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English Ad, Facebook
★ ⛔ Every day, thousands of people are getting laid off of their jobs due to automation and
software. Don’t be a victim. ⛔Click here:

★ Have you ever wondered what would it be like, to not have to work a 9-5 job? I mean, just think
about it. How would life be different?
Could you spend more time doing what you love?
My friend & mentor John Crestani had the same question, and he decided to do something
about it. Now he’s living his dream life.
John had put together a free training explaining how he escaped the 9-5 and how YOU might do
it as well. Click here to Join:

★ Aren’t you tired of living from one paycheck to the next? Hear the story of a man that managed
to escape the 9-5.
John Crestani was fired from his job and took a leap of faith, eventually developing a system
that made him a millionaire and a famous marketing expert and entrepreneur. In Today’s FREE
training, he exposes his system and you can learn everything about it.
Will you take a leap of faith, or stay where you are, doing what you’ve always been doing? Click
here to go all-in:

Website URL:
In this place, put the website domain that you registered. For instance: Entrepreneur-News-, but use the website that you registered instead.

★ Brian “This is the only legitimate internet side-hustle”

★ FREE training: See how Millionaire John Crestani managed to leave his 9-5 job

★ After being broke, John found a System that made him a fortune, today he shares his
secret on a FREE training webinar

★ “I’ve been sceptical, but John’s system truly works and now I am finally financially free”
says John Crestani’s student Ron

★ ”I believe it’s one of the only honest & profitable systems out there” said Josh after
watching the free training.

★ Today, John Crestani is offering FREE training that reveals the system that helped
thousands to become financially free.

News Feed Link Description

☑️Click LEARN MORE for access to your free training!

English Ad, Google Search
Final URL:
In this place, put the website domain that you registered with Bluehost. For instance: http://self-, but use the website that you registered instead.

Headline 1:
Follow This 'Guru'?

Headline 2:
Earnings & results may vary.

Headline 3:
Take This Training Instead.

Display Path 1:

Display Path 2:

Description 1:
Learn how you can earn a side income working from your computer. Results may vary.

Description 2:
Must have a stable internet connection, and a desktop or laptop computer. Must be over 18.


Final URL:
In this place, put the website domain that you registered with Bluehost. For instance: http://self-, but use the website that you registered instead.

Headline 1:
Fed Up With 9-5 Jobs?

Headline 2:
Break Free From Society Limits

Headline 3:
Try Online Training that Works
Display Path 1:

Display Path 2:

Description 1:
Learn how you can earn a side income working from your computer. Results may vary.

Description 2:
Must have a stable internet connection, and a desktop or laptop computer. Must be over 18.


Final URL:
In this place, put the website domain that you registered with Bluehost. For instance: http://self-, but use the website that you registered instead.

Headline 1:
94% Of Students Earn Online

Headline 2:
Easy to Learn System

Headline 3:
Side Income Training A-Z

Display Path 1:

Display Path 2:

Description 1:
#1 Online training to earn a side income working on your computer. FREE training available

Description 2:
Must have a stable internet connection, and a desktop or laptop computer. Must be over 18.

English Ad, Google Display
Images & logo can be downloaded here,

Videos (optional. Feature just released and is in beta)

Free Online Training
Free Online-Based Training
Free Internet Training
Free Training Online
Work For Yourself - Learn How

Long headline
Work For Yourself - Learn How You Can Make Money Online. Free 2-Hour Training Shows

Learn how ordinary people are creating a legitimate online business.
100% Legitimate Free Online Side-Hustle Training.
Learn how you can be your own boss, choose your own hours, and earn money online today.
“I just joined two months ago and its already working!” Brian P.
Theres a growing ocean of opportunities online. Surf the waves!

Business name
You can either use ‘Super Affiliate System’, or the name of your website. For instance, my
website is , therefore my business name will be ‘Self
Employment Resources’

English Ad, Twitter
“I used to be a corporate slave, but now I have built a very successful online business in 4 short
years” - John Crestani.
Learn the exact methods that are behind his freedom.
Website URL:
In this place, put the website domain that you registered with Bluehost. For instance:, but use the website that you registered instead.

English Ad, Infolinks

Click URL:
In this place, put the website domain that you registered with Bluehost. For instance:, but use the website that you registered instead.

“I used to be a corporate slave, but now I have built a very successful online business in 4 short
years” - John Crestani.
Learn the exact methods that are behind his freedom.

How to earn a 6-figure side income online. Free Training.

Make money online working part-time from {COUNTRY}

Display URL
In this place, put the website domain that you registered with Bluehost. For instance:, but use the website that you registered instead.

