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MongoDB Aggregation Pipelines

COSC 061 - Fall 2022 - Dartmouth College

Think “Assembly line”
$match $project $group

$match lters out $project turns $group nds the ratio of red
the green shapes squares into to blue circles (documents)
circles and produces a single
document containing that
Aggregate form array

db.collection.aggregate([ { stage 1}, { stage 2}, {... state N} ], {options})

SQL Example
make model cc priceNew
SELECT make, COUNT(*) as numModels
FROM dirtBikes
Yamaha TTR50 50 1500
GROUP BY model;
Yamaha TTR110 110 2100

Honda CRF50F 50 1500

Honda CRF125 125 2999

make numModels Honda CRF125BW 125 3399
Yamaha 2 Kawasaki KX65 65 3700
Honda 3

Kawasaki 1
MongoDB Aggregate

$group: {
"_id": "$make",
"num_models": {
$sum: 1
MongoDB Aggregate

$match: {
"priceNew" : {$gt : 2700 }
$group: {
"_id": "$make",
"num_models": {
$sum: 1
"avgCost": {
$avg: "$priceNew"
stage action Doc mapping

selects values from the documents, even

$project 1:1
deep inside.

$match filter n:1

$group aggregation, like sum, COUNT n:1

$sort sorting 1:1

$skip skips results n:1

$limit limit the results n:1

$unwind flatten or denormalize the data 1:n

redirect output to a collection instead

$out 1:1
of a cursor

limits documemts based on access m:n,

permission info m >= n

$geonear limits documemts based on location info
m >= n

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