ----=_
horse riding
at Hyde park
I delicious street food in
Camden Market

'gg'*dF lmagine you are in London. Say what you are going to do this weekend
A: We're going to play ping pong at Bounce this Saturday. What about you?
I B: We're going to go horse riding at Hyde Park Stables. I can't wait.
A: Sounds good!


e I

. motor
t 5çp,j c put On
1,t', t.z+ Go through the text quickly. Which is
the top attraction in each place? Listen and
" safety g/asses t
! read to find out.
, . protect . track I
i . measure c length

t ride t laSt t vanish Read the article and choose the roller coaster
. undenuater
which matches the sentences.

On which roller coaster (A or B) .,.

1 do you need to wear special equipment? tr
q I
ê 2 do you travel at extremely fast speeds? tr
1g 5 Sue Davies
Do you like roller
3 do you disappear from sight? T
coasters? HF :) 4 do you travel on a bendy track? T
?3 A7
3 What do these numbers stand for?
!. 240 1.32.2,440 2

KK ti

Worth the

You can find roller coasters in most amusement parks around

the world - but some are more extreme than others!

Cæsffi3æ %ffi*r*d Y*k*hæmæ, Jæpær'r

Cosmo World is a huge amusement park in Yokohama,

Japan. With its 32 fun attractions it promises a great day

Ferrar§ Wær*d out. What makes this place unique is Vanish, an amazing i
roller coaster whose track measures2,440 feet in length.
Âhr* *hæhi, UA§
I That means each ride lasts about 2 minutes. Why does
lf you have a need for speed, you'll love
it have this name? Well, this is the only roller coaster
Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi, UAE. This ,f.l
amusement park, which celebrates the
in the world where you vanish into an ,âr
underwater tunnel! When you approach the
world of motor racing, includes the fastest
tunnel, you feel like you are going to crash
roller coaster in the world - the Formula
into a pool of water! It! very scary ... and
Rossa. This roller coaster goes up to 240
I very wet!
kilometres per hour and has lots of bends,
so you feel like you are in a
Formula 1 race! Actually, you go
so fast that you need to put
on safety glasses to protect \
your eyes. Are you brave
enough to ride it?
Vocabulary ,

4 (t) r.zs Listen and repeat.
amusement 2 concert

4 on centre t eatre 6 um

5 What can you do in the places in Ex.4? Choose from the list. Tellyour partner.
o attend a performance * see a sports event * listen to classical music
* go on a rellê'i'(ûâSG7 * see clowns and acrobats + see a robotics exhibition

You can go on a roller coaster at an amusement park.

ï 6 Choose the correct preposition. Then, answer the questions.

I 1 What place is popular in/with teens in your area?

2 lsthere an amusement park in your city? What rides is it famous for/on?

? 3 Are you fond in/of visiting amusement parks?

t- 4 Are afraid oflin going on roller co:sters?

7 §I& ïÉfik Which is your favourite amusement park? write about: na,ne -
place - opening hours - special attractions - tickets. Present the amusement
ài park to the class.

Writing (a text message)

I Match the abbreviations to what they mean.

ffi CU2moro ffii B4N # TTYL & rHX ffiHF

ffi bye for now @ thanks ffi have fun ffi see you tomorrow S talk to you later
-:xt language
.rbreviations when I lmagine you are at one of the places in the
" e write text
texts in Ex. 1. Send a text message to your
-.essages. Using friend. Write: where you are - who with -
::breviations saves what the roller coaster is like. You can use
: re and space.
abbreviations (50-60 words).
LeI'e goLo
Ihe amueementpark will - be going to - Present continuous
We use willfor:
. on-the-spot decisions. l'm too tired. I won't go out tonight.
. predictions based on what we think, believe or imagine with the verbs think,
believe, hope, know. I think forests will disappear in 50 years'time.
. promises. l'll be back in an hour. Don't worry.
. offers. l'll help you with your project.

We use be going to for:

1orry,l can'N.l'm . future predictions based on what we know or see. Look at the sky! lt's not
goingtolakeparlin a going to rain today.
e? o rte c o mp eLif,i o n. Kelly an à . future plans & intentions. Are you going to buy a new laptop now that you
àally are coming,too, have the money? No, l'm not. l'm going to buy a new smartphone, instead.

Time expressions: torno rrow, next weeklmonthlyear, soon, etc.

Canl come?

1 Read the theory box. How do we form the affirmative, negative and
interrogative ol will? be going fo? When do we use these two tenses?

I 2 Complete the gaps. Use: will ot won't and the verbs in the
rise '. join , be .: go 'i rain
I 1 A: Look outside - it's raining heavily. We can't go to the
park. II
B: That's OK. We to Paul's house to play
computer games, then. I

2 A: lt's so cold at the moment!

B: You're right, but I believe that the temperatures
later in the week.
3 A: I hope that the weather nice while
we're on holiday.
B: Don't worry! l'm sure it
4 A: Ted us at the cinema. He has to work late.
B: Oh no!

'Â-.', Ask and answer questions using the prompts and witt ot won't.
1 newspapers/exisVin the future? 4 robots/do our housework/in the
A: Will newspapers exist in the f uture?
future? 5 people/go on holidays/to other
B: No, they won't. planets/in 50 years?
2 everyone/speak/same 6 students/learn in virtual
language/in 100 years? classrooms/in the future?
3 people/travel in flying cars/ in
the future?
4 Complete the sentences. Use the appropriate form of be going to and the
verbs in the list.
, visit a chat *plaf " watch * attend
think, This weekend ...
1 John isn't qoinq to plav football. (X)

2 Steve a film at the cinema. (/)

3 Paula her cousins. (,r)
ifs not 4 Jim and Andy to each other online. (,/)
you 5 Kim and her mum a theatre performance. (X)
5 Ask and answer questions. Use the prompts and be going to.
1 you/travel abroad this summer?
2 you/work on TV when you grow up?
3 where/you and your family/spend the weekend?
4 your parents/attend a performance next Saturday?

5 Put the verbs in brackets in the future simple (will) or the be going to form.
1 A: Have you got this week's Teen Sports magazine?
B: l'm not sure. I (have) a look.
to th 2 A: The drama club (hold) a performance this Sunday,
B: Really? I (come)!
to play
3 A: There's a documentary about celebrities on TV tonight
B: lknow. I (not/watch) it, though.

:ratu 4 A: Do you think (Peter/come) to the party?

';;l*- "' B: No. He (spend) the weekend with his uncle

e whi
7 Look at the notes. Correct the sentences. Write in your notebook.

>rk late. t:

Ann watch basketball mâtch

Tom atterr d a per'formanæ

,n't 1 Ann is watching a basketball match with Sam on Saturday. Ann isn't watching
: the present
use a basketball match with Sam on Saturday. She's playing video games with Sam.
: : rtinuous for fixed
r the . -':ngements in the 2 Tom is playing video games on Sunday.
'::r future. John's
3 Tom and tVlark are attending a performance on Saturday.
-.: , ng tomorrow.
- . ::ught his train 4 Ann and Sam are going shopping on Saturday.
:: yesterday.
5 Ann is attending a performance on Sunday.

8 Tell your partner two things: you arelaren't doing this evening - you
are/aren't going to do this weekend - you predict about the future.
1.26 Listen and repeat. @

æ 3
@ thriller


slrilts Expressing an opinion

2 Use the adjectives to discuss TV programmes and films, as in the example.
Use suitable
w good u great * interesting * educational * fantastic e amusing * funnÿ
intonation to show
your feelings. This *s OK w not bad
helps your listener
understand you u sillÿ . childish d awful * boring * terrible
A: What do you think of documentaries?
B: I find them boring. I prefer science-fiction films. what do you like
A: I love thrillers. They're fantastic.

Everydoy Eng li sh .3d

Choosing TV programmes
1 l:; Steve and Anna are trying to decide what to watch on TV. What do
they choose to watch? Listen and read to find out.
Anna, that new game show is on TV. Do you want to watch it? lt !
started 5 minutes ago.
æ Not really. What else is on?
Well, there's this film on - it looks like it's a science-fiction film.
re Oh, I know that one. lt's called Fourth World. Let's watch it.
OK, but I want to watch a football match later.

o ffi;ffi What time is it on?

It's at 8:00 on Channel 4. Mary and Josh are coming over to watch
a it, too.
a WÆ Sounds good. l'll get some popcorn.
2 Complete the gaps with -rng or -ed adjectives of the verbs in brackets.
. -rng adjectives
describe what 1 The action film is really (excite)
something is/was
Iike. The film was
2 They are (interest) in watching the documentary.
boring. (What was 3 You'll be (disappoint) by the acting
the film like?
Boring.) 4 The special effects are (amaze).
. -ed adjectives
describe how
someone feels/ tlà#Act
felt. We were 3 out a dialogue choosing a TV programme/film to watch. Use
bored. (How did the online TV guide below and the dialogue in Ex. 1 as a model.
we feel? Bored.)

6:OCI pm 6:3O pm 7:OO pm 7:30 pm 8:OO pm

Ghannel I Fniends IVlissing EastEnder s Elephants
[US sitcomJ [Thniller] [soap opena] Idocumentary)

rrtoon S

Ready Steady Do you England vs

Ghannel 3 Cook! News & Weather know it? Fnance
Icookeny show] [game show] ilive football matchl

The Simpsonsl Sharks

rmple. Lcartoonl I

funny "-lt*

lel, læl
( 1.28 Listen and repeat. Can you think of more words with these sounds?

lel bed, met, pet

læl bad, mad, pat

Why don't you

come rounàNo play a
First conditional (type 1) viàeo qame,Oavià?

Form: if + present simple --r future simple (will +
infinitive without to)
lf you study, you'll get good grades.
It won't be fun if you don't come with us.
Use: We use the first conditional to talk about
a possible or probable situation in the present or
future. We also use it to make promises and offers. lf lfinish
Note: unless = if not (Unless it rains, we'll go to the early,l'll come
nral park. (lf it doesn't rain, ...)
ffi-*----*r â

4 Read the theory box. How do we form the first conditional?

l B 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or future simple. Put
commas where necessary.

1lf we (go) to the stadium we (see) our

favourite band perform live
2 The teacher (explain) the exercise to you if you
e (ask) him
3t (not/lend) you my camera unless you
(be) careful with it.
4t (come) to your party if my parents
(let) me
5 rf r (meet) Joe tonight I (tell) him
the good news.
6 lf Kathy (visit) us we (order)
pizza lor dinner

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

What type of conditional is each sentence?
1 When water freezes, it
7 (become) ice.
2 lf it rains, we (not/go)
Continue the to the exhibition centre tomorrow
3 lf you heat ice, it
i 1 If it's hot (melt).
tomorrow, 4 lf you're hot, I (open)
Iwill go to the window
the beach.
5 lf the tickets (not/be) expensive, we'll go to the
!2 lf I go to the theatre.
beach, ... etc.


') Dolgolhaÿe phrases
(!n1 ,.ro Choose the correct item. Listen and check.

roller skatin
do windsurfin

have/do a sle r

do/, a intballin

have/do a games ni ht o t'ai chi

Gulture §pot
Gamden Market is
popular place for tg#
teens an London. 5 Discuss, as in the example. Use the ideas in Ex.4 as welt as your
with a lot of stalls, own ideas.
Capital shopg cafés and A: Would you like to go paintballing this Saturday?
lndon, restaurants it is the
perfect place to pick
B: Sure, why not?/That's a great idea.Æhanks, but I can't./l'd love to, but I can,t
; 1,050
rto45 up bargains and try
anjoy a street food. Listen ing
give us
6 ($ Listen to John and Sue discussing a weekend activity and for
questions 1-5 choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
s le for
1 What will Sue do on Saturday afternoon?
A play tennis B attend a party C go to an escape room
2 The escape room they will go to looks like a room in
A aspaceship. B anormal house. C acastle.
a place in your city 3 They are going to an escape room
love visiting. Talk A opposite a post office. B beside a library. C near an office building
n name; location;
4 Entry to the escape room will cost
n to dolsee.
A f5. B f10. c f15.
u 5 Sure and John agree to meet at

n l,æ& A 7:00. B 6:30. C 6:45.

n )pening/Closing
-emarks Writing (an email abouT your weekend plans)

How are you

7 lmagine you are going to Capital Karts this weekend. Write an emailto
your English-speaking friend. Write: where you are going - who with -
How are things?
I Tell what you are going to do.lnvite him/her to join you (80-100 words).
Write back soon

,ii:wiiiirgîp;ti? j 53
3 æ
l: =
t USIC )

( Look at the pictures of the musical
instruments. Listen and rePeat.


;.-i §TRING instruments have a
certain number of strings. To
play them, you can use a bow
fingers over
,t' .:,, or strike or Pluck the stri
or keys. 3 clarinet
2 saxophone 4 violin

ffiffie#Ë instruments are long tubes of brass,

5 trumpet wood or shell. To play a brass instrument, you must
vibrate your lips as you blow air into it, The air goes into
a tube. You can make different sounds by pressing keys
(like the trumpet) or sliding a part of the instrument (like the
6 trombone

PERCU§$ION instruments are

instruments you can play by hitting or
shaki ng them. We use them to
t blow air t bow rhythm or make special sounds.
. strike . pluck
n vibrate . slide t shake 7 xylophone
8 drums
9 piano

The string instrument

percussion instrument

-. 2 ($ r'rl Which musical instrument can be a string or a percussion
.i Design ÿour own '., instrument? Listen and read to find out.
§ homemode musicol j
i instrumenls. Presenf'.. 3 Read the text. Which type of musical instrument
lhe closs. 1 keeps the rhythm?
o Y
.r J d 2 sometimes needs a bow to PlaY it?
3 sometimes looks like a pipe with holes?
4 do you play by vibrating your liPs?

n il
l, 1t :1 ;;, : :,1; i1' : . : j'i'1 ' ,,,!

', a) ,(
Listen to the music extracts (1-5). Match them to the musical
instruments (a-e) below
lE 2E 3 4 5

i Spain accordion
Greece guitar
lreland koto
France bouzouki
Japan f iddle

b) (Listen again. Match the countries (1-5) to their traditional

musical instruments (a-e).