Spanish Ad, Facebook
"Solía ser un esclavo corporativo, pero ahora he construido un negocio en línea muy exitoso en
4 cortos años" - John Crestani
Aprenda los métodos exactos que están detrás de su libertad

Un "empleado de bajo desempeño" que despidió a su jefe
News Feed Link Description
"John Crestani es el gran profeta del diseño de estilo de vida" - Forbes

German Ad, Facebook
„Früher war ich ein Unternehmenssklave, doch nun habe ich geschwind in 4 Jahren ein sehr
erfolgreiches Online-Business aufgebaut" - John Crestani
Erlernen Sie die genauen Methoden, die hinter seiner Freiheit stecken:

Ein „Underperformer", der seinen Chef entlassen hat

News Feed Link Description

„John Crestani ist der Prophet des Lifestyle-Designs" - Forbes

French Ad, Facebook
"J'étais un esclave d'entreprise, mais maintenant, j'ai créé une activité en ligne très réussie en 4
courtes années" - John Crestani
Apprenez les méthodes exactes derrière sa liberté :

Un employé "sous-performant" qui a viré son patron

News Feed Link Description

“John Crestani est le grand prophète du design de mode de vie” - Forbes

Portuguese Ad, Facebook
“Eu costumava ser um escravo corporativo, mas agora tenho um negócio online de muito
sucesso que construí em apenas 4 anos” - John Crestani
Aprenda os métodos exatos que estão por trás da sua independência:

Um funcionário de baixo desempenho que demitiu seu chefe

News Feed Link Description

“John Crestani é o maior profeta de design de estilo de vida” - Forbes

Italian Ad, Facebook
“Ero Solito Fare Lo Schiavo in Azienda, ma Ora ho Creato il Mio Business Online di Successo
in soli 4 Anni” - John Crestani
Impara l’esatto Processo e il Dietro le Quinte del suo Successo: Training

Un “Fallito” che ha Licenziato il suo Capo

News Feed Link Description

“John Crestani è il Piu’ Grande Profeta Del Lifestyle Design” - Forbes Scopri Di Piu’

Swedish Ad, Facebook
“Jag brukade vara en företagsslav, men nu har jag byggt en mycket framgångsrik online-
verksamhet på bara 4 korta år” - John Crestani
Lär dig de exakta metoderna som ligger bakom hans frihet:

En "underpresterande" som avskedade sin chef

News Feed Link Description

“John Crestani är den stora profeten av livsstildesign” - Forbes

Russian Ad, Facebook
«Раньше я был «корпоративным рабом», но теперь я построил очень успешный онлайн-
бизнес за 4 недолгих года» - Джон Крестани
Узнайте о точных методах, которые являются основой его свободы:

«Неудачник», уволивший своего босса

News Feed Link Description

«Джон Крестани - великий пророк дизайна образа жизни» - Форбс
Arabic Ad, Facebook
‫ ولكنني اآلن بنيت مشروًعا في غاية النجاح على االنترنت في فترة‬،‫"لقد اعتدت أن أكون عبًدا من عبيد العمل في المؤسسات‬
‫أربع سنوات فقط" – جون كريستاني‬
:‫تعلم بالضبط ماهية الطرق التي استخدمها لنيل حريته‬

‫قصة "الموظف منخفض األداء" الذي قام بطرد رئيسه في العمل‬

News Feed Link Description

‫"جون كريستاني هو النبّي السامي لتصميم نمط الحياة" – فوربس‬

Japanese Ad, Facebook
「私は以前は会社奴隷でしたが 4 年の短い間にオンラインビジネスを築き上げて大成功しました。」 -
John Crestani(ジョン・クレスタニ)


News Feed Link Description

「John Crestani は人生設計の優れた預言者」 - フォーブス

Korean Ad, Facebook
“저는 평범한 직장인(기업의 노예)이었습니다. 하지만 단 4 년 만에 매우 성공적인 온라인 사업체를 구축한
대표가 되었습니다” - John Crestani
그가 노예에서 탈출하게 된 방법을 모두 알아보십시오:

사장을 해고한 ‘실력 없는 직원’

News Feed Link Description

“John Crestani 는 새로운 라이프스타일을 이끄는 예언자입니다” - Forbes
Chinese Ad, Facebook
“我曾经是一名企业奴隶,但现在我在短短 4 年内建立了非常成功的在线业务。”—— John


News Feed Link Description

“John Crestani 是生活方式设计的高级预言家”——福布斯

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