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An Internship report on


Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of



Under the esteemed guidance of


Assistant professor

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

J.B. Institute of Engineering & Technology
(Accredited by NBA & NAAC, Approved by AICTE, Permanently Affiliated

Bhaskar Nagar, Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. District, Telangana, India-



(Accredited by NBA & NAAC, Approved by AICTE , Permanently Affiliated
Bhaskar Nagar, Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. Telangana, India. -
500 075


This is to certify that the internship report entitled “PYTHON PROGRAMMING

LANGUAGE”being submitted to the Department of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering, J.B. Institute of Engineering and Technology, in accordance with
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad regulations as partial fulfillment
required for successful completion of Bachelor of Technology is a record of bonafide
work carried out during the academic year 2022-23 by,


Internal Guide Head of the Department


Assistant professor Associate Professor & HOD-EEE

(Accredited by NBA & NAAC, Approved by AICTE, Permanently Affiliated
Bhaskar Nagar, Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. Telangana, India.
-500 075


I hereby certify that the Internship report entitled “Python programming language”
carried out under the guidance of Mr.K.Giri Babu M.TECH Assistant Professor is
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor
of Technology in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. This is a record of bonafide work
carried out by us and the results embodied in this internship report have not been reproduced
or copied from any source.

The results embodied in this internship report have not been submitted to any other
University or Institute for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Place: Moinabad


(Accredited by NBA & NAAC, Approved by AICTE, Permanently Affiliated to
Bhaskar Nagar, Yenkapally, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. Telangana, India. -500



I would like to express our profound sense of gratitude and indebtedness to our internship
guide. Mr.K.Giri Babu.M .TECH Assistant Professor, department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering for her valuable guidance, untiring cooperation at each and every
phase of this internship work and suggestions all the way throughout the internship work and
for providing exceptional facilities for successful completion of the internship work.
I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr.P.DURAIPANDY,M.E,PH.D
Assocciative Professor and Head of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
JBIET for providing us with all the necessary facilities for the internship work.
I take immense pleasure in thanking the Principal of our college
Dr.P.C.Krishnamachary ,M.Tech, Ph.D, Principal, JBIET for permitting us to carry out this
I would like to express our thanks to all the faculty members & supporting staff of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department and we also place on the record, the
assistance by our friends during the course of internship.
Finally, I would like to lend our special thanks to all the persons, who were directly
or indirectly involved in the course of internship undertaken. We are grateful to one and all.



1. Certificate 3
2. Declaration 4
3. Acknowledgement 5
4. Abstract 7
5. Introduction 8
6. Types of AI 9
7. AI Chart 11
8. Examples on AI 12
9. Future of AI 15
10.Applications of AI 15
11.Advantages of AI. 16
12.Disadvantages of AI 17
13.Conclusion 18
14.References 19


Artificial intelligence has been studied for decades and remains one of the most
puzzling subjects in computer science, its most powerful technology for humanity, where we
now live in the age of massive data, an age in which we have the ability to collect huge
amounts of information that hinder the person & #039, s process. Artificial intelligence has
already been fruitful, In many industries such as technology, banking, marketing, and
entertainment. Artificial intelligence is science that has changed our lives already. In this
paper, artificial intelligence was including concept, method, application, and integration. At
the same time, the definitions and methods of artificial intelligence were summarized. On the
end, the structure and classification of AI and its related fields and application areas were
introduced in details.


What is Artificial Intelligence?

 The theory and development of computer

Systems able to perform tasks normally
Requiring human intelligence, such as visual
Perception, speech recognition, decision-
Making, and translation between languages.

 In simple words giving brain to the computer.

History of Artificial Intelligence

 1956 - John McCarthy coined the term ‘artificial intelligence’ and had the first AI
 1969 - Shakey was the first general-purpose mobile robot built. It is now able to do
things with a purpose vs. just a list
of instructions.

 1997 - Supercomputer ‘Deep Blue’

was designed, and it defeated the
world champion chess player in a
match. It was a massive milestone
by IBM to create this large

 2002 - The first commercially

successful robotic vacuum cleaner
was created.

 2005 - 2019 - Today, we have speech recognition, robotic process automation (RPA),
a dancing robot, smart homes, and other innovations make their debut.