"i :rÇl
,EJ & Research traditional musical instruments in Europe. Prepare a
poster for the class.

ffirem*re*mt&æe* s$qffi˧m

ffi ffiI.o,,"ct information about a

traditional musical instrument in your
country under the headingÿ name -
type - description - other facts. Present
the instrument to the class.

i3 uAruEs
Music appreciation
& a) Read the statements. Which do you agree with?
Which do you disagree with? Why? Discuss with
your partner.
Choose a
1 Listening to music is a waste of time. piece of
music. Draw
2 Music helps people create stories without words.
a picture or
3 Music helps people express their feelings. think of a
4 Music can bring people together. story. Present
5 Music is just noise. it to the class,
See Song Section p. 107
o R rg heG
Vocabulary 4 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct
1 fill ln, circus, theatre, stadium, concert hall,
a musement park, exhibition centre. 1 When I (be) tired, I usually
listen to music.
1 You can watch a performance with
actors at a(n)
2 When people talk to heç she
(turn) red
2 You can see a robotics exhibition at a(n)
3 lf you (leave) now, you'll
be there before the lecture starts.
3 You can listen to classical music at a(n)
4 lf it rains this afternoon, we
(not/go) to the park.
4 You can see a sports event at a(n)
5 They (not/come) if they
finish late
5 You see clowns and acrobats at a(n) 5x2 = 10

6 You can go on a roller coaster at a(n)

6x1=6 Everyday English

Choose the correct item. 5 Complete the dialogue. Use the
statements (a-e).
'l Let's do/go paintballing next weekend.
2 Lisa is going to have/do a sleepover a What time is it on?
with her school friends. b Do you want to watch it?
3 How often do you go/do rollerskating? c Don't worry.
4 Henry usually plays/goes windsurfing at d Oh, I know that one.
the weekend. e What else is on?
5 I enjoy watching documentaries/
thrillers because they are educational. 6 Paul
TV. 1
r favourite coo kery show is on

6 Let's do/go t'ai chi.

7 He likes picking/sampling up bargains ffi Not really. l'm not interested in that
show anymore. 2
at markets.
I He enjoys watching soap shows/operas.
Well, there's this film on - it looks like
an action film.
Grammar ffi 3 It's called Fifth Gear. Let's watch
OK, but don't forget I want to watch
3 Choose the correct item.
documentary later.

1 We will trave!/are going to travel to

Warsaw next Saturday. w 4

2 lt's too cold. I will close/am closing the It's at 7:00 on Channel 4
window. # 5
sta rts
The film will be over before it
3 Both/Neither cartoons and game shows
are funny. Great. l'll get some snacks
5x3 = 15
4 They are leaving/will leave tomorrow
morning at 7:30 by train.
5 The film was amusing/amused.
5x I = 10

Reading Listening

6 Read the text. Decide if the sentences are
, W{wnomg) or
I to Suzanne and Kent talking
(;,}+ Listen
about a film and for questions 'l-4 choose
the correct answer (A, B or C).
'l What kind of film does Suzanne suggest?
A a horror film
/ou'll o B a drama film
C a science-fiction film
[r'tne ajm of the Young At Art ChiLdren's Museum in
2 The sitcom Suzanne's brother wants to
South Ftorida is to introduce chitdren to art in an
exciting way. watch is at
t they A 7:00. B 9:00. C 9:30.
[> there are lots of things to do at the museum.
There are interactive exhibits where chitdren can create 5 3 Kent will watch the film with his
, l = 10 their own work of art or they can join an art workshop. A brother. B cousin. C aunt.
Even very young chitdren can find things to enjoy. 4 What will Kent eat while watching the
There is a special gattery for toddters where they can
ptay and explore materials with their hands.
A popcorn B crisps C carrots
[* fhe museum offers a whole variety of activjties. It 10 4x4=16
hosts bjrthday parties and organises field trips. TOTAL: 100 points
Chitdren can even sign up for summer camps. Ihere are
atso schotarships offered to those who are tatented jn
the arts.

L> W, invite at[ chitdren to become members and L5

bring their fresh ideas to the museum. Membership
inctudes untimjted visjts for a year and other
discounts. If you are 15 years otd or otder, you can
atso votunteer at the museum.
Now I can ...
L*r nt the YAA the possibitities are as endtess as your 20 Vocabulary
rs on imagination. Join us today! . talk about fun activities
r talk about places of entertainment
It . talk about TV programmes & films
1 You are not allowed to touch the . talk about musical instruments
ks li exhibits in the museum. Reading
2 The museum isn't suitable for very . read for specific information (multiple
watch young kids. matching)
3 You can have a birthday party there . identify detail (RAIV/DS statements)
atch 4 Summer camp at the museum lasts Listening
for a month. listen for specific information (multiple choice)
5 You need to be '15
years old to
volunteer at the museum. Speaking
5x4=20 .
rit Writing choose a TV programmeifilm
. express an opinion

V Write an emailto your English friend . invite - accepUrefuse

5x3=1 about your plans for the summer. Say: Writing
where you are going to go - who with - o write a text message
what you're going to do there. lnvite your r write an email about my weekend plans
friend to come with you (80-100 words).
15 points
I can re&d -
my favounite

I con ploy
VR gornes.

I con ploy 'Ë4tsç'



Which of the devices in the pictures have you got?

How do you use them? Choose from the ideas
i u play games n call friends * send text messages
* read books * listen to music * watch films

u go online * keep in touch with friends/relatives

* video chat with friends/relatives

u take photos from the air


* interact with 3D objects & play VR games



j 3 rhfik which devices do you think will/won't be around in 20 years? Give


RZ-DZ is C-3P0's
best friend. R2-D2 is an

+ X a astromech droid. He works on

I spaceships as a mechanic. He mostly
repairs things, but he is also able to cut
things with a saw, proiect holograms and
When we think of droids, one film series comes put out fires. He sometimes flies with
to mind - George Lucas' Star Wars! LÉt's take a pilots when theY go on dangerous
close look at what these robots can do' missions. He's small, but he's
really brave.

or Threepio to his friends, is
a protocol droid. This tYPe of +
droid tells others how theY t
should behave when theY meet BB-8 and R2-D2 are
aliens from different Planets, very similar. Both of them
Threepio can also sPeak over 7 are brave astromech droids. BB-8
million different languages. People looks a bit different, though, because he
sometimes get angry with him because is round. He can do the same things that

he talks a lot. lt's not his fault, R2 can, but his shape means he can roll
around quickly. This is very useful for
though - they Programmed
$e*" BB-8 because he often needs to get out
him that wayl
of trouble fast!

1 | , z.oz Listen to the music and look at the pictures' What images come to mind?
droid /drcrd/ (n) a
robot in science- 1 , z.oa Read the dictionary definition. What different types of droids are
{iction films, books, there? Listen and read to find out.
etc that behaves
like a human
3 Read again and for questions 1-3 choose the correct answer (A, B or c)'

1 What does a Protocol droid do?

A gives others advice B teaches alien languages ÿ,.
C programmes other droids
. behave t fault 2 An astromech droid
. alten , mechanic A often breaks things. B isn't allowed in space'
. repair . saw C makes things work again.
. project t put out
, trouble
3 What makes BB-8 different to R2-D2?

A job B his shaPe C his character

# his

g*?** How the droids in the text be useful during a space mission?

& ca n Â
ÿ> L.t

5 Choose the correct PrePosition'

1 What comes in/to mind when 3 Astromech droids work on/at

you listen to this piece of music? spaceships'

2 People often get angry oflwith 4 He took a closer look at/in the
him because he talks a lot' problem'
stly Jobs i

: cut

6 ($ z.o+ Listen and repeat.

s and



{æ,1-mec[a,iil, nurse §re

Z-- ,

^e l
, -h^+
: ld( I !

an roll
eful for
get out er

7 Match the sentences (1-10) to the jobs (AJ) in Ex. 5, then say.
c I treat sick people. 7 I paint pictures.

o mind?
2 Itype letters and answer 8 I serve people food and
the phone. drinks,
are 3 I fly planes. 9 I care for people who are
4 I serve customers in a shop. iil.

5 I repair cars. 10 I treat people's teeth.

6 I take photos.

A doctor treats sick people.

#,r.d .#
I &q& ïÉfik Desisn your own droid for a
science-fiction film. Decide what the droid
will look like and what it can do. Give a
the droid a name. Present your droid
to the class.
t? !
* Writing

I lEür,no another fitm with

robots. Write a short article æ

at about it for the school English

magazine. Write: name of t
the name of robot(s) - what
iVthey can do.

Modals you able
lo àownloaàLhe

No. Could you


ility to
n he was
ability in
the past) He was able to upload the files. (He
managed to ...; specific ability in the past)
Preference (would)
I would like to watch TV. (specific preference)
BUT I like watching TV in the evenings. (general

3 Read the theory. Choose the correct item.

1 Tony could/may ride a bike when he was four.
2 The children wouldn't/weren't able to play
outside yesterday because it was raining.
3 | could/would like to check my emails.
4 May/Would I have some juice, please? WO'ttld
5 Would/Could I borrow your laptop, sir?
4 Choose the correct item.

: be late. 1 We might/had to book early for the exhibition

before the tickets sold out.
to buy
2 [VIax mustn't/can swim very fast.
3 You can't/shall eat in class.
nter this 4 He wouldn't/wasn't able to finish the video game.

) sr9n
5 Can/Should you pass me the salt, please?
6 Could/Should you tell me where the computer lab is?

7 Shall l/Am I able to get you a cup of tea?

I You don't have to/mustn't cook tonight. We'll eat out!
9 Should/Could I use your tablet, please?
rri nter
the 5 TIifik Complete the sentences about you. Tell your partner,
1 I should 6 I wasn't able to
3loves in
2 I must 7 I would like to
3 I don't have to 8 I could
4 I need to 9 I mustn't
5 I have to 10 lmight
bly o l

1 (4i z.os Match the pictures (1-11) to the words in the list (A-K). Listen and
check, then repeat.

V B screen 1

v G tower
v' D printer
E external hard drive
v I mouse
v G router 5
Y H scanner
v I speakers
v. a, keyboard



2 Fill in: upload, download, click on, scan, save, delete, connect, install,
stream, print. Check in your dictionary.
1 You need a router to to the Internet
2 To choose an item, you must it with your mouse
3 You need a good Internet connection to live shows on a laptop
4 You need a printer to documents or pictures.
5 Always your important files on a back-up hard drive
6 A lot of people videos onto video-sharing websites so
that everyone can watch them.
7 Before you the new software, you should
any unused programs from your computer.
I You can pictures and documents with a scanner.
9 --
You shouldn't music or films without paying for them

Everydoy English .4d

Giving instructions
rnd 1 Complete the dialogue, Use the sentences (A-E).

Excuse me, Mr Banks. l'm afraid I can't

H EREFORD SECON DARY SCHOOL upload my assignment to the school
,,"'*=**\ PORTAL portal. 1)
ItlliËTilIf of course.
f A B
browser and go to
First, open your tnternet

www. hereford l.

Log in
Then, click on where it says Log in
Got it! 3)
Yes, exactly! Type in your username and

c D password. Then click Enter.
ë \fl\ OK. What's next?
NoW choose 'History' and click on
!Y+r,t 'r'- :j Upload assignment.
Almost. Now open the window, find
E your file, click on it, then click on Open

@ liây

Uptô êd This Fite

gnËlls* AcBigft û8nt.word

OK. Then on the browser I click on
Upload this file, right?
Yes, your file is now on the portal.

you're welcome, George

A What do I do then?
B ls that all?
C Could you help me?
,1 ù æ
Listen Then, put D That's where I sign in, right?
l pictures A-E in the correct order. E All right. Thank you very much,
Compare with your partner. [Vlr Banks.

a laptoP {D )n',';

3 §.,i: Look at the pictures (A-E) and act out the dialogue.

C rive. lntonation (in questions) I

: csites sc
I z.o7 Listen and repeat. Mind the intonation. IIoÉe!
', rat are you doing? How do you do this? wh-questions
-,r it?
you fix Do you need any help? \ falling intonation
, :verything OK? Where can I put this? Yes/No questions r'
rising intonation
c r- them 'en can you help me? Are you ready?
the only
)hlllove kestexT,in
nngingout,wilh O -ing form
lriende. o
We use the -rng form after:
. the verbs /rke, love, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer, fancy.I enjoy posting
videos on social media.
. the verb go when we talk about activities. Mary goes windsurfing every
. the verbs avoi4 admit, begin, continue, deny, look forward to, risk,
start, finish, etc. He avoids giving his real name to people he doesn't
know online.
. the phrases be busy, it's no use, it's (not) worth, there's no point (in),
etc. There's no point trying to get the files back. They're lost.

3 Read the theory. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
L 1 A: Would you like (watch) a film on TV?
B: Not really. ljust started (type) up my essay
2 A: l'd like (thank) you for your help.
B: We really enjoyed (work) with you
out to.
3 A: Are you going (shop) this weekend?
B: No, l'm trying to avoid (spend) money these days
4 A: You shouldn't (get) upset about the broken hard
rntre. B: I just hate (lose) files, though.
5 A: l'm looking forward to (get) my new computer,
B: l'm afraid they might not (deliver) it until [t4onday.
6 A: Shall I (show) you how to connect the TV to the
rtre this laptop?
B: Not now. l'm busy (do) my project.

r Iesson
4 Put the verbs into the correct form. Give reasons.
I 1 She is too tired (chat) with her friends online

2 She went to the mall (buy) headphones.
Chain story
3 He decided (studyl computer engineering
Use these words to
continue the story. 4 Do you fancy (come) with us to the museum?
, love * too * can 5 How can I (help) you?
,- would love * go
6 I hate (listen) to classical music.
yrr6p{ ru, g5[
= 7 lt's no use (try) to fix this
.:.enoUgh + start
.= manage

look forward to 8 lpromised

(help) Ann upload
S1 My best friend
her video.
Tony loves playing
computer games.
52 Last Friday it was
too cold to go
out, so ...



