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For More Information: Georgia Cutrell

Customer Service Public Relations Volunteer
540-442-1997 571-598-0536

Mr. J’s: A Taste of Home Away From Home

HARRISONBURG, VA—In the heart of Harrisonburg, Mr. J’s Bagel and Deli has become more

than a local bagel shop; it’s a taste of home for many James Madison University (JMU) students.

This was certainly the case for Taylor Goldstein, a JMU alumni, as she found comfort in Mr. J’s

as a homesick freshman four years ago.

When Goldstein came to JMU in Aug. 2019, she found it difficult to adjust to being in a

new environment, as many first-year students do. Moving away from the home she grew up in,

she had to create new routines in an unfamiliar place. Despite the distance from her hometown

friends and the demands of university classes, the one thing she longed for most from home was

having breakfast with her mother every weekend.

However, she soon discovered a place that would help ease this transition: Mr. J’s Bagel

and Deli. The eatery quickly became her go-to and transformed into a new weekend tradition for

her. The ambiance of Mr. J’s, being filled with new faces every weekend and decked out in JMU

spirit, aided Goldstein in feeling more connected to her new home while also making her feel

like she could still carry on her weekend tradition, even if it wasn’t the usual spot with her


Mr. J’s: A Taste of Home Away From Home
“It felt like a place that was truly proud to be a part of JMU’s community,” Goldstein

explained, “it kind of helped me feel more connected to this place…we were all in the same boat,

and we all chose to make Harrisonburg our new home!”

Mr. J’s became a cornerstone to her JMU experience, an essential part of her weekend

routine. Even as she grew increasingly more comfortable as a resident of Harrisonburg, the

tradition never faded off. During Goldstein’s third year, she lived with four other girls, of whom

she introduced this tradition. “Mr. J’s wasn’t just about going to get breakfast, it became part of

our house routine. We would go and sit there, and just talk and laugh about everything that

happened during our week,” Goldstein recounted. “I noticed that everyone else there was doing

the same thing, it really just made you think about how close of a community we really were.”

Goldstein’s fellow alumni and former roommate, Maddie Edwards, also grew fond of the

local establishment through their weekend visits. The friendly atmosphere of Mr. J’s in

combination with Edwards’ favorite bagel sandwich, kept her wanting to go back every week.

Through their visits, Mr. J’s had become more than just a place to eat, but a capsule of cherished

memories. “When I think of my years at JMU, it’s impossible for Mr. J’s to not pop up in my

mind,” Edwards explained.

Through the roommate's years at JMU, their love for Mr. J’s never faded away. For

Goldstein, it was a place that made her feel at home, even after her graduation, when she could

no longer call JMU her home. When she returned for homecoming weekend at JMU in Oct.

2023, she knew that her first stop had to be Mr. J’s. Along with her former roommates, who also

visited for the weekend, Goldstein continued her tradition of weekends at Mr. J’s for one last

time: “I got a little too emotional going back, I just made some of the best memories there.”

Mr. J’s: A Taste of Home Away From Home

[Goldstein and roommates (Maddie Edwards, Annie Ellis, Bayley Storrier and Sophia
Stavropoulos) rejoicing during homecoming weekend at JMU.]

Goldstein and her former roommates weren’t the only ones who felt the nostalgia that is

Mr. J’s. Throughout homecoming weekend, the local eatery experienced a spike in sales, with

alumni of all ages stopping by to reminisce and enjoy a fresh, delicious bagel. Mr. J’s employees

felt the love from alumni that weekend, as one exclaimed “I was working in the back and let me

tell you, we were so busy!” Mr. J’s success over homecoming weekend was not just a testament

to their excellent bagels, but also speaks volumes to the deep connections that alumni, like

Goldstein, have with the establishment.

Mr. J’s: A Taste of Home Away From Home

Taylor Goldstein’s story is a testament to the power that a small business has in

transforming an individual’s experience in a new place. While their bagels are fresh and tasty, it

isn’t just the food that people keep coming back for. Students from near and wide can attest that

this shop creates a sense of belonging and comfort. No matter where you come from, Taylor

Goldstein has shown that Mr. J’s curates a sense of community, making just about anyone feel at

home there. It is not just a place to grab some food, it’s a place where memories are made and

cherished for a lifetime.

Mr. J’s Bagel and Deli was founded by Joey and Dave Jerlinski, who came to

Harrisonburg to visit their cousin. While visiting, they found the need for New York-style bagels

in the small town. Since its opening in 1990, the eatery has truly become a staple in the

community, especially for JMU students. The shop’s close ties with the JMU community have

made breakfast at Mr. J’s a tradition for every student to enjoy.


ABOUT Mr. J’s Bagels and Deli

Mr. J’s Bagels and Deli is a Harrisonburg local eatery owned by Angela Dean. The restaurant
opened in 1990 and now has four locations in the Shenandoah Valley area. Mr. J’s offers freshly
baked bagels and pastries with a variety of choices from breakfast to lunch. More information on
Mr. J’s can be found at

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