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Prepared by: Dana Jane Villalon

At the end of the 60 minutes period, students will be able to do the
following with 75% accuracy.
a.) Define the types of figure of speech.
b.) Identify figure of speech in a text sample.
c.) Use the different types of figure of speech to compose a poem


A. Topic : Figure of Speech
B. Learning competencies
-Identify figures of speech that shows comparison (simile, metaphor,
personification). (EN7V-II-C-10.1. 2)
C. References:
English at all times 7
D. Instructional Materials :
Textbook, Manila paper, Marker


A. Preliminary
a. Greetings to the class
b. Prayer
c. Checking of attendance

B. Preparation
A. Motivation
The teacher will present a story to the class before introducing the activity
FOUND POEM, in which the students will gather the words from the story

that struck them and create a poem using those words. Simile, metaphor,
and personification are provided in the poem.

B. Introduction of the topic

The teacher will ask the students after the students make a poem.
The teacher will ask the following:
1. How do you find the activity?
2. Base on the activity what would be our next lesson?

As the Students share their thoughts, and defines what is with todays lesson
“figure of speech” the teacher will now share the learning outcomes with the
students that 75% accuracy they will be able to:
a.) Define the types of figure of speech.
b.) Identify figures of speech in a text sample
c.) Use the different types of figure of speech to compose a poem

C. Presentation

A. Students Activity

- The teacher divides the class into three groups and assigns each group
a different figures of speech activity.
- Each group is given a separate passage, requiring them to identify the
figures of speech utilized in the story as well as the clauses that contain
- The clauses will be listed in a manila paper with the figures of speech
labeled in order to show it used.
- The group will present their task in the class.

B. Teachers Activity
After each group has finished the activity, the teacher will give feedback.
The teacher will add some comments and discuss more about the type of
Figure of speech presented by each group.
D. Performance
The teacher assigned the students to write their own composition. Make sure to
use the types of figure of speech and make it creatively whether it’s a poetry or a
song. The teacher gives 20 minutes and ask the students to be presented it in front.

Cohesiveness Rhythm Creativeness

(10 points) (10 points) (10 points)
The poetry fits together well. The The poem uses rhythm Poem shows excellent effort
lines and stanzas that relate to consistently, which enhances and artistic creativity.
the subject are cohesive. its poetic tone.
(8 points) (8 points) (8 points)
The poetry is reasonably The poem employs rhythm, Poem shows effort and
cohesive, but it needs more. yet it may sway in a way that artistic creativity.
The lines and stanzas of the confuses the reader and
poems sometimes sway from distract from the tone.
the topic.
(5 points) (5 points) (5 points)
The poetry is not cohesive. The poem lacks any Poem shows both lack of
Lines and stanzas of the recognizable rhythm. effort and artistic creativity.
poem sway from the topic

The teacher will now assess the understanding of the students by administering 1-10 item test
where the students should identify what figures of speech is used in the underline words in
the sentence.
Directions : Identify what figures of speech being referred.
_________ 1. I ran like the wind.
_________ 2. The stars winked in the night sky.
_________ 3. The trees danced in the wind.
_________ 4. Time is money.
_________ 5. Ali is a walking dictionary.
_______ 6. Laughter is the music of the soul.
_______ 7. I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
_________8. The owl hooted in the tree.
_________ 9. The sun was a gleaming pearl.
_________10. The wind sang softy through the trees like lullaby.

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