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#include <iostream>// This tells that we are using the C++ code

#include <math.h> // We are including the maths library

using namespace std; // We are using the standered names

// The following code can solve all the Quadratic equation

int main() {

// source code start from this line

double a,b,c,D,x1,x2; // We are defing the Values

cout<< "Enter the value of a,b,c, accoring to ax^2 + bx + c"<<endl; // we are telling the user to submit
the vlaues of a,b and c according to the Quadratic Equation

cout<<"Enter the first coficient ";// We are asking the user to submit the vlaue of a According to the
Quadratic Equation


cout<<endl<<"Enter the second coficient ";// We are asking the user to submit the vlaue of a
According to the Quadratic Equation


cout<<"Enter the third coficient ";// We are asking the user to submit the vlaue of a According to the
Quadratic Equation


D = ((b*b)-(4*a*c)); // we are finding the value of D to find the solution of the equation

if (D > 0){ // we will use this formula when the value of D is positive

x1 = ((-b + sqrt(D))/(2*a));

x2 = ((b + sqrt(D))/(2*a));

cout << "Vaue of x1 is = "<<x1<<endl;

cout << "Value of x2 is = " <<x2<<endl;

else if (D==0){ // we will use this formula when the value of D is zero

x1 = x2 = ((-b)/(2*a));

cout <<"Value of both the x are same that is = "<<x1<<endl;

else { // we will use this formula when the value of D is negative

x1 = ((-b + sqrt(-D))/(2*a));

x2 = ((b + sqrt(-D))/(2*a));

cout << "Vaue of x1 is = "<<x1<<endl;

cout << "Value of x2 is = " <<x2<<endl;

return 0;// The code ends hare


#include <iostream>// This tells that we are using the C++ code

#include <math.h> // We are including the maths library

using namespace std; // We are using the standered names

// The following code can calculate the surface area and the vloume of the hamisphere

int main() {

// source code start from this line

double r, v, SA, d; // We are defing the Values

cout<<"Enter the diameter of the hamisphere ";// We are asking the user to submit the vlaue of the

r = d/2;// We are calculating the radius

v = (2*3.14*r*r*r/3); // We are calculating the volume

SA = 3*3.14*r*r;// We are calculating the surface area

cout<<"Volume of the hamisphere is "<< v << " unit cube"<<endl;

cout<<"Surface area of the hamisphere is "<< SA <<" unit sq."<<endl;

return 0;// The code ends hare



#include <iostream>// This tells that we are using the C++ code

#include <math.h> // We are including the maths library

using namespace std; // We are using the standered names

// The following code can calculate the next 50 terms of the sequence

int main() {

// source code start from this line

double a1, a2, a3, i; // We are deffing the Values

cout<<"Enter the first value of the sequence ";// We are asking the user to submit the first vlaue of
the sequence


cout<<"Enter the second value of the sequence ";// We are asking the user to submit the second
vlaue of the sequence


i = 1;// Initializing the value of i

while (i<50)// Implimenting the loop for which the iteration will go on

cout <<a1<<endl;// Printing the vlaues of the the sequence

a3 = 2*a1 + 4*a2;// Appling the formula to get the next element of the sequence

a1 = a2;// moving the a1 element

a2 = a3;// movinf the a2 element

i++;// increasing the value of the itt for the further vlaue of the sq

return 0;// The code ends hare


#include <iostream>// This tells that we are using the C++ code

#include <math.h> // We are including the maths library

using namespace std; // We are using the standered names

// The following code can calculate the next 50 terms of the sequence

int main() {

// source code start from this line

double a1, a2, a3, a4, i; // We are deffing the Values

cout<<"Enter the first element of the sequence ";// We are asking the user to submit the first element
of the sequence


cout<<"Enter the second element of the sequence ";// We are asking the user to submit the second
element of the sequence


cout<<"Enter the third element of the sequence ";// We are asking the user to submit the third
element of the sequence

i = 1;// Initializing the value of i

while (i<50)// Implimenting the loop for which the iteration will go on

cout <<a1<<endl;// Printing the elements of the the sequence

a4 = a1 - a2 + 4*a3 ;// Appling the formula to get the next element of the sequence

a1 = a2;// moving the a1 element

a2 = a3;// movinf the a2 element

a3 = a4;// movinf the a2 element

i++;// increasing the value of the itt for the further vlaue of the sq

return 0;// The code ends hare



#include <iostream>// This means that we are using the C++ code

using namespace std;// We are taking the name std

int main() { // Source code start from hare

// We are define the matrices A and B

int A[2][2] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};// Matrix A is defined

int B[2][2] = {{5, 6}, {7, 8}};// Matrix B is defined

// We are perform the matrix addition

int sum[2][2];

for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {

for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {

sum[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j];

