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Unit 3: Health and Modern Life.

Content: “Present Perfect Continuous”

I. Complete las frases usando los verbos de la tabla y transfórmalos a PRESENT


eat - work – read – play – think – study – talk – wait

0) Ignacio has been eating vegetables for a week.

1) Sarah ___________________________ to her students for an hour.

2) They ____________________________ about this problem.

3) Jonas ___________________________English since last year.

4) The children ______________________________ in the yard since eight o´clock.

5) Those men _______________________________ for a long time in that factory.

6) We ______________________________ for Ted for an hour.

7) I ____________________________ short stories for one month.

II. Look at Joe´s family. Each member of his family is somewhere in the house.
Write the proper sentence related to each picture about what do these people
have been doing in the specific place.

a) b) c) d) e)

a) Mr. Stuart is in the family room. _________________________________________

b) His wife, Martha, is in the kitchen. ________________________________________

c) His grandfather is in the garden. _________________________________________

d) Bob, his brother, is in the bedroom. ______________________________________

e) Cathy, his sister, is in her bedroom. _______________________________________

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