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/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one :
1/ “You’ve broken my glasses, Thanh!” said Sang. (accused)
→ Sang ____________________________________________ his glasses.
2/ My bicycle needs to be repaired soon. (must)
→ I really ________________________________________ repaired soon.
3/ Minh regrets not buying that watch. (wishes)
→ Minh ____________________________________________ that watch.
4/ You couldn’t have been successful without her help. (she)
→ You couldn’t ____________________________________________ her.
5/ My mother thought she might run out of cash, so she took her cheque-book with her. (case)
 My mother took her cheque-book with her __________________________________ out of
6/ Their plans for the camping have been spoilt by the weather. (fallen)
→ Their plans _____________________________ because of the weather.
7/ The milk was too stale to drink. (fresh)
→ The milk ___________________________________________ to drink.
8/ Maybe Phong went home early. (may)
→ Phong ___________________________________________ home early.
9/ We can’t possibly study in all this noise. (impossible)
→ It ___________________________________________ in all this noise.
10/ The robber suddenly realized that a policeman was watching him. (watched)
→ The robber suddenly ____________________________ by a policeman.

1/ The fire in the kitchen was discovered by a boy. (who)
→ It ______________________________________ the fire in the kitchen.
2/ These girls are too young to get married. (old)
→ These girls __________________________________________ married.
3/ “Do these toys interest you?” the dealer asked Oanh. (was)
→ The dealer asked Oanh _______________________________ those toys.
4/ My sister really wishes she could dance well. (able)
→ My sister regrets not _____________________________________ well.
5/ Trang said that I had broken the glass. (blamed)
→ Trang _____________________________________________ the glass.
6/ Nhung did not need to register for the English course. (necessary)
→ It _________________________________________ the English course.
7/ Her son never finishes his work on time although he works hard. (matter)
→ Her son never finishes ________________________________ he works.
8/ There haven’t been many changes in this school since you last visited it. (much)
→ Since my last _________________________ has changed in this school.
9/ Hardly did anybody apply for that job. (applicants)
→ There were very ______________________________________ that job.
10/ Linh does a part-time job and takes care of her grandparents too. (well)
→ Linh does ___________________________________ her grandparents.
1/ Do you know who this talking dictionary belong to? (whose)
→ Do you _________________________________________________is?
2/ Huy’s accident meant that he couldn’t take part in the running race. (prevented)
→ Huy’s accident ________________________________the running race.
3/ Children are not allowed to play football in the school yard. (must)
→ Children ______________________________________the school yard
4/ People say that the couple are living in London. (said)
→ The couple ________________________________________in London.
5/ That boy is too short to reach that book. (tall)
→ That boy ___________________________________________that book.
6/ Please ask the porter to take this luggage to my room. (have)
→ Please _____________________________________________my room.
7/ Where is the post office, sir? (way)
→ Could you __________________________________the post office, sir?
8/ This schoolgirl is so intelligent that all of her classmates admire her. (such)
→ This schoolgirl ___________________________________________her.
9/ It’s unusual for Khanh to get angry with his roommates. (hardly)
→ Khanh ______________________________temper with his roommates.
10/ There is no coffee left. (run)
→ We __________________________________________________coffee.
1/ We don’t trust Lan because she behaves badly. (because of)
→ I don’t trust ______________________________________________.
2/ Phong passed the exams with good results because of his hard work. (because)
→ Phong passed _____________________________________________.
3/ Mr. Nam was successful in his life although he came from a poor family. (in spite of)
→ Mr. Nam was successful ____________________________________.
4/ Mrs. Hoa is still interested in playing tennis in spite of her old age. (although)
→ Mrs. Hoa is still ___________________________________________.
5/ Though it was raining hard outside, they insisted on leaving. (despite)
→ They insisted _____________________________________________.
6/ She can’t smile because her husband died three weeks ago. (because of)
→ She can’t ________________________________________________.
7/ Mr. Son resigned earlier than his age because of his sickness. (because)
→ Mr. Son resigned __________________________________________.
8/ Don’t shout at her although she is not studious. (in spite of)
→ Don’t shout ______________________________________________.
9/ This is such an interesting storybook that we have read it three times. (so)
→ This storybook ___________________________________________.
10/ Khoa is not old enough to join the army. (too)
→ Khoa is _________________________________________________.
1/ We might win $ 5000, and then we’d travel to Thailand. (if)
→ We’d travel __________________________________________ $ 5000.
2/ His electric fan is not working and he feels hot. (would)
→ If his _______________________________________________ so hot.
3/ They should give up smoking to protect their health. (would)
→ If they ___________________________________ improve their health.
4/ Perhaps we would go to Hanoi to visit our friends. (Went)
→ If we ________________________________________ visit our friends.
5/ I think you should pay attention to the lessons in class. (You)
→ If I _______________________________________ the lessons in class.
6/ Her brother doesn’t use computer well enough to work for that company. (Better)
→ If her brother ________________________________ for that company.
7/ Our parents don’t have enough money so they can’t make a trip to New York. (Could)
→ If our parents _____________________________________ New York.
8/ I’m not a millionaire so I can’t buy a villa in Ho Chi Minh city. (Were)
→ If I _______________________________________ Ho Chi Minh city.
9/ We won’t go out if it doesn’t stop raining. (Unless)
→ We will not __________________________________________ raining.
10/ He would not write unless he heard some news. (If)
→ He wouldn’t _____________________________________ some news.