I &

Hey, everyone!It's my birthday today and my

parents bought me the latest role-playing
game. It features my favourite video game
character. His name's Link and he looks like an elf'
In the game, a princess is in danger so Link has to
rescue her. Along the way, he fights monsters and
collects magic items. Link doesn't talk a lot or have
special powers, but think he's great because he's
clever and brave. Tell me about your favourite video
game character.
Posted b1l: FinlaY-I7, 3 /7, L2:12

in a pla
Happv birthday, Finlay I Iike Link, too, but I'M üazy about a character
game, he
game. Sonic is a spiky blue hedgehog an d he can run really fast! In the
has t,o jump ove{
has to collect gold rings. There are Iots of traps in his way SO he
gets dizzy The thing
them. S onic can spin around to get extra spee d but he never
I like best about him is that he never gives up. sonic's aiways ready to try

and run even faster next time.

Posted by: SallYB-l6,5/7, I

a games
r /atest o feature ,! Do you play video/mobile games? Where do you play them: on
Tell your partner'
. elf . rescue contsolê? on a computer/laptop? on a smartphone/tablet?
. special Power
. spiky , hedgehog
c gold ring o trap ,l (1"; z.oe Look at the pictures. Do you know who these characters are? What
, spin around d-
. speed . dzzy splcial characteristiis does each one have? Listen and read to find out'

Read again and decide whether each sentence

(1-6) is about Link or Sonic'
âRT 3
UIDIO OA!,IE§ Write t (Link) or 5 (Sonic).
ü This video game character

I 1 jumps over things a lot' 4 doesn't say much.
2 helps someone imPortant' 5 is famous for moving fast
3 is intelligent. 6 doesnt let anYthing stoP him.fl

Tirük Compare the two characters in the text in Ex. 3' Which character
seems more fun to You? WhY?
3 < Vocabulary
§ Video/NIobile games
(}} ,.u Listen and repeat.

2 sports 3 problem-solving
. ?tt
@ tt?.
tt?tttt.?? tt?


4 simulation 5 strategy
6 platform
ffi Talk about the types of games in Ex. 5, as in the example
,a;a--\- A: Do you like strategy games?
try P .--n\
\ .( À B: No, I don't. I think they're difficult/boring/easy.
GulÉure Spot A: How about sports games?
) 317,t
B: l'm crazy about them. They're fun/cool/interesting.

I æ

Lâstæar Ëmç
) rtner.
I ( l:] Listen to an announcement about a competition and fill in the gaps.

What IG Saturday, 1) June

rt. video game characters
2) o'clock
)OnlC. video games and 4)
Entertainmcntl local 5)

§peaking & Writing
I tl& game
ïÉfik create your own video game. Think about: name - type of
him. video - main character - story. Present your video game to the class.

ter I Use your answer in Ex. 8 to write a forum entry about your video game's
main character. Write: his/her name - what he/she is like - what helshe can
do - what makes him/her special(80-100 words)' j 69
ii.*gwliiirilp, if
,: Read the sentences about smartphone etiquette. Which sentences apply/
don't apply to you?

1 I use headphones when I am listening to 7 I never give out someonet phone number
music in public. without asking.
2 I turn off my smartphone in cinemas. 8 I talk loudly on my smartphone on public

I I always answer my smartphone while I

)ose am walking or riding my bike. 9 I take photos of people in public without

ou 4 I am polite in messages and comments.

5 I ignore the people I am talking to when I

10 lsend everyone updates allthe time.
get a message on my smartphone.

6 I ask people before I put photos of them

online. *j- .a..


r have the ideas in Ex. 1 to create a Ieaflet about the dos and don'ts of using
I ress.
Ë Use
smartphones. Use photos or drawings.
in Pe"*#ffi flm€æft fr æwre m,fu EBH s
,[ff!] .*tæ Collect more information about smartphone etiquette. Think
about: respond i ng to textslmessages - sen d i n g texts/messa ges/u pd ates
late at night - the sounds your smartphone makes - places where you
shouldn't use your smartphone (library, classroom, efc.). Prepare and give
the class a presentation. Make a video of your presentation.

Respect ,? z-*,
, l5lf
Use the verbs to complete a
the sentences.
* keep * download
+ post
," be

1) _ pirated music.
ü f is*
2) _pictures of others without their permission

5 llifik Are you a sood

digital citizen? Give
f rom examples. 3) _your posts private,
4) _ careful about who you are talking to online
See Song Section p
o PregIs§G
Vocabulary 4 Choose the correct item.

1 Fill in: give (x2), repair, features, project, 1 We have to/must pay attention in class.
behave, gets, rescue. Our teacher says so.

1 Can you me some advice

2 Jane must/had to go to the bank
yesterday. She needed some money.
about lnternet safety?
2 He has to the Princess in
3 We don't need to/mustn't go to school
today. lt's Sunday.
the game.
3 well during the class.
4 You shouldn't/mustn't touch that. lt's
4 BB.8 into a lot of trouble
in the Star Wars films.
5 He couldn't/shouldn't speak English
when he was 8.
5 ln the future, smartphones will be able
to holograms.
6 You wouldn't/shouldn't download films
6 I broke my camera. Can you it?
7 Could/Shall I have some tea, please?
7 Don't up too easily - try again !
8 Can/Shallyou help me send this email?
I This game space battles
9 Karen could/was able to upload the
between aliens and droids.
Bx1=8 videos in the end.

2 Fill in: viruses, scam, password, screen, 10 Mary would/might come to the party
flash. but she isn't sure yet.
10 x 1 = 10
1 Put the file on this drive Listen ing
2 To choose a file on the
you must click on it. 5 ($ z.rz Listen to an announcement about
aco and fill in the gaps (1-5).
3 Be carefulto avoid sites.
4 You should install a program that will
protect your computer from
5 Always keep your secret.
5x2 = 10

Grammar . \flin 10 video games

. Character can be
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
or monster
a person, a(n) 1)
form. a

. Cive character a(n) 2) and a

1 Would you like (see) it?
. Closing date is 3'lst 3)
2 She avoids (buy) things online.
. Make sure character is 4)
3 lt's not worth (try) to fix it. . Send entries by email or post to 43 Holt
4 You mustn't (tell) lies 5) Brentford

5 He's too young (learn) to drive -

6 I love (surf) online - 5x3=15

7 t'd like (go) out tonight.

8 She wants (get) a new laptop 6 Write a forum entry describing your
favourite computer game. Write: name -
9 I hate (listen) to jazz music.
type - main characte(s) - plotline (80-100
10 He promised (help) me. words).
10x'1 = 10 17 points

Everyday English
You're not alone, Sally. Just a couple of io-': .', .----.
7 Complete the dialogue. Use sentences a-e.
my smartphone used to make me worned aac'=', - -..
a Got it! Posted by:
A friend told me that there are specia camls .',-,-.
ank teenagers can stay to 8et treatment. They spenr :-:'
b Could you help me upload my Thomson_Paul
time doing outdoor activities away from thelr del':::
assignment to the school portal? 20:L7 24/6
rool decided to try the same thing. Not at a camp, tholg- -
c What's next? at home. ldid more exercise outside (without my pio^:

d Thank you, Mr Aston. of course)and I made sure I drdn't have my smartphone
in my bedroom at night. l'm fitter and happier now t

e What do I do then? haven't stopped using my smartphone, but i'm in

g lish
, Excuse me, Mr Aston 1
control these days. Hope this helps.

f ilms ffi Sure. First, open your Internet browser E

and go to the school portal. This person ...
oK. 2 1 sleeps next to their smartphone. I
a il? ffi Then, click on where it says Log in 2 gives the other some advice. il
3 That's where I sign in using my 3 uses their smartphone more wisely
username and password. now.

pa rty ffi Yes, exactly! Now click Enter. 4 can't live without their smartphone
oK. 4 5 got an idea from a friend.
ffi Now choose N/aths and click on Upload
assignment. Select your file in the TOTAL: 100 points

window, click on Open and then click

lout G3 ![;
on Upload this file on the browser.

§t You're welcome, Mary

5x2 = 10

Reading Now I can .,.

I Read the entries and decide whether each
sentence (1-5) is about Sally (5) or Pau! (P).
. talk about devices & computers
. talk about jobs
t1 . talk about video games
and a read for specific information (multiple choice/
My parents bought me a new smartphone for multiple matching)
my birthday. I'm crazy about it! I take it Listening
..d by: everywhere with me and use it all the time.
Holt listen for specific information (gap fill)
_0ldman05 I
That's the problem really. have it in my
:3 23/6 Speaking
bedroom at night and it's the first thing I look at
o give instructions
when I wake up. I didn't think it was a problem,
: ?_ I

until it broke one day, so I needed to give it to

. express preferences
someone to repair it. I noticed that not having it o give a presentation on smartphone etiquette
really affected my behaviour. I was getting
upset and angry with my friends. I felt a lot Writing
?e- better when I got it back. Does this happen to o write an article about a filmwith a robot
you? What should I do, people? . write a forum entry about a video game
' - points character

T*üm csn do iü!

walk or ride a bike


recycle or reuse

adopt an animal

) plant
--"- trees

2 Make sentences, as in the example. Use I

reduce or saye.
lf we walk or ride a bike, we can reduce air

d il

D Green activities

3 { z.ts Fill ln: organise, build, create, start, grow, do

Listen to check.
o o
1g I
col a recycling club fruit & materials

o .: o



a birdhouse environmental projects a clean-up

To make
suggestions, we
- Use the ideas in Ex. 3 to make suggestions about green activities at
your school, as in the example. Use the language in the box.

. HowAffhat
about + -ing?
. Why don't we
. We could ... . 5 Choose the correct preposition
. Let's ... .
Il§aEkto S
Do you live close l)in /by? Then why not walk to school instead of
travelling here 8) on/by car? IVe're starting a ïValk to School scheme
and we want everyone to join inl The first day of the scheme will be
V B) in/on Friday. For more information, talk 4) to/for Mr Richards.

T 6 Ïliî;k Compare the schools in the blog to your school.
T a

I Writing

7 L[Ë[ ggm what can you do to make your

T school more eco-friendly? Think of five things
and prepare a poster for your classroom.


The passive (Past simple)

active passive
The council released the report The report was released last
affirmative r

last Monday. Mon day by the council


t of negative didn't release it Ë;t Tuesday. lt was n't released last Tuesday.
interrogative , Did they release it at noon? : Was it released at noon?

3 Read the theory, then put the verbs in brackets into the past simple

rttr tr trtr trtr The Cove is a documentary starring Ric O'Barry, Hayden Panettiere,
C Scott Baker, lsabel Lucas and HardyJones, lt 1)
(produce) by Fisher Stevens. Ihe film 2) (direct)
by Louie Psihoyos and 3) (write) by lt/ark
lVlonroe. Special cameras 4) (use) that
5) (design) to look like rocks, The film
6) (award) an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature

è o
o 4 Fill in: is, are, was or were (x2)
1 The park visited by hundreds of tourists every day.
2 Two new animal shelters opened last Monday.
rris. 3 The Parthenon statues designed by Phidias
r is. 4 The Taj lvlahal built in the 17th century

:4 5 _ visited by a lot of people every year.

rrris? The Galapagos lslands

5 Fill in: by or with.

by + person who does
the action (the agent)
1 The documentary was filmed an underwater camera.
The beach was 2 The show was watched millions of people.
cleaned by the council
3 The artwork was made paper.
with + instrument/
material/ingredient 4 Avatar was directed James Cameron.
The beach was
cleaned with a special
machine. 6 Write the sentences in the passive
1 Cars p ollute the environment. The environment is polluted by cars.

2 They filmed the documentary in Thailand

_ .,.,.J

3 They opened the zoo last year.

4 Cars produce greenhouse gases

5 They took the animal to the shelter,


6 Dirty water causes diseases

a Mose
Wild animals 3 wasp
* { Listen and repeat.

1 butterf ly
&*k 4 chameleon

2 dolphin

5 monkey 6 tortoise 7 tiger

8 crocodile
10 salamander
11 f rog

2 Read the definitions. List the animals in Ex. 1 u nder the

headings. Say or write sentences, as in the example

mammal /mæm,ell (n) a

insect An,sekt/ (n) an animal reptile /rep,ta,t/ (n) a
'il:1#,î,lliilî;ft'" that has three main body
parts and six legs; some
animal with scalY animal, usually with
lano skin that laYs eggs hairi that feeds its
ànd a Part on insects have got wings
babies with milk

A butterfly is an insect. lt's got six legs and wings.

#h$&tr#&&S' #&#*e #e* I

.E, Choose
a country and
find photos of
animals that

\ I
live there.
Design a poster. .*

Label the
potor bear seal

50 Everydoy Eng li sh o 5d

* complete the dialogue. use the sentences (A-E). one sentence is extra.
,5 Look! There's the gift shop. Let,s get something for
leon * your ntece.
ffiHello. 1)

Hi, we'd like to get something special for my niece.

FEflIErin 2) _
ffi I like the look of the soft toys. 3)
+,ror.!-=:.-1.[j They're f5.75 each and with every purchase you
make, we donate half the money to the San ë

lVlartinez Wildlife Sanctuary to help care for sick or

', 1:.1
r' I
injured animals.
That sounds like a great idea! We'll take two -
toy tiger and a toy lion, please.
frfçlFmn What an excellent choicet 4)

ffi Here you are.
fitffii Here's your change A How much are they?
and receipt. Thank B Have you got it in red?
you for shopping at

San Martinez Safari

C How can I help you?
Park Gift Shop. D That's f 11.50 in total.
t6 E ls there anything in
particular you would like?

I â ( z.rz li5fs1, read and check.

3 ffi&{i, Read the dialogue atoud

4 g.l& Take roles: two of you are customers, the other one is a
shop assistant in the gift shop. Act out a dialogue simirar to the
one in Ex. 1. Use the pictures.

lntonation in exclamations I

Read the theory. Then, fill in: so, such (a/an), how, what (alan).
1 We had _ good timel so + adjective/adverb lt was so hotl They
2 lt was bad weather! ran so quicklyl
such (a/an) + adjective + noun lt was such

nice mugl a difficult rescue! lt was such bad newsl
4 He works hard !
What (+ adjective) + uncountable
noun/plural noun What awful weather!
5_ tasty apples! What nice T-shirts!
What a/an (+ adjective) + countable
6_ expensive it wasl
singular noun What a (nice) day!
How + adjective/adverb How tired we
( ' z.ra Now listen and repeat. Mind the intonation. were! How fast she was running!
somelanylnolevery & compounds
Would you like
eomelhinglo We use some and its compoun ds (somebodylsomeone, something, somewhere) in
affirmative sentences, and in interrogative sentences to make a request or an
offer. There are some tigers in the zoo. (affirmative) Can t have some leaflets,
5as please? (request) Would you like something to eat? (offer)

We use any and its compoun ds (anybodylanyone, anything, anywhere) in negative

or interrogative sentences. There isn't anything in the bag. Are there any lions in
)m §
the zoo?
We use no (= n61 any) and its compounds(nobodylno one, nothing, nowhere)in
affirmative sentences with a negative meaning. There is nothing to see. (= There
isn't anything to see.)
No, Nhanke.
We use every and its compounds (everybodyleveryone, everything, everywhere)
I haà some oranqe
uice earlier.
in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. They did everything they
rs? could to save the tiger. Not everyone signed the document. ls everyone here?

