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Who Stands Where?

Unit 2 - Stand Up
If a federal election were held this week, what
do you think would be the biggest civic issues
being discussed and debated?

Let’s Brainstorm!
4 Civic Issues to Explore from Class:
1. Fighting Racism
2. Affordable Education/Education
3. Sustainable Environment/Climate
4. Indigenous Rights
Reminder: Civic Issue (U1A6)
Must include:
3 Interview
Paragraph Infographic 3
- Description of issue
Report Friends - Facts relating to issue
- Opinion about issue
Persuasive Song
Video or or
Photo Poster

To access the rubric

- Go to “assignments”
- Under unit 1, click on
“Activity 6 - Explore a
Civic Issue”
- Unhide “rubric”
● Needs to be in PDF
● Submit in assignments folder under Unit 1
“Activity 6 - Explore a Civic Issue”

Ultimate Due Date: Monday, July 12 @ 11:59 PM

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