// We are perform the matrix subtraction

int difference[2][2];

for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {

for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {

difference[i][j] = A[i][j] - B[i][j];

// We are display the results of the matrix addition

cout << "A + B:" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {

for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {

cout << sum[i][j] << " ";

cout << endl;

// We are display the results of the matrix subtraction

cout << "\nA - B:" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {

for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {

cout << difference[i][j] << " ";

cout << endl;

return 0;


#include <iostream>// This tells that we are using the C++ code

#include <math.h> // We are including the maths library

using namespace std; // We are using the standered names

// We are showing the symmetric matrix of order 4 × 4.

int main() {

int m,n; // m is the value of the row and n is the value of the column

cout << "Defint the aray of the matrix A "<<endl;

cout <<"Value of the row ";// Asking for enter the no. of rows that has to be shown

cin >>m;

cout <<"Value of the column ";// Asking for enter the no. of column that has to be shown


cout << "Enter the elemnts of the matrix"<<endl;//// Asking for enter the elements of the matrix
int A[m][n],i,j;

for (i=1 ; i< (m+1); i++)

for (j=1; j< (n+1); j++)

cout<<"A["<<i<<"] "<<"["<<j<<"] ";

cin >> A[i][j];

cout <<"Matrix is "<<endl;// we are showing the resultent matrix to the user

for (i=1 ; i< (m+1); i++)

for (j=1; j< (n+1); j++){

cout<<A[i][j]<<" ";


return 0;



#include <iostream> // This shows that we are using the C++ program

#include <math.h> // This includes all the functions of the maths into the program

using namespace std;

double f(double x) // we are defining a function to the program as default

double a;

a = x*sin(x) - 3;// This is the function we are defining

return a; // This is the result of the function

int main() { // Source code starts from hare

double p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, v3; // We are defining 4 values which is 2 point and there solution

cout<<"Enter the first point "<<endl; // We are asking for the first vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


v1 = f(p1); // We are calculating the value at the first point

v2 = f(p2); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

v3 = f(p3); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v1<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v2<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v3<<endl;

// We have got our answer

return 0; // Source code has ended hare


#include <iostream> // This shows that we are using the C++ program

#include <math.h> // This includes all the functions of the maths into the program

using namespace std;

double f(double x) // we are defining a function to the program as default

double a;

a = cos(x)- sin(x) - x ;// This is the function we are defining

return a; // This is the result of the function

int main() { // Source code starts from hare

double p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, v3; // We are defining 4 values which is 2 point and there solution

cout<<"Enter the first point "<<endl; // We are asking for the first vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


v1 = f(p1); // We are calculating the value at the first point

v2 = f(p2); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

v3 = f(p3); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v1<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v2<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v3<<endl;

// We have got our answer

return 0; // Source code has ended hare


#include <iostream> // This shows that we are using the C++ program

#include <math.h> // This includes all the functions of the maths into the program

using namespace std;

double f(double x) // we are defining a function to the program as default

double a;

a = 2*x*x + 5*x - 9 ;// This is the function we are defining

return a; // This is the result of the function

int main() { // Source code starts from hare

double p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, v3; // We are defining 4 values which is 2 point and there solution

cout<<"Enter the first point "<<endl; // We are asking for the first vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


v1 = f(p1); // We are calculating the value at the first point

v2 = f(p2); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

v3 = f(p3); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v1<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v2<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v3<<endl;

// We have got our answer

return 0; // Source code has ended hare


#include <iostream> // This shows that we are using the C++ program

#include <math.h> // This includes all the functions of the maths into the program

using namespace std;

double f(double x) // we are defining a function to the program as default

double a;

a = 2*x*x*x - 9*x - 15 ;// This is the function we are defining

return a; // This is the result of the function

int main() { // Source code starts from hare

double p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, v3; // We are defining 4 values which is 2 point and there solution

cout<<"Enter the first point "<<endl; // We are asking for the first vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule

cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


v1 = f(p1); // We are calculating the value at the first point

v2 = f(p2); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

v3 = f(p3); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v1<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v2<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v3<<endl;

// We have got our answer

return 0; // Source code has ended hare


#include <iostream> // This shows that we are using the C++ program

#include <math.h> // This includes all the functions of the maths into the program

using namespace std;

double f(double x) // we are defining a function to the program as default

double a;

a = tanh(x) - tan(x) ;// This is the function we are defining

return a; // This is the result of the function

int main() { // Source code starts from hare

double p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, v3; // We are defining 4 values which is 2 point and there solution

cout<<"Enter the first point "<<endl; // We are asking for the first vaule

cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


cout<<"Enter the second point "<<endl;// We are asking for the Second vaule


v1 = f(p1); // We are calculating the value at the first point

v2 = f(p2); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

v3 = f(p3); // We are calculationg the value at the second point

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v1<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v2<<endl;

cout <<"Value at the first point "<<v3<<endl;