3 Read the theory, then choose the correct word.

1 The bird can't fly anywhere/somewhere because it has hurt its wing
2 I can't see anything/nothing under the desk.
3 I called you last night, but someone/no one answered the phone.
4 Everyone/Anyone is at the animal shelter right now.
5 l'm certain I saw the cat everywhere/somewhere in the garden.

4 Complete the exchanges with some, any, every, no and their

1 A: I want to do to help the environment!
B: in my school is taking part in the beach clean-
up day. You can come, too
2 A: Hello! ls there I cando for you?
B: Yes. l'm looking for a pair of plastic boots. Have you got
black ones?
3 A: Can help me put the recycling signs up?
B: l'll help, Mr Carter. I've got to do for half an hour.
4 A: Have you got gloves I can borrow? lt's cold
B: Sure. l've got a blue pair around here. Let me
find them.
5 A: Did you buy in the zoo's gift shop?
B: No, there was that I liked.

holiday in
lust returned from a,volunteering
WendyBoberts has
yosemlfe Nationatprrxiiôrtffornia, IJSA. Here are some
her iournal.

This morning we entered
the park
and set up our tents. Our campsiteb
in.a deep valley on the bank
of the
Merced River. We all have to
our tents, and its my job to
do the
washing-up in the river and
help in
the kitchen! ln the afternoofi,
walked to yosemite Falls where
picked up litter and repaired

Today, we went up th e n ver tn kayaks. Black
b ears and deer were
watch irg us from behind th e trees! Etventually,
we arrived at o ur
destination and o ur group leader gave us digital
cameras. Every year,
photos from the exact same spots are taken
aro und the park. It',s called
'repeat photography' and tt allows experts
to compare pho tos Jrom year
to Year and spot qny en vtron mental problems.
It wqs fun work and it
Jeels good to make a difference! think I'll come back next year
to do
s0me more volun teering!

, extraCt . journal Heading & §peaking

. volunteer
o set up , valley
($ Listen to the sounds. Where are you?
, bank . repair What can you see? How are You feeling?
e path o deer a

z (i;
the title of the text and the introduction. What jobs can you
z.zo Read
do as a volunteer in Yosemite National Park? Listen and read to find out.

3 Read the text and, for questions 1-3, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 The people in Wendy's volunteer group

A are from the same countrY.
B were old friends of hers.
StEÛ. c met each other for the first time. @
Predicting content 2 The campsite where WendY staYed

The layout of a text

A was at the edge of a river. B was deep in the park'
helps us predict its
C had lots of litter.
content. 3 Wendy used a digital camera to photograph
.B A wild animals. B her group'
i€d C the park.

4 TÉfik What makes Wendy an eco-teen? Tell the class.


l:: Listen and repeat. Which of these chores did Wendy do during her



? 1 set the table 2 clear the table 3 do the washing-up 4 help in the kitchen

, rl5, L

5 tidy the room 5 take out the rubbish 7 do the laundry 8 clean the bathroom
,, ear
'i tt Iî Which of the chores in Ex. 5 do you: always, usually, often, sometimes,
rarely, seldom, never do? Tell the class.

a GulÉure Spot
7 ($ z.zz You will hear some information about a volunteering holiday in a
in the missing information in the gaps
nationa! park. For each fill
The Lake District
ou National Park is the
t largest national
TEEil lrot{l
park in England
where people go on
volunteering Age: 1)--18
rc) holidays. Accommodation: eàch volunteer gets a seParate
. f) --- fences and signs
r pick up 4)
. do wildlife surveys
r walking boots
Volunteers need:
Iwhich is the laroest Apply before: 6\_
Inationalpark iüour
fcountrv? What can
t" and see
[i""",:'; Writing
I lmagine you went on a volunteering holiday to the park in Ex. 7. Write an
email to your English friend about your experiences there. Write about:
the park's name and location - your duties - your feelings (80;!-00 woldf
i See Writing 5 P. 11
' 85

]ad F=æ$w*B ffi
'$ ThEnk Look at the picture. What do you think it means? Tell the class.



o Day at your school. Prepare a poster to advertise the
re ,æ, lt's Environment
frl event.

*d tïr, ,,i.Æ
Collect information about what we
can do to protect the environment. Prepare and
give the class a presentation.

{P uAruEs ,,æ {p
LookdeeP into
nature' and
then You wilI understand
everYthing befier.
ïÉfik Explain the quotes. Albert Einstein

-à r. 5 &g& lt's Earth Day at your school. No water, no life.
Think of activities to celebrate it, e.g. No blue, no green.
plant trees, watch documentaries,
Sylvia Earle
create green art, etc. The class selects
three of the ideas.
See Song p
l@ffiHffi II
1.,:1 j::.:r,
tsrs oresslG
rtJlr he@
Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with who, which
or whose.
1 Fill in: deforestation, pollution,
e nd a n g ered, ru bbish, electri citY,
1 The boy is playing the violin
is my brother.
1 Air is a serious
2 Sally is the girl mother is a
problem in big cities.
2 We can plant trees to helP reduce
3 This is the restaurant makes
the best pizza in town
3 Households produce a lot of 4 The woman company sells
these days
these clothes is my mum's friend
4 Turn off unnecessary lights to save
5 The charity James started is
very successful
5 We need to protect the habitats of 5x2=10
5x1=5 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
2 Choose the correct item. 1 They cut down thousands of trees every
1 Students did/created works of art from week.
recycled materials. 2 Millions of people visit the forest every
2 Ted had to start/set the table before we year.
ate. 3 They didn't award the film an Oscar.
3 James organised/started a clean-up day 4 Fisher Stevens directed The Cove.
last month.
5 Who designed the buildings?
4 They build/grow their own fruit in a 5x3=15
5 You need to tidy/clear your room. lt's Listening
verÿmessÿ' will hear some information
u*,=, 6 1ÿ,t z.zq You
about Earth Day at a secondary school. For
each question, fill in the missing
Grammar information in the gaps.
3 Choose the correct item.

1 He played such/so well!

2 There's anything/nothing in the bag.
3 Ken organised the clean-up day all by Ët,,9ry of'activities;. , 2'lst April
himself/itself. Classes end at 2)

4 You shouldn't go anywhere/nowhere Activities:

o plant trees beside the 3)
you're ill. .ll
talk about
5 Can someone/no one help me carry the
bags, please? . make art from recycled
6 Kate burnt herself/themselves on the
oven yesterday. §tudents s!'rould bring
. pair of gloves
7 What/How good news! . empty 5)
8 Help ourselves/yourself to some l8ign up for
sandwiches. outside the
8x1=8 fli

n Reading Everyday English
7 Read the text. Decide if the sentences are I Match the exchanges.
olin {i {riçht}, t//(wrong) or ' , i..1i,,;-,;'.;t'i'i r.-i;:irl.
How much are they? Here you are.

isa l'll take these two. l'd like to buy a

How may I help you? mug, please.

Thank you very much. Excellent choice.
r kes
t?t7 ?t:17 That's f20 in total. They're î.16.40
back from somewhere really each.
in the Caribbean called You're welcome.
Hispaniola. Never heard of it? Perhaps you've heard of 5x2 = ]0
:d is the Dominican Republic or Haiti then? Hispaniola is
shared between these two countries. I was staying in
0 the Dominican Republic inJaragua National Park. \flhat You have recently visited a place of natural
a great place! beauty in your country or another country.
There are 1 6 national parks and protected areas in the Write an email about it. Write: the place's
Dominican Republic. They cover a tenth of the
very name and location - what activities you
country! lt's the perfect place for eco-tourists like me.
did - your feelings (80-100 words). 1s po nts
TheJaragua National Park is in the southwest. lt's not as
TOTAL. 1 00 po nts
ery popular as some of the other national parks, but that's
OK - I prefer quieter places. There is such a variety of
scenery here.Jaragua is on the coast so part ofthe park GomReTGnGGs
is on land and part of it is at sea. It also has some
amazing caves with cave paintings.
\ffiile I was there, I was lucky enough to see a
5 rhinoceros iguana. I love reptiles and I knew all about
this endangered species. They're usually shy, but they Now I can .,.
are quite powerful when they need to protect
themselves. I tried to take a photo of it, but I dropped
my camera as I was taking it out of my backpack. The . talk about environmental problems & solutions
iguana heard the noise and quickly hid in the
l, For At least I got to . talk about
rocks. green activities
see one before I ,,
. talk about chores
left! Next time I go,
l'llbe more careful. Reading

understand detail (RAA//DS sentences)

. read for specific information (multiple choice)

April . complete an article (open cloze) :.i'

1 Hispaniola is the capital of the
listen for specific information (gap fill)
Dominican Republic.
I 2 Haiti doesn't have any national
. make suggestions
3 Jaragua doesn't get as many .
tourists as other national parks, l go shopping
4 Tom got a great photo of
o create a poster
a rhinoceros iguana.
r write an email about a volunteering holiday I
5 Tom plans to go back to the
went on
Dominican Republic.
Roun d we go!

shops & services

signs ï-*l
means of transport
sha pes/materia ls

prepositions of
superlative E:T
order of adjectives
adverbs Y
question tags
past perfect

ask forlgive
buy a ticket

tweets about
getting around
a story

lhe lube Shops & Services

Responsibility 1 a) (}} Look at the map. Listen and repeat. Which are shops?
Which are se Which are open spaces?

b) Which shops/services are there in

your area? Tell the class.

Look at the map again. Where can You:

buy: a magazine? a stamp? flowers? meat? cheese?

fish? bread rolls? a teddY bear?
have: dinner? /essons?
play: with your friends?
keep: your moneÿ?
borrow: a book?
You can buy a magazine at the newsagent's.
Giving directions
. Go up/down/
along (a road).
. Turn left.
. Turn right.
o Take the firsVsecond
etc., (on the) lefVright.


q, ii
5 flll
, rla
fH*l LIBRARY :l !!


; Prepositions
; of movement

rps? *@r@
to into
3 Look at the map for a minute. close your books and write down as
many shops/places you can remember. Tell the class.

onto ocross 4 È# use prepositions of movement, the phrases in the box and
the map to give directions from:

* the school to the bookshop * the fishmonger,s to the hospital
ese? râdÉffiry
* the delicatessen to the library u the butcher's to the post office
* the florist's to the police station
olong out of
A: Could you tell me how to get to the bookshop, please?
o---> B: Certainly. First, go down Apple Street and turn left into
Marple Street ... .
over through

a I

- Listening & Reading

1 li;, Listen and read the text quickly and find five means of transport.
What kind of text is this?


tll totto*
Sally Shaw @theshawthing ' 56t
5 FoLLoWING Hi pptt I'm on a red double decker bus - the best way 2 see London's landmarks. Here's
45 rou-oweRs Buckingham Palace. h/aybe l'll see the Queen! Ï[VlB

ffi Dan Turner @DannyBoy06 . 3hr

Try a bike tour, Sally- lt's cheaper than taking a bus and more environmentally friendly' IMO it's the
ho* quickest way 2 get around .#London ffi ffi ffi ffi
Alfie Foley @theoneandonlyalfie' 3hr
''ldlf*§''" I went on a cable car over the River Thames. I could see all the sights up there. Definitely more
ritra{ _ itrt:r:.
exciting than buses or bikes! lt was gr8! #London ffiÆ ffi ffi

Bobby Danvers @bobnotdan . 2hr

Sorry but a cable car ride isn't as exciting as a helicopter tour! I went last summer. Had the time of
my life. Can't wait 2 go again!#London ffi ffi ffiffi ffi
Lily Piper @lilyofthevalley o 26Y
How about a cruise along the River Thames? A boat's the most relaxing way 2 check out all
London's tourist attractions. BFN! #London ffi ffi ffi

2 Read again and decide if the sentences below are ff {rl+41r"{}, M/ (wrong) or
#$ {d*msn't sæy}.
. environmentally friendly
o get around ' srghts 1 lt is Sally's first time in London.
. cruise o check out 2 Bike tours are bad for the environment. n
. tourist attraction
3 Alfie prefers cable cars to buses. t]
4 Bobby enjoyed flying in the helicopter. I
5 Lily thinks river cruises are tiring. I

3 Iirî;k Do you know of any other interesting places to see in London?

rt, Signs

4 l;; 2.27 Match the signs (A-H) to the

places you can see them (1-8). Listen and check.

l:,i QUtEr P[rA§rI

HERE ïhank y0u

Ïff upto

Gulture Spot 1 B a school 4 a park 7 a department store

The London 2 a library 5 a bookshop 8 a supermarket
Underground, or the a hospital
3 6 a car park
Tube, is the World's
first underground
railway. About 5
million passengers 5 What does each sign mean? Tell your partner.
commute per day. B means there's a school nearby and you should drive with care.

6 lhfik Which tour would you choose to see the sights in London? Why?
about a transport
system in the capital
7 Read the box. Find examples in the text in Ex. 1. use abbreviations to
complete the gaps.
city of your country.
Present it to the class.
1 l'm having a 3 a cruise is the best!
time! 4 Need advice. Please
2 Morning . l'm on 5 That's allfrom me!
ppl = people
BFN = §ys for now
gr8 = great
IMO = ln my opinion I &.t& lmagine you went on holiday in your country's capital city. In
groups, write tweets about how to get around Iike the ones in Ex. 1. Use
TMB = Text me back
2= to/two abbreviations. Remember: do not use more than 140 characters per tweet.

T,oo expensive.lLis
animals, Places, things or
more expensivethan We use the comParative form to compare two Pe ople,
Ann's Calé, objects.