 2020 - Baidu releases the Linear Fold AI algorithm to medical and scientific and medical
teams developing a vaccine during the early stages of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
pandemic. The algorithm can predict the RNA sequence of the virus in only 27 seconds,
which is 120 times faster than other methods.

Types of Artificial Intelligence:

 Narrow AI
Narrow AI, also called as Weak AI, focuses on one narrow task and cannot perform
beyond its limitations. It targets a single subset of cognitive abilities and advances in
that spectrum. Narrow AI applications are becoming increasingly common in our day-
to-day lives as machine learning and deep learning methods continue to develop.

 General AI
General AI, also known as strong AI, can understand and learn any intellectual task
that a human being can. It allows a machine to apply knowledge and skills in different
contexts. AI researchers have not been able to achieve strong AI so far.

 Super AI
Super AI surpasses human intelligence and can perform any task better than a human.
The concept of artificial superintelligence sees AI evolved to be so akin to human
sentiments and experiences that it doesn't merely understand them; it also evokes
emotions, needs, beliefs, and desires of its own. Its existence is still hypothetical.

Example on Artificial Intelligence

Smart cars:
Driving a car that operates on its own, stops at signals, man ever difficult roads,
and turns on its own can be a dream in the past, but it is a reality in the future.
One of the leading pioneers of Artificial intelligence research and development,
Tesla has made it very much possible.

According to research, there are almost 500,000 Tesla automatic cars on the
roads of the US, and this figure is said to be double in the coming year. These cars work on AI,
making it possible to be completely automatic and function based on machine learning.

These cars are programmed to adjust speed, stop at lights, and detect any passer or obstacle
in the way on their own.

Face recognition:

Facial recognition and detection an AI example that we use every day without
realizing it. This technology works just like humans recognize the face and voice
of other people.

This machine learning process lets the AI learn the facial coordinates of a human
face and save it in their program for detection. Government and security sectors
use this technology for restricted areas to deter unwanted personal from
entering the premises.

Airports, large business organizations, and high-security buildings use facial recognition for
security purposes every day.

Digital assistant:

Every day we are getting one step closer to science and technology. We are advancing in ways
that were considered to be a far-fetched concept in the future. You must be familiar we the
names Siri and Alexa. Both are the finest examples of digital assistants that started entering
into every house and office.

Siri is a friendly voice that helps you navigate every day from your iPhone.
She understands our commands, questions, and directions and does the
tasks of its own.

Alexa, launched by Amazon has proved itself to mimic a helpful person in

your house. She can make appointments, calls, set alarms, and do internet
searches just by following your commands.

Netflix is an entertainment streaming site that implies artificial intelligence into providing
better services to its customers. The machine learning concept lets it remember statistics
from your experience and predict future movies and videos or your choice, wonderful.

The AI algorithm becomes a part of big data analytics of the area and predicts what kind of
movies or shows are popular in what region.

This entertainment website is successfully running using artificial intelligence to provide a

better user experience and content for its customers.

EMOTECH has launched an artificial intelligence assistant named Olly, which is more advanced
and developed than Siri and Alexa.

It is integrated with deep learning and natural language processing features that let it learn
and adapt its owner’s features. It is programmed to have a naturally evolving personality that
eventually reflects the personality of its owner.

This technology is said to be quite helpful for people living alone due to old-age or any other
reason. They mimic the reactions of a friend or companion to make the other person feel less

PATHAI is a strong example of artificial intelligence that helps pathologists comply with the
test reports more conveniently. It is integrated with algorithms that imply machine learning
for better and faster results of the pathology.

This AI technology can help save hundreds of lives by correctly diagnosing and determining
the underlying ailments. The medical and healthcare sectors have started implying various AI
applications for better and faster results resulting in positive outcomes.

The interference of AI in the healthcare department has proven to be fruitful for the patients
and time saving for the pathologists.

You must have heard the word drone, but AI-based drones are one step
advanced from your typical drones. These aerial devices are used for many
different reasons, security purposes, surveillance, and delivery.

Artificial intelligence integration lets the drone collects virtual data such as
environment, positioning, and navigation for a better flight experience and
safer landing.

The use of drones has proved to be very beneficial in the military and surveillance sector but
it has also started to benefit the average consumer.