// We have got our answer

return 0; // Source code has ended hare



#include <iostream> // This shows that we are using the C++ code

#include <math.h> // This statement helps by including the additional maths library

using namespace std; // We are using the standered name for all the default functions of the C++

// This code is in 3 pats

// The first part defines the function for which we are finding the solution in the given interval it is from
statement 7 to 9

double func(double x /* We have defined the variable x for which we are findind the solution*/ ) {
return x * x * x + 4*x*x - 10;// This is the function

// The second part defins the type of meathod we will use to find the solution of the equation for this
we are using the bisection meathod

void bisection(double a/* this is the lower bound*/, double b/*this is the upper bound*/, double tol/*
This is the tol lvel for which the iteration will go on */) {

if (func(a) * func(b) >= 0) { /* This is the first condition for which the roots dont lie in the given

cout << "Bisection method cannot be applied on this interval." << endl;// We will tell the user to
infut the correct intervsl


int iteration = 1;//We are assigning the variable fir itt 1

double c;// We are initialzing the value c

while ((b - a) >= tol) { // We are defining the condition hare for which the code will start running

c = (a + b) / 2;// we will find the middle value of a and b and assign it to c at every iteration

cout << "Iteration " << iteration << ": x = " << c << ", f(x) = " << func(c) << endl;//for each iteration
the value of x and f(x) will be shown to the user

// The following part will assign the new interval for the next iteration

if (func(c) == 0.0) {

break;// But if the value of f(x) is 0 then it means that we ahve find the solution of the equation

} else if (func(c) * func(a) < 0) {

b = c;

} else {
a = c;

iteration++; // 1 is added to the iterrion for the next iteration

cout << "Approximate root is: " << c << endl; } // After the tol is hit the itaration stops and the
approximate root is shown

// This is the third and the final part in which wr ask the values from the user

int main() {

double lowerBound, upperBound, tolerance;

cout << "Enter lower bound: ";// We are asking the value of the upper bound

cin >> lowerBound; // We get the value of the upper bound

cout << "Enter upper bound: ";// We are asking the value of the upper bound

cin >> upperBound; // We get the value of the upper bound

tolerance = 0.0001; // The default value of the tolerance is set

bisection(lowerBound, upperBound, tolerance); // We have assigned the values that we have got from
the user to the function that we have defined in the second part the the certain format

return 0; }// Code ends hare


#include <iostream> // This shows that we are using the C++ code
#include <math.h> // This statement helps by including the additional maths library

using namespace std; // We are using the standered name for all the default functions of the C++

// This code is in 3 pats

// The first part defines the function for which we are finding the solution in the given interval it is from
statement 7 to 9

double func(double x /* We have defined the variable x for which we are findind the solution*/ ) {

return x * x * x - 7*x*x + 14*x - 16 ;// This is the function

// The second part defins the type of meathod we will use to find the solution of the equation for this
we are using the bisection meathod

void bisection(double a/* this is the lower bound*/, double b/*this is the upper bound*/, double tol/*
This is the tol lvel for which the iteration will go on */) {

if (func(a) * func(b) >= 0) { /* This is the first condition for which the roots dont lie in the given

cout << "Bisection method cannot be applied on this interval." << endl;// We will tell the user to
infut the correct intervsl


int iteration = 1;//We are assigning the variable fir itt 1

double c;// We are initialzing the value c

while ((b - a) >= tol) { // We are defining the condition hare for which the code will start running

c = (a + b) / 2;// we will find the middle value of a and b and assign it to c at every iteration

cout << "Iteration " << iteration << ": x = " << c << ", f(x) = " << func(c) << endl;//for each iteration
the value of x and f(x) will be shown to the user
// The following part will assign the new interval for the next iteration

if (func(c) == 0.0) {

break;// But if the value of f(x) is 0 then it means that we ahve find the solution of the equation

} else if (func(c) * func(a) < 0) {

b = c;

} else {

a = c;

iteration++; // 1 is added to the iterrion for the next iteration

cout << "Approximate root is: " << c << endl; } // After the tol is hit the itaration stops and the
approximate root is shown

// This is the third and the final part in which wr ask the values from the user

int main() {

double lowerBound, upperBound, tolerance;

cout << "Enter lower bound: ";// We are asking the value of the upper bound

cin >> lowerBound; // We get the value of the upper bound

cout << "Enter upper bound: ";// We are asking the value of the upper bound

cin >> upperBound; // We get the value of the upper bound

tolerance = 0.0001; // The default value of the tolerance is set

bisection(lowerBound, upperBound, tolerance); // We have assigned the values that we have got from
the user to the function that we have defined in the second part the the certain format

return 0; }// Code ends hare









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