Short adiectives:
adiective + -er +than (+ noun) The museum is older than
the library' lt's noisier here
than in the village. The museum is bigger than the gallery'
! Long adiectives:
than New York'
more/less+ adjective + than (+ noun) Los Angeles is more crowded,fortwopeople,animals,thingsetc.thatarethesameHiscarisasfastas
o so/as; for two people, animals, things etc. that aren't the same Her house
isn't so/as big as Yours.

too - enough
, lt's too expensive to
too+ aJjective: for something that is more than we wanUneed
travel by Plane.
Yee,buLIhe waitere . adiective + enough; for something that is as much as
we wanuneed He's old
aren'I as lriendlY ae Lhe enough to drive a car.
onee inTef,er'e Calé'
lrregular forms: good - better, bad - worse, muchlmany - more, little - less

Read the theory. Then, write the comparative forms'

rrï?-il faster 7 beautif ul
1 fast
Adjectives tell us 8 easy
what something or
2 attractive -
someone is like. 3 large 9 bad
They are the same good
in the singular and
4 thin 10

the plural. TheY 5 small 11 little

come before a
6 heavy 12 careful
noun (a tall
building) or after
the verb to be (The
building is tall.).
2 Form complete sentences using comparative forms'

1 London/beautifuliParis London is more beautiful than Paris'

2 the department store/large/the clothes shop
3 the stadium/big/the Post office
4 The Eiffel Tower/heavy/the Statue of Liberty
5 The museum tickets/cheap/the art gallery tickets

Choose the correct item.

1 lt is more colder/colder in Poland than it is in Spain'
2 The river cruise isn't exciting enough/too for Jimmy'
3 Windsor castle is as famous as/than Buckingham Palace.
4 Cities are as busy/busier than the countryside'
5 lt's too/enough cold to go swimming'
6 France is big/bigger than England'
Whaï'ethe Superlative
inrhe ci|y,Kel nimal, place, thing or
things or objects.

the + adjective + -est (+ noun) + of/in The Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean in
the world. Which is the noisiest city in the world? The mall is the biggest
building in the city.
Long adjectives:
tas the + most + adiective (+ noun) + of/in Mumbai in lndia is the most crowded city
in the world.
lrregular forms: good - the best, bad - the worst, muchlmany - the most, little -
The library becauee iN'e
qoNlhe most storiee.

4 Read the theory. Then, write the superlative forms.

1 slow the slowest 7 exciting

2 expensive - 8 easy
3 good 9 bad
4 attractive - 10 many
5 hot 11 famous
6 nasty 12 close

5 Write the superlative forms.

1 lguazu Falls is (impressive)

waterfall in the world.
2 The Atacama Desert is (dry)
place on Earth.
3 The River Nile is (long) river on Earth
4 The Amazon Rainforest is (big)
rainforest in the world.
5 Vatican City is (small) country
in the world.
6 Bondi Beach is (popular) beach
in Sydney.

6 Write sentences about your city/town in your notebook. Use the

comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.
. 1J;J/,}ërgiiflng. (big) park u (good) place to hang out * (crowded) area
* (busy) shop * (expensive) place to eat

The Palace of Culture and Science is the tallest building in Warsaw

#F :i

Yræwe§ & YræmsPærË

G Look at the imap. Where can you see it? What can you see?

k ln which of the places on the map can you find ...

canoes, houseboats, jet skis? "' plaîes, helicopters?
'trucks, cars, vans, motorbikes buying fuel?
'.' passenger ships, cruise ships, yachts? '" buses, coaches, trams?
,, express trains? ' fire engines? '' underground trains? ' ambulances?

We can find canoes, houseboats and jet skis on a river.


çsru §TATIOH

I {u



f; sTâTloH RIVER

y "':::*'

3 Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary.

ln English we use: Make a sentence using the other word.
. atto give a
general location. 1 Oh no! I lost/missed the train.
We have just 2 He got/went on the bus and sat by the window.
arrived at the
airport. 3 He often drives/takes a taxi to work.
. rn to give a
specific location
4 He doesn't know how to ride/fly a plane
(especially inside 5 We saw the plane take/sail off.
a building).
There is a duty-
6 He commutes to work bY/on bus.
free shop in the
. by + bus/taxi etc. 4 What means of transport are there in your city/town/village?
BUT on foot Which one do you like the best? WhY?

I t
Everydoy English a

Buying a ticket
1 (l] z.zs Listen and repeat. Find the stressed words
Can you please tell me what time the next train to Bath is?
How long the trip? Can I have two tickets f or the fast train, then?
That's two adult tickets for the 8:45 to Bath, right? 5ingle or return?
They're f20 per person so that will be f40, please
Can I pay by credit card? Have a nice journey,

2 I' sentences in Ex. 1 are from a dialogue between a ticket agent

z.zs The
and a customer. Who says each sentence? Listen, read and check.

3 Read the dialogue again. Where is Sue going? How much are the tickets?

æTfn Hi. Can you please tell me what time the next
train to Bath is?

Fffiffi*ffi There's a fast train that leaves at 8:45 or slow

trains that leave every twenty minutes.

Ç{lff How long is the trip?

take about two hours.
EE,{!?F oK. Can I have two tickets for the fast train, then?
Yes please.

ffiffi Single or return?

reGf Single, please.

ffi Just a moment. ... They're É20 per person so

that will be f40, please.
qF;TTt Great. Can I pay by credit card?

rc Thankyou.

4 ïake roles and read the
dialogue aloud.

tgf single: f30 DepaÉures: 9:00

5 Act out a similar diatogue.
return: f54 12:00
Use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model
and the information in the table. duration:70 mins 13:15
--r-g-r-g--l-q-r-f _9_/_q/_
(:: Listen and repeat.
noon d'food u too n blue *, true + Sue * cruise
use " huge

Where'eÿhalbeauÿilul Adverbs
brownwooàen àishfrom?

Adverbs give more information about verbs, adjectives or other adverbs' There
are adverbs of manner (how) Tom speaks fast., time (when) Fay left yesterday',
place (where) Amy is here., frequency (how often) Kate is always early. and
degree (how much) Fran is very intelligent.
We usually form adverbs by adding -ly/-ily to the adjective'
quick - quickly, happy - haPPilY

lrregular forms:
It'e lrom KazakheNan
good - well, fast - fast, hard - hard, early - early, late - late
1 ldentify the adverbs in bold in the sentences'
1 Tracey will go tomorrow. time 4 That's a really good story.
2 Dan walks slowly. 5 They are sometimes late for school
3 Sue's outside. 6 The plane leaves tonight'

2 Complete the sentences with the adverb formed from the adjective in
1 Daisy walked quickly (quick) into the kitchen

2 Kelly spoke (soft) to the children

3 The kids were playing (happy) in the garden
4 Anne was watching TV (quiet)

5 He ate the sandwich (hungry)

a- Order of adiectives
When there are two or more adjectives before a noun, they appear as follows:
Shape Colour Origin iMaterial tlorn
Opinion Size Age
O round,
bea utifu l, bi g new grey, F re n ch, steel tower
I square,
O oval
do not use more than three adjectives.

3 Read the theory. Then, put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.

1 The Eiffel Tower is a(n) tower. (huge/iron/old)

2 Rome is a(n) city. (ancient/ltalian/beautiful)
3 My dad has just bought a(n) ca r,

4 l've got a(n) ba g. (brown/expensive/leather)

5 Jenny's got a(n) swimming Pool

(rectangu !a r/big/amazi ng)
@ I

Question tags
'fhey've got,eomà
lovely scarveshere, Question tags are short questions at the end of a sentence. We form them
haven't ' with the auxiliary or the modal verb from the main sentence and the
appropriate subject pronoun. She is at the hotel, isn't she?
. A positive statement takes a negative question tag. We can go now
' can't we?
:". A negative statement takes a positive question tag. You won't forget,
,: willyou?
, Note: Some verbs form their question tag differently:
I am -+ aren't I? l'm good at tennis, aren't l? BUT: l'm not late, am l?
2"1', - + shallweT Let's go to the theatre, shall we?
] ''
I have got (= I possess) --s haven'tl7 He has got the tickets, hasn't he?
,l ..
I have (other meanings) -t don'tl? We had a great time, didn't we? (- We
enjoyed ourselves.)
ThislThat is -+ isnt it7 That's our bus, isn't it?
rool I are abit expeneive, §
aren'lthey? INTONATION: He is at the post office, isnÈ-he? (asking fo r information)
She didn't come, did she? (asking for confirmation)

4 ($ z.:r Read the theory. Complete the question tags. Listen and tick.
Listen again and repeat. -7 .-\
1 Dave hasn't called yet, ?

2 You like sailing, ?

It's true, isn't it?
3 She's flying to Paris now ?
nst 4 You're exhausted, ?

questions as in 5 lt's getting late, )

the example. 6 Let's go to the mall, )
Use question
tags. Your
7 Paul had a great time, ?

Si partner answers 8 This is their boat, ')

the questions.
S1:lt's very hot in Past perfect (had + past participle)
:i Cuba, isn't it?
52:Yes, it is.
affirmative ll/ou/He/S he/ltA/Vel/ouÆhey had ca led. I

we use the past perfect for an action that happened before another past action
or before a stated time in the past. The rain had stopped before the ferry sailed i

rl 5 Read the theory. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the list in the pastpedect

e cook s leave * do o send * tidy
rl) 1 She the party before we arrived, so we didn't see her,
2 Mark the washing-up before we got back home
3 The twins their room before they had dinner,
)r) 4 We lunch before we went to the mall.
:l 5 I_ all the emails by the time Bob called.

Vocabulary to rnado
Natural disasters
{ z.:: Listen and repeat

5 Use words from Ex. 4 to complete the newspaper headlines.

FOREST % uu[§ to§I [§


LêsÉæm §reç

§ <.: 2.34 Listen and put the pictures (A-D) in the correct order (1-4).

[A, B

:TqT?.:ffi"ftTre Speaking
Past tenses in
7 Use these phrases to tell Paul's story to the class.
* walk on beach * people scream * see tsunami n start running to hotel
We use past tenses
(past simple, past
* be scared * climb in helicopter * fly away # feel lucky
continuous, past
perfect) when we
narrate an event or Writing (a story)
tell a story.
I lmagine you are Paul. Use the pictures in Ex. 6 and your answers in Ex. 7 to
write your story for the school short story competition (80-100 words).
*se wii!1[ô
1 § ry, i,1t ' 1 01

I l= In )

Reading & Listening
1 (r.i Listen and repeat. Which of these materials was used
to build each landmark (1-4)? Read through to find out. 1 marble

2 glass 3 brick 4 wood 5 steel 6 stone 7 plastic 8 bronze

There are three huge bronze lions at the base of These stone pyramids were used as tombs for the
Nelson's Column. They were created to protect the pharaohs. The pyramids of Giza are three; one for
monument This stone column is 51 .6 m high, each of three pharaohs: Khufu, Khafre and
lVenkaure. The largest pyramid at Giza, the 'Great
3 Taj t**i=mË âr: Agra, [$ttmr. PræSes$"t,6mr*im Pyramid', was built for the pharaoh lVenkaure

This amazing marble building took 22 years

to complete. lt
was built by lVughal 4 Thm ffitr§#eru &mâ* Ëridge,
Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his Smm Ënset**scæ, #ëA
mother, lr/umtaz tr/ahal, The builders This steel bridge was built in 1937 and
used 28 different types of precious connects the ciÿ of San Francisco to lVlarin Counÿ
and semi-precious stones that across the Golden Gate Strait. lt is 27 km long. lts
make it change colour during famous colour, lnternational Orange, can be seen
, the day, in the fog and matches the surrounding area,


2 ( 2.36 Eachtext contains one incorrect fact. Can you see what it is? Listen
to the radio quiz to check if you are right.
i *complete &memory

3 Gl ggg
i *tomb @connect
-rrs *surrounding
Work in groups of three. Collect inforrnation about various
I landmarks around the world under the headings: Name - Location -
History/lnteresting facts. Prepare a poster.

4 îhfik Look at other groups' posters. Which Iandmarks do you find most
impressive? Why?
I< a
.:.:." 1 .t, '. : ::.' t' - ,: ,"'

.':;. ffi§ .é Collect information about landmarks in your country tourists

should visit under the headin gï what - where - when - made of - who by,
Create a brochure.


Use your research in Ex. 1

to prepare and give a presentation about landmarks
"i: in your country to a group of exchange students visiting your school.

A good troveller tokes

only photogrophs
ffiuAruEs ond leoves only footprinfs.
Æ Are you a responsible traveller? Do the quiz to fi
B (Sometimes) or C (Never).
i-, 1 I ask for permission before I take photos of locals.
2 I respect the locals' way of life.
3 try to learn a few sentences of the local language.