1. She hasn’t decided what career to follow yet. (STILL)

 She _________________________________________________________________ what career
to follow.
2. They haven’t talked to each other for two years. (SINCE)
 It’s ________________________________________________________________________ to
each other.
3. She has never heard such a ridiculous lie. (MOST)
 It’s the __________________________________ ever heard.
4. How long is it since he quit school? (AGO)
 How long _______________________________________________ school?
5. She started writing novels four years ago. (BEEN)
 She ________________________________________________ four years.
6. They have never been to a Chinese restaurant before. (FIRST)
 It’s the __________________________________________________ to a Chinese restaurant.
7. She hasn’t been out for months. (TIME)
 The last ___________________________________________ months ago.
8. How long is it since you found that job? (AGO)
 How __________________________________ that job?
9. She took up stamp collecting ten years ago. (BEEN)
 She ____________________________________ ten years.
10. The guests didn’t start dancing until the newly weds had arrived (BEFORE)
 The guests waited until the newly weds ____________________ dancing
11. The teacher meant to give us a quiz but she forgot it (GOING)
 The teacher __________________________________ a quiz but she forgot it.
12. My brother always told lies when he was little (USED TO)
 My brother __________________________________when he was little
13. She didn’t wake up early, but now she does (USED)
 She __________________________________ early
14. I don’t think I’ll ever find it easy to accept insults. (USED)
 I don’t think I’ll ever __________________________________ insults.
15. She rarely wear jeans (USED)
 She __________________________________ jeans
16. He hasn’t been to school for four days (ABSENT)
 He __________________________________ school for four days.
17. She keeps interrupting every conversation I have (BREAKING)
 She __________________________________ every conversation I have.
18. Most boys are good at math (BRILLIANT)
 Most boys __________________________________ math.
19. Mini skirts are fashionable this year. (ARE)
 Mini skirts __________________________________ this year.
20. I know that blonde little girl (ACQUAINTED)
 I __________________________________ that blonde little girl.
EX 1 :
1/ Sang accused Thanh of breaking/ having broken his glasses.
2/ I really must have/ get my bicycle repaired soon.
3/ Minh wishes he/ she had bought that watch.
4/ You couldn’t have been successful if she hadn’t helped/ but for/ without her.
5/ My mother took her cheque-book with her in case she ran out of cash.
6/ Their plans for the camping have fallen through because of the weather.
7/ The milk wasn’t fresh enough to drink.
8/ Phong may have gone home early.
9/ It is impossible for us to study in all this noise.
10/The robber suddenly was being watched by a policeman…………
EX 2 :
1/ It was a boy who discovered the fire in the kitchen.
2/ These girls are not old enough to get married.
3/ The dealer asked Oanh whether/ if she was interested in those toys.
4/ My sister regrets not being able to dance well.
5/ Trang blamed me for breaking/ having broken the glass.
6/ It wasn’t necessary for Nhung to register for the English course.
7/ Her son never finishes his work on time no matter how hard he works.
8/ Since my last visit not/ nothing much has changed in this school.
9/ There were very few applicants for that job. 10/ Linh does a part-time job as well as taking care of
her grandparents.
10/ Linh does a part-time job as well as taking care of her grandparents………………………………
EX 3 :
1/ Do you know whose talking dictionary this is?/ Do you know whose this talking dictionary is?
2/ Huy’s accident prevented him from taking part in the running race.
3/ Children must not play football in the school yard.
4/ The couple is said to be living in London.
5/ That boy is not tall enough to reach that book.
6/ Please have the porter take this luggage to my room./ Please have this luggage taken to my room
by the porter.
7/ Could you tell/ show me the way to the post office, sir?
8/ This schoolgirl is such an intelligent pupil/ student that all of her classmates admire her.
9/ Khanh hardly ever loses his temper with his roommates.
10/ We have run out of coffee.
EX 4 :
1/ I don’t trust Lan because of her bad behavior.
2/ Phong passed the exams with good results because he (had) worked hard.
3/ Mr. Nam was successful in his life in spite of his poverty.
4/ Mrs. Hoa is still interested in playing tennis although she is old.
5/ They insisted on leaving despite the hard rain outside.
6/ She can’t smile because of her husband’s death three weeks ago.
7/ Mr. Son resigned earlier than his age because he was sick.
8/ Don’t shout at her in spite of her laziness.
9/ This storybook is so interesting that we have read it three times.
10/ Khoa is too young to join the army.
EX 5:
1/ We’d travel to Thailand if we won $ 5000.
2/ If his electric fan were working, he would not feel so hot.
3/ If they gave up smoking, they would improve their health.
4/ If we went to Hanoi, we would visit our friends.
5/ If I were you, I would pay attention to the lessons in class.
6/ If her brother used computer better, he would work for that company…………………………….
7/ If our parents had enough money, we could make a trip to New York.
8/ If I were a millionaire, I could buy a villa in Ho Chi Minh city.
9/ We will not go out unless it stops raining.
10/ He wouldn’t write if he didn’t hear some news.
EX 6:
1. She hasn't still decided what career to follow.
2. It's two years since they last talked to each other
3. It's the most ridiculous lie I have ever heard.
4. How long ago did he quit school?
5. She has been writing novels for 4 years.
6. It's the first time they have been to a Chinese restaurant.
7. The last time she went out was months ago.
8. How long ago did you find that job?
9. She has been collecting stamps for ten years.
10. The guests waited until the newly weds had arrived before they started dancing
11. The teacher was going to give us a quiz but she forgot it.
12. My brother used to tell lies when he was little
13. She got used to waking up early
14. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to accepting insults.
15. She is not used to wearing jeans
16. He has been absent from school for four days.
17. She keeps breaking into every conversation I have.
18. Most boys are brilliant at math.
19. Mini skirts are in fashion this year.
20. I am acquainted with that blonde little girl.

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