Walmart and Amazon have started drone deliveries to their customers resulting in better and
faster delivery without human contact.

Gaming industry:
The gaming industry has evolved into a multi-billion, dollar industry in recent years. Gaming
integrates artificial intelligence in ways beyond imagination. A whole virtual world can be
created using complex AI algorithms and the data of the user.

Virtual reality and augmented reality are based on modern gaming, which transports the
gamer into a different world altogether. The gamer can interact with other gamers as if they
are present in a virtual world together while being in another country.

Elon Musk has launched a virtual gamer named Open AI that beats professional level gamers
in their games. This advancement is very astonishing as it entirely works on the data analytics
of other players.


The banking sector relies heavily on artificial intelligence in their domains.
From customer service, automated generated emails and marketing
advertisements, everything is done by AI.

They use data analytics of AI to predict future investments, fraud cases, and
loan grants. The banking and financial sector are pillars of any economy and
responsible for maintaining the flow of cash. An application named ‘Betterment’ provides
financial advisory assistance based on machine learning and data analysis.

Another AI search engine combines data from 35,000 different financial institutions and
compiles the result in a concise format for analysis.

GPRS/navigation is a necessity nowadays. It not only helps to reach far-fetched places and
areas but also assists in the way. Its artificial intelligence predicts the estimated time of
reaching a destination by analysing traffic situations in real-time.

GPRS also gathers data from thousands of other cars and predict the best route given for
every car. Google maps are one of the classic examples of a navigation app that is used by
thousands of people every day.

It also recognizes and understands the voice commands of the person who uses it to
navigate. This fine example of artificial intelligence is widely used by other sectors, including
security, Intel, police, and the military.

Future of Artificial Intelligence

 Automated Transportation
 Cyborg Technology
 Taking over dangerous jobs
 Solving climate change
 Robot as friends
 Improved elder care

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

1. AI in Astronomy:
Artificial Intelligence can be very use full to solve complex universe problems. AI
technology can be helpful for understanding the universe such as how it works, origin,

2. AI in Healthcare:

Healthcare Industries are applying AI to make a better and faster diagnosis than
humans. AI can help doctors with diagnoses and can inform when patients are worsening
so that medical help can reach to the patient before hospitalization.

3. AI in Gaming

AI can be used for gaming purpose. The AI machines can play strategic games like
chess, where the machine needs to think of a large number of possible places

4. AI in Robotics:

Artificial intelligence has a remarkable role in Robotics usually, general robots are
programmed such that they can perform some repetitive task, but with the help of AI, we
can create intelligent robots which can perform tasks with their own experiences without

5. AI in Data Security:

The security of data is crucial for every company and cyber-attacks are growing very
rapidly in the digital world. AI be used to make your data more safe and secure. Some
examples such as AEG bot, A12 platform, are used to determine software bug and cyber-
attacks in a better way.

6. AI in Social Medial:

Social Media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat contains billions
of user profiles, which need to be stored and managed in a very efficient way. AI can organize
and manage massive amount of data. AI can analyse lots of data to identify the latest trends,
hashtag, and requirement of different users.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

 It defines a more powerful and more useful computers.

 It introduces a new and improved interface for human Interaction.
 It handles the information better than humans.
 It introduces a new technique to solve new problems

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

 The implementation cost of AI is very high.

 The difficulties with software development for AI Implementation are that the
development of software is slow and expensive. Few efficient programmers are
available to develop software to implement artificial intelligence.
 A robot is one of the implementations of artificial intelligence with them replacing jobs
and lead to serve unemployment.

Artificial Intelligence and the technology are one side of the life that always interest
and surprise us with the new ideas, topics, innovations, products…etc. AI is still not
implemented as the films representing it (i.e. intelligent robots), however there are many
important tries to reach the level and to compete in market, like sometimes the robots that
they show in TV.Nevertheless, the hidden projects and the development in industrial

 Artificial Intelligence Technology and Engineering Applications. (2017). ACES
JOURNAL, 32, 5th ser., 381-386. Retrieved November 23, 2017, from
 Apple introduces us to Siri, the Killer Patent. (2012, January 19). Retrieved November
25, 2017, From apple/2012/01/apple-
 Acceptability of Embodied Conversational Agent in a health care context. (n.d.).


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