4 I meet local people.

(,j 5 ltry localfood.
6 I buy locally produced goods.
7 I don't buy products made from endangered animals.
8 I use localtransport.
9 I put litter in the bin.
0 I respect wild animals and do not disturb them.

ralla^Drl a;qrsuodsar D orüocaq ol.lopJorl ful ol paeu notr;ou qg:sg Â11s011

r0llo^Drl toiloq D auocaq uoc no irrroq lnoqo luLll lnq,poq lop:sg Â;1s061

i0u0p lla114 t0lla^04 a;qrsuodsar o er,no1:sy Â11s0141

;{ü ,.T,"Æ Prepare a 2-minute video

about being a responsible traveller. Use
the ideas in the quiz as well as your own.
Upload the video to the school website or
show it to your class.
l""g !glg_ lS:ti-.p: .1-0-8
ffiffi ts reoressle he@
Vocabulary 5 Complete the gaps with the correct form
of the word in brackets.
Choose the correct word.
'l Spain is the (sunny)
I We went on a train/cruise down the country in Europe
2 The driver smiled
2 The ferry sailed into the flood/port. (happy) at me.
3 The earthquake/tsunami made the 3 Their new house is
houses shake. (large) than their old house
4 He keeps his money in the delicatessen/ 4 The Prado Museum is
bank. (crowded) than the British Museum
5 Did you see all the tourist attractions/ 5 Tara was (quiet)
trucks? reading a book in her bedroom
512 = 10
5x2 = 10

Fill in: missed, lost, flew, rode, drove. 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the past
2 pertect.
1 John his bike in to work.
2 She her bus to school.
1lt (stop) raining before
Sarah went shopping
3 The pilot the plane through
2 Paul (check) his emails
a terrible storm
before he left for work.
4 The last time I a car was
3l (eat) dinner before I
five years ago!
had my tennis lesson.
5 She her keys and can't get
4 By the time Lucy arrived, I
into the house.
(finish) my homework.
5We (buy) our tickets
Grammar before we got on the train

3 Put the adiectives in the correct order.

Listen ing
1 David has a(n) (old,
ugly, green) car.
7 (},} z.:z Listen and complete the gaps (1-5).
2 My dad built me a
(small, wooden, beautiful) treehouse
3 The Statue of Liberty is a
(huge, copper, French) statue
4 She bought a (brown,
leather; new) purse.
Destination: Malta

4 Fill in the correct question tag.

1 l'm good at swimming, ?
and 3) _
2 Dan can ride a bicycle, ?
Attractions in Valetta: visit museums, see
3 Let's go for a helicopter ride, stone

4 You won't go out tonight, ?

5 This isn't our hotel, ?

-? 5x1=5 5x2 = 10

n Reading Everyday English
I Read the text and decide if the sentences 'lQ Complete the dialogue with sentences (a-d),
nv) below are ..: i;=i*à=ri, t// (wrong) or
DS {doesn't a How much is it?
b l'd like a ticket to Brighton, please, for
tomorrow afternoon.
c Have a nice journey.
d Will that be single or return?

fij;i Hello! 1

iet) B Risht. 2
Return' Please'
à= OK, There is a coach leaving at 4:30 and
another at 6 o'clock.
@ to know what makes Blackpool pleasure
Beach one of the most popular tourist attractions in l'll take the 4:30 coach 3

ore the UK? Find out below. l= lt's f37.

@ are ovr.r '125 rides and attractions at this Great. Here you are.
ils huge amusement park. The rides range from dodgem
a Here is your ticket 4
cars, which are safe for even small children, to the =È:,.ii
Thank you. 4x2=8
'el stomach-churning Revolution, one of the scariest
TOTAL: 100 points
roller-coaster rides in Europel

@ npart from the rides,lhereare some fabulous

shows, too. A very popular attraction is the Hot lce
show held at the Arena, lt's one of the oldest indoor
ice-skating rinks in the world.

c @ Atackpool Pleasure Beach is open from February to

the end of November. Don't miss the funl Now I can ...
1 Blackpool Pleasure Beach is Britain's
.s). oldest tourist attraction.
. talk about shops & services in a city
. talk about means of transport
2 There is lots to do at Blackpool
. talk about natural disasters
Pleasure Beach.
3 Only adults can ride on Revolution.
. identify R /V/DS sentences
4 The Arena is a new attraction. . identify key information (multiple choice)
5 Blackpool Pleasure Beach is open
in the summer.
understand a sequence of events (put pictures in
Writing correct order)

9 An English magazine for teens that you Speaking

read is asking for readers to send in stories o give directions
with the title lhe Flood. They will publish . buy a train ticket
the best. Write your story (80-100 words).
14 points
e write tweets about how to get around
o write a story

I €
il à

) Ce

1 Complete the gaps with: fun,

backs, me, stuff, seaside,
inside, pouring, do. ll&sliend rryloaitin$
2 ( 3.3 Listen and check. Saturday's here, let's head outside
Then, sing along. It's not the day to stay 1)
Don't stay at home, don't watch TV
æ Hey come and play ping pong with 2)
3 EfcÈæk what is the weekend
Iike for you? The weekend's here for everyone
Shoke off the week and have some 3)
Meet up with friends, they love it too
There's so much now to see and 4)

Sunday is here, so go for a ride

Co hiking, go fishing, go to the 5)
But if you feel tired, stay home and relax
Watch some cool series and lie on your 6)
Monday's dull and Tuesday's boring
Wednesday's slow, and Thursd ay's 7)
But Friday's here and sure enough
The weekend's back to do fun 8)
Module 3

1 Write down ten verbs related to

r{ :.+ Listen to the song, Which of Tech,,,...
the verbs in your list appear in the Tech- no, no, no,

song? Then, sing along. Techno-|o,... Technolo,...

Tech no I o-7y,... Tech no I ogy !

-e, With technology, you can:

3 Thlnh lmagine you had no gadgets for Click it, share it, send it, play it
a day. What would it be like? Scan it, make it, watch it, stream it
But don't forget to update it.
\l/ With technology, you can:
Save it, read it, keep it, post it
Print it, solve it, love it, like it.
You can always stay connected.
With technology, you can:
Print it, solve it, love it, like it
lnstall it and upload it.
But remember! Don't delete it!

urôàüiô I

I ê
& .f
T ê

I Complete the gaps with: fun,

backs, me, stuff, seaside,
inside, pouring, do. B&*kemil ryk n&
2 { s:
Listen and check. Saturday's here, let's head outside
Then, sing along. It's not the day to stay 1)
Don't stay at home, don't watch W
,# Hey come and play ping pong with 2)
3 €fuëæfu What is the weekend
like for you? The weekend's here for everyone
=Æ Shoke off the week and have some 3)
Meet up with friends, they love it too
There's so much now to see ond 4)

Sunday is here, so go for a ride

Go hiking, go fishing, go to the 5)
But if you feel tired, stay home and relax
Watch some cool series and lie on your 6)
Monday's dull and Tuesday's boring
Wednesday's slow, and Thursd ay's 7)
But Friday's here and sure enough
The weekend's back to do fun 8)
Module 3

1 Write down ten verbs related to

ffi ( r.+ Listen to the song. Which of Tech,,,...
Tech-n o,. no, no,
the verbs in your list appear in the
song? Then, sing along. Tech no-|o,... Tech nolo,...
Tech no I o-7y,.. . Tech nol ogy !

With technology, you can:

3 Thtr, Imagine you had no gadgets for Click it, share it, send it, play it
a day. What would it be like? Scan it, make it, watch it, stream it
But don't forget to update it.
\l/ With technology, you can:
Save it, read it, keep it, post it
Print it, solve it, love it, like it.
You can always stay connected.
With technology, you can:
Print it, solve it, love it, like it
lnstall it and upload it.
But rememberl Don't delete itl

Module 4
le2 o 107


( :.s Listen to the song and

choose the correct word. Then. sing
;;kV§ tlxry -i;kg-r'jj
Sove the Eorth, our world, our l) house lhome
:-."" Sove the Eorth, there's 2)just/only ona!
æ W e'ye got to cleon up everywhere
.-:= Draw or find a picture
All it 3)tokeslneeds is o lrttle core!
that matches what you hear. Present
your picture to the class. Explain Reduce the polhlion in the oir,
what it means. Everybody t-[) hos/needs to be owore.
Dont toke the 5) cor/bus, rt's best to wolk,
Or ride your bike to school or work.
BeotÏiful trees orebeingb) cr.d/burnt down,
So our greenf oresls ore turning brown.
Don't 7)throw/woste so much precious poper,
8)Use/Sove rt ond reuse it loter.
il :
Animols 9) needlwortt ottention, too
i:li:: And thot is up to me ond you,
r Stop over-fishing in our l0) lokes/seos,
Stop huntin g - sove our creolures, pleose!
Modu 5


( :.s Listen and fill
missing words. Then,
along. Holidoy fime is neorly here
l'll do whot I do every '1)
l'll tol<e o lool< out ond oround
ë And put my 2) on foreign ground!
7. §fu§æk what holiday time to
l'll get on o 3) one sunny doy,
the singer? ls it the same
! And l'll frovel somewhere for owoy.
I you?
l'll trovel over lond ond 4)
And visif ploces deor to mel
Some tol<e the bus, some tol<e the 5) l

Buf when I leove l'll tol<e the plone!

Iwont to enjoy the sun, 6) ond sond, 1

Go eost or wesf to exofic londsl 1

Get to the oirport, find the gofe,

Holidoy time, ljusf con'f 7)
People 1o meel ond ploces to see,
I Lofs of odventures 8) for mel
t Module 6
t* t
'-"---{- §

108 \\

# An article about a person (p. 110)

# An email about an event (p.111)

# A film review (p. 112)

An article about a job (p. 113)



A comment on a blog (p. 11a)
I *

,# A story (p. I15)






I B# *g* pe rS n
1 Read the task. Underline the key words Wrifing ffit Justifying character quatities
and answer the questions.
When we describe a person's characteç we support
You read this on the school noticeboard. our description with examples. When we describe
Who's your favourite person? Why is he/she negative qualities we use mild language (tends to
special to you? Send us your article and we be, can be, is abit, etc.). He's cheerful. He always
will publish it in next month's issue of the smiles. He can be a bit impatient at times. He
school magazine. doesn't like waiting for people.
Write your article for the school magazine
(80-100 words). Write: who your favourite
person is what helshe looks like a what
3 Fill in: creative, caring, shy, loyal, generoust
helshe rs /ike § why he/she is special to you.
1 Helen is She always supports
1 What are you going to write? her friends when they have problems
2 Who is going to read it? 2 John is very He can come up
with new ideas.
3 What is it going to be about?
4 How many words are you going to
3 Harry is a bit He doesn't
speak when he is in a group of people.
4 Paul is He often gives
Model analysis his friends gifts
5 Sue can be She gets upset
2 Read the model. Copy the spidergram into when people say bad things about her.
your notebook and complete it with
information from the article.
6 Jane is very . She always looks
after her little brother.
why special
Your turn
f'avourite relationsh ip
cha racter
4 Brainstormingr; Copy the spidergram in Ex. 2
into your notebook. Complete it with
information about your favourite person
(e.9. best friend).

My lavourite person
ffi Use your notes in Ex. 4 to write your
article for the school magazine. Use
ls there a person in your life that is specialto phrases from the Useful Language box.
you? For me, it's my cousin, Brian. I think
he's great!
Brian is good-looking. He is 1 6 years old, Appearance
tall and slim with short wa'vy fair hair ' * Age: ... is ... years old.; ... is in his/her early
and blue eyes twenties/mid thirties/late forties.
He is very honest. At school, all his n Height: ... is tallishorUof medium height.
classmates like him because he never o Weight: ... is thin/slim/chubby.
tells lies. He has a great sense of * Hair/Eyes: ... with long/short straighVcurly/wavy
humour, too. He always tells funny dark/brown/fa i r ha r a nd bl ue/green/brown eyes,

stories. He is a bit lazy, though. He

doesn't like working hard. * ... is cheerful/honesVkind/popular; etc.
lVy cousin is a really special person. He
* ... can be bossy/selfish, etc. at times.
is always there to help me and we have
Why special
lots of fun together.
* ... always supports me in good times and bad.
o ... teaches me a lot about the world/life.
r r.,r
= An emsil obout on event o -aW

1 Read the task. Underline
then complete the sentences.
the key words, Wrifing ffit Describing feetinss
When you write about an event you attended,
Your school has organised a special sports describe your feelings. This gives the reader a
event. Write an email to your English-speaking better understanding of how you felt.
ffi friend describing the event and your feelings
(80-100 words).

1 You are going to write

3 How did Brian feel at the event? Why?
2 lt is going to be for your 4 Fill in the feelings in the sentences.
* relieved * disappointed * exhausted
3 lt is going to be about
* proud * excited
4 You have to write between
1 I felt I just wanted to sleepl
2 lwas that the event was
Model analysis over - I wanted more time there!

2 Read the model. Copy the spidergram 3 I felt that the team had
into your notebook and complete it no serious injuries
res with information from the email. 4 I felt so when I came
first in the long jump
From: Brian
5 I felt that I did the high
jump even though I didn't win
,k5 0 pics

Hi Tony, Yaur turn

How are you doing? l've just returned from a fabulous
school eventl We call it the Litfle Olympics and it takes ffi ffirsfftsf*r"r$§ngr; lmagine you are Tony. Copy
place every June in the stadium near our school. the spidergram in Ex. 2 into your
2 notebook. Complete it about a special
The day started with all the students entering the
stadium holding the Olympic flag. Then, the games sports event held at school.
stafied. There were running races, the high jump and
long jump, and other Olympic sporls. For each event ffi Use your notes in Ex.
5 to write your email
there were three winners who got gold, silver or to Brian. Use phrases from the Useful
bronze medals, I took part in the discus and came Language box.
second. lfelt very proudl
After, there was food and soft drinks for everyone. I felt
sad when it was all over. Do you Event
hold anything t sports event * end of school year celebration
similar at your Ë@ o basketball tournament, etc.
school? Place
Write back. in the school playground/local swimming pool/
Brian basketball courVassembly hall/gym, etc.

ê every May/June, etc. * just before the
for the summer holidays
o play basketball + compete with other schools
feelings name * have a contest o have snacks and soft drinks
place n We all felt proud/happy/excited.
activities It was a great day!
1 Read the task. Underline the key words 3 Match the paragraphs to the descriptions.
and answer the questions.
1 general comments
Your school English magazine wants reviews 2 recommendation
about your favourite film. Write your review
(80-100 words). ln your review include:
3l I
name, type, actors
% background information (name, ÿpe, 4 summary of plot
actors) 3 a summary of the plot a general
comments ffi a recommendation. 4 Fill in: sci-fi, director, special effects, stars.

1 What are you soing to write?

'l The film has great
which make the alien planet look real
2 Who is going to read it?
2 The Spaceship is a film
3 What is it going to be about?
3 Brad Pitt in the film
4 How many words are you going to
4 Ridley Scott is the

Model analysis Writing ffil usins adjectives

Use a varietyof adjectives. lt makes your writing

2 Read the review and complete the table.
more interesting to the reader.

5 Replace the words in bold with the correct

{w SpidenMon: word in brackets.
Homecomingis on
oclion film, 11 stors Tom 1 The cast is good. (exciting/talented)
Hollond os Peter Porker 2 The special effects are good. (fasV
ond Michoel Keolon os amazing)
the Vulture.
3 The plot is good. (clever/interested)
E> ln the film Peter Porker tries his life in
high school with his coreer os
4 The acting is good. (excellenVquick)
lVlon. Things toke o turn for th tho when
Your turn
ry io ffi Copy and complete the table in Ex. 2
about your favourite film. Use your notes
to write a review of the film. Use phrases
from the Useful Language box.
=^- l^.\ -1-
,^\ =^- ,^\

Background information
* ... is a comedy/action/adventure/sci-fi
etc. film.
u lt stars ... as
... .

Summary of plot
The film tells the story/follows the adventures of
General comments
It has amazing special effects/a clever ploUan
excel lent casUg reat acti n g/bea utif u I m usic etc.
* I highly recommend it. "= Don't miss it.
,, You won't be sorry!
An article about a job a 4
Wriring@ Linkers
1 Read the task. Underline the key words
and answer the questions. . and joins similar ideas. She arrives at work at '10
and (she) reads the sports news.
Your school English magazine wants articles
from students whose relatives do interesting
. buf joins opposing ideas. He works in the
jobs. Write your article (80-100 words). Write evenings but (he) doesn't mind.

about: job duties *

. or suggests an alternative. They go to museums
working hours
or (they) visit art galleries.
* feelings about job.
. so expresses result. He meets important people
so he needs to wear a suit.
1 What are you going to write?
o because shows reason. She doesn't mind the
2 Who is going to read it? long hours because she loves animals.
n 3 What is it going to be about?
4 How many words are you going to write? 4 Fill in: and, but, or, so, because
I John works outdoors he
Model analysis wears T-shirts and jeans
2 Jo leaves home at 8 she
2 Read the model. Match the paragraphs
reaches work at 9.
(A-C) to the headings (1-3).
3 Mike works nights he doesn't
Do you ever wonder what it is like working as 4 Mary needs to be patient
rt a tour guide? My cousin Keith works as a tour she works with very young kids.
guide in Paris and he enjoys every minute of it.
Keith brings groups of tourists on bus tours
5 Paul drives to work he takes the bus.
around the city to see the main sights. Sometimes,
tourists ask difficult questions but he always has the Your turn
right answers! In the evenings. he takes his
group to traditional restaurants or they
go to the theatre.
5 §r'si*sforming: Read the rubric in Ex. 1.
Think of an interesting job a relative of
# X"itf, works long hours yours does. Copy the spidergram from
but he doesn't mind Ex. 3 into your notebook and make notes
because he is sociable
under the headings.
and loves meeting
new people. He
loves being a tour
ffi Use the completed spidergram from Ex. 5
to write your article. Use phrases from the
Useful Language box.
1 working hours/feelings about the
2 duties of the job u What is it like working as a ...?

3 what the job is * ... works as a/is a ... . * His/Her job is a ... .

u works ... * does... * takes... n makes...
3 Copy the spidergram into your notebook
Working hours
and complete it with information from the
article. * ... works ... hours a day/9-5lmornings/nights.
n ... doesn't work regular hours.
lings Feelings about job
about ob person's o ... can't imagine doing anything else.
name: ç ... is verÿ happy in/loves every minute of hisiher a

working hours job.
I I n o*u

1 Read the task. Underline the key words

Wrifing ffil Error correction

and for statements 1-3 choose the correct When you finish your piece of writing, check it for
option. spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.
This is part of a blog entry you have read.
4 Read the extract from a blog entry and
correct the mistakes. There are two
,CIOffi grammar, two punctuation and two
Hi everyone! l've iust come back from a clean-up spelling mistakes.
day and I'm very proud. My school cleaned our park,
Plastic bags are taking a long time to degrade.
That inspired me to make a green resolution. l'm
going to start rccycling more. What green activities That§ why I dont use themT When I go shoping, I
do you do at school? What's your green resolution? take cloth bags. You can to use cloth bags again,
and they degrade easylyl
Write a comment answering Phil's questions
(80-100 words).
5 a) Complete the sentences. Use: reuse,
ride, switch, turn.
1 You are going to write a comment/letter
on a blog entry. 1 l'm planning to off the tap
2 You are going to write about what you when I brush my teeth.
did/are going to do to help the 2 My plan is to off lights when I

environment. don't need them. -

3 You are going to write 50-70/80-100 3 Mv oreen resolution is to
words. things instead of throwing them away.
4 l'm going to my bike to school.
Model analysis
b) Match the results (A-D) to the
2 Read the model. How does the writer resolutions (1-4).
start/end the comment?
A That will cause less air pollution.

Hi Ph jl! Thrs is À,4onica from Poland. Creat blog! ln B That will save electricity.
our school, we recycle waste from the school c That will create less rubbish.
cânteen. \)7e use it to make compost to put on D That will save water.
the school garden, I think we can all do more to
help the environment. I'm going to start helping
in the animal shelter that is close to my house. lt's
Your turn
two years old and looking for volunteers to
help save animals' lives and flnd homes for them. Read the task in Ex. 1. Make notes under
l'd love to get a puppy as a pet but our flat is too the headingsi green activities at school-
At the shelter, l'11
small. my green resolution.
have the chance to
learn lots of things and
help stray animals
tr Use your notes to write your comment on
in Phil's blog entry. Use sentences from the
need. Looking forward Useful Language box to start/end.
# vour next Dost.

lntroducing yourself/Greeting blogger

3 Replace the underlined sentences with the "- Hey Phil!
* This is ... from ... .
* Fantastic/Great blog! * Big fan of your blog!
sentences below.
Closing remarks
1 Can't wait for your next blog entry.
',, Can't wait for your next post!
2 I really enjoy reading your posts. ', Looking forward to your next post!
A story a

1 the key words

Read the task. Underline
and answer the questions.
Writing ftt sequence words

We use appropriate linking words (when, and,

An international teen magazine wants its after, later, finally, as soon as, at the moment,
readers to send in stories entitled A trip to while, etc.) to show the sequence of events in a
remember. Write your story (80-100 words) story. He entered the hotel. He saw a woman
waiting for him. - When he entered the hotel,
1 What are you going to write? he saw a woman waiting for him.
2 Who is going to read it?

: 3 What is it going to be about?

,^ 4 How many words are you going to write? 4 Read the extract. Choose the correct item.

It was raining 1) while/before I was waiting for the train to

come. I felt really tired. 2) When/Finally it came, I got on
Model analysis and sat by the window. I was reading a book when, 3) later/
suddenly, the train stopped. At first, I thought it had
2 Read the story and match paragraphs A-C
entered the station,4) and/but then I realised something
tap to the descriptions (1-3).
was wrong.

enl were
a mountain in but
felt happy to
close to the top yit Your turn
rain. Soon, the path 1n
It was very hard to walk on, was § Look at the picture.
that they might fall. rain Use the ideas to write
the first paragraph of
and soon lhey were able
a story.
while later, they were the top
Ursula felt safe =' Kate & her dad
with the view. ,, last April
" canoeing on Lake I

Ontario, Canada
i,.warm - happy
what happened in the end & I

people's feelings
6 Put the events in the order they
2 set the scene (people, place, time, happened. t

tr activities, weather; feelings)

3 events leading to the main event & A They made it back to shore just
main event before the storm broke.

on Writing E Setting the scene
We start our story by setting the scene. To do so, we

They entered a café and watched
the storm outside.
They saw dark clouds in the sky.
describe the main characters (who), the place D Kate and her dad were canoeing on
(where), the time (when), the characters' activities Lake Ontario in Canada.
(what), the weather and their feelings.
E They began to paddle back to

3 Readthe model. How did the writer set the

scene? Use the headings: who - where - Use your answers in Exs 5 & 6 to write
when - what - weather - feelings. your story for the magazine in Ex. 1.

rd f l= I
mrrl relief /n'lif/ (n)
run out (of time) htn'autl (phr v)
Unit 2a
beard /bred/ (n) shake {erk/ (v) broomstick lbrurmstrk/ (n)
chubby /tj,tbil (adj) slam shut (phr) fan /fæn/ (n)
curly /ksti/ (adj) tap /tæpl (v) guard /gord/ (v)
moustache /me'storÿ (n) hoop /hup/ (n)
of medium height (phr)
thin /err:/ (adj) lkiltl pitch /ptÿ (n)
score /skc/ (v)
wavy /wervi/ (adj) sock /sok/ (n)
be apart (phr)
imagine /fmædsm/ (v) workout lwsrkaut/ (n)

ll[MI indigo (colour) /mdrgeu/ (n)

rainbow /rembau/ (n) IttrEttl
argûe (about) lorgjur e'baut/ (v) rule /rurV (n)
exercise /eksesarz,/ (v) show {au/ (v) carbohyd rate /korbau'hardrert/ (n)
extra /ekstre/ (adj) uniform /junrfcm/ (n) dairy products ldeeri ,prod,rkts/ (n)
issue /rJu/ (n) violet (colour) /varelet/ (n) fat /fæt/ (n)
pocket money /pokrt ,m,rni/ (n) wheelchair /widtJee/ (n) poultry /paultri/ (n)
sit a test (phr) protein lpreutirn/ (n)
social media lseuJel 'mirdie/ (n)
take a break (phr)
worry/wmi/ (v)
cry /kra/ (v)
gossip /gosry/ (v) active lifestyle (phr)

mtilt- ignore /rg'nc/ (v)

keep a promise (phr)
annual /ænjueU (adj)
cold &euld/ (n)
angry læ4gril (adj) lie /lal (v) com memorate /ke'memerert/ (v)
bored lbcrd/ (adj) secret lsirkret/ (n) compete (in) /kempit rn/ (v)
bossy /bosi/ (adj) share {eel (v) co m petito r lkem'petete/ (n)
cheerfu I /tJrefeU (adj) tell the truth (phr) group stretching /grurp 'stretJr4/
energetic /ene dsetrk/ (adj) (n)
excited /rk sartrd/ (adj) headache /hederk/ (n)
generous /dsenereÿ (adj) Unit 2 keen (on) /kin on/ (adj)
honest /onrst/ (adj) boxing gloves lboksr4 gl,rvzl (pl n) long jump (phr)
impatient hmperJent/ (adj) flippers lftryaz/(n) obstacle course lobstekel kcrs/ (n)
popular /popjele/ (adj) goggles lgogelzl (n) parade /peterd/ (n)
sad /sæd/ (adj) promote ipremeutl (v)
helmet /helmrt/ (n)
scared /skeed/ (adj) ice hockey /ars ,hoki/ (n) sore throat (phr)
selfish lselfiÿ (adj) kickboxing /krkboksrr:/ (n) spread out {spred 'aut/ (phr v)
shy {arl (adj) mat imatl (n) stomachache /strmekerk/ (n)
surprised /seprarzd/ (adj) puck /p,rk/ (n) te m pe ratu re /tempretJe/ (n)
talkative /tcketw / (adj) punchbag /p,rntfbæg/ (n) track & field event (phr)
upset /a.pset/ (adj) skates /skertsi (n)
snorkel lsncrkeU (n) ,,lilllI
Unit lf snorkeling /sncftelrry' (n)
snowboard lsneubcrd/ (n) acid /æsrd/ (n)
clue /k1u/ (n) snowboa rd i ng /sneubcrdrq/ (n) blood lbl,rd/ (n)
exit leksrt/ (n) stick /strk/ (n) bone /beun/ (n)
get the hang of sth (idm) wetsuit /wetsut/ (n) break down lbrerk'daun/ (phr v)
hooked /hi.»kt/ (adj) yoga ljeugei (n) chew /tju/ (v)
in danger (prep phr) digest /dardEest/ (v)

I fl E

lAlord List o

digestive system
(c n)
/dr d3estrv srstem/ animation/cartoon
/ænimerJenlkoitun/ (n)
germ /d3srm/ (n) childish /tJarldrÿ (adj) noise /ncrzl (n)
i ntestine /rn testrn/ (n) cookery show lkukeri Jeu/ (n) waste of time (phr)
liquid form (phr) d ocu menta ry {dokju'menteril (n)
mash /mæf/ (v)
minerallmrnareV (n)
educationa I {edjukerJeneY (adj)
fantasy lfæntesil (n) lIIlEt-
muscle lrntseU (n) game show lgem Jeu/ (n) drone /dreun/ (n)
process /preuses/ (n) science fiction fsarens 'frkJen/ (n) games console lgetmz,konseuU (n)
repair /rrpee/ (v) soap opera /seup opere/ (n) interact lmtat'ækt/ (v)
swallow /swoleu/ (v) thriller /Onle/ (n) keep in touch (idm)
turn into /rsrn rnte/ (phr v) virtual reality headset lvsrJuel

ITÏEI- ITÏEITI riæleti hedset/ (n)

capsule /kæpsjurV (n)
life-sized /larf sarzd/ (adj)
outdoor lautdc/ (adj) lrt:E[?I
pick bargains (phr) pick Gb) up {prk'rp/ (phr v)
alien /erlien/ (n)
ride /rard/ (n) rate /rer/ (n) artist /qrtrst/ (n)
works of art (phr) session /seJen/ (n) behave /blherv/ (v)
sleepove r lsliryauve/ (n) come to mind (idm)
ITIEI;I track /træk/ (n) dentist ldentrst/ (n)
doctor /dokte/ (n)
amusement park /e'mjuzment fault /fcilt/ (n)
pqrld (n) get out of trouble (idm)
bend /bend/ (v) blow /bleu/ (v) mechanic /mikæruk/ (n)
circus /serkes/ (n) bow ibaul (v) mission lmrJen/ (n)
concert hall lkonset hcü (n) brass lbrors/ (n) nurse /nsrs/ (n)
exh i bition centre leksr'brJen clarinet lklærenet/ (n) photog ra pher /fe togrefe/ (n)
'sente/ (n) drums /dr,rmzl (pl n) pilot /parlet/ (n)
last /lorst/ (v) finger hole lfqge heuU (n) project /prad3ekt/ (v)
length fle{0/ (n) fit Ærrl (v) put out (fires) lput 'autl (phr v)
measure /mese/ (v) percussion /pekrjeni (n) repair /n'pee/ (v)
r) motor racing /meuta ,rersr4/ (n) piano /pi'æneu/ (n) saw /sc/ (n)
protect ipre'tektl (v) pipe /parp/ (n) secreta ry /sekreteri/ (n)
put on (phr v) pluck /pl,rk/ (v) shop assistant lJop e,srstent/ (n)
ride /rard/ (n) saxophone /sæksefeun/ (n) waiter /were/ (n)
safety glasses /sefti glorsrz/ (pl n) shake {erk/ (v)
speed /spi:d/ (n)
stadium /sterdiem/ (n)
shell {eU (n)
slide /slard/ (v) lrltEtltl
theatre /Oreta/ (n) strike /strark/ (n) click (on) lkhk on/ (v)
track /trælc/ (n) string /stn4/ (n) connect /kenekt/ (v)
u nderwater lirnde'wcm/ (a dv) tro m bon e /trom'beur/ (n) delete /dr'lirt/ (v)
vanish lvænÿ (v) vibrate /vatbrert/ (v) download ldaunleud/ (v)
violin lvarelrn/ (n) external hard drive (phr)
wood /wud/ (n) flash drive /flæJ drarv/ (n)
Unit 3c woodwind /wu4wrnd/ (n) install /rn'stcrV (v)
action/adventure xylophone /zarlefeun/ (n) keyboard lkirbcrd/ (n)
lækJen/ed'ventJei (n) mouse /maus/ (n)
print /pnnt/ (v)


printer /pnna/ (n)

router /rurtei (n)
flftl- II!î![{I
save /serv/ (v) adopt /e'dopt/ (v) bank lbærlld (n)
scan /skæn/ (v) air pollution /ee pe,lurJan/ (n) desti nation /destr'nerjen/ (n)
scanner fskæne/ (n) d efo restati on /dir,fpn sterjen/ (n) do the washing up (phr)
screen /skrirr/ (n) endangered animals (phr) eventua I ly iiventlueli/ (adv)
speakers /spirkes/ (pl n) plant /plont/ (v) extract /ekstrækt/ (n)
stream /strim/ (v) recycle lriisarkeV (v) journal /dssrneU (n)
tower /tauê/ (n) reuse /rirjuz/ (v) litter llrel (n)
upload /lrp'1eud/ (v) rubbish /r.,r,brI/ (n) path /por0/ (n)
webcam lwebkæm/ (n) pick up lprk',rp/ (phr v)

IIIIEITI set the table (phr)

tïrlEurr assembly hall /e'sembli hcrV (n)

set up (a tent) l,set'rpl(phr v)
spot /spot/ (v)
dizzy ldrztl (adj) bucket /b,rkr/ (n) take out the rubbish (phr)
elf /elf/ (n) clean up day /klin rp 'de/ (n) tidy /tardii (v)
feature /firtja/ (v) compost /kompost/ (n) volunteer lwlentre/ (v)
fight /fart/ (v) corridor /kondc/ (n)
give up I,grv 'tpl(phr v) energy-efficient bulb (phr)
gold coin (phr) food waste /furd werst/ (n)
hedgehog /hed3hog/ (n) greenhouse /grimhaus/ (n) cloth bag (phr)
latest /lertest/ (adj) install /rnstcrU (v) dishwasher /drlwoJei (n)
monster /monste/ (n) organic /cr,gænrk/ (adj) degrade /drgrerd/ (v)
rescue /reskju/ (v) promote /prameut/ (v) full load (phr)
special power {speJel pauei (n) proud (of) /praud (ev)/ (adj) fossil fuels /fosel fjuols/ (pl n)
speed /spird/ (n) receive /n siry/ (v) leaky taps (phr)
spiky /sparki/ (adj) recycling bin lriisarkhn bu/ (n) on standby (prep phr)
spin around /spm etaund/ (phr v) water lwcte/ (v) recom mended lreke'mendrd/ (adj)
trap /træpl (v) running water lr.rnrrl 'wcrte/ (U n)
switch off {swrtJ 'of/ (phr v)
Unit 5c
lltrttilI amph ibia n /æmfrbien/ (n)
anti-virus software (phr) beetle /birtV (n)
padlock /pædlok/ (n) butterf ly /b,rtefla/ (n) baker's lbekazl (n)
password /porswsrd/ (n) chameleon /ke'mirlien/ (n) bank fbænk/ (n)
scam site /skæm sart/ (n) dolphin /dolfin/ (n) butcher's lbat[ezl (n)
up to date /,rptedet/ (adj) frog lfrog/ (n) chemist's /kemrsts/ (n)
username /jurzanem/ (n) insect /rnsekt/ (n) del icatessen ldehke tesen/ (n)
virus lvareres/ (n) mammal/mæmeV (n) florist's /flonsts/ (n)
monkey /m,rr:ki/ (n) library /larbrerii (n)
reptile /reptarU (n) newsa g ent's /njuz,erdsents/ (n)
tlEîlEr!trur salamander /sælamænda/ (n) police station /pe'lirs ,sterJen/ (n)
tiger ltargal (n) post office lpeust ,ofrs/ (n)
comment lkoment/ (n)
ignore Âgnc/ (v) tortoise /rcrâs/ (n) stamp /stæmp/ (n)
in public (prep phr) wasp /wosp/ (n) toy shop /tcr Jop/ (n)
public transport (phr)
update /,rpdet/ (n)

Word List o

Unit 6a Unit 6f connect /kenekt/ (v)

consu lti n g a rch itect lken,s,r.ltr4
cable car /kerbel ko/ (n) aftershock /ofteJok/ (n) 'orkrtekt/ (n)
check out l1[ek'autl (phr v) collapse /ke'læps/ (v) fog /fog/ (n)
cruise lkrurzl (n) earthquake lsr0kwerkr/ (n) glass /glors/ (n)
environmentally friendly emergency services /r'msrd3ansi in memory of (prep phr)
/rqvarrenmentli'frendlil (a d j) 'ssvrsrz/ (n) marble /mqrbêU (n)
get around l,get e\aand/ (phr v) fire /fare/ (n) plastic /plæsrk/ (n)
landmark /lændmork/ (n) flood /flad/ (n) steel /stirU (n)
sights /sarts/ (pl n) gather lgædel(v) stone /steun/ (n)
tourist attraction ltuenst midnight lmrdnart/ (n) surrounding /se'raundrÿ (adj)
e,trækJen/ (n) rush /r,rÿ (v) tomb /tum/ (n)
shake {eil</ (v) weigh lweil (v)
take off l,terk'ofl(phr v)
Unit 6c wood /wud/ (n)
tornado /tc/nerdeu/ (n)
ambulance læmbjelens/ (n) tsunami/tsu'nami/ (n)
canoe lke'nu/ (n) r'.?lTlIIl!ilr
cruise ship l1rruz [ry] (n)
fuel /fiupl/ (n)
ltîTII disturb /distsrb/ (v)
respect /nspekt/ (v)
hovercraft /hovekroft/ (n) brick lbnkl (n)
passenger ship /pæsendse Jrpi (n) bronze lbrcnzl (n)
truck itr,rk/ (n) com pletion lkem'pli{en/ (n)

a dj)


il 3

Past Partieiple

Oe /brÿ was lwozl been ,rbi:n/ leave /lirv/ left lefÿ left ileril
bear ribea/ bore /bor/ born(e) ,6cn/ lend /lend/ lent Âent/ lent /lenÿ
beat,6ir/ beat /birt/ beaten /birtân/ let /leÿ let,4eÿ iet Âeÿ
become,/brkrm became /brkerm/ become,ôrk,rm/ lie larl lay ltel lain /lern/
begin,hrqrn, began /brgæn/ begun,/brgrn/ light,4art/ litltrtl lit t]li't
bite /balri blt /brt/ bitten /brtan/ lose luzl lost Iost/ lost /1osÿ
blow,rblai;,' blew,61ur/ blown ,61eun/
break ,/brerk' broke,rbrauk/ broken /braukan/ make /merk/ made /merd/ made /merd/
bring ,6nrri brought r/trrct/ brought,rbmt/ mean /mirn/ rneant /ment/ rneant /menÿ
build itrta,' built,rbllt/ built,,brlt/ meet /mirt/ met /meÿ met /met/
burn ,hc:n,' burnt (burned) burnt (burned)
,6s:nt (bg:nd)/ ,/bs:nt (bs:nd)/ pay /peÿ paid /perd/ paid /perd/
burst,rbgrsr/ burst /bgrst/ burst,/bg:st/ put /put/ put /put/ put /put/
buy,rbail bought /bct/ bought lbcrtl
read hirdl read ted/ read /red/
Câû Àænr could Âud/ (been able to /brn'erbel tal) ride /rard/ rode /râud/ ridden lnden/
catch /kærJ,' caught /krr/ caught Acrt/ nng lrql ralg hætl rung t^rl/
choose rrlurz chose /tJauzl chosen ltjêuzân/ rise lrarzl rose lrat:zl risen /rrzanl
come ik\m,' came /kem/ come /]i{mi l'Ull /rrn/ ran hæ111 run t^n/
cost /kosri cost /kost/ cost /4ost/
cut /k\ti cut /k{r/ cut,&^t/ say /ser/ said isedl said hed/
see /si:/ Saw /sô:/ Seen /si:n/

deal /dirv dealt /aett/ dealt /delt/ sell /sel/ sold /seuld/ soid /sâuld/
dig ldtsl dug /drg/ dug /dro/ send /send/ Sent /sent/ sent /sent/
do idu:/ did /drd/ done /drn/ set set /seti set iset/
draw /drc:/ drew /drur/ drawn /drcrn/ sew^et/
/seu/ sewed /sâud/ SeWn /sâun/

dream /dri:m/ dreamt (dreamed) drearnt (dreamed) shake /Jerk/ shook /Juk/ shaken /ferkan/
/dremt (drirmd)/ /dremt (drimd)/ shine /Jarn/ shone /Jon/ shone /Jon/
drink /dmtk/ drank /dræ1k/ drunk /dnrlk/ shoot /Jurt/ shot /Jot/ shot {oil
drive /drarv/ drove /dreuv/ driven /drrven/ show /Jeu/ showed /Jeud/ shown /Jâun/
shut /Irÿ shut /J.tÿ shut /[,tÿ
eat lr:tl ate /erÿ eaten li:iân/ sing /srq/ sang /sæ4/ sung h^rl/
sit /sn/ sat lsæil sat /sæt/
lall lf::l/ fell /fel/ fallen /fc;lan/ sleep /sli:p/ slept Alept/ slept /slepV
feed Æird/ fed ifedl fed /fed/ smell /smel/ smelt (smelled) ismelt sme t (smelled) hmelt
feel /firl/ felt /felr/ felt Æelt/ (smeld)/ (sleld)/
fight /tàrr/ fought /rct/ fought fcrl speak /spi:k/ spoke ÂpeulV spoken /spâuken/
find farnd/ found Æaund/ found faund/ spell spelt (spelled) hpelt spe t (speiled) Âpelt
fly lflatl flew iflu:/ flown /flaun/ ^pel/ Gpeld)/ (speld)/
forbid /rabra/ forbade Æe'berd/ forbidden /tàbrdan/ spend /spend/ spent /spent/ spent /spent/
forget ÆageV forgot fa'gnt/ forgotten /fegotan/ stand /stænd/ stood stood /stud/
forgive /fe'grv/ forgave /fa'gerv/ forgrven Æegrvan/ steal /sril/ ^tud/
stole /srâuli stolen /stêulên/
freeze tri:zl lroze lfueuzl frozen lfraazanl stick /strk/ stuck /st^k/ stuck /shk/
sting /strt/ stung /st^rli stung /sr\I/
get /get/ got /soÿ got /got/ swear /swea/ Swore /swcr/ SIVOf n /'swJxl/
give /grv/ gave /gerv/ given /grvân/ SWeep /swirp/ swept /swepti swept
went Âvent/ gone /gDn/ swim /swrm/ swam /swæm/ swum /sw^m/
Ço lgeul
grow /grBu/ grew /gru:/ grOWn /grâun/
take /terk/ took /tuk/ taken /terken/
hang /hær:/ hung (hanged) ,'hirt hung (hanged) /tr,rr: teach taught /tc:t/ taught /tcrr/
(hæ4d)i (hæd)/ tear ^ixl/ tore /torl torn /t3rn/
have /hæv/ had ,&ædi had &ædl tell /tel/
^eâ/ told /tâuld/ told /tauld/
hear /hre/ heard ,ft::d/ heard ihsrdl think /er{k/ thought /9.rt/ thought /ect/
h de ,hard/ h d ,4rrd/ hidden ihrden/ throw /Oreu/ threw /Oru:/ thrown /er:un/
hit,4rrt/ hit,4rt/ hit /hrt/
hoid r{rauld/ held ,teto/ held /held/ u ndersta nd understood /rnda'stud/ understood /,nnda stud/

hurt,/hsr/ hurt,h:t/ hurt Agt/ hnde'stænd/

keep /kip/ kept,4<epV kept /kept/ wake /werk/ woke /wauk/ woken /waukan/
know /nau/ knew /nju:/ known /neun/ wear Wore /wrr/ Worn /wrxr/
win /wrn/
^veâ/ Won /w^n/ Won /w^n/
lay llerl laid Âerdl laid Âerd/ write /rart/ wrote /Éur/ wr tten /rrtan/
leaci /lird/ led Âed/ led ,4edl
learn /l:rn/ learnt (learned) Âgnt learnt (learned) ,4gnt
(lgnd)i (lgnd)/

\, æa;l
flms and science
liclionfilms are
both-neither-either lanr,aeLic,

Both action and fantasy films are great. (this AND that)
Neither thrillers nor soap operas are funny. (NOT this and
NOT that)
We can watch either Friends or EastEnders. (this OR that)

1 Study the examples. Fill in= neither, both ot either-

1 shows and documentaries are educational
2 We can watch Elephants or Missing
3 soap operas nor cookery shows are interesting
4 thrillers and science fiction films are scary.

\,NhaI ào you
ero conditional (type 0)
gelif youmixreà -game
You geï Form: if/when + present simple --r present simple
lflWhen you drop a ball, it bounces.
Use: We use the zero conditional for general truths, habits
and scientific facts.
Note: We separate the two clauses with a comma when the
if-clause is before the main clause.
lfAffhen water reaches 0"C, it freezes.
BUT Water freezes iflwhen it reaches 0"C.

2 Read the theory box. Write sentences, as in the example'

1 the baby/be hungry --+ he/cry
lfAffhen the ba is hunqrv, he cries

2 youinot water/plants -+ they die

3 you/eaUtoo much junk food --+ you/gain weight

4 you/put your hand in a fire --+ you/get burnt

5 you/spend/a lot of hoursiin front of a screen --, your eyes/get tired

3 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1 lf I go to bed late,
2 I feel angry when
3 lf I watch TV for too many hours,
4 lf I am hungry,
5 When it's too hot